Nov. 3, 2022

My Very Bad Day And A Random Act Of Kindness with Julie Lokun

My Very Bad Day And A Random Act Of Kindness with Julie Lokun
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Note From Obsessed: Julie is having a bad day so let's give her some grace. We all have bad days. It is inevitable. We are humans and we are not promised happiness (ever). What can turn a bad day around? A random act of kindness.

According to the Berkley Wellness Institute:

The Benefits of Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness is one of the most valued character strengths in Western society (​​Binfet, 2015). We like kind people, so being kind can help us be liked. Beyond that, being kind has been shown to boost not only others’ well-being but also our own personal well-being. For example, if we spend more money on others we are generally happier, and if we volunteer to help others, we are generally healthier (Curry et al., 2018).

Why might random acts of kindness be good for us? 

Some researchers have proposed that happiness is just the emotional experience we have when we act in ways that promote our survival. Given that kindness helps us build healthy relationships with others—others who may be able to protect and support us—evolutionary psychologists believe that kindness makes us happy because it helps us survive and thrive. This may be especially true when we help family, friends, community members, and spouses (Curry et al., 2018).

Who practices random acts of kindness?

Researchers suggest that some people are more likely to practice random acts of kindness than others. Here are some of the things that might lead us to be kind:

  • Witnessing our parents engage in random acts of kindness likely makes it more likely that we will too. Monkey see monkey do, right? 
  • If someone tells us that we’re kind, we might also be more likely to engage in random acts of kindness.
  • If we see someone else showing kindness, we are more likely to show kindness. Researchers suggest that kindness is even contagious (Baskerville et al., 2000).

Get Obsessed with us. Collectively we are a nutritionist, a master certified life coach, an attorney, and a self-esteem expert. We dive into topics that uncover the essence of the human experience. Our stories are one of kicking fear in the face and taking a leap of faith.

We are equally obsessed with the works of Brene Brown and are inspired to study and understand the 30 core emotions. Each week we will explore another emotion, talk to experts in their field and inspire you to live the life you are meant to be living.

We are Julie Lokun, JD, Tia Morell Walden, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and Mika Altidor, Certified Life Coach. Join us for the conversation, and more importantly be a part of the conversation. Reach out with a question or comment about an episode or suggest a personal development topic you are obsessed with. After all, the Obsessed Podcast is for you and about you.

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