Aug. 14, 2024

Makes Sense Mondays - The Morning Routine - Episode 44

Makes Sense Mondays - The Morning Routine - Episode 44

Never before has it been more important to learn the skills and tools to take command of your thoughts, feelings and actions and greet the day as the dominant force in your life. However, its easier said and understood than done. Lets talk about the...

Never before has it been more important to learn the skills and tools to take command of your thoughts, feelings and actions and greet the day as the dominant force in your life. However, its easier said and understood than done. Lets talk about the steps required to creating a solid morning routine and how it may be the single most valuable action step you take in your life. This episode is available on bothe Spotify and Apple
Welcome to MAKES SENSE MONDAYS with Dr. JC Doornick "Dragon" where we makes sense of the things that make you go Hmmm? Start your week off the right way by reclaiming control of your Great Morning.
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