Nov. 28, 2023

From School Teacher to Successful Entrepreneur: Unleashing the Power of Networking and Collaboration with Bonnie Ross Parker

From School Teacher to Successful Entrepreneur: Unleashing the Power of Networking and Collaboration with Bonnie Ross Parker

Have you ever wondered how networking and collaboration can take you from a regular 9-5 job to an entrepreneur? Meet Bonnie Ross Parker, a successful entrepreneur, author, and most importantly, a mentor for women. Bonnie shares her inspiring journey from being a school teacher to a successful businesswoman and gives insights into how networking and collaboration played a significant role in her journey. She introduces us to her exceptional platform, Experience Connections, that teaches women about the power of networking and collaboration, helping them strive towards personal and professional growth.

But that's not all! Bonnie doesn't just share her story; she also guides us on how to make our mark in networking events. Starting from sparking conversations to leaving a lasting impression, she provides actionable strategies that can set you apart from the crowd. As the conversation progresses, we dive into the significance of teamwork and collaboration for ongoing success. As we wrap up, we anticipate future collaborations and introduce our next guest, the phenomenal Christine Powers. So, buckle up and get ready to unlock your potential for success through the power of networking and collaboration!

Make sure you connect with Bonnie Ross Parker
Xperience Connections website:

Contact Bonnie for a copy of her ebook pm her website: 
Ebook:  Quick Connection Ebook by Bonnie Ross Parker

Be on the Lookout in Bonnie Ebook with the 3 great tips in networking in ‘The Quick Connection’ Ebook. 
There are many ways you can “Differentiate”, “Be Memorable” and “Make A Difference”. Situations arise all the time that open the door for “The Quick Connection”. Look for opportunities. Practice in different places throughout the day. Be sensitive to other’s needs. I’m not implying any business will develop from being a person who connects in these casual encounters. I am suggesting, however, that as you demonstrate you care about the people with who you come in contact during your regular activities, the same strategies will serve you well in the business arena.

Call to Action!
Thank you for investing your valuable time and reading this e-book.
Are you ready to take the next step in your business networking success? To create the success you deserve, here’s what you can do:

Contact Bonnie at to schedule your FREE (30 minute) Business Networking Breakthrough Session – so that you can:
• Understand where and how you are currently networking
• Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your networking
• Leave the session renewed and inspired to turn your networking efforts into successful business building opportunities.

More information that Bonnie shares 
The journal of my cancer journey can be downloaded here:

The Self-Empowerment Pledge:

“Introduce people you meet to people they need to know.  Introduce people you know to people they need to meet.  You never know who you will meet and the difference you can make in someone’s life.  You never know who will meet you and the difference you can make in their life.  Networking is all about connection and collaboration. 

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:02 - Networking and Collaboration Insights

10:38 - Networking and Collaboration Strategies

22:33 - Ready Set Collaborate


00:00:02.124 --> 00:00:16.685
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:29.525 --> 00:00:42.973
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:54.343 --> 00:01:01.674
Hi, I am so excited to have my episode two with my very own special guest, bonnie Ross Parker.

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Bonnie, I am just so excited to have you.

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But let me read your bio first, okay, because I mean, it's just so much that you actually have done that you do, and that is what's the blessing to have you as my first guest.

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So Bonnie Ross Parker is an award-winning guest.

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She'd be in her career as a school teacher years later she pursued entrepreneurship as a successful regional director of mailboxes, et cetera.

00:01:27.063 --> 00:01:29.468
Wow, bonnie, I'm excited.

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After 12 years she remarried, moved from DC to Atlanta and began her lifetime career as a mentor for women and accomplished author and established her unique platform.

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Experience Connections.

00:01:45.248 --> 00:01:55.867
Tagline Woman Make it Happen, bindings and Legacy is teaching the value of networking and collaboration to strengthen and support women personally and professionally.

00:01:55.867 --> 00:01:58.884
But what I'm going to do, bonnie, I just want to some acclimate.

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I feel like I'm here with a movie star here, because I mean, you just you just.

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I wish my grandkids were on here so they could hear that.

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I am just, but some of the things I'm just going to point out here is for, as you was recognized as the distinguished businesswoman part of the Princess Diana tour in Atlanta.

00:02:19.748 --> 00:02:21.393
That's amazing.

00:02:21.393 --> 00:02:29.513
And also you were the Atlanta business and entertainment exchange presented her with a leadership award for its inscription.

00:02:29.513 --> 00:02:32.492
Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the Atlanta community.

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And, last but not least, but there's a lot more I just want to, you know, put out these here.

00:02:38.069 --> 00:02:44.153
She actually has several books and she oh my God, we don't talk about your ebook as well, bonnie how you do your networking.

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So, bonnie, without further ado, I'm going to ask you a few questions so we can get this party started.

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So let me know, how did you get involved with networking?

00:02:56.170 --> 00:03:00.181
Well, you know, it's really interesting because they it's my bio and just a recap.

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I started out 12 years as a school teacher.

00:03:02.598 --> 00:03:09.295
So the only networking I ever did was in the teacher's lounge, parent-teacher conversations, you know, conferences, and that was it.

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But when I love teaching my husband at the time the CPA we decided to invest in mailboxes as a separate concept and I became the regional director for Montgomery County, maryland.

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I know all of Ducie, which was a pretty big undertaking.

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So if I was a classroom teacher, suddenly become a retail owner and responsible for growing a franchise.

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I joined the Chamber of Commerce and I will tell you a lot about what got me started.

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Because my next-door neighbor business.

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I said I'm helping build a business.

00:03:44.518 --> 00:03:48.156
I mean I'm just standing here, I don't know what to do, and he said you've got to join the Chamber.

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That's where you'll meet other business people, tell them about your business.

00:03:51.691 --> 00:03:57.201
Well, when I joined the Chamber, there were a lot of things that I witnessed that I didn't like.

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It was a lot of selling, it was a lot of pushing.

00:04:01.316 --> 00:04:09.575
I felt like there was a lot of almost like getting to the finish line first kind of thing and I just had to feel comfortable.

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So little by little I started to come up with my own plan and my own plan actually was producing results.

00:04:16.502 --> 00:04:29.437
It started back in literally in 95, at no 83 when I first started Know Boxes et cetera, and from 83 to 95, I built that business.

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But I built my networking skills and I became known for that because of what we're going to share in our time together, of how the networking agenda can make a difference in more success and in the global world relationship.

00:04:44.803 --> 00:04:47.716
So it's certainly a good plan.

00:04:49.711 --> 00:05:00.562
I really you are just really inspiring me because I know when I came from corporate I didn't know how to network and your group I joined B&I, but your group I joined Experience Connection.

00:05:00.562 --> 00:05:02.317
I want you to tell me a little bit about that as well.

00:05:02.317 --> 00:05:08.278
It was the one that actually gave me out to do more of what I'm doing, and your Experience Connections helped me grow my business.

00:05:08.278 --> 00:05:11.237
So tell me a little bit about Experience Connections, how you created that.

00:05:11.819 --> 00:05:14.516
Okay, well, we moved to Atlanta.

00:05:14.516 --> 00:05:16.233
So what did I know how to do?

00:05:16.233 --> 00:05:17.396

00:05:17.396 --> 00:05:22.415
Don't have a business, a newly married woman moving into a community, they didn't know anyone.

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So I started to network and I joined the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce no surprise, and I would meet people and find out what they're doing and so on.

00:05:32.139 --> 00:05:38.521
And little by little I became more comfortable and I found myself gravitating toward women women in business.

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Now, I didn't have anything to offer back then, remember, because I didn't have a business, I wasn't promoting anything.

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I did do a little dabble with things, but no, enlarging, excuse me.

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But what I decided to do was mentor.

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I knew how to mentor because I had done it with franchise owners.

00:05:56.180 --> 00:06:03.220
So here on Networking, I'm meeting women that are maybe just getting started, maybe also start doing kind of business.

00:06:03.220 --> 00:06:05.096
So I started a mentoring group.

00:06:05.096 --> 00:06:12.196
It was called the Red Door Red for Energy and Door for Open, opening Up Doors and we met at the Atlanta Bread Company.

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This was before experience, connections were created and for about three years, wanda, I had every single Tuesday from 7.30 to 9, you could come If you were a woman.

00:06:24.692 --> 00:06:41.019
You could come by the Atlanta Bread Company in the back room and you would find me with other wannabes or established entrepreneurial business women and you would talk about how would be more successful and I would train and practice and let them practice.

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That's what I did for a number of years.

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So I took my skills.

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That is mostly involved.

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And what happened from that is I got to the place where I said to my husband, joe, I'd like to do something for income, but I don't know what to do because I really don't want to do business.

00:06:57.242 --> 00:07:05.641
So he said, instead of doing a little big man at the bread company, why don't you start in your own organization, which at that time was called the Joint Connecting?

00:07:05.641 --> 00:07:08.257
Start your own and meet in our home.

00:07:08.257 --> 00:07:09.291
So I did.

00:07:09.291 --> 00:07:14.653
I just this women that I was meeting, I was giving one more chance to meet other women that I was meeting.

00:07:14.653 --> 00:07:17.317
Right, and I'm starting in our home.

00:07:17.730 --> 00:07:20.779
And you know those early days, wanda, I'm not exactly.

00:07:20.779 --> 00:07:26.461
I could have four women show up, register and show up for meal and do network.

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And it got to where I was doing it twice a month, 20 at one time and 20 at another time and from that I began to it was somewhat incomprehensible, but from that I recognized that it was a huge need for the face to face opportunity for women.

00:07:44.021 --> 00:07:49.827
Bni is mixed gender, the chambers mixed gender.

00:07:49.827 --> 00:07:56.024
This was for women a safe environment to talk about business, to talk about challenges, to promote.

00:07:56.024 --> 00:08:00.942
And so I started that in 2002, that was seven years after I moved to Atlanta.

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So I did all of that networking, that mentoring.

00:08:03.562 --> 00:08:10.285
And then a very wise participant said you're a franchise expert, why don't you franchise this?

00:08:10.285 --> 00:08:13.744
And I'm like it never even occurred to me at that time.

00:08:13.744 --> 00:08:17.122
My solo thing was very rewarding.

00:08:17.122 --> 00:08:23.384
And then a bunch from 2002, I was fined to oh wow, sound of franchise for the licensed program.

00:08:23.384 --> 00:08:32.341
So teaching, entrepreneurship, networking, mentoring I was sure there was an inch and that's what we called it, you know.

00:08:32.855 --> 00:08:43.923
Yeah, and it's funny because and I want to talk about collaboration next but yeah, it was funny because when I first joined, I joined as experience connection and I heard all the stories about Bonnie Rose Parker.

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He used to be joint connecting.

00:08:45.380 --> 00:08:49.155
You had to change it because they thought it was a dating website and you know.

00:08:49.155 --> 00:09:00.496
So I met some ladies that knew you before I joined experience connection I think I've been in about five years now and they knew you and they said how, even if you?

00:09:00.496 --> 00:09:06.642
I remember one day later she said she had just her business closed down and she was coming in to present her business.

00:09:06.642 --> 00:09:11.505
But it was there when she said but Bonnie told me come anyway, come anyway, come as you are.

00:09:11.554 --> 00:09:23.736
So I really and the love that you give to these women, to us, and how you started this process of creating this for women, networking, because you know, bonnie, talk about being I right, being I.

00:09:23.736 --> 00:09:29.403
It's like you know, it's not as personal as this and my next guest I'm going to have one.

00:09:29.403 --> 00:09:32.001
She actually ex me to join with just Christine Powers.

00:09:32.001 --> 00:09:34.302
So I am so happy that they have it.

00:09:34.302 --> 00:09:36.142
But tell me, what about collaboration?

00:09:36.142 --> 00:09:38.241
How did you connect all of this network?

00:09:38.241 --> 00:09:41.321
And I can see what is going networking to collaboration.

00:09:41.321 --> 00:09:42.500
How did you come into that?

00:09:43.315 --> 00:09:46.104
Well, you know you meet, you meet with my case.

00:09:46.104 --> 00:09:50.561
I'm going to focus on this because I'm going to focus on here what we hear in the jury.

00:09:50.561 --> 00:10:12.020
It's different, you know, some bossy, busy, busy, running off community, but we will only collaborate, we will only create people that are comfortable, right that we have the same value system, we have the same desire for mutual success, we have the same desire to to help each other achieve what we need to be capable of doing right.

00:10:12.020 --> 00:10:19.081
So my networking lens itself because first you are the first you're starting with a conversation.

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You and I we start with a conversation.

00:10:21.241 --> 00:10:33.083
We get to know you want to I hear more about what you're looking for, or some of the challenges you're facing, and maybe competition, maybe that men are more likely to do business with a man.

00:10:33.083 --> 00:10:37.363
You know, whatever, whatever happens to be one, I just being sort of widely injured.

00:10:38.595 --> 00:10:51.163
Collaboration piece happens when you and I have some collaborative, some, I'm sorry, some commonality and you say you know what I can introduce you to people that I think are willing, like the service is.

00:10:51.534 --> 00:11:01.004
And then you say to me you know what I know people through in that case it was prepaid, legal might be interested in your organization.

00:11:01.004 --> 00:11:30.524
So then we begin to do some planning where I'm doing something for you and you're not in term but willing to say you know what there are things that I can do for you also, and that comes down to networking and creating relationships that foster an interesting and needing a desire to say Wanda, I have a way to help you, bonnie, you know what I can give you, some things that can serve you as well.

00:11:30.524 --> 00:11:38.198
That collaborative piece doesn't happen over a lot, it's relationship and getting to know the individuals and what they're doing.

00:11:38.198 --> 00:11:46.083
That fosters a desire to, and then Google, maybe a big collaboration.

00:11:46.083 --> 00:12:07.498
So I only see it's a conversation, it's a connection, it's a collaboration, and then you create something big and then what you could have done in the beginning Start with a conversation, you find something in common and you work well, and I had all kinds of opportunity to do that with the portion of my work she might have been.

00:12:08.100 --> 00:12:08.802
That's awesome.

00:12:09.134 --> 00:12:10.159
That's awesome.

00:12:10.775 --> 00:12:15.662
You're putting out a lot of great nuggets out here, but I know we're getting closer, I think.

00:12:15.662 --> 00:12:16.958
But I want you to get into.

00:12:16.958 --> 00:12:29.979
Bonnie has an ebook how to Be an Effective Networking and I want Bonnie to give these tips because everything in your ebook and we're gonna actually add that to the show how you can get her ebook.

00:12:29.979 --> 00:12:38.567
But you had some tips and you gave me three tips how to be an effective network, differentiate, differential.

00:12:39.105 --> 00:12:41.293
Yeah, be memorable, make a difference.

00:12:41.485 --> 00:12:42.269
Yeah, that's it.

00:12:42.269 --> 00:12:44.230
So tell us a little bit about that.

00:12:44.230 --> 00:12:46.812
And we only got five minutes, but I just want you to-.

00:12:47.144 --> 00:12:48.451
Okay, and I would love to do that.

00:12:48.451 --> 00:12:54.966
Okay, so most people go to a networking event with a file or business their own business cards Taiwan.

00:12:54.966 --> 00:13:00.172
If you ever need somebody you know to help you network, here's my call Taiwan, if you're interested in one of them.

00:13:00.172 --> 00:13:03.453
That is not the agenda, it's from a judgment result.

00:13:03.453 --> 00:13:08.172
So the differentiation piece starts with you walk in and you're a name tag.

00:13:08.172 --> 00:13:11.889
You make it easy for people to see your name, to remember who you are.

00:13:11.889 --> 00:13:16.995
Okay, you walk in with the name tag and your agenda is who can I meet that I can support?

00:13:16.995 --> 00:13:23.615
Well, it's interesting that I might find a way to introduce her to someone else.

00:13:24.044 --> 00:13:34.272
But one of the things that I think has been very effective is looking for somebody that's not engaged in a conversation and you don't go up to them and say, oh, I see you have no one to talk to.

00:13:34.272 --> 00:13:35.690
You go up to them and say you know what?

00:13:35.690 --> 00:13:41.774
I just saw you and I just couldn't help but say I really need to know a little bit about you.

00:13:41.774 --> 00:13:43.311
I never say what do you do?

00:13:43.311 --> 00:13:44.868
I meet somebody.

00:13:44.868 --> 00:13:46.793
If they have a name tag, that's helpful.

00:13:46.793 --> 00:13:51.192
And then you say we're both in the same, we're both here at the Chamber of Commerce.

00:13:51.192 --> 00:13:52.509
What brought you here today?

00:13:52.509 --> 00:13:53.969
Are you an member?

00:13:53.969 --> 00:13:58.831
Have you participated in other networking events that bring you back to this one?

00:13:58.831 --> 00:14:01.433
So we begin that conversation.

00:14:01.433 --> 00:14:06.792
That's how you differentiate, the way you don't differentiate, the way you're the same as everybody else is.

00:14:06.792 --> 00:14:08.089
Here's my business card.

00:14:08.089 --> 00:14:08.652
What do you do?

00:14:08.652 --> 00:14:09.788
Here's my business card.

00:14:09.788 --> 00:14:10.331
What do you do?

00:14:10.331 --> 00:14:17.666
I like to ask you people, I like to engage in conversations that are already happening, you know.

00:14:18.168 --> 00:14:21.230
So that's the first piece, the being memorable, which is two words.

00:14:21.230 --> 00:14:25.173
There's two parts Be memorable of what your behavior.

00:14:25.173 --> 00:14:28.214
Again, some words to differentiate your behavior.

00:14:28.214 --> 00:14:30.772
And be memorable for your appearance.

00:14:30.772 --> 00:14:33.633
You don't show up in an event looking lazy.

00:14:33.633 --> 00:14:38.192
You don't show up in an event either either overdressed or underdressed.

00:14:38.192 --> 00:14:40.933
And the same should be true of what you have to say.

00:14:40.933 --> 00:14:51.208
Be memorable, because I've said to you you know what, before we enter a conversation, one, I have to tell you I really love that necklace and that outfit that you have on.

00:14:51.208 --> 00:14:53.807
It's quite becoming Somebody.

00:14:53.807 --> 00:14:58.971
You know what I have to tell you you're one of the most interesting individuals I've met in the New England.

00:14:58.971 --> 00:15:04.629
I would love to do a business card because I'm gonna follow up with you Now for 15 business cards.

00:15:04.629 --> 00:15:05.854
That's not following up.

00:15:05.854 --> 00:15:14.647
If you're having a conversation, when I say to you, wanda, I'm gonna call you because I've been in an event coming up in a couple of weeks, I'm gonna call you and if it's been doing well, I'll pick you up.

00:15:14.647 --> 00:15:15.751
Otherwise you can meet.

00:15:15.751 --> 00:15:18.173
That is when you're being memorable.

00:15:18.173 --> 00:15:20.111
Somebody is expecting you to hear from me.

00:15:20.524 --> 00:15:22.712
The second part of being memorable is your appearance.

00:15:22.712 --> 00:15:26.014
Wanda knows I always wear cowboy boots, always.

00:15:26.014 --> 00:15:35.712
So even during COVID, wanda, I'd be in a store and somebody would be behind me and we'd have our masks on and she'd say, bonnie, is that you?

00:15:35.712 --> 00:15:43.190
And I'd turn around and she recognized me because I had my cowboy boots, even though we weren't physically Make memorable.

00:15:43.190 --> 00:15:44.365
But I've no winning that.

00:15:44.365 --> 00:15:45.912
We're a certain color scheme.

00:15:45.912 --> 00:15:49.068
I know women that collect certain pins and loans were a pin.

00:15:49.068 --> 00:15:50.774
Make them with special ties.

00:15:50.774 --> 00:15:51.990
They can wear collar shoes.

00:15:53.528 --> 00:15:59.971
So the first one you're into differentiating, starting conversations and make people, so you're very welcomed in front of all.

00:15:59.971 --> 00:16:02.774
The second one is to be memorable.

00:16:02.774 --> 00:16:08.075
Let's kindly present yourself the questions you ask if you wanna follow up with somebody.

00:16:08.075 --> 00:16:08.991
You look at the one.

00:16:08.991 --> 00:16:14.662
The other piece, of course, is how do you dress you like how you come across.

00:16:14.662 --> 00:16:18.058
The last one is making a difference, and that's my favorite.

00:16:19.876 --> 00:16:20.418
I have these.

00:16:20.418 --> 00:16:26.744
I just I have this thing that you never know who you're gonna meet and the difference that that person can make in real life.

00:16:26.744 --> 00:16:32.375
And you never know who you're gonna meet and the difference you can make from that person's life, you know.

00:16:32.375 --> 00:16:41.735
So I like to introduce people I know to people they need to meet and I like to introduce people I meet to people they need to know why.

00:16:41.735 --> 00:16:51.163
Because you never know how a conversation, a connection, a collaboration can happen just because you were willing to change your agenda.

00:16:51.163 --> 00:16:59.341
Look for people that you feel that you can support and who will eventually want to support you and build on those relationships.

00:16:59.341 --> 00:17:03.158
You know it's better to walk away from them than to have five parties.

00:17:03.158 --> 00:17:05.846
And I can follow up with these five people.

00:17:05.846 --> 00:17:13.961
I can send them a note, I can invite them, I can introduce them with some, then come back with a stack of cards and you don't even wonder who they are.

00:17:14.156 --> 00:17:15.314
It's a Christian Israel estate.

00:17:15.314 --> 00:17:16.780
This one is a financial problem.

00:17:16.780 --> 00:17:18.260
This one has a floral shop.

00:17:18.260 --> 00:17:23.323
This one, you know, does events and it doesn't have any meaning for you.

00:17:23.323 --> 00:17:25.186
Yes, all right.

00:17:25.186 --> 00:17:32.625
Point of connection is you come with the agenda you know you're gonna look for, look out for ways that you can reach people.

00:17:32.625 --> 00:17:37.041
They will in turn remember you because of the way you were approached them.

00:17:37.041 --> 00:17:41.601
You come back with three, four, five business cards and that we could follow up.

00:17:41.601 --> 00:17:45.444
Now it can be like I said, it can be a note in the mail.

00:17:45.444 --> 00:17:48.242
I over the course I don't know hundreds.

00:17:48.242 --> 00:17:50.284
I used to take two business cards.

00:17:50.284 --> 00:17:51.480
This is the absolute change.

00:17:51.480 --> 00:17:52.740
I'm able to move them over.

00:17:52.740 --> 00:18:07.759
I used to take two business cards, laminate one and put it in the mail with the luggage tag, the laminate business card for a luggage tag with the note, and I did that consistently with people that followed up.

00:18:08.261 --> 00:18:09.576
Wow and that's.

00:18:09.917 --> 00:18:14.063
I don't like the tags out there that were Bonnie Ross, punk and Wothers Tags.

00:18:14.174 --> 00:18:15.520
And you know, and that's memorable.

00:18:15.520 --> 00:18:19.075
That's memorable because they know what Bonnie gave me this, and that makes a big difference.

00:18:19.075 --> 00:18:19.959
I love that.

00:18:19.959 --> 00:18:20.621
I love that.

00:18:20.621 --> 00:18:30.742
So your ebook is called Quick Connection ebook, which I love, Bonnie's, all of these tips, which I love, and I'm gonna have Bonnie back on my show.

00:18:30.742 --> 00:18:37.016
But I wanna ask she, she gave me her clothes and Bonnie, do you want me to reach out the clothing and you wanna say it what?

00:18:37.416 --> 00:18:38.140
you want me to do.

00:18:38.140 --> 00:18:41.220
You can try and say it again, just don't hear it for me again.

00:18:41.682 --> 00:18:42.002

00:18:42.002 --> 00:18:44.981
So and I'm not so.

00:18:44.981 --> 00:18:48.423
It's an introduce people you meet, two people you need to know.

00:18:48.423 --> 00:18:52.944
Introduce people you know to people they need to meet.

00:18:52.944 --> 00:18:58.741
You never know who you will meet and the difference you can make in someone's life.

00:18:58.741 --> 00:19:03.642
You never know who will meet you and the difference you can make in their life.

00:19:03.642 --> 00:19:07.064
Networking is all about connection and collaboration.

00:19:07.064 --> 00:19:09.080
Make every connection count.

00:19:09.080 --> 00:19:10.057
I love that.

00:19:10.057 --> 00:19:11.803
I'm gonna put that on my wall.

00:19:11.803 --> 00:19:14.377
I love that.

00:19:14.377 --> 00:19:14.859
I love it.

00:19:14.859 --> 00:19:16.801
So, bonnie, tell us how they can get in touch with you.

00:19:17.714 --> 00:19:28.419
Okay, well, I have my own website, which is Bonnie Ross Parker, but I like to introduce my husband when I'm when people go on loan, so it's easy.

00:19:28.419 --> 00:19:29.896
It's Bonnie, the only one.

00:19:29.896 --> 00:19:37.582
Bonnie and Sharon be a child of that family and you'll learn a little bit about what he's up to and when you learn a little bit about me.

00:19:37.582 --> 00:20:01.005
The other one, which is the one that's the organization that I well have totally managed and well taken over the entire project, is experience connections, but it's without the fees, so it's experiencecollectionscom, and you'll get to meet some of our neighbors or get to meet our CEO or trainer and so on.

00:20:02.239 --> 00:20:07.065
And the last thing is it's just with being Ross Parker at GMRVAP.

00:20:07.065 --> 00:20:11.902
That seems as one should be letter being local be Ross Parker at GMRVAPcom.

00:20:11.902 --> 00:20:13.980
I always respond to emails.

00:20:13.980 --> 00:20:15.144
I will go to Florida.

00:20:15.144 --> 00:20:34.526
If somebody's listening to this that would like a little more information on some training, I'm happy to talk to somebody We'd like to know more about experience collections because they know that by working with our neighbors and with me, we're going to sell a little bit of business, of a lot of information, and I'll do this one for you.

00:20:35.295 --> 00:20:35.801
That's awesome.

00:20:35.801 --> 00:20:36.815
That's awesome.

00:20:38.118 --> 00:20:39.422
And the training is my deal.

00:20:40.325 --> 00:20:50.000
I love it and actually I was looking at this one, your website to experienceconnectionscom slash women make it happen, because you know what, bonnie?

00:20:50.000 --> 00:20:52.261
We are making it happen in this world.

00:20:52.261 --> 00:20:53.882
We are actually bringing those connections.

00:20:53.882 --> 00:20:58.279
We're bringing those collaborations, and collaborations that's always been dear to my heart.

00:20:58.279 --> 00:21:01.548
How can I connect, and I totally agree how can I connect to someone?

00:21:01.548 --> 00:21:11.503
When I hear something about somebody and they said, oh, I'm looking for this person, I go to my resources and say I think he would like be a good partner with this.

00:21:11.503 --> 00:21:13.502
So I introduced them and that's what I'm about.

00:21:13.502 --> 00:21:20.828
That has really been blessing me with a lot of ways and I guess that's telling me it's funny man.

00:21:20.828 --> 00:21:23.808
So a lot of ways to connect with other people.

00:21:23.808 --> 00:21:29.782
But also I wanna make sure if whoever I'm not connecting them with, I wanna make sure they're the right person to connect them with.

00:21:30.045 --> 00:21:38.868
Absolutely, and it's you know we're using wearing a name tag, using somebody's name and bringing them across the road.

00:21:38.868 --> 00:21:43.263
If I'm talking with you on ice and somebody would need to meet, I want to care.

00:21:43.263 --> 00:21:47.529
If there's somebody I want and I just literally pass you to the next person.

00:21:47.529 --> 00:21:48.672

00:21:50.144 --> 00:21:50.645

00:21:51.220 --> 00:21:53.167
You don't really care about each other.

00:21:53.167 --> 00:21:55.867
We'll, we'll talk to each other.

00:21:55.867 --> 00:21:57.863
Rise and be successful, and why not?

00:21:57.863 --> 00:22:04.365
Why not find a way to do that that brings you joy and brings happiness and connection to other people?

00:22:04.487 --> 00:22:05.028
I love it.

00:22:05.028 --> 00:22:09.847
I love it, bonnie, and you and I am gonna have you back on my show because you just gave so many nuggas.

00:22:09.847 --> 00:22:13.684
I mean, this is a star, ladies and gentlemen, this is a star right here.

00:22:13.684 --> 00:22:18.166
She is actually bringing so many nuggas and I know I get the same thing as for us.

00:22:18.166 --> 00:22:20.567
Wonder who, what can I go for networking?

00:22:20.567 --> 00:22:21.269
What can I go here?

00:22:21.269 --> 00:22:27.212
Because they see me as a person that I'm out in the community, you know, connecting with other people.

00:22:27.212 --> 00:22:31.592
So connections, collaborations, networking is all part of that whole arena.

00:22:31.592 --> 00:22:32.945
That's how you become a successful.

00:22:32.945 --> 00:22:35.541
I always say let's collaborate to be successful, right, bonnie?

00:22:36.064 --> 00:22:36.987
Right, thank you.

00:22:36.987 --> 00:22:43.971
Thanks, bonnie, and continuous success, and I look forward to plugging in with the other guests now, because if you've got them on, I'm gonna do it.

00:22:44.534 --> 00:22:47.586
Absolutely, absolutely, but I really appreciate it, thank you.

00:22:47.586 --> 00:22:49.318
Thank you so much for being in my podcast.

00:22:49.318 --> 00:22:52.186
This is a new thing for me, so I'm gonna play.

00:22:54.580 --> 00:22:55.042
All the best.

00:22:55.042 --> 00:22:57.065
Have a wonderful work with you.

00:22:57.385 --> 00:22:57.727
You too.

00:22:57.727 --> 00:22:58.469
Thank you, bonnie.

00:22:58.469 --> 00:23:07.839
Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready to Collaborate, and our next guest is gonna be Christine Powers, which we actually continue from Bonnie.

00:23:07.839 --> 00:23:11.208
That's one of her ex-teleaders, so stay tuned for the next episode.

00:23:11.208 --> 00:23:12.165
Thank you, bonnie.

00:23:12.648 --> 00:23:13.152
All the best.

00:23:13.152 --> 00:23:18.819
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:23:18.819 --> 00:23:29.759
For more information about the host, head to wdpearsonassociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:23:29.759 --> 00:23:31.259
Want to connect?

00:23:31.259 --> 00:23:45.611
Send an email to Wanda at wdpearsonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.