Season 3

April 10, 2024

Weaving Heritage into Fiction with Roni Robbins: The Art of Storytelling and Networking for the Aspiring Novelist

When Roni Robbins decided to weave her grandfather's life tales into an award-winning novel, she didn't just pen a story; she ignited a conversation about passion, transition, and the resilience of the human spirit. "Hands …
April 3, 2024

Navigating the Publishing Maze with Polly Letofsky - From Self-Publishing Insights to Mastering Book Marketing

Have you ever faced the daunting crossroads of how to publish your passion project? Polly Letofsky, seasoned author and publishing virtuoso, joins me, Wanda Pearson, for an enlightening conversation that promises a roadmap …
March 27, 2024

Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Book Writing with Denise Renee: Embracing Collaboration, Content Authenticity, and Entrepreneurial Growth

Join Wanda Pearson and her distinguished guest Denise Renee as they dismantle the myths surrounding book writing and self-publishing. No longer a lone venture, we reveal the power of collaboration in creating a book that res…