Jan. 8, 2025

Bridging Generations at Work with Marianne Bailey: Celebrating Wisdom, Embracing Tech, and Cultivating Inclusivity

Discover how to bridge the generational divide at work with Marianne Bailey, the visionary behind Senior Success Advocate and The Hip Senior. Marianne brings her wealth of experience in senior advocacy to our conversation, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities that come with fostering harmony between seasoned employees and the tech-savvy Gen Z and millennials. We promise you’ll walk away with actionable insights on leveraging the strengths of a multi-generational workforce, ensuring that the invaluable experience of senior workers is not just respected but celebrated. By the end, you'll understand the power of mutual learning—where tech skills meet wisdom and experience.

Join us as we explore the transformative potential of improved workplace communication and collaboration. Marianne introduces the Senior Success Advocate certification, a pioneering program that equips businesses with strategies to create inclusive work environments for all ages. From active listening to conflict resolution, these skills are crucial in promoting respect and productivity across various industries. We also touch on the importance of adaptable work settings for senior employees, such as remote options and modified workspaces, ensuring their continued contribution despite health challenges. This episode is a must-listen for anyone keen on fostering an inclusive culture that supports and values every generation.

Connect with Marianne Bailey

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHIPSeniorMarianne
Instagram: @the_hip_senior

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Fostering Multi-Generational Workforce Harmony

09:33 - Improving Workplace Communication and Collaboration

18:48 - Supporting Seniors in the Workplace


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.576 --> 00:00:28.495
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.495 --> 00:00:41.929
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.799 --> 00:00:44.106
Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.328 --> 00:00:51.491
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

00:00:53.261 --> 00:00:53.603

00:00:53.603 --> 00:00:57.094
Welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson.

00:00:57.094 --> 00:01:07.400
I am so excited to have my girl, marion Bailey, with the Hip Senior that's going to tell us some great information about to get our year started right the 2025 for seniors.

00:01:07.400 --> 00:01:11.385
We all need help being seniors and she got all the facts.

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She got all the information that you can share with us.

00:01:13.948 --> 00:01:15.500
So welcome, marianne.

00:01:15.500 --> 00:01:20.593
Tell us a little bit about yourself and then I'm going to talk about your bio yeah, absolutely, my name is Marianne Bailey.

00:01:20.939 --> 00:01:29.930
I live in Ohio and I've been involved with Senior Citizens since I was like five years old and I have a daughter.

00:01:29.930 --> 00:01:37.465
I work 24-7, just about, and I'm really passionate about being able to help businesses and seniors alike.

00:01:38.207 --> 00:01:41.414
Yeah, and she is my editor y'all of my podcast.

00:01:42.100 --> 00:01:42.664
So that is true.

00:01:42.683 --> 00:01:44.551
Welcome, marianne.

00:01:44.551 --> 00:01:47.643
She wears so many hats that she actually could do anything.

00:01:47.643 --> 00:01:52.855
The rack up there is full, so let me talk about your bio here.

00:01:52.855 --> 00:02:06.313
Mary Ann Bailey is the founder of Senior Success Advocate and the Hip Senior, dedicated to fostering inclusive, multi-generation workplaces that empower senior employees and strengthen workforce harmony.

00:02:06.313 --> 00:02:16.574
With a passion for bridging generations, marianne helps businesses embrace senior-friendly initiatives through training, certification and strategic resources.

00:02:16.574 --> 00:02:30.389
Based in Dayton, ohio, she works with companies and professionals across the United States and beyond to promote collaboration, communication and inclusivity, and I love that, marianne, because I'm all about collaboration.

00:02:30.389 --> 00:02:40.748
So you gave me some great ideas as far as even going forward with my podcast, so thank you so much, but I truly appreciate you, so we're going to talk about that.

00:02:40.748 --> 00:02:47.367
I'm actually part of her group, too, hip Senior, and she always shouts me out, so that this is what I'm talking about collaboration.

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How can we work together?

00:02:48.354 --> 00:02:50.722
How can we do things together, especially with the seniors?

00:02:50.742 --> 00:02:59.490
Seniors be left behind a lot, and it's time for us to move up and then be in the workforce and do what we, what we, what our passions are.

00:02:59.490 --> 00:03:17.674
So a lot of us, like I, worked for Eidman for 36 years I knew it's time for me to go because they start bringing younger people in and I'm just glad that I had the old pension plan to be able to leave but also to do my passion of being a social worker and also getting in the community to let people know what we do, our services with Legal Shield.

00:03:17.674 --> 00:03:27.006
But I wanted to make sure people are protected and you are epitome of a senior advocate, of what you do and I truly appreciate that.

00:03:27.006 --> 00:03:35.128
Thank you for your service Service you do so I'm going to ask you a couple of questions here.

00:03:35.128 --> 00:03:46.314
What specific benefits does a senior success advocate certification offer to businesses that employ senior workers and support multi-generational teams?

00:03:46.520 --> 00:03:52.393
Let me start out with a little bit about what Senior Success Advocate actually is, with a full description.

00:03:52.393 --> 00:04:02.133
It's not just keeping seniors protected, right, it's actually opening the doors of communication between multi-generations in the workforce.

00:04:02.133 --> 00:04:13.989
So you see Gen Z and millennials walking around with their head in their phones and then the older generation start in on why does that person always have their phone in their hands?

00:04:13.989 --> 00:04:15.306
Who are they texting with?

00:04:15.306 --> 00:04:16.565
What are they Snapchatting?

00:04:16.565 --> 00:04:19.148
Why can't they just sit down and do some work?

00:04:19.148 --> 00:04:28.007
And the seniors are at their desk doing work, because that's what they've been trained through all these years to do is work at a computer.

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They feel like they have to be grounded and focused in working at a computer, where the younger generations they can be off in a park doing the same amount of work and getting it done.

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They just have different focuses and different ways of doing things.

00:04:40.911 --> 00:05:15.468
And so Senior Success Advocate is about making sure and this has been in my head for 20 years and I've been teaching seniors how to use technology for 20 years 25 years now and I kept seeing these different issues in the workforce and I was like someone's going to have to step up and teach both these different ways of the senior, seeing why the Gen Z and millennials are doing it that way, and the Gen Z and millennials are doing it that way and the Gen Z and millennials understand why the seniors do it that way, and bridging that gap between them and it really helps businesses.

00:05:15.468 --> 00:05:33.988
So I figured, okay, let's bring in, go into the workforce and get HR and get the ownership and get different diversity groups within the company to bring these generations together to focus on what's important and that's keeping these lines of communication open.

00:05:34.480 --> 00:06:00.906
Because if outside companies are looking at a company and they're saying, oh, everybody there is 25 years old and running the ship and they're going to run it into the ground because they don't understand the past history that we have with these older people, they don't understand the values and the blood, sweat and tears that the older generation put in to make this company what it is, then it's just going to fail.

00:06:01.466 --> 00:06:36.819
So we want those companies looking in and saying, okay, look, there's still seniors in place, there's still people in the workforce there that are mentoring and training these younger generations to understand the background of this company, to understand how they work and to understand what the true value of that company is, with the relationship with that other company and then understanding vice versa, the younger people teaching the older people how to keep up with the technology, how to translate into jobs that are more comfortable.

00:06:36.819 --> 00:06:40.970
If you're a warehouse worker, how can we make that worker into an office staff?

00:06:40.970 --> 00:06:44.545
How do we keep them up to date with software and different stuff like that?

00:06:44.545 --> 00:06:47.226
So it's multi-generational back and forth.

00:06:47.226 --> 00:06:57.269
It's not just protecting the seniors, it's protecting the business and keeping them inclusive, of everything going together right, of working together and understanding each other.

00:06:58.615 --> 00:07:01.886
Because if it's one pitted against the other, that's never going to work in a company.

00:07:01.886 --> 00:07:03.430
It just doesn't happen that way.

00:07:03.430 --> 00:07:09.293
And a lot of companies are bringing in these younger people that just they don't want to show up for work.

00:07:09.293 --> 00:07:11.545
And I'm not against younger people, it's just how they are.

00:07:11.545 --> 00:07:14.824
They want to go work in a park or they want unlimited time off and whatever.

00:07:14.824 --> 00:07:21.569
And the seniors are like no, that doesn't work that way and it's somewhere coming to a compromise somewhere in the middle and understanding each other.

00:07:21.569 --> 00:07:29.348
So what the badge does is it helps retain the experienced senior workers so that they can be in that position of mentorship.

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It improves the team collaboration.

00:07:31.468 --> 00:07:32.925
It reduces turnover costs.

00:07:32.925 --> 00:07:41.228
The certification badge also highlights the company's commitment to inclusivity, attracting both job seekers and customers.

00:07:43.521 --> 00:07:45.084
That's very interesting and so true.

00:07:45.084 --> 00:07:46.346
I appreciate that.

00:07:46.346 --> 00:07:48.071
I mean you're sharing it.

00:07:48.071 --> 00:07:48.932
It does make sense.

00:07:48.932 --> 00:07:50.887
I know when I was working in corporate.

00:07:50.887 --> 00:07:59.869
Yeah, the young ones may know that new things is going on, but the hard work we didn't want to work hard, which is what I spent all those years through what I was doing.

00:07:59.869 --> 00:08:11.708
We dedicate our lives to doing well in a business and it was just sad to we dedicate our lives to doing well in a business and it just it was just sad to see how we've been pushed out for that to take Part of.

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That is it's the new stuff is great.

00:08:14.350 --> 00:08:15.132
Don't get me wrong.

00:08:15.132 --> 00:08:19.134
I am all about technology and working smarter, not harder.

00:08:19.134 --> 00:08:20.076
I'm all about that.

00:08:20.076 --> 00:08:33.715
Okay, one of the things that I've been hearing is that millennials and Gen Z's don't want to hear hey, in my day, I worked 40 years to get to where you're at now and you don't deserve it because I had all the blood, sweat and tears.

00:08:33.715 --> 00:08:41.269
Hey, if they can work smarter and not have to suffer as much and be able to support their families and themselves easier and all that other stuff.

00:08:41.690 --> 00:08:46.822
Let's not hold them back and say, in my day, that's just old fashioned talking.

00:08:46.822 --> 00:08:49.090
Right, it's okay, there's a reason.

00:08:49.090 --> 00:08:50.394
We all evolve.

00:08:50.394 --> 00:08:55.206
We're not out there chiseling away a wheel for our wagon anymore.

00:08:55.206 --> 00:08:58.714
We have rubber wheels and tires and different stuff.

00:08:58.714 --> 00:09:01.264
Right, things evolve, they get better, they get easier.

00:09:01.264 --> 00:09:02.586
Let's not hold them back.

00:09:02.908 --> 00:09:13.966
Let's say embrace new technology to make the job easier and that way they can get more done in the same amount of time than making them go the slow way of doing it.

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But at the same time let's reverse that and say, okay, great, you're really great at technology.

00:09:19.602 --> 00:09:32.714
You work with Bob over there and help him understand and learn that technology and be there when he gets stuck and has questions and isn't sure how to make this easier even for himself.

00:09:32.714 --> 00:09:49.066
We don't have to hold on to that old fashioned thinking of in my day so I get 100% what you're saying the older people generation they are hard workers and no shame to anybody at any age during any of this conversation.

00:09:49.066 --> 00:09:56.893
I try to be very impartial both ways for this and the seniors are Like in my day I worked really hard blood, sweat and tears.

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I worked 60 hours a week and stuff.

00:09:58.594 --> 00:10:01.657
But, like I said, evolution takes place.

00:10:01.657 --> 00:10:10.863
Let's try to do more and better in the shorter amount of time so we can do more.

00:10:10.903 --> 00:10:21.239
Overall, I, I totally agree, and it's funny because, as you say, that my and it's this thing that comes on, alexa, and it says in my day I wore blood, sweat and tears.

00:10:21.239 --> 00:10:21.866
He was trying to work.

00:10:21.866 --> 00:10:29.177
It was actually an alarm clock that was trying to wake up my grandson and I was like, oh my God, this is really but exactly what you just said in my day.

00:10:29.177 --> 00:10:31.171
But no, I have nothing against it.

00:10:31.171 --> 00:10:32.455
That's what collaboration comes in.

00:10:32.455 --> 00:10:39.298
We learn from our younger generation as far as what we can do, and I am all about working smarter, not harder.

00:10:39.298 --> 00:10:45.285
But thank you, thanks for that.

00:10:45.285 --> 00:10:45.908
Thank you for the explanation.

00:10:45.908 --> 00:10:46.691
So let me ask you another question.

00:10:46.691 --> 00:10:51.567
So how does a certification program help improve communication and collaboration between different generations in the workplace?

00:10:51.567 --> 00:10:53.495
And I think we already touched on some of that already.

00:10:54.057 --> 00:11:08.485
Yeah, it teaches practical strategies like active listening and conflict resolution, instead of being bitter and resentful towards the way something was said and then was misunderstood Because often that happens a lot between different generations.

00:11:08.485 --> 00:11:12.235
So it bridges those generational gaps and improves teamwork.

00:11:12.235 --> 00:11:17.755
It creates a more productive and respectful workplace is basically what the end result should be.

00:11:18.477 --> 00:11:18.958

00:11:18.958 --> 00:11:19.866
Teamwork is the end.

00:11:19.866 --> 00:11:30.831
Hey, that's exactly what we and that's what we get in corporate teamwork Me going over to Rio to train our team in Rio and they coming over here to the US to train us about our processes.

00:11:30.831 --> 00:11:33.693
That's what it's all about teamwork, no matter how old you are.

00:11:34.205 --> 00:11:39.072
That's why a lot of companies these days are getting people together and doing team exercises.

00:11:39.072 --> 00:11:58.234
Whether it's getting a lot of that is just getting people in the same space, whether it's online or whether it's in a bowling alley or in an escape room right, it's getting them to not only just work together but also get to know each other a little bit better, and that's really what it's about is just learning about each other's ways and how.

00:11:58.234 --> 00:11:59.236
Oh, you know what?

00:11:59.236 --> 00:12:00.851
I learned something about Susie tonight.

00:12:00.851 --> 00:12:08.158
She's got three kids at home and she's got a senior mom and she's trying to take care of herself that sandwich generation, right?

00:12:08.158 --> 00:12:22.698
Some people only see what they see at work, right, they don't see the full picture, and so when that teamwork comes into it, they start to get to know each other a little bit more and can be a little more empathetic towards the whole picture, not just the project at hand.

00:12:23.600 --> 00:12:29.447
Absolutely, because the judgmental comes into play and you don't know what that person's going through until you talk to them.

00:12:29.447 --> 00:12:31.474
So no, I totally agree, and that's really great.

00:12:31.474 --> 00:12:33.131
That's why it doesn't matter.

00:12:33.131 --> 00:12:34.089
I have grandkids.

00:12:34.089 --> 00:12:35.765
My daughters, I learned a lot from them.

00:12:35.765 --> 00:12:37.086
I'm not saying I know everything.

00:12:37.086 --> 00:12:37.947
My daughters, I learned a lot from them.

00:12:37.947 --> 00:12:38.729
I'm not saying I know everything.

00:12:38.729 --> 00:12:42.673
Look, I learn something new every day, no matter how old I am, and it's good to have that knowledge.

00:12:42.732 --> 00:12:44.134
I mean you've got a granddaughter.

00:12:44.134 --> 00:12:45.355
You can learn TikTok from.

00:12:45.635 --> 00:12:47.157
Oh yeah, yeah, I'm learning now.

00:12:47.157 --> 00:12:52.142
I'm learning stuff from her and they're so smart.

00:12:52.142 --> 00:12:53.586
That's the thing about it.

00:12:53.586 --> 00:13:03.566
This new generation is so smart, starting from four years old, which is one of my granddaughters, to 19 years old, which is my oldest grandson, and I learned a lot from them, you know.

00:13:03.566 --> 00:13:05.413
That's why I say communication is the key.

00:13:05.413 --> 00:13:08.916
You have to communicate with each other to be able to learn from each other.

00:13:08.916 --> 00:13:10.631
So let me ask you this next question here.

00:13:10.631 --> 00:13:17.826
So what industries or type of businesses would benefit the most from earning the Senior Success Advocate certification the most?

00:13:18.850 --> 00:13:21.523
from Ernie, the senior success advocate, certification.

00:13:21.523 --> 00:13:28.495
When I talk to people, their first thoughts are like oh, this is senior related, so it's got to be senior businesses.

00:13:28.495 --> 00:13:37.578
And that's exactly the opposite way of thinking about this, because I was talking to a human resource business owner and she said I don't have any senior business.

00:13:37.578 --> 00:13:40.217
She says none of the companies I work with are senior related, and I said no, it doesn't have any senior business.

00:13:40.217 --> 00:13:44.413
She says none of the companies I work with are senior related and I said no, it doesn't have to be senior related.

00:13:44.472 --> 00:13:47.967
Think of it this way there's two folds to this picture.

00:13:47.967 --> 00:13:58.193
If you have anybody over the age of 50 working in your workforce, we want those lines of communication being open.

00:13:58.193 --> 00:14:11.938
So that would be things like healthcare, home care, which are senior related, but also manufacturing, retail and professional services, hotels, insurance agents, retail stores you name it right.

00:14:11.938 --> 00:14:32.034
And part of that issue is the fact that seniors are having to work longer than they have ever had to and because we've got so much stuff that's so expensive right now that 65 age mark 67, I think it is at now 67 and a half before you can get full retirement.

00:14:32.034 --> 00:14:34.668
Different stuff like that benchmark gets good pushback.

00:14:34.668 --> 00:14:43.427
So any company that has any seniors on their staff at all can benefit from the certification and badge.

00:14:43.427 --> 00:15:03.354
Right On the other side of that, we want seniors being aware of this badge on businesses' websites, and so when they look at a website and they don't see a badge showing the senior success advocate badge, is that company advocates for seniors.

00:15:04.145 --> 00:15:08.817
Are they empathetic towards the way seniors think when I call?

00:15:08.817 --> 00:15:15.278
Am I going to get somebody who is compassionate if I get confused and ask a bunch of questions?

00:15:15.278 --> 00:15:21.798
Are they selling products that are inclusive of how seniors would use them?

00:15:21.798 --> 00:15:23.669
Different things like that, right?

00:15:23.669 --> 00:15:24.875
So it's twofold.

00:15:24.875 --> 00:15:30.250
It's companies that carry senior products or deal with seniors in any way.

00:15:30.250 --> 00:15:33.597
By the way, hint, that's any company out there, right?

00:15:33.597 --> 00:15:36.878
And then companies that hire seniors as well.

00:15:36.878 --> 00:15:37.640
So it's very twofold on that.

00:15:37.640 --> 00:15:38.605
And then companies that hire seniors as well.

00:15:39.485 --> 00:15:41.147
So it's very twofold on that.

00:15:41.167 --> 00:15:44.129
That's very interesting and that's great, especially with the senior.

00:15:44.129 --> 00:15:46.211
And tell me about the badge again.

00:15:46.211 --> 00:15:47.793
How do you get the badge?

00:15:48.413 --> 00:15:56.902
So when you sign up and for small and medium businesses under 1,000 employees, it's $1,200 a year.

00:15:56.902 --> 00:16:08.994
It's uber cheap, that's our introductory price, since we just started this project, right, they sign up and they take a course, they go through some videos, they answer questions showing their knowledge about it.

00:16:08.994 --> 00:16:10.980
That's the initial step.

00:16:10.980 --> 00:16:24.317
That certifies them and it gives them this badge to be able to put on their website, on their marketing products, on their social media, showing the world we are senior, friendly, okay that's awesome.

00:16:24.557 --> 00:16:43.211
That's step one, and then step two, three, four, five down the road is going to be things like training your aging employees how to use the technology that you need them to use, and I'm not talking like, oh, we're going to teach them how to use Word or Facebook or Excel.

00:16:43.211 --> 00:16:52.537
We're talking things like A your software within your company, or modern things like Canva and AI and different stuff to really help your business grow.

00:16:52.537 --> 00:16:54.392
So, whatever it is the needs of yours.

00:16:54.392 --> 00:16:57.053
And then it's bringing in other people into the fold.

00:16:57.053 --> 00:17:05.459
We're going to have, like free webinars available by people that are part of it's not just me, part of Senior Success Advocate.

00:17:05.500 --> 00:17:11.038
We're going to have people coming in and doing different webinars about health, about money, about benefits.

00:17:11.038 --> 00:17:20.945
We're going to have benefit specialists on board that are able to help your HR team know what the best way to go about figuring out what the benefits are for the aging people.

00:17:20.945 --> 00:17:23.733
Are they going to go with government supply benefits?

00:17:23.733 --> 00:17:26.449
Are they going to go work 40 hours and get from your company?

00:17:26.449 --> 00:17:27.372
What are we going to do?

00:17:27.372 --> 00:17:32.674
Because most HR people only know what their company offers, right, they don't know Medicare and all that other stuff.

00:17:32.674 --> 00:17:43.097
So how do we involve all that into the picture as well, and then just doing different training things, different software, all different kinds of different things that the workforce would possibly need.

00:17:43.904 --> 00:17:44.567
That's awesome.

00:17:44.567 --> 00:17:45.249
That's awesome.

00:17:45.249 --> 00:17:46.050
I love it.

00:17:46.050 --> 00:17:51.173
So we're winding down here, but I want you we have two more questions I want to ask you here and tell us about your.

00:17:51.173 --> 00:18:00.275
So can you explain how the certification and directory listing work together to position a business as senior, friendly and inclusive and I think you talked about that a little bit already.

00:18:01.285 --> 00:18:03.053
Yeah, but we didn't talk about the hip senior.

00:18:03.053 --> 00:18:12.436
So the hip senior is my parent company and we have a directory at the hip seniorcom and businesses join the hip senior and they get their own page.

00:18:12.436 --> 00:18:14.305
It's like a little mini website, right?

00:18:14.305 --> 00:18:22.393
If you didn't have a website, you could send people to this page and you can include on that page anything about your business that you want to include.

00:18:22.393 --> 00:18:24.026
Them Get whatever messages you want.

00:18:24.346 --> 00:18:27.376
You could upload covers like you do on Facebook.

00:18:27.376 --> 00:18:30.586
Those can be big selling banners for your page, right.

00:18:30.586 --> 00:18:34.015
You can upload videos to help explain stuff or sell stuff.

00:18:34.015 --> 00:18:38.794
You can even create web pages within that listing to help sell products as well.

00:18:38.794 --> 00:18:45.258
And then there's different products so you can upload all kinds of stuff videos, articles, jobs for seniors that you're.

00:18:45.258 --> 00:18:48.575
If you're hiring, you can upload your own jobs in there and list those.

00:18:48.575 --> 00:18:59.074
I'm trying to get more businesses out there doing that because that's so important for seniors to be able to say what companies are inclusive, what companies can I go apply for that are going to help support me.

00:18:59.074 --> 00:19:06.246
So that's part of this.

00:19:06.246 --> 00:19:07.890
In its infancy, the directory has been around since 2020.

00:19:07.890 --> 00:19:14.855
There's all different kinds of categories and stuff, so you can be part of that $1,200 introductory cost includes that $500 directory listing.

00:19:14.855 --> 00:19:17.505
You can share those pages out with your social media.

00:19:17.505 --> 00:19:25.256
But we also have tons of seniors coming to the directory looking for different services wanting to be part of it.

00:19:25.256 --> 00:19:26.178
Good stuff like that.

00:19:27.599 --> 00:19:29.685
That's great and I think I believe I'm part of that right.

00:19:29.685 --> 00:19:30.949
I'm part of the director.

00:19:31.190 --> 00:19:38.768
Yes, I am Go on to thehipseercom and you click up in the right hand corner in the search and you type in Wanda, you will find Wanda's page.

00:19:39.349 --> 00:19:42.970
Yes, so make sure you do that and make sure you look at all the other businesses that's in there.

00:19:44.361 --> 00:19:46.532
We'll link that in the description as well.

00:19:46.633 --> 00:19:49.224
Okay, that sounds good, that sounds good, but thank you so much.

00:19:49.224 --> 00:19:56.922
I appreciate that Because, marianne, she's always helping me to make my business better and getting me out there, so I truly appreciate it.

00:19:56.922 --> 00:20:04.131
It's amazing how God just put us together from another group and how she became my editor and now I'm part of her group, I saved her from the devil.

00:20:04.131 --> 00:20:10.625
So let me ask you this last question and then you can tell about your future research.

00:20:10.625 --> 00:20:18.488
So what resources, tools or ongoing support do businesses receive after completing the Senior Success Advocate certification?

00:20:19.339 --> 00:20:23.151
Yeah, we pretty much covered that in those last couple of questions there.

00:20:23.151 --> 00:20:40.403
But just know that if you join Senior Success Advocate and we named it that because we wanted businesses to understand that everybody can be an advocate of seniors it's not just me being out there promoting this in the world as an HR rep.

00:20:40.403 --> 00:20:49.529
Every time you support a senior, every time your team members support a senior, no matter what the situation is, they become advocates.

00:20:49.529 --> 00:20:49.830

00:20:49.830 --> 00:20:53.209
We're bringing talent into the program, such as our dementia specialists.

00:20:53.209 --> 00:21:03.753
Even so, imagine you've got an employee that's just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and you're like this person's not going to be around much longer.

00:21:03.753 --> 00:21:05.384
They need to be working.

00:21:05.384 --> 00:21:17.609
They still need to be bringing in an income, they still need to be valued, they still need their neurons firing and their brain functioning and engaging in things to keep them active, to slow down that process.

00:21:17.609 --> 00:21:25.701
So our messaging there for that type of thing is don't let someone go just because they've gotten a hard diagnosis of something.

00:21:25.701 --> 00:21:27.986
Encourage them and do that.

00:21:28.125 --> 00:21:32.948
Most HR reps are going to be like I have no clue about dementia, I don't know how to support this employee.

00:21:32.948 --> 00:21:33.445
Okay, that's HR reps are going to be like I have no clue about dementia.

00:21:33.445 --> 00:21:34.606
I don't know how to support this employee.

00:21:34.606 --> 00:21:39.080
Okay, that's when you're going to bring us in and we have those extra programs.

00:21:39.080 --> 00:21:47.730
Now they are going to cost more because we're bringing in specialists to work with you, right, but how am I going to help support that employee?

00:21:47.730 --> 00:21:52.333
And are we going to keep them in the office, engaged around people?

00:21:52.836 --> 00:21:56.929
What if it becomes a danger where they can't drive to work every day or they don't have a ride?

00:21:56.929 --> 00:21:59.144
Okay, are we going to transition them to work at home?

00:21:59.144 --> 00:22:00.189
Are they going to be remote?

00:22:00.189 --> 00:22:04.324
And then what kind of surroundings are we going to put with that person?

00:22:04.324 --> 00:22:17.386
Or what kind of consultations are we going to have to where we say, okay, we're going to put this into their workspace to keep them safe, whether it's a new layout of their workspace, is it daily reminders?

00:22:17.386 --> 00:22:19.289
How do we engage?

00:22:19.289 --> 00:22:22.121
What level of knowledge are we comfortable?

00:22:22.121 --> 00:22:29.967
Letting their coworkers know about the situation so they can help support them as well, and training them to help support this worker as well?

00:22:29.967 --> 00:22:52.909
So the certification is just literally the ground level, part of being part of a bigger initiative for seniors and other generations in the workforce, and then we're going to be building on that to make sure that we're helping support the younger generation, the sandwich generation, the older generation, and making sure that everybody is bringing their best to the table.

00:22:54.260 --> 00:22:54.902
I love that.

00:22:54.902 --> 00:23:03.568
I love it because when I did retire from IBM, I retired young, but I went to visit my father who was a regional sales manager of a company.

00:23:03.568 --> 00:23:09.390
But he stopped working and then he got dementia and I really wish this program, we knew about your program before.

00:23:09.390 --> 00:23:13.646
But when you stop working, that's when your mind slows down and you don't do anything.

00:23:13.646 --> 00:23:16.633
Looking at him like that it really was very hurtful.

00:23:16.633 --> 00:23:22.252
But then I said, okay, I can't do this and retire and just sit in the chair and not do anything.

00:23:22.252 --> 00:23:25.109
You know me, marion, I am all out here.

00:23:25.109 --> 00:23:26.915
Um, they call me the networking queen.

00:23:26.915 --> 00:23:27.900
I keep myself busy.

00:23:27.900 --> 00:23:35.894
That's what keep your mind going, and you got to keep your mind going as far as just making sure that you're staying busy 100%.

00:23:36.175 --> 00:23:36.757

00:23:36.797 --> 00:23:44.356
If you slow down, it's anything physically, mentally, emotionally If you slow down, your brain slows down.

00:23:44.356 --> 00:23:45.662
There's connection to that.

00:23:45.662 --> 00:23:49.317
Right, you got those neurons firing and you want to keep people engaged.

00:23:49.317 --> 00:23:59.971
It's like people are like oh, they're just, they're older and they don't have as bright of ideas, or they're not, or they've got opinions of their own and they're not saying a hundred percent of what we want them to say.

00:23:59.971 --> 00:24:09.182
We don't all have to be businesses that have minions that don't have any thought processes and any of the opinions of their own.

00:24:09.583 --> 00:24:26.048
I recently the reason this started was because two years ago I got laid off from a job from a company that I was working for Google five of us and then the rest of the team eventually got riffed and when I went to go get hired again, everybody was saying you're not going to be part of this culture.

00:24:26.048 --> 00:24:29.603
And I'm saying the team you're developing isn't even developed yet.

00:24:29.603 --> 00:24:30.403
It hasn't started.

00:24:30.403 --> 00:24:31.826
You don't haven't hired everybody.

00:24:31.826 --> 00:24:34.388
The team you're developing isn't even developed yet.

00:24:34.388 --> 00:24:35.009
It hasn't started.

00:24:35.009 --> 00:24:36.251
You haven't hired everybody.

00:24:36.251 --> 00:24:39.635
You're creating that culture.

00:24:39.635 --> 00:24:41.117
You're not letting it develop organically.

00:24:41.577 --> 00:24:46.203
And when that happened, I interviewed for jobs within that company.

00:24:46.203 --> 00:24:49.438
They hire for all the tech companies and I interviewed for all these different jobs and I got told the same messaging over and over.

00:24:49.438 --> 00:24:55.544
And I'm like I am 52 years old, I have crazy tech skills, I have all of this stuff.

00:24:55.544 --> 00:24:58.172
How am I not part of this culture, ask my last manager.

00:24:58.172 --> 00:25:00.346
I got along with everybody just fine.

00:25:01.411 --> 00:25:05.784
They're imposing these different ideas and thought processes way too soon on people.

00:25:05.784 --> 00:25:23.326
They're creating this narrative that between 50 and 75, 85, whatever it is I know somebody who just quit working at 90 and she's brilliant and they're creating this so that these people are going to have a hard time finding jobs if this pattern keeps continuing.

00:25:23.326 --> 00:25:25.531
And they can't afford that.

00:25:25.531 --> 00:25:36.406
At 55 years old, you cannot get any form of subsidy from the United States government or a lot of other places and be able to sit at home and do nothing.

00:25:36.406 --> 00:25:43.008
It just doesn't work that way, and so they're creating this crisis of people not being able to afford to pay their bills.

00:25:43.008 --> 00:25:50.888
It has to stop, and if it means that I'm advocating for all that, then bring it on, because I'm ready for it.

00:25:50.888 --> 00:25:52.531
It just has to stop.

00:25:53.673 --> 00:25:55.786
I love it and you said it all, Marianne.

00:25:55.786 --> 00:25:56.588
Thank you so much.

00:25:56.588 --> 00:26:01.109
So how can people get in touch with you to connect with you?

00:26:01.109 --> 00:26:02.413
Smoke signals.

00:26:05.901 --> 00:26:11.275
They can go to seniorsuccessadvocatecom and all my information is on the website.

00:26:11.977 --> 00:26:17.471
Yes, and we're going to have that in the home show notes as well as the website for contacting Marianne.

00:26:17.471 --> 00:26:22.569
But, marianne, thank you so much for being on this podcast, ready Set Collaborate podcast.

00:26:22.569 --> 00:26:29.692
Make sure you follow, share and let people know about this, because this information right here is so important.

00:26:29.692 --> 00:26:40.935
Especially, all of us have our families, our parents, our grandparents, and this is something that we all need to know, and she gave us a lot of tips and nuggets to really pay attention to Marianne.

00:26:40.935 --> 00:26:44.867
Thank you once again for being on the Ready Stay Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson.

00:26:45.409 --> 00:26:49.065
Thank you, wanda, and thank you for the opportunity to get the word out, because it is very important.

00:26:49.384 --> 00:26:51.167
Yes, absolutely, thank you.

00:26:51.167 --> 00:26:54.354
Thank you, happy holidays, you too.

00:26:57.359 --> 00:26:59.709
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:26:59.709 --> 00:27:06.411
For more information about the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom.

00:27:06.411 --> 00:27:10.261
And that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:27:10.261 --> 00:27:10.941
Want to connect.

00:27:10.941 --> 00:27:15.710
And that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:27:15.710 --> 00:27:16.571
Want to connect.

00:27:16.571 --> 00:27:26.114
Send an email to Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.