May 29, 2024

Hitting the Highways with Heart with Cami and Thomas McKellar: A Trucking Couple's Tale of Life, Love, and Logistics

Hitting the Highways with Heart with Cami and Thomas McKellar: A Trucking Couple's Tale of Life, Love, and Logistics

Ever dream of swapping a settled life for the thrill of the open road?  Cami  and Tom McKellar did just that, trading their home life for the driver's seat of a big rig. Join me, Wanda Pearson, as I chat with this intrepid duo on Ready Set Collaborate. From high school sweethearts to co-pilots in the trucking world, the McKellar’s share the ups and downs of life on the highway, including the leap of faith it took for Kami to earn her CDL and the pair's commitment to tackling this adventure together.

Strap in as we navigate the twists and turns of maintaining health and relationships on long hauls. The McKellar’s pull back the curtain on the realities of trucking life, from meal prepping in the cab to managing fatigue with regulated driving hours. They're candid about the importance of safety checks before each journey and the shared problem-solving that keeps them rolling smoothly. Plus, we get personal, discussing how they sustain family bonds and uphold values despite the miles between them, and we get a peek into their unique dynamic as  Cami opens up about her health journey and the growing presence of women in trucking.

Finally, rev up for tales of Parking Lot Lovers and the couple's experiences navigating everything from snow-covered mountain passes to bustling city streets. Tom's mechanical savvy ensures they're never caught off guard, while  Cami’s  zest for coaching others reveals the richness of their life on the road. As they recount their adventures and the people they've met, it’s clear this episode is about more than just trucking—it's about a partnership that thrives on shared challenges and the joy of the journey. So gear up for a ride with the McKellar’s that's as much about love and life as it is about logistics.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Networking and Collaboration in Innovation

08:56 - Healthy Safe Road Travel

14:27 - Family Involvement in Transportation Industry

18:33 - Life as Commercial Drivers

24:02 - Truck Driving Adventure and Health


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.576 --> 00:00:28.495
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.495 --> 00:00:41.929
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.799 --> 00:00:44.246
Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.328 --> 00:00:51.491
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

00:00:52.860 --> 00:00:57.030
Welcome, welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson.

00:00:57.030 --> 00:00:58.432
I am so excited.

00:00:58.432 --> 00:01:12.123
I have started a new series with some incredible friends and we're going to be talking about virtual driving and this is going to be an awesome educational that my friends, kami and Tom McKellar are going to actually teach us how to do this.

00:01:12.123 --> 00:01:15.302
But before I would do that, I'm going to tell you who's sponsoring this episode.

00:01:15.302 --> 00:01:29.433
Wd Pearson Associates is sponsoring the episode and actually the series, but I wanted to talk a little bit about how we can help you as far as legal-wise with our services at LegalShield, and we also have commercial driver protection as well.

00:01:29.433 --> 00:01:37.947
So I would love to connect with you and I would love to help you stay protected, but also to give you a consult with you and see how we can help you with your legal needs.

00:01:37.947 --> 00:01:40.620
So, wanda Pierce with WD Pierce Associates.

00:01:40.620 --> 00:01:47.274
And first of all, I want to tell you please make sure you follow and subscribe to Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:01:47.274 --> 00:01:54.269
We're on all podcast platforms Spotify, apple Podcasts, podbean, audible so make sure you subscribe to that.

00:01:54.269 --> 00:01:56.481
All right, let's get this party started.

00:01:57.283 --> 00:02:01.769
And Kami McKellar, welcome to my podcast.

00:02:01.769 --> 00:02:05.055
I tell you it was tough to get you all being on that road.

00:02:05.055 --> 00:02:06.926
As I said, they said, ok, I'm going to do it.

00:02:06.926 --> 00:02:07.528
Now I'm going to do it.

00:02:07.528 --> 00:02:16.064
Thank you all so much for being on this on this podcast, because it's something that I'm an educator I like to make sure that I educate my audience.

00:02:16.064 --> 00:02:19.733
So tell us a little bit about yourself and how you get started.

00:02:19.733 --> 00:02:30.790
I want to say, kami and I met at a networking event which is Experience Connections, and that's actually how I started this podcast and I talk about my journey with networking and collaboration.

00:02:30.790 --> 00:02:42.350
So, kami, tell us about how you and Tom connected and became husband and wife team on the road traveling all over the country, and how you got started to your profession.

00:02:42.350 --> 00:02:44.205
Tom, I want you to talk too.

00:02:45.100 --> 00:02:46.627
We met our senior year.

00:02:46.627 --> 00:02:49.128
We went to the senior prom and we never stopped talking.

00:02:49.128 --> 00:02:51.168
So we've been married for 34 years now.

00:02:51.168 --> 00:03:00.490
We graduated our youngest daughter we have five daughters last May and I knew that I needed to go back to work.

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We have five daughters.

00:03:01.884 --> 00:03:10.772
They're in college, it's very expensive to live, we're thinking about weddings and I was just not going to sit home and clean house all day.

00:03:10.772 --> 00:03:14.004
I wanted to be out making money.

00:03:14.004 --> 00:03:23.294
We had, about 10 years ago, had just in passing said wouldn't it be interesting to be truck drivers, something that we could do together?

00:03:23.294 --> 00:03:25.580
And then we just never visited again.

00:03:25.580 --> 00:03:48.939
But then, when the opportunity for us to be empty nesters came up, we looked at each other and I had gone flying with my daughter, who is a pilot, and I thought maybe I could be a flight attendant and do some traveling and work with the same company as Thea and maybe be a flight attendant.

00:03:48.939 --> 00:03:50.062
And she was the pilot.

00:03:50.062 --> 00:03:56.491
I came home to talk to Thomas about it and this is what he said you can't do that.

00:03:58.342 --> 00:03:59.426
I mean I can't do that.

00:03:59.426 --> 00:04:00.931
I can do anything.

00:04:00.931 --> 00:04:04.150
I said you have to be nice to people who are nasty at you.

00:04:04.379 --> 00:04:06.623
I could do anything, I said you have to be nice to people who are nasty at you.

00:04:06.623 --> 00:04:20.403
And so we got the biggest kick and I really wanted a job where I didn't have to wear makeup, I didn't have to get dressed up and I really didn't want to be nice.

00:04:20.403 --> 00:04:21.062
I just didn't want an office job.

00:04:21.062 --> 00:04:29.432
I didn't want to be inside and since getting pretty dissatisfied with his work He'd been a fry mechanic for 34 years Very, very good one.

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He's well known in the community.

00:04:34.139 --> 00:04:35.060
It's a small community.

00:04:35.060 --> 00:04:47.182
All over the United States he's competed they have a competition at the factory in Italy for all the top technicians and he's competed two or three times and come in fourth internationally.

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But he was getting dissatisfied, and he's you know what, let's just do it.

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And so he quit.

00:04:55.983 --> 00:05:05.192
But I went to school first to make sure that I could pass to get my CDL license she worked really hard it was very hard, hardest thing she's ever done.

00:05:05.540 --> 00:05:06.843
She slept really good after it.

00:05:07.303 --> 00:05:12.560
After I took the test and slept, I literally stayed in bed for a week.

00:05:12.560 --> 00:05:14.264
It was exhausting.

00:05:14.264 --> 00:05:18.793
So for Thomas to drive a semi truck is pretty natural If you've seen.

00:05:18.793 --> 00:05:20.903
What's that movie that we just recently saw.

00:05:22.026 --> 00:05:26.536
Smoking the Bandit band so he drives that truck driver.

00:05:26.716 --> 00:05:28.040
He just slings the truck around.

00:05:28.040 --> 00:05:29.543
He's very natural at it.

00:05:29.543 --> 00:05:31.406
It's very hard for me.

00:05:31.406 --> 00:05:38.812
I have to really think, but I'm getting better at backing good the backing part is really challenging.

00:05:38.812 --> 00:05:42.401
Yeah, I'm in between trailers, but I'm getting better.

00:05:42.401 --> 00:05:47.343
I'm getting more confident and so that's how we started just empty nesters.

00:05:47.343 --> 00:05:51.190
We really wanted to be together something for us.

00:05:51.992 --> 00:05:53.663
It is a love story, though she talks.

00:05:53.663 --> 00:06:01.264
She admires me for quit working on, quit working with ferrari, which was a pretty successful career for some time.

00:06:01.264 --> 00:06:15.487
But I admire her because I can't imagine too many women who are willing to get out of their nice comfy home and the security and the consistency and want to go out on the road and it's it's like camping.

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And we don't like camping, though we do it.

00:06:18.677 --> 00:06:23.399
We don't necessarily do it because we like it, we do it so we can ride dirt bikes with our girls or whatever.

00:06:24.262 --> 00:06:28.887
Yeah, she really went through a lot too, and she has more certifications than everything I do.

00:06:28.887 --> 00:06:33.591
She can do more stuff than me when she did the schooling and everything.

00:06:33.591 --> 00:06:38.026
So I'm pretty proud of her for all that she's done and we're just really grateful for her sacrifice.

00:06:38.026 --> 00:06:58.468
She's grateful for my sacrifice and we just love being together and we love being together 24-7 7 and that's what we are, and it's not easy, it's hard, there's ups and downs, but for the most part we love figuring out how to be an effective team that's awesome and you know what.

00:06:58.608 --> 00:07:00.252
I appreciate that and you know what I forgot.

00:07:00.252 --> 00:07:02.605
Let me read your bio.

00:07:02.605 --> 00:07:12.430
I was so entranced with your story I and I have to say, because I remember cammy when she was going through that whole thing, as far as the testing and everything she was doing, how she passed I am so proud of her.

00:07:12.430 --> 00:07:14.701
And then she was an ex-c leader doing the same thing.

00:07:14.701 --> 00:07:17.327
She said I'm gonna go, uh, be a commercial driver.

00:07:17.327 --> 00:07:17.749
I said what.

00:07:17.749 --> 00:07:18.670
I am very proud.

00:07:18.670 --> 00:07:23.709
But let me talk to you, talk about your bio, and then we're gonna ask some questions here because we're trying to wind down here but I want to get everything in.

00:07:23.709 --> 00:07:25.574
But this is a love story.

00:07:25.574 --> 00:07:30.846
This is really awesome as far as talking about and how you can see the smiles on their face.

00:07:30.846 --> 00:07:42.526
We're going to see you on youtube after the the audio part of it and you're going to see how happy they are because mary, 34 years, this, and me and my husband, 42 years, and I don't know if you still smell like you're smelling each other.

00:07:45.012 --> 00:07:45.872
But no it's all good.

00:07:45.872 --> 00:07:46.274
It's all good.

00:07:46.274 --> 00:07:49.569
God has put us together and it's just been a blessing that we're still together.

00:07:49.569 --> 00:07:51.165
So let me talk about your bio.

00:07:51.165 --> 00:08:01.372
So, health coach, homeschool, mother of five beautiful daughters, kami McKell and her husband Thomas, have become, over the road, truckers last October.

00:08:01.372 --> 00:08:02.966
God, it's almost a year, isn't it?

00:08:02.966 --> 00:08:04.983
They have been a blast.

00:08:04.983 --> 00:08:11.029
They have been having a blast all over the US and learning the ropes of the trucking industry.

00:08:11.029 --> 00:08:12.273
Yes, they have.

00:08:12.273 --> 00:08:15.447
I tell you, cammie and Tom, I am just so proud.

00:08:15.447 --> 00:08:21.762
I remember she said she's waiting for you, tom, to retire and then you all going to get on that road and then, when you're doing, to graduate.

00:08:21.762 --> 00:08:22.764
So you have done that.

00:08:22.764 --> 00:08:30.029
Everything you say you were going to do, you have done that and I'm just so proud of having you as my friend and also as my legal shield client.

00:08:30.029 --> 00:08:31.612
I totally appreciate that.

00:08:31.612 --> 00:08:33.773
Yes, because that's still what I want to do.

00:08:34.514 --> 00:08:38.096
Just say your record a few times More, like three times.

00:08:39.923 --> 00:08:40.506
That's a few.

00:08:40.506 --> 00:08:42.498
That's good, because you never know.

00:08:42.498 --> 00:08:48.429
Peace of mind, right, it's peace of mind.

00:08:48.429 --> 00:08:51.215
Pick up the phone and call the attorney, but no, thank you so much.

00:08:51.215 --> 00:08:52.322
So let's get started.

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Let's get some of these questions down here, because the time just runs by so fast.

00:08:55.270 --> 00:08:58.349
So how do you stay healthy on the road?

00:08:59.919 --> 00:09:04.032
So we don't eat out at the truck stops any of that.

00:09:04.032 --> 00:09:13.929
It does make me nervous when Tom walks into the truck stop to use the restroom, because sometimes he'll come back with french fries or a Cinnabon.

00:09:14.029 --> 00:09:15.793
Yeah, and once each time.

00:09:15.793 --> 00:09:17.844
I've only done that once.

00:09:17.985 --> 00:09:19.687
No bueno, that's no good.

00:09:19.687 --> 00:09:35.630
So pretty much we cook in the truck when I stop at home or if I stop someplace like two weeks over Easter we were at a friend's house I'll do a little bit of meal prep, so I cook in the truck, okay.

00:09:35.630 --> 00:09:37.173
If we do eat out.

00:09:37.173 --> 00:09:47.643
We pretty much only eat out at Chipotle because we can get protein and vegetables and they pretty much use organic meats and things like that.

00:09:47.643 --> 00:09:52.547
We stay away from sugars and fried food for sure.

00:09:52.547 --> 00:09:57.051
Really, we take the time to cook in the truck.

00:09:57.610 --> 00:10:00.173
She says we drive but she cooks.

00:10:00.173 --> 00:10:01.554
I don't cook anything.

00:10:01.554 --> 00:10:03.996
She's giving me more credit than I deserve there.

00:10:03.996 --> 00:10:06.541
She does amazing.

00:10:06.541 --> 00:10:10.788
The only thing I did was give her a nice granite countertop to do it all on.

00:10:10.788 --> 00:10:14.988
It's about two feet wide and about two feet deep.

00:10:14.988 --> 00:10:18.745
We put it on top of the refrigerator and she meal preps on that thing.

00:10:18.745 --> 00:10:20.370
That's awesome.

00:10:21.100 --> 00:10:21.945
That must work.

00:10:23.482 --> 00:10:24.846
I still drink my water.

00:10:25.227 --> 00:10:26.150
I drink a lot of water.

00:10:26.150 --> 00:10:26.932
That's awesome.

00:10:26.932 --> 00:10:28.357
That's awesome, I drink a lot of water.

00:10:28.357 --> 00:10:28.658
That's awesome.

00:10:28.658 --> 00:10:32.269
Yes, that's awesome, and I always wondered about the trucks.

00:10:32.269 --> 00:10:38.023
Is there like a separate space in there for you to sleep in, for a white?

00:10:38.043 --> 00:10:38.384

00:10:38.384 --> 00:10:40.410
It's a single bed and we both sleep in there.

00:10:40.842 --> 00:10:41.815
It's a twin bed.

00:10:41.815 --> 00:10:44.005
It's a twin bed and we sleep on the twin bed together.

00:10:44.005 --> 00:10:44.366

00:10:44.648 --> 00:10:46.725
Okay, and that's what you call love?

00:10:49.240 --> 00:10:49.480
Yeah, it is.

00:10:49.480 --> 00:10:51.205
There's bunks and we use the top bunk.

00:10:51.205 --> 00:10:56.607
We put down some plastic drawers and things to organize our clothes and Kami has her kitchen utensils and everything.

00:10:56.607 --> 00:10:59.442
So we use the top bunk for storage and the bottom bunk is our bed.

00:11:00.182 --> 00:11:06.467
But a lot of times I'm driving and he's sleeping, and then when I'm when he's driving, I'm sleeping.

00:11:06.467 --> 00:11:13.211
So it's just during the weekends that we get to sleep together, because we try to keep the truck running all the time.

00:11:14.061 --> 00:11:14.802
That's awesome.

00:11:14.802 --> 00:11:16.567
That is awesome, I tell you.

00:11:16.567 --> 00:11:22.229
So let me ask you another question how are the top safety tips every commercial driver should know?

00:11:22.229 --> 00:11:25.884
I mean, sorry, what are the safety tips every commercial driver should know?

00:11:26.366 --> 00:11:28.351
You need to do a very good pre-trip.

00:11:28.351 --> 00:11:31.168
Now Thomas does a really good pre-trip.

00:11:31.168 --> 00:11:32.250
It's nice for me.

00:11:32.250 --> 00:11:35.208
It would be very difficult for me to do this on my own.

00:11:35.208 --> 00:11:37.990
There are a lot of female truck drivers and they're phenomenal.

00:11:37.990 --> 00:11:53.023
But Thomas looks at the tires, he looks at the tread depths, he looks at the brake shoes, he's looking at the mud flaps and the skirts and he does a light check every time we get a new trailer.

00:11:53.023 --> 00:12:00.643
So your pre-trip is very important for the safety of the truck driver and people around you.

00:12:00.643 --> 00:12:05.522
You don't want to get a flat tire while you're driving down the road things like that.

00:12:05.522 --> 00:12:10.982
We make sure that we do a really good pre-trip and we eat healthy.

00:12:10.982 --> 00:12:12.186
We drink a lot of water.

00:12:12.186 --> 00:12:14.971
We, if we need to rest, we rest.

00:12:14.971 --> 00:12:21.491
We try to make sure we're where we get the sleep that we need, to make sure that we're awake while we're driving on the road.

00:12:21.491 --> 00:12:26.192
Like sometimes we'll say, okay, I'm tired, then we just switch, we don't push it.

00:12:28.399 --> 00:12:29.886
And I was going to ask that question next and that's great.

00:12:29.886 --> 00:12:30.711
That's a good opening to it.

00:12:30.711 --> 00:12:35.245
So what are some of the effective strategies for managing fatigue during the long haul?

00:12:36.789 --> 00:12:38.620
So just like you said you switched off right.

00:12:38.620 --> 00:12:40.464
Switch off and drink water.

00:12:41.687 --> 00:12:45.980
I will tell you, at the beginning we had to pull onto some rest stops.

00:12:45.980 --> 00:12:50.952
It's taken us a while to be able to pull the 11 hours.

00:12:50.952 --> 00:12:55.729
We couldn't do that at the beginning, so it's definitely a learning curve.

00:12:55.729 --> 00:13:01.010
Six months into it now we definitely have a routine, we have figured it out.

00:13:01.091 --> 00:13:21.450
But it's been definitely trial and error with our time clock, because after so many hours you have to take 30 minute break and then you're only allowed to drive 11 hours and then after 14 hours there's a 14 hour clock and then at the end of the week, if you're only allowed to work 70 hours.

00:13:21.450 --> 00:13:28.912
So at one point we were like, okay, you drive for five hours and then we'll switch to my clock and back and forth.

00:13:28.912 --> 00:13:37.453
We were running out of time and so we realized he has to do his whole 11 hours and then we switch and I do my whole 11 hours.

00:13:37.453 --> 00:13:43.863
So I will say it was a learning experience for us to figure out the clock and we have.

00:13:43.863 --> 00:13:48.760
In the olden days they used to log everything and I'm sure that you could fudge, but you can't.

00:13:48.760 --> 00:14:04.553
Now it's all electronic and so it's taken us a good six months really to nail down how to be efficient and keep the truck rolling in a safe manner it's been a good challenge.

00:14:04.793 --> 00:14:19.091
it's entertaining to us because it's a puzzle that we've been figuring out together and a lot of times we stop and have a little debrief, like, oh, we could have done this better if we did this way, or if we would have done we would have left at this certain time, or if we didn't do this stop, we didn't have to do this other stop.

00:14:19.091 --> 00:14:22.833
So we're always trying to strategize and it's fun, we have a good time figuring it out.

00:14:23.754 --> 00:14:27.197
And it's funny and exactly what you said effective strategy in doing that.

00:14:27.197 --> 00:14:34.831
So what I want to know is how do your family get involved with this as far as in your transportation industry, by them being in different?

00:14:34.831 --> 00:14:36.293
Your daughters are in different states.

00:14:36.293 --> 00:14:40.765
I know your daughter's going to college your youngest one but your other and you're staying with a daughter in.

00:14:40.765 --> 00:14:41.850
You stay in Boston.

00:14:41.850 --> 00:14:44.863
So how, how most of the family?

00:14:44.863 --> 00:14:50.751
How are they involved in your transportation industry and moving around and especially during the holidays, how do you do that?

00:14:50.751 --> 00:14:51.693
Okay, with what daughter?

00:14:51.693 --> 00:14:53.679
Who do you spend the time with, do you?

00:14:53.700 --> 00:14:53.879
meet up.

00:14:53.879 --> 00:15:06.990
So far everybody comes to our house, because we have a daughter in Virginia in school, one in Illinois in school, one in Boston in school and then one in Georgia in school and then a married daughter who's a pilot, so so far they've all come home.

00:15:06.990 --> 00:15:14.852
We were in California at Christmas and there was nothing going on, so we flew home for two days, Okay, Okay.

00:15:14.852 --> 00:15:19.128
And then flew back to California, got a load and drove to South North Carolina.

00:15:19.349 --> 00:15:21.594
Wow, wow, so that's kind of.

00:15:21.679 --> 00:15:24.163
That's so far we had.

00:15:24.163 --> 00:15:30.475
They got us a load toia over thanksgiving so we got to spend that time.

00:15:30.475 --> 00:15:42.759
But for christmas, the girls up in here that we didn't know if we were going to make it home or not, but we were able to get a flight, and for two days, and we can fly standby because our daughter's a pilot.

00:15:42.799 --> 00:15:46.464
So okay, okay, that's awesome.

00:15:46.464 --> 00:15:47.945
You all are all over the time.

00:15:47.945 --> 00:15:52.370
How do you deal with five women, four or five women?

00:15:52.370 --> 00:15:54.591
My husband did.

00:15:54.591 --> 00:15:56.312
If you include me, it's six.

00:15:56.312 --> 00:15:58.014
That's what I did.

00:15:58.014 --> 00:16:04.485
Yeah, that's awesome.

00:16:04.485 --> 00:16:06.128
Yeah, how are you dealing with that?

00:16:06.128 --> 00:16:17.364
And the good thing about it by you all being so loving and caring with each other and you know what kind of man you want for your daughters, right, you want to make sure that they are just just like my father.

00:16:17.364 --> 00:16:22.586
I wanted my husband to be like my father and exactly, and it did, and I get we're married 40.

00:16:22.586 --> 00:16:23.755
You go through ups and downs.

00:16:23.755 --> 00:16:26.682
We're married 43 years, 43 years this year.

00:16:26.682 --> 00:16:31.378
So it's, it's a challenge sometimes, I know it's.

00:16:31.918 --> 00:16:34.745
Fortunately, we're infatuated with each other and we love each other.

00:16:34.745 --> 00:16:39.504
But it still doesn't mean there's not, it's not hard, yeah, and it still doesn't mean there's not work.

00:16:39.504 --> 00:16:46.764
There's work, and, and you just can't be afraid of work, you've got to work at it and I think some people they just get tired or they get lazy.

00:16:48.596 --> 00:16:57.297
But to answer your question about having five girls plus a lot right here, she's pretty spicy, luckily.

00:16:57.297 --> 00:17:05.444
I like spicy stuff and I like the challenge of spicy, but she's amazing because she's really trained the girls.

00:17:05.444 --> 00:17:11.446
Raise the girls, I should say, raise the girls to really love and take good care of me.

00:17:11.446 --> 00:17:14.559
I feel like I'm just really well taken care of um.

00:17:15.082 --> 00:17:16.545
I know he's a great cook.

00:17:16.545 --> 00:17:18.147
She wasn't that way when we met.

00:17:18.147 --> 00:17:26.108
She's a fantastic cook which all my daughters would agree, and my number two is a fantastic cook which all my daughters would agree, and my number two is a fantastic cook like her.

00:17:26.108 --> 00:17:30.941
So when she comes over, like Cammy says, if anything happens to me, this is going to have to take care of you.

00:17:32.375 --> 00:17:41.563
So I made sure that when the girls were at the front door before their dad even walked in the door when he came home every day, we raised our daughters with no TV.

00:17:41.563 --> 00:17:49.667
There was no TV in our home, not even a monitor, and so when their dad walked in the door, it was all about playing with the girls.

00:17:49.667 --> 00:17:51.782
He just played and played with those girls.

00:17:51.782 --> 00:17:56.654
And that's awesome that he never sat down on the couch watch TV with a bag of chips.

00:17:56.654 --> 00:17:58.019
It never happened in our home.

00:17:58.760 --> 00:18:02.040
Wow, wow, that is awesome.

00:18:02.040 --> 00:18:05.798
So we're winding down, but I do want to ask this, this question, because I was to.

00:18:05.798 --> 00:18:10.194
I was we were chatting to cammy about the earthquake that happened in new jersey.

00:18:10.194 --> 00:18:11.619
We lived in new jersey.

00:18:11.619 --> 00:18:12.442
We've never heard of.

00:18:12.442 --> 00:18:18.819
Okay, we heard of in california, but how can commercial drivers navigate through challenging weather conditions?

00:18:18.819 --> 00:18:22.006
You're driving in snow, ice, rain and stuff.

00:18:22.006 --> 00:18:22.807
How do you?

00:18:23.449 --> 00:18:28.762
so I'll tell you because I was born and raised in california by the beach no snow.

00:18:28.762 --> 00:18:33.358
And georgia we'll get a flurry here and there, but we don't need to drive in it.

00:18:33.358 --> 00:18:40.364
And snowmageddon we stayed home, but tom and I were on donner pass in january in the snow.

00:18:40.364 --> 00:18:42.429
We had never done that before.

00:18:42.609 --> 00:18:53.249
We had chains because you have to have them, and Tom had to put the chains on and when I was driving she was white knuckled.

00:18:53.249 --> 00:18:55.358
I was white knuckled.

00:18:55.358 --> 00:19:03.828
There was a car in front of me with their flashers on going 18 miles an hour and I just stayed behind that car with a lot of space.

00:19:03.828 --> 00:19:05.515
I was a nervous wreck.

00:19:05.515 --> 00:19:10.625
I did not like those icy roads at all it's very that was nerve-wracking

00:19:11.006 --> 00:19:13.798
so the answer is there's a like what?

00:19:13.798 --> 00:19:18.675
One time we were in california we had a downer pass was actually closed, and I just called five.

00:19:18.675 --> 00:19:24.175
I dialed 511 in that state and you can find out the weather conditions and how to what roads to go around.

00:19:24.175 --> 00:19:31.021
But sometimes it takes some sitting down and navigating and we a lot of times we do that and but weather hasn't been that much of a challenge.

00:19:31.021 --> 00:19:46.059
It's more of having a big truck and you're coming to town, say massachusetts, it's tight, but boston's impossible for a truck, and so you have to look at google earth and look at where you can navigate through, where you can park where you can turn around.

00:19:46.401 --> 00:19:49.958
You don't want to get stuck on a road where you can't even back up or turn around.

00:19:49.958 --> 00:20:08.903
Yeah, so a lot of times it takes uh preparation before the trip to look uh at a digital image of um where we're going so we can make sure that we can get in and out yes, thomas is very good at looking at our end spot and all the in-betweens.

00:20:08.983 --> 00:20:12.055
He's looking at everything destination, stuff like that.

00:20:12.055 --> 00:20:20.244
So we do a pre-trip and then he also does a pre-trip with the maps and the google and he has he has his going at the same time.

00:20:20.244 --> 00:20:22.490
Yeah, yeah, that is awesome.

00:20:22.571 --> 00:20:37.400
I think, tom, it's because you did mechanic work right A lot of the stuff that you had to handle Well, like the pre-trip, cammy was saying I probably have a leg up because I can see stuff that's deteriorating that some other people may not catch.

00:20:37.400 --> 00:20:47.076
And it sometimes frustrates Cammy because she thinks I'm being a picky mechanic, like I'm trying to sell work or something, and I'm like no, cammy, we can't take this trailer Like.

00:20:47.076 --> 00:20:49.765
A lot of times we hook up to a trailer that's old and the brakes are bad.

00:20:49.765 --> 00:20:51.663
One time I had one leaking airbags or whatever.

00:20:51.663 --> 00:20:54.921
I'm like no, I got to fail this trailer and I failed a lot of trailers.

00:20:54.921 --> 00:20:56.741
And Cammy's like she wants to get on the road.

00:21:04.394 --> 00:21:05.219
We're not money, the wheels aren't turning.

00:21:05.239 --> 00:21:05.500
Let's just go.

00:21:05.500 --> 00:21:06.746
Nope, can't go and, and your safety is more important than that.

00:21:06.746 --> 00:21:07.429
Yeah, and she understands that too.

00:21:07.449 --> 00:21:14.353
She doesn't take away the frustration, though and that's what I was telling my grandmother what, what is patience?

00:21:14.353 --> 00:21:15.897
So that's when patience come into play.

00:21:15.897 --> 00:21:17.605
Right that you really have to.

00:21:17.605 --> 00:21:19.835
And my father always said patience is a virtue.

00:21:19.835 --> 00:21:32.983
Never understood what he was talking about until I got older, until I had kids and being married, and I said now I know what dad was talking about patience is a virtue let me ask you this last question here, because we're actually getting done.

00:21:33.183 --> 00:21:36.768
But what are some career advancement opportunities available to commercial drivers?

00:21:36.768 --> 00:21:38.134
Do they have career advancement?

00:21:38.134 --> 00:21:39.798
What you do?

00:21:40.579 --> 00:22:04.719
yes, so the great thing maybe the bad thing about commercial driving is they probably have the most turnover than just about any other job, but that's because commercial drivers are in high demand right now, and once they start getting miles and experience and a good record under their belt, they become more valuable, and that's when truck drivers will then start looking at finding a specialty job.

00:22:04.719 --> 00:22:07.586
Maybe somebody wants to be home every night.

00:22:07.586 --> 00:22:17.723
They don't want to be over the road, so they'll find a job that will look more appealing to them and a lot of times they'll pay more, and so we're looking at probably hauling cars.

00:22:17.723 --> 00:22:27.403
I used to load race cars into the race car trailer when we had a race team at Ferrari, and so I'm very comfortable and familiar with that.

00:22:27.403 --> 00:22:43.215
So we just got to get the over-the-road experience and we're considering doing that or maybe working on a race team, but right now we're considering actually working for a company that specializes in events, that does concerts when they go from.

00:22:43.215 --> 00:22:59.817
Let's say, we wouldn't do this for Taylor Swift but, like Taylor Swift has probably 30 trucks that would break down her stage and take it to the next city, and then the roadies, of course, put it up, but they need truck drivers for that, and so the company we're talking to.

00:23:01.160 --> 00:23:04.785
You commit yourself for three to six months on average.

00:23:04.785 --> 00:23:07.148
It's like a contract.

00:23:07.148 --> 00:23:13.381
You can't go home, you're part of that tour and you're a truck driver for that tour, and Cammy would have a truck and I would have a truck.

00:23:13.381 --> 00:23:18.705
We get to drive together, we get to stay in hotels together, which is a benefit instead of staying in the truck.

00:23:18.705 --> 00:23:20.836
But she would have to drive a truck.

00:23:20.836 --> 00:23:25.001
I would drive a truck from one event to the other and then just wait until the concert's over.

00:23:25.001 --> 00:23:28.708
So that's something we consider and it pays good, that's exciting.

00:23:28.788 --> 00:23:30.911
That would be Lots of opportunities.

00:23:30.911 --> 00:23:32.381
Yeah, so that's great to know.

00:23:32.381 --> 00:23:38.503
So my last question what is it like to live and work in such a small space, together 24-7?

00:23:38.503 --> 00:23:39.861
And I think we talked about that.

00:23:39.861 --> 00:23:47.895
But what is it like being that?

00:23:47.895 --> 00:23:48.698
And you said a twin size bed.

00:23:48.698 --> 00:23:50.760
I remember when me and my husband first got married twin size bed.

00:23:50.901 --> 00:23:52.684
I look at it now I was like, oh God, it's small, it's tight.

00:23:52.684 --> 00:23:53.665
We joke about it.

00:23:53.665 --> 00:24:01.786
Some people I can imagine some people get claustrophobic or go stir crazy being being with the mate that they love for such a long time in such tight spaces.

00:24:01.786 --> 00:24:02.887
But it works.

00:24:02.887 --> 00:24:03.970
For us it's fun.

00:24:04.474 --> 00:24:05.881
We're having a really good time.

00:24:05.881 --> 00:24:08.944
It takes me about eight minutes to sweep the floor.

00:24:08.944 --> 00:24:11.564
I make the bed.

00:24:11.564 --> 00:24:13.560
That's too much to clean the whole kitchen.

00:24:13.560 --> 00:24:19.104
So it's fun that way and we love being outside.

00:24:19.104 --> 00:24:31.306
We're loving all the different terrains of this great country that we live in We've seen things we had no idea existed, and it's been really fascinating.

00:24:31.846 --> 00:24:40.068
So we're just seriously enjoying every minute of it and it's very challenging, which I like.

00:24:40.068 --> 00:24:43.436
It's very challenging, which I like.

00:24:43.436 --> 00:24:49.368
My mother-in-law has dementia, and so I want to make sure that my brain is stressed it, but in a good way.

00:24:49.368 --> 00:25:15.182
I want to keep learning and experiencing things, and so this has just been a really cool Avenue for us to make a living, be together, see the United States, and we have met the most amazing people in truck stops, women in the bathroom that are we're brushing our teeth together, and you know me, wanda, I'm not shy.

00:25:15.182 --> 00:25:20.825
I'll talk to people, ask them their story, what are they driving, do they like it, where are they from?

00:25:20.994 --> 00:25:31.438
And so it's just, it's been a lot of fun that's awesome talking to somebody for a little while I'm doing my thing and or filling up the fuel or whatever, and she's not back in the truck.

00:25:31.438 --> 00:25:37.438
And I get in the truck and I look I see her and she walks in and I go, wow, that was a long conversation, she'll go.

00:25:37.438 --> 00:25:39.279
Yeah, we're friends on Facebook now.

00:25:39.701 --> 00:25:43.326
Yeah, I love it.

00:25:43.326 --> 00:25:46.830
Yeah, and we're friendly and that's a good thing.

00:25:46.830 --> 00:25:51.968
And I see more women are now doing truck drivers as well, commercial drivers, so that's amazing.

00:25:51.968 --> 00:25:55.182
I guess it's not just the man world, it's the woman's world too, to get in there.

00:25:55.182 --> 00:25:56.434
But this was awesome.

00:25:56.434 --> 00:25:58.743
So, kami, tell me a little bit about yourself.

00:25:58.743 --> 00:26:00.498
We almost said about your business.

00:26:00.498 --> 00:26:04.946
Tell me a little bit about that and how people and then we want to know how they can get in touch with you as well.

00:26:12.535 --> 00:26:12.816
Oh, awesome.

00:26:12.816 --> 00:26:19.483
So I was well over 200 pounds, having the girls, and then I did everything from kill myself at the gym, the low carb thing for years, and the last thing I did was topamax and phenamine, which was the drugs.

00:26:19.483 --> 00:26:22.287
I've lost weight on everything, but I've always gained it back.

00:26:22.287 --> 00:26:23.327
And Thetamine, which was the drugs.

00:26:23.327 --> 00:26:28.413
I've lost weight on everything, but I've always gained it back, but with Optivea it's the one thing that I learned.

00:26:28.433 --> 00:26:36.236
If I hadn't had Optivea and lost my weight and learned how to eat in a healthy manner and work on my brain, there's no way I could have done this job.

00:26:36.236 --> 00:26:38.861
I just wouldn't have been healthy enough.

00:26:38.861 --> 00:26:43.008
You need to be strong and healthy and it's been such a blessing to me.

00:26:43.008 --> 00:26:50.545
I really love it so much and I love being a coach because it keeps me accountable.

00:26:50.545 --> 00:26:54.778
I'm not going to tell you to do something and then me turn around and not do it myself, so it really holds my feet to the fire.

00:26:54.778 --> 00:26:57.545
But you can find me on Facebook.

00:26:57.545 --> 00:27:09.647
I do have Instagram, but I'm not on that very much, but I am a big Facebook gal I think kids of my age and then I have email and which I'm sure is in the comments or whatever down there.

00:27:09.647 --> 00:27:14.746
But thank you, wanda, for asking it is really true.

00:27:14.786 --> 00:27:15.468
Give it to us again.

00:27:15.468 --> 00:27:19.066
Give us your email address and how they can get in touch with you on video, so that way.

00:27:20.035 --> 00:27:21.259
Do you want me to tell you right here?

00:27:21.259 --> 00:27:22.519
Huh, yeah, just videos that way.

00:27:22.519 --> 00:27:23.326
Do you want me to tell you right here?

00:27:23.326 --> 00:27:23.931
Yeah, just tell us how to get.

00:27:23.931 --> 00:27:33.116
My email is cammy and the number for health at gmailcom, and then Facebook, cammy, mckellar, and you could see the five daughters.

00:27:33.116 --> 00:27:34.480
So you'll see that it's me.

00:27:35.201 --> 00:27:36.423
Okay, that's awesome.

00:27:36.423 --> 00:27:38.758
This has been awesome Talk with you.

00:27:38.758 --> 00:27:40.815
I just I'm just smiling here and just listen to your stories.

00:27:40.815 --> 00:27:43.492
I'm talking to you, I'm just smiling here and just listening to your stories.

00:27:43.512 --> 00:27:47.401
We have a lot of stories On her Facebook.

00:27:47.401 --> 00:27:51.782
She does lives of crazy adventures and misadventures.

00:27:52.585 --> 00:27:52.885

00:27:55.285 --> 00:28:06.019
Her friends are big fans and if she doesn't do a live, she doesn't follow up with a live they start texting her and calling her or sending her a Marco message saying Kami, what happened?

00:28:06.019 --> 00:28:07.044
Are you still alive?

00:28:09.615 --> 00:28:12.040
So we are known as the parking lot lovers.

00:28:12.040 --> 00:28:12.862
On my life.

00:28:13.463 --> 00:28:14.826
Oh, okay, I love that.

00:28:14.826 --> 00:28:15.788
I love it.

00:28:15.788 --> 00:28:18.116
Parking lot lovers On your left.

00:28:18.116 --> 00:28:21.226
Is that what it said On my lives, on my life.

00:28:21.634 --> 00:28:24.325
On her Facebook live she calls us the parking lot lovers.

00:28:24.494 --> 00:28:28.184
Because you'll see all the different parking lots all over the United States that we've slept in.

00:28:28.846 --> 00:28:33.259
Okay, she's usually doing her live in the parking lot.

00:28:33.641 --> 00:28:36.228
That is awesome.

00:28:36.228 --> 00:28:48.186
I want to thank you all so much for being on my Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson, and you can find us on every podcast platform, but definitely Cammie and Tom Thomas the Keller.

00:28:48.186 --> 00:28:53.505
I truly appreciate you being on here and giving us some insights on commercial driving.

00:28:53.505 --> 00:28:55.141
So, much fun.

00:28:55.536 --> 00:29:01.884
What a pleasure, wanda, and this is our very first podcast to be a part of, and I love it that you were our first.

00:29:02.454 --> 00:29:03.298
Well, thank you.

00:29:03.298 --> 00:29:05.077
Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

00:29:05.077 --> 00:29:09.397
You were first on my list when I said oh, commercial job oh yeah, came in at that time.

00:29:09.438 --> 00:29:11.924
That'd be my first one, because it is a love story.

00:29:11.924 --> 00:29:21.398
You know how you start it, but make sure you subscribe, follow and share our podcast and this way you can see all the different episodes that we have on Ready Set.

00:29:21.398 --> 00:29:22.580
Collaborate Once again.

00:29:22.580 --> 00:29:33.673
Thank you so much, kami and Thomas, for being on my podcast and I'm going to have you on more because you're going to tell me some more stories You're going to hear about that pocket lot lovers.

00:29:34.215 --> 00:29:35.098
She's got lots of stories.

00:29:35.461 --> 00:29:35.962
We love it.

00:29:36.836 --> 00:29:38.484
Thank you so much, thank you.

00:29:38.484 --> 00:29:39.498
Thank you for being on here.

00:29:39.498 --> 00:29:41.222
I appreciate it Good night.

00:29:41.222 --> 00:29:42.385
Thank you.

00:29:42.506 --> 00:29:43.670
Thank you for being on here.

00:29:43.670 --> 00:29:44.712
I appreciate it.

00:29:44.712 --> 00:29:45.153
Good night.

00:29:45.153 --> 00:29:45.515
Good night.

00:29:45.515 --> 00:29:50.343
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set.

00:29:50.343 --> 00:29:51.666

00:29:51.666 --> 00:29:58.105
For more information about the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:29:58.105 --> 00:29:59.636
Want to connect?

00:29:59.636 --> 00:30:13.749
Send an email to Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborating.