Aug. 29, 2021

S5E62: Sexual child abuse. Abused for 6 years, she tells her story and her empowering recovery.

S5E62: Sexual child abuse. Abused for 6 years, she tells her story and her empowering recovery.

The least talked about form of child sexual abuse. Sexually abused for 6 years. She tells her story and her empowering recovery.

Jane Epstien is our guest. She shares her story of being sexually abused as a child for 6 years by an older sibling. Sibling Sexual Abuse, a phrase that most of us have never heard and is rarely ever discussed. Jane talks about the abuse and the impact it had on her behavior throughout her childhood. She also discusses how the long term effects impacted her career choices, her relationships an her overall mental health. As a result when she had children, the effects of her childhood abuse had a tremendous impact on her and was a primary motivation to find her own recovery. Jane tells the story of her amazing and empowering recovery and her mission to help others recover from childhood sexual abuse.

Background song Hurricane is used with permission from the band Dark Horse Flyer.

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