Aug. 22, 2021

S5E60: He is a Corrections Officer and a Super Hero.

S5E60: He is a Corrections Officer and a Super Hero.

He is a Corrections Officer and a Super Hero. Amazing story of Yuri Williams and his mission to help sick children, veterans in the hospital and the houseless.

Yuri Williams is our guest. Don't miss how he got his start in corrections. He has worked for more than 20 years in Corrections. Yuri's career was motivated, inspired and driven by his hero.  A series of tragedies and traumas, led him to a very dark place. Yuri found his recovery in helping, inspiring and entertaining others as a superhero. He spends his off time dressed as a superhero visiting sick and special needs children, hospitalized veterans and the houseless. His mission is also a non profit charity and he helps promote it with their podcast.

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Background song Hurricane is used with permission from the band Dark Horse Flyer.

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