July 4, 2022

Clean Cooking Solutions To Reduce Pollution And Improve Health With Ben Jeffreys, ATEC

Clean Cooking Solutions To Reduce Pollution And Improve Health With Ben Jeffreys, ATEC
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Nutrition Without Compromise

One of the selling points for new build houses and appliances is that “it's all-electric”. But what does that really mean and how does it benefit us and the environment? In this episode of Nutrition Without Compromise, Ben Jeffreys, CEO of ATEC – a social enterprise startup that aims to create global access to clean cooking solutions – joins Corinna Bellizzi to discuss how we lose around 13 hours each week cooking with wood and the smoke pollution that it causes which is tied to almost 4 million deaths per year. He then shares clean cooking solutions that can restore our soils, reduce carbon emissions, and doesn’t compromise our health and the planet’s as well. 


Key takeaways from this episode:

●       Cooking with wood and LPG (liquid propane gas) has adverse effects on our health and the environment

●       More environmental-friendly and safer options include biogas, electric or induction cooking, and ethanol technology, among others. 

●       Nutrition does not only mean we eat healthy food but we also should not compromise our health when preparing the food we eat. 


Guest Socials:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/btjeffreys/?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egoogle%2Ecom%2F&originalSubdomain=au