April 20, 2023

S1 E56 Making BOLD Moves with Amanda Yoa

S1 E56 Making BOLD Moves with Amanda Yoa
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Goddesses Gather Here

OMG my guest Goddess this week is breaking down BOLD moves! Amanada Yoa is in building!

She took herself from hot mess party express with zero self-worth/love to an empowered glass ceiling-breaking mompreneur with a BOLD vision to inspire other women to transcend her mental cassette tape & tap into the powerhouse of her being so she can thrive authentically in that main character energy! You guys are gonna LOVE Amanda Yoa!


IG: @amandayoa.official


Multi-Author Book - Becoming You

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Here's what Chatgpt has to say about BOLD moves:

To make a bold move means to take a risky or daring action, often with the potential for significant consequences or rewards. It involves stepping outside of one's comfort zone and taking action despite uncertainty or fear. Bold moves can be anything from starting a new business, quitting a job to pursue a passion, asking someone out on a date, or making a major career change. Making a bold move can be challenging, but it can also lead to personal growth, achievement, and fulfillment.

Future Sponsors (Dream BIG Goddesses):



The Mediacasters

Exactly Roght Media

Are you a goddess? Or are you a goddess in training? And what the heck is a goddess? Join Julie Jacobs, your new favorite host of a personal development podcast that you will need to listen to over and over. Julie Jacobs brings you the experts so you can think about your life and your goddess potential in a different light.

Julie Jacobs is a certified life coach, sober human, adored wife, and mom of two fantastically behaved teenagers. Julie weaves stories of her struggles and gives you the tools to be a victor in your own life. Julie Jacobs is a podcast host that will be hard to get out of your head. If you are looking for a podcast that empowers and that is educational The Goddesses Gather here is your prescription for solving life's problems.

Goddesses Gather Here goes beyond the bold lip and the bubble bath and celebrates the zone of genius every woman has. For more information about Julie Jacobs and her goddessing check out: Julie Jacobs Coaching

Or send your goddess a DM on Instagram @julie_jacobs_coaching