June 4, 2024

Perfect Mess and Why We Try To Prove Ourselves

Perfect Mess and Why We Try To Prove Ourselves
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In a world where superficial interactions often dominate, the importance of real conversations cannot be overstated. Engaging in deep, meaningful dialogue allows us to connect on a profound level, fostering understanding and empathy. When these authentic exchanges take place within the context of female friendships, their impact is even more powerful. True female friendships provide a unique source of strength, support, and inspiration. They empower women to be their authentic selves, challenge each other to grow, and celebrate each other's victories. These bonds, built on trust and genuine connection, are a vital source of resilience and joy, enriching our lives in immeasurable ways.

Feeling the constant need to prove yourself can be exhausting and detrimental to your well-being. To break free from this cycle, start by recognizing your inherent worth. Understand that your value is not contingent on external validation or achievements but is intrinsic and unchanging.

Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a close friend. Accept that making mistakes and experiencing setbacks are natural parts of life and do not diminish your worth. Embrace your imperfections and learn to appreciate your strengths and unique qualities.

Set healthy boundaries to protect your time and energy. Say no to activities or commitments that drain you or are motivated solely by a desire to impress others. Focus on what genuinely matters to you and aligns with your values and passions.

Surround yourself with supportive and affirming people who appreciate you for who you are, not just what you do. Positive relationships can reinforce your sense of self-worth and reduce the pressure to constantly prove yourself.

Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, independent of others' opinions. Pursuing your interests and passions can boost your confidence and help you find satisfaction within yourself.

Lastly, challenge and reframe negative self-talk. When you feel inadequate or strive for approval, remind yourself of your intrinsic value and past achievements. Affirmations and mindfulness practices can also help you stay grounded and centered.

By adopting these strategies, you can gradually release the need to prove yourself and cultivate a deeper sense of self-acceptance and peace.

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Get Obsessed with us. Collectively we are a nutritionist, a master certified life coach, an attorney, and a self-esteem expert. We dive into topics that uncover the essence of the human experience. Our stories are one of kicking fear in the face and taking a leap of faith.

We are equally obsessed with the works of Brene Brown and are inspired to study and understand the 30 core emotions. Each week we will explore another emotion, talk to experts in their field and inspire you to live the life you are meant to be living.

We are Julie Lokun, JD, Tia Morell Walden, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and Mika Altidor, Certified Life Coach. Join us for the conversation, and more importantly be a part of the conversation. Reach out with a question or comment about an episode or suggest a personal development topic you are obsessed with. After all, the Obsessed Podcast is for you and about you.

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