July 9, 2024

Makes Sense Mondays - Don't Believe the Hype - Episode 38

Makes Sense Mondays - Don't Believe the Hype - Episode 38

The human brain have the adaptive capacity to be programmed over time with consistency and repetition to become tethered to and believe certain things that often have no validity to them. With that acknowledged, lets take a look at the borage of hype...

The human brain have the adaptive capacity to be programmed over time with consistency and repetition to become tethered to and believe certain things that often have no validity to them. With that acknowledged, lets take a look at the borage of hype thats driving its case for your reality through the news and social media every day. Lets make sense of the omnipresent HYPE.
Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning.
LIVE STREAMED on Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube
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