Sept. 12, 2021

S5E66: Battling the Aryan Brotherhood and the LAPD. LA's Last Street Cop.

S5E66: Battling the Aryan Brotherhood and the LAPD.   LA's Last Street Cop.

Battling the Aryan Brotherhood and the LAPD.  LA's Last Street Cop.

Al Moreno is our guest and is one of the' originals" in the legendary LAPD Crash Gang Unit.  Al talks about his desire as a young man to be a police officer and the difficulties he had as a minority back then. He tells chilling accounts of his days as a Street Cop and his near death battle with the notorious prison gang, the Aryan Brotherhood.  You'll be on the edge of your seat.

Al tells us about the official retribution he endured for his whistle blowing on LAPD administration corruption, which he details in his book,  "L.A.'s Last Street Cop: Surviving Hollywood Freaks, the Aryan Brotherhood, and the L.A.P.D.'s Homicidal Vendetta Against Me". It's all here, True crime, violence, terror, horror and some would say nightmares.

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Background song Hurricane is used with permission from the band Dark Horse Flyer.

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