This week we are doing things a little differently. Today is a day of celebration! And Julie has graciously accepted my suggestion for this episode. If you have ever been a client of Julie Jacobs Coaching the following question might send shivers down your spine. I start every session with the same question:
What are you celebrating today?
The eyerolls! So many eyerolls! It is clear that it is not natural for women to take a moment to appreciate their accomplishments throughout each day and that's ok, until you know better! Let's celebrate with Julie Riga today!
Julie Riga has the power to reframe, refresh and renegotiate your professional aspirations. Julie is a highly sought-after ICF-certified coach and MBTI trainer. Julie's career spans two decades with accolades as an executive consultant, serving companies like Johnson & Johnson and Novartis. Julie is the author of the best-selling book, Stay on Course and is a TEDx-trained speaker. Goddesses and goddesses in Training…this does not even scratch the surface of her resume. I mean she is also a Podcaster and wants you to Discover Your Purpose, Stay on Course, Leave a Legacy.
But wait, there's more…Julie is a single mom.
Find Julie:
Are you a goddess? Or are you a goddess in training? And what the heck is a goddess? Join Julie Jacobs, your new favorite host of a personal development podcast that you will need to listen to over and over. Julie Jacobs brings you the experts so you can think about your life and your goddess potential in a different light.
Julie Jacobs is a certified life coach, sober human, adored wife, and mom of two fantastically behaved teenagers. Julie weaves stories of her struggles and gives you the tools to be a victor in your own life. Julie Jacobs is a podcast host that will be hard to get out of your head. If you are looking for a podcast that empowers and that is educational The Goddesses Gather here is your prescription for solving life's problems.
Goddesses Gather Here goes beyond the bold lip and the bubble bath and celebrates the zone of genius every woman has. For more information about Julie Jacobs and her goddessing check out: Julie Jacobs Coaching
Or send your goddess a DM on Instagram @julie_jacobs_coaching