The quickest way to derail your dreams is by making other people and things source instead of turning to Source! In the realm of the miraculous, the solution you’re seeking already exists. If you’re ready to let go of anxiety, depression, and frustration and instead cultivate a deeper trust in divine timing, then this episode is a must-listen!
P.S. Come join me for a 3-day luxury retreat in Santa Monica (11/9-11/11) to dive deeper into the feminine and spiritual principles of manifesting!
The quickest way to derail your dreams is by making other people and things source instead of turning to Source! In the realm of the miraculous, the solution you’re seeking already exists. If you’re ready to let go of anxiety, depression, and frustration and instead cultivate a deeper trust in divine timing, then this episode is a must-listen!
P.S. Come join me for a 3-day luxury retreat in Santa Monica (11/9-11/11) to dive deeper into the feminine and spiritual principles of manifesting!