April 15, 2024

Conquering the Business Arena with Diane Freeman: Masterful Networking, Strategic Alliances, and Trailblazing Influence

Conquering the Business Arena with Diane Freeman: Masterful Networking, Strategic Alliances, and Trailblazing Influence

Unlock the secrets to expanding your business through authentic networking and strategic collaborations, as I,  Wanda Pearson, engage in a riveting exchange with marketing maven Diane Freeman. Diane's journey from her first paper route to scaling the heights in sales and marketing with top firms unveils the undeniable power of establishing the right connections. Experience firsthand how aligning with impactful individuals can foster growth and innovation within your enterprise. Together, we dissect the challenges solopreneurs confront in the ever-evolving realm of social media marketing and the profound influence networking can have on one's career path.

Further into our conversation, you'll be captivated by the transformational story of Wanda, who, through her journey from social work to authorship, demonstrates the pivotal role self-awareness plays in networking and entrepreneurship. Learn how Wanda's strategic pivot to WD Pearson Associates amplifies her brand's visibility and cements her client relations. The introduction of a groundbreaking certification that enables recognition of client personality types promises to revolutionize your sales approach and enhance your interactions. Join us as we celebrate the triumphs of networking and collaboration, and how they can ignite a cascade of successes in your own business ventures.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Networking and Collaboration Strategies

07:36 - Effective Collaboration and Business Networking


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.551
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

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Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.302 --> 00:00:51.494
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

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00:00:53.201 --> 00:00:56.726
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate with Rhonda Pearson.

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I am so excited to have my guest on here and we do have a different series, which is welcome to the series three, which is collaboration and connections.

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But first of all I want to actually tell you who our sponsor is, which is WD Pearson Associates.

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Wd Pearson Associates actually help entrepreneurs get set business set up the right way to grow and to connect and to be able to have assets to that legal system.

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So our services with Legal Shield actually help you do that.

00:01:24.545 --> 00:01:31.754
That is part of what I do and I would definitely love to connect and collaborate with you to see how I can help your business grow.

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Wd Pearson Associates is our sponsor business this month of the series.

00:01:36.245 --> 00:01:37.287
I should say so.

00:01:38.049 --> 00:01:44.418
Now let's get on to our show with my dear friend, diane Freeman and I.

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Hi, diane, hey, one dog, I'm so glad to have you on, but you've been helping me out so much and I have to tell you Diane keeps me on track.

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She's my marketing manager, she tells me what's great and she's also my client and that helps because she knows my business.

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So I love having her on and she actually helps me get that out there on social media, but we're going to have another episode with you, Diane, about marketing.

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That's going to help you as well, to help other people.

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So we have some great tips that we're going to actually go over, but Diane's title is called Navigate Authentic Connections a Month's Constant Change.

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There is always constant change, diane, as far as in the social media realm, and there's a lot of things that's happening here.

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But tell us a little bit about yourself, diane, and then I'm going to ask you some questions.

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00:02:30.712 --> 00:02:40.394
So I found myself in this social media marketing sales arena long ago.

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I had a paper route when I was 14 years old and they had a contest to sell papers to win a clock radio, and I didn't have a lot of money as a kid and the only way I was going to get that clock radio was if I went and earned it.

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And so that's when I realized I really enjoyed introducing things to people that could help them.

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That's what got me into it.

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And then, fortunately, I was lucky enough to go to college and I had a marketing degree there and a lot of internships.

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And then my career has been in sales and marketing since forever and I really love the connection and collaboration part of sales and marketing as well.

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But I really good marketing helps you get clients.

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That's really the purpose of marketing.

00:03:27.000 --> 00:03:28.745
So that's why I'm here today.

00:03:29.286 --> 00:03:36.949
Absolutely, and you know what I need to tell about your bio because your bio is really awesome, so that'll tell people a lot more about what you do.

00:03:36.949 --> 00:03:47.712
So Diane Freeman is a long time marketing professional who has worked with a variety of businesses from top 50, like Ford Motor Company, to solar peneurs like WD, pearson Associates.

00:03:47.712 --> 00:03:48.875
Why, thank you?

00:03:48.875 --> 00:03:59.615
Diane is on a mission to help small businesses attract the right people, connect to them and who will convert to customers and grow their business.

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With the ever changing marketing scene coupled with AI, most solar peneurs struggle with doing it right.

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I help them get to the right connections, which is the core of how they serve and share to get paying customers.

00:04:13.231 --> 00:04:38.668
I can help them by doing the work for them or teaching them how you can reach Diane and I'm going to have you say this at the end at Diane, at BCN Social that's B-E-E, c-e-e-n Social mediacom she's offering a free assessment which will help them to know not only how they communicate, but will help you connect and communicate with others, and there's so much ties into what I'm talking about.

00:04:38.668 --> 00:04:46.490
Diane, I thought you'd be a perfect guest as far as collaboration and connections, but I'm going to ask you a question first and then we're going to get into some other things here.

00:04:46.490 --> 00:04:50.673
So how important do you think networking is for collaboration and why?

00:04:53.382 --> 00:04:57.031
Networking is essential to collaboration.

00:04:57.031 --> 00:05:19.427
Networking gets you out of a small group and into a large group in allowing you to meet different people and learn what they're doing out in the world and seeing how the two of you can be better together.

00:05:19.427 --> 00:05:41.528
And there really is not a better way than starting face to face with a somewhat planned conversation, so that you can immediately decide is this a person that is going to move me in the right direction, or is this someone that I could help guide into the right direction?

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I think a lot of us.

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When we get to a certain point in business, we like to help people that are newer on their journey and help them get through some of the obstacles that we got through quicker, because there really is not guidance out there.

00:05:58.833 --> 00:06:11.069
We don't have bosses, entrepreneurs, so we need to rely on one another to connect and then work together, make something greater as a team and collaborate.

00:06:12.031 --> 00:06:21.093
Absolutely, absolutely, and that's why, when COVID happened, diane, we actually got closer, as far as I've been going to remember you getting your LLC, and we actually learned how to work.

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The Facebook live do webinars, and that was always been my passion is to collaborate.

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How can we, as entrepreneurs, collaborate to be successful, to help one another, and that is something that's dear to my heart.

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That's why I named it Ready to Say Collaborate.

00:06:36.545 --> 00:06:44.466
Thanks to Diane, she helped me pick that title Ready to Say Collaborate, because that is something that we all need, and I came from corporate, like you came from corporate.

00:06:44.466 --> 00:06:45.982
I think, how we learned that?

00:06:45.982 --> 00:06:54.749
The ground learned exactly the groundwork that we actually did with the corporate, but it helped us to be more professional entrepreneurs and to help others.

00:06:54.749 --> 00:06:56.072
So thank you for that answer.

00:06:56.072 --> 00:06:56.833
I appreciate it.

00:06:56.833 --> 00:07:09.064
Let me ask you enough question here, and I'm going to ask you this one first, about job solopreneurs how can solopreneurs get their business scene and make the right connection when it just keeps getting more complicated and expensive?

00:07:10.887 --> 00:07:12.072
Do you feel that way, Wanda?

00:07:12.072 --> 00:07:17.956
Do you feel like it seems to be more difficult to get your business name out there?

00:07:18.725 --> 00:07:22.495
Yes, I do, especially with the W, when I created my own brand, wd Christian Associates.

00:07:22.495 --> 00:07:32.492
I know my business is legal shield services but creating my own brand, it is more difficult to get that out there and with your help you've been helping me do that more.

00:07:32.492 --> 00:07:35.451
So give me some tips of what you think would make it easier.

00:07:36.884 --> 00:07:52.932
So, starting with that heart of collaboration, which some of you may not know this I'm fortunate enough to know Wanda to know this but she does collaborate in her work, but she also collaborates in her personal life.

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She was a social worker in a past life.

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There is no career path vocation that serves more than a social worker, in my opinion, and she wanted to continue serving.

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She overcame some difficulties in her childhood and she wanted to be able to share that, so she became an author and did other things, and that is so important.

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And collaborating to get through all of that noise is you need to really know who you are and who you want to serve.

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And when you know that, then anything else you do whether you're meeting face to face with people for the first time, whether you're making a video on social media, however way you're getting the information out there about your business when you know who you are and who you're talking to, you will connect with that right person.

00:08:56.755 --> 00:09:09.691
So that's the way to do it Pick your lane, stay in it so you're known for that, and then, if you want to add something else, you can do that, and that's exactly what Wanda did.

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She started off being known for Legal Shield.

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I met her networking for Legal Shield and she added WD Pearson Associates and she wanted to use this new platform to serve more and she used that as a springboard to write books Because she knew she wanted to collaborate.

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She wanted to give back and serve and that is what she's known for.

00:09:36.735 --> 00:09:39.991
Thank you, I tell you, you just took me with my horn.

00:09:39.991 --> 00:09:47.625
I read that's why I love you, diane, with that and let us know about, and I love what you just said here, because it wasn't you know what.

00:09:47.625 --> 00:09:50.995
I keep forgetting to tell people, diane, that I am an author.

00:09:50.995 --> 00:09:54.315
I am a three-time author two collaborations, books with my own author.

00:09:54.315 --> 00:09:55.490
So thank you for bringing that up.

00:09:55.490 --> 00:09:56.327
I appreciate it.

00:09:57.004 --> 00:10:00.524
And, by the way, go to her website, wd Pearson Associatescom.

00:10:00.524 --> 00:10:03.072
That's where you can get her book.

00:10:03.072 --> 00:10:05.390
You can learn more about Wanda.

00:10:05.390 --> 00:10:07.732
You can see some of her collaboration partners.

00:10:07.732 --> 00:10:09.851
You've been listening to these episodes.

00:10:09.851 --> 00:10:11.667
Take it the next step.

00:10:12.730 --> 00:10:14.573
Yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you.

00:10:14.573 --> 00:10:26.734
Yeah, and I have, and especially when I was doing COVID, with some of my webinars I was doing with other entrepreneurs to get that business out, and how we connected together to be able to offer our services and to educate.

00:10:26.734 --> 00:10:30.692
It's about educating and empowering other entrepreneurs.

00:10:30.692 --> 00:10:34.831
People who want to have a passion begin the business to become an entrepreneur.

00:10:34.831 --> 00:10:35.827
So that is so true.

00:10:35.827 --> 00:10:37.746
I love that and that.

00:10:37.746 --> 00:10:41.013
Actually, and you had some tips You're talking about the social media platform.

00:10:41.013 --> 00:10:42.551
You talk about the personality code.

00:10:42.551 --> 00:10:45.501
Tell us about that, sure.

00:10:46.664 --> 00:10:51.816
So I, like a lot of people, I'm always learning.

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I want to be able to do better for myself, for my business and for my clients, and I recently added a new certification that is helping tremendously with me helping my clients not only reach the right person and get that person to come to them, because they see how that person can help People can see how Wanda can help them.

00:11:15.224 --> 00:11:27.082
But when you start getting those leads and the phone starts ringing and the email starts pinging and you start to feel like, okay, I've got all these people that want to talk to you.

00:11:27.082 --> 00:11:34.024
How do you make like bank from that Like, how do you serve them and get paid?

00:11:34.024 --> 00:11:45.495
And what I was hearing from a lot of my clients is they were getting so many leads that they almost wanted to stop their marketing because they felt like they kept appearing no when they were spinning their wheels and it felt really bad.

00:11:45.495 --> 00:12:02.581
So I decided to make an investment and teach them how to learn the personality type of the person they're talking to and steer that conversation in a way that would encourage that person to buy.

00:12:02.621 --> 00:12:06.091
In the case of Wanda, wanda is a yellow.

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She's a very nurturing communication kind of person.

00:12:09.982 --> 00:12:13.053
So when a client would come to her that's like her.

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They want nurturing and communication.

00:12:16.044 --> 00:12:18.335
That's going to be an easy sale for Wanda.

00:12:18.335 --> 00:12:22.004
They're going to just love her and won't be a problem.

00:12:22.004 --> 00:12:30.144
But when a personality comes to her, that is more of a blueprint personality, more of, maybe, a legal type personality.

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That person doesn't care about warm fuzzy and communication.

00:12:34.533 --> 00:12:36.846
That person wants to know the bottom line.

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They want you to get to the point.

00:12:38.250 --> 00:12:46.495
They want to know how much it is, they want to know what they're going to get out of it and they want to know how quickly they're going to see a return on their investment.

00:12:46.495 --> 00:12:59.225
So being able to instantly code that person and shift your conversation in a way to help you close, that that's what I offer now as a tool.

00:12:59.225 --> 00:13:04.542
It increases your sales 300% and it does it in half of the time.

00:13:04.542 --> 00:13:13.547
So that's what I mean by the easiest cracking that code is really helpful to help you getting to that client.

00:13:14.892 --> 00:13:27.616
When it comes to like social media, a lot of times people come to me and they're like okay, diane, I'm on LinkedIn and I'm on Instagram and I'm on Facebook and I'm here and I'm here and I'm here and that is great.

00:13:27.616 --> 00:13:32.548
But the problem is you need to pick two platforms and go all in.

00:13:32.548 --> 00:13:42.432
Companies that have full-time marketing agencies struggle to do well on multiple platforms at the same time.

00:13:42.432 --> 00:13:46.166
So don't stress yourself out learning Instagram.

00:13:46.166 --> 00:13:51.984
If Instagram is not your thing, you could do better on Facebook and LinkedIn, for example.

00:13:51.984 --> 00:13:54.672
So I really help people drill down.

00:13:54.672 --> 00:13:58.062
Where are your clients more likely to be?

00:13:58.644 --> 00:13:59.787
Yeah, I love that.

00:13:59.787 --> 00:14:03.904
I love that because you've been helping me with that as well, so I want to ask you another question.

00:14:03.904 --> 00:14:05.928
Time goes by so fast, doesn't it?

00:14:05.928 --> 00:14:09.770
So can you share an example You've already talked about?

00:14:09.770 --> 00:14:14.366
Can you share an example of a successful collaboration that emerged from networking connections?

00:14:14.366 --> 00:14:18.062
And I think that actually we emerged.

00:14:18.582 --> 00:14:24.895
This is really the best, truest story to answer that question.

00:14:24.895 --> 00:14:33.181
When Wanda and I met, I was doing something completely different from what I'm doing right now Completely different.

00:14:33.181 --> 00:14:35.388
I met Wanda networking.

00:14:35.388 --> 00:14:40.501
I had seen her a couple of times and I loved her dynamic personality.

00:14:40.501 --> 00:14:51.371
She used to do these really cute things that really got your attention and she got me thinking about how she could help me.

00:14:51.371 --> 00:14:59.215
And with networking, you can't go in and expect that people are going to sign on the dotted line and buy from you.

00:14:59.215 --> 00:15:11.192
But it was seeing Wanda consistently learning the different ways that she could serve me, because when I first met her I already had my will done, so I didn't think I needed what she offers.

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But then I learned some other things and what happened was my son got to be driving age and I learned about how it could help with tickets and things.

00:15:22.369 --> 00:15:40.445
And thank heavens I was smart enough to sign up for it before he got the tickets, because my son got like a couple of different tickets while he was in college and legal shield attorneys went to court on his behalf.

00:15:40.445 --> 00:15:43.259
He only had to have a phone conversation.

00:15:43.259 --> 00:15:46.914
They went to court on the first case.

00:15:46.914 --> 00:15:53.044
They had everything erased, all done legally, which was a huge, wonderful, huge thing.

00:15:53.044 --> 00:15:57.899
The second time because he already had an infraction.

00:15:57.899 --> 00:16:08.802
They couldn't erase everything, but my our biggest fear was that we couldn't afford to ensure him any longer because our insurance rates go up, especially if you get a lot of points on.

00:16:08.802 --> 00:16:10.445
Your license gets suspended.

00:16:10.445 --> 00:16:23.658
Unfortunately, his wasn't that severe of an infraction, but she saved me thousands of dollars, not to mention stress and as a mom I don't know how to represent my kid like.

00:16:23.658 --> 00:16:25.142
So anyway, that was huge.

00:16:25.669 --> 00:16:36.936
And then keeping that and knowing that I was going to make a change and become self employed, a solopreneur, getting my LLC set up right, I met Wanda in Georgia.

00:16:36.936 --> 00:16:37.759
I'm in Florida now.

00:16:37.759 --> 00:16:55.264
I was able to get it set up in Florida quickly, inexpensively, and now I have that ongoing and it also I've referred her to a lot of friends, family and other business owners, because it's like having insurance for the rest of your life.

00:16:55.264 --> 00:17:01.696
You have the part of your life that insurance pays for, but then there's that part that you don't usually have help with.

00:17:01.696 --> 00:17:11.756
When things go awry, when a contractor doesn't do the right thing or something else, somebody doesn't do the right thing you have some help with that.

00:17:11.756 --> 00:17:19.289
We started off as strangers and became friends, and now we serve each other very well as collaborators.

00:17:20.835 --> 00:17:33.005
That's a perfect example and thank you so much for saying that because, like Diane, it's all about education and, by our services and you have them how we can actually help others to be able to connect them.

00:17:33.005 --> 00:17:38.369
And that is actually my next question as far as the connections, and we're winding it down here.

00:17:38.369 --> 00:17:42.230
So what do you think about connecting to get to know your customers very well?

00:17:42.230 --> 00:17:43.355
What do you have to say about that?

00:17:43.355 --> 00:17:45.576
What are the pain points to get to know your clients?

00:17:46.670 --> 00:17:54.981
So when you're working to connect someone, you've met them, you want to offer them what it is that you do.

00:17:54.981 --> 00:18:03.442
People buy from you when you solve a problem for them, when you help them avoid pain.

00:18:03.442 --> 00:18:25.333
And, like the story that I just told, I recognized that Wanda could help me avoid the pain of traffic tickets for my son and my son went to a big college where there were police on every corner looking to write like, literally, the students support this little town that the college is in and tickets were.

00:18:25.333 --> 00:18:28.320
They were in a ridiculous amount of tickets, so I knew they were coming.

00:18:28.320 --> 00:18:30.134
So it's really understanding.

00:18:30.134 --> 00:18:32.480
How can you help someone avoid pain?

00:18:32.480 --> 00:18:58.875
Wanda helps you avoid pain by making sure you have affordable legal services and with a phone call away, I help you avoid pain by helping you find that right client, understanding how you serve them and helping them convert, so you're not feeling confused and going a million places trying to figure out how do I get clients.

00:18:58.875 --> 00:19:02.657
Customers are the lifeblood of every business.

00:19:03.191 --> 00:19:04.957
Oh, absolutely Absolutely.

00:19:04.957 --> 00:19:06.596
That's a great example there.

00:19:06.596 --> 00:19:08.036
I appreciate you saying that.

00:19:08.036 --> 00:19:22.477
So, as we're winding down, because I want you to tell a little bit about how people can contact you, can you provide some tips for effective communication and relationships in building within professional networks and I think we talked about that a little bit anyway.

00:19:22.589 --> 00:19:22.891

00:19:22.891 --> 00:19:31.281
So when it comes to networking, you want to listen is double amount the time that you speak.

00:19:31.281 --> 00:19:55.859
So when you are coming into a group of people that maybe you don't know have plans and an opening conversation, a conversation starters that will allow them to open up about what they do, so that you can listen and guide them and see could this be a good collaboration partner for me?

00:19:55.859 --> 00:19:57.656
Because not everyone will be.

00:19:57.656 --> 00:19:59.576
So let's not spin our wheels.

00:19:59.576 --> 00:20:05.659
Everyone's feeling bad because you're not a good connection and let's bless that person.

00:20:05.659 --> 00:20:12.317
Keep them in your mind for a referral in the future and then talk to someone else.

00:20:12.410 --> 00:20:21.834
So I actually went to Experience Connections, pana Vigera today, first in-person meeting in Florida that I was a guest and not believe, and I loved it.

00:20:21.834 --> 00:20:28.479
And I have this free app and I took selfies with everybody in the room.

00:20:28.479 --> 00:20:39.599
I used the roster and I put in their contact information on my app and I sent them the selfie that we took of one another and it automatically goes a little bit of information about me.

00:20:39.599 --> 00:20:41.656
So now I can easily follow up.

00:20:41.656 --> 00:20:44.858
They will remember because they see my face.

00:20:44.858 --> 00:20:48.757
My business information is on there and there's the picture of the two of us.

00:20:48.757 --> 00:20:49.671
For me today.

00:20:49.671 --> 00:21:06.557
That was my way of opening myself up to everyone who was at that meeting, but without being pushy, without really connecting with them and the right people will respond.

00:21:08.535 --> 00:21:09.198
That's awesome.

00:21:09.198 --> 00:21:13.452
Thank you so much, diane, and we're winding down time here because I definitely will have.

00:21:13.452 --> 00:21:17.459
Well, we're going to have you back on again, but thank you so much for your knowledge and your support.

00:21:17.459 --> 00:21:18.795
But tell us a little bit.

00:21:18.795 --> 00:21:21.105
Tell us how people can get into contact with you.

00:21:22.510 --> 00:21:33.845
The best way to get me is to go to my website B-E-S-E-N social I-A-L media M-E-D-I-A dot com.

00:21:33.845 --> 00:21:40.002
If you go there, you'll see that you can get a free social media content calendar.

00:21:40.002 --> 00:21:46.910
If you go ahead and grab that free calendar, I will reach out to you and offer you a free assessment.

00:21:46.910 --> 00:22:00.938
If you would like me to take a look at your marketing and give you some free pointers to help you do it more effectively, then I also can help you crack your code while you're there, if you would like, and learn not only about yourself, but how to sell to other people that are just like you.

00:22:01.920 --> 00:22:02.421
I love it.

00:22:02.421 --> 00:22:02.942
I love it.

00:22:02.942 --> 00:22:05.662
Thank you so much, diane, for being on our podcast.

00:22:05.662 --> 00:22:07.392
Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:22:07.392 --> 00:22:19.971
I really encourage people to really follow, share and like the podcast because we have so many wonderful guests on here that actually can give you a lot of tips, like what Diane gave.

00:22:19.971 --> 00:22:22.449
But also just go through.

00:22:22.449 --> 00:22:25.425
I've done several podcasts, but this is my episode.

00:22:25.425 --> 00:22:28.403
After the look at the episode 18 of my new series.

00:22:28.403 --> 00:22:31.398
I did the first series about networking collaboration.

00:22:31.398 --> 00:22:37.142
The second one is book collaboration and this is a collaboration and connections.

00:22:37.142 --> 00:22:46.365
Thank you so much, but please make sure you follow me on WDPersonTheSociestcom and also on my YouTube.

00:22:46.365 --> 00:22:49.480
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel because we have the videos on there as well.

00:22:49.480 --> 00:22:51.617
So thank you once again, diane.

00:22:51.617 --> 00:23:05.417
I appreciate you coming on and you are a treasure for me because I tell you our connection and, like you said, the connection and the networking we met in networking, we connected and then we collaborate, so all of that is coming in together.

00:23:05.417 --> 00:23:08.396
So thank you so much once again for joining us on our podcast.

00:23:08.738 --> 00:23:09.499
Thank you, Wanda.

00:23:09.499 --> 00:23:10.662
You're a dream client.

00:23:10.662 --> 00:23:12.234
You always do wonderful things.

00:23:12.234 --> 00:23:14.655
It feels so good to help people that help people.

00:23:15.077 --> 00:23:16.451
Yes, thank you so much.

00:23:16.451 --> 00:23:17.854
Have a good day now.

00:23:19.198 --> 00:23:19.598

00:23:19.900 --> 00:23:20.259
Bye-bye, bye-bye.

00:23:21.130 --> 00:23:24.317
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set.

00:23:24.317 --> 00:23:25.279

00:23:25.279 --> 00:23:36.104
For more information about the host head to wdpeersonassociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:23:36.104 --> 00:23:37.597
Want to connect?

00:23:37.597 --> 00:23:51.702
Send an email to Wanda at wdpeersonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.