March 13, 2024

Illuminating the Convergence of Literature and Altruism with C Nicole Henderson: The Story of "Audacity to Shine" and Empowering Nonprofit Leadership

Illuminating the Convergence of Literature and Altruism with C Nicole Henderson: The Story of

Embark on a transformative adventure with me, Wanda Pearson, as I sit down with the exceptional C Nicole Henderson for a heart-to-heart on the intersection of literature and altruism. Together, we unravel the narrative of our book, "Audacity to Shine," a title as luminous as its message. The chance encounter that led to our partnership is as magical as the ink that binds our words. C Nicole, a beacon in the nonprofit realm, opens up about her journey from spearheading her nonprofit to conquering the literary world gracefully. Her tale is one of evolution, as she transforms her learned experiences into a strategic blueprint for success—one that budding authors and philanthropists alike will find indispensable.

In this episode's heart lies what it truly means to serve and lead within the nonprofit community. I peel back the layers of my journey, inspired by mentorship and the hallowed concept of servant leadership. We dissect the integral roles of different generations in driving social change, celebrating their unique strengths—be it the Millennial's digital fluency or the Baby Boomer's wisdom. Through these candid conversations, we hand over the keys to realizing your philanthropic vision, whether you're penning your first draft or laying the cornerstone of your nonprofit. Join us as we share seasoned insights, celebrate the victories of community-focused initiatives, and invite you into our ever-growing circle of change-makers and storytellers.

C Nicole Henderson

CEO, Author, Speaker, Nonprofit Strategist & Small Business Coach
470.479.2288 |
Click here to schedule a complimentary 20-minute call.
Social media: FB, IG, Clubhouse, Linked In: C Nicole Henderson & C N Henderson,

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Book Collaborations With Cynna Cole

14:35 - Navigating the World of Nonprofits

19:56 - Passion for Nonprofit Consulting and Coaching


00:00:00.621 --> 00:00:15.615
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will guide deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.615 --> 00:00:28.495
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.495 --> 00:00:41.945
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.667 --> 00:00:44.252
Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.332 --> 00:00:51.551
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:52.875 --> 00:00:53.216

00:00:53.216 --> 00:00:58.552
Welcome to my 13th episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:00:58.552 --> 00:01:07.272
But actually this new series is called the Art of Book Collaborations because I got my girl, cynna Cole, on with me, who actually got me into doing what I'm doing now.

00:01:07.272 --> 00:01:11.796
And I tell you I said I would never write a book, and I'm gonna tell you what she said to me.

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But I want to read her bio first and welcome, cynna Cole.

00:01:14.323 --> 00:01:15.787
I really appreciate you, thank you.

00:01:15.787 --> 00:01:24.100
So Cynna Cole Henderson is a consultant, strategist, author, speaker and industry expert.

00:01:24.721 --> 00:01:28.911
Cynna Cole Henderson is the CEO of CNH and Associates LLC.

00:01:28.911 --> 00:01:37.004
She has been in the nonprofit sector for more than 26 years as a professional volunteer, board member and consultant.

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She has a proven, clear track 501c3 system to obtain exemptions for nonprofit organizations.

00:01:44.911 --> 00:01:53.522
She had consulted and coached well over 750 organizations, from small all-volunteer startups to multi-million-dollar foundations.

00:01:53.522 --> 00:01:55.385
Wow, girl, I tell you we got a queen here.

00:01:55.385 --> 00:02:06.120
Her portfolio has spanned the United States and included organizations in Haiti, africa, uk, asia and the Caribbean.

00:02:06.120 --> 00:02:19.693
Cnh and Associates mission is to empower individuals and groups to become nonprofit organizations of purpose and champion as viable, mature organizations of diversified revenue and impact relationships.

00:02:19.693 --> 00:02:22.302
She is the co-author of three books.

00:02:22.302 --> 00:02:25.539
Her current book can be found on Amazon, addacity to Shine.

00:02:25.539 --> 00:02:33.015
And I tell you and that's where Cynna Cole yeah, she was one of my leadership clients, but that's what she got me to say I would never write a book.

00:02:33.015 --> 00:02:36.046
When she said what did you tell me, cynna Cole, when you called me?

00:02:36.046 --> 00:02:38.103
You got to remind me.

00:02:38.884 --> 00:02:40.370
No, no, I told me to call you.

00:02:40.370 --> 00:02:46.252
I am not something else that I told you, but you know the one that had me to call you.

00:02:46.439 --> 00:02:50.211
Yes, that is one that stuck to my mind because I said I would never write a book.

00:02:50.211 --> 00:02:54.181
And when she called me and said God told me to call you, I said I'm not going to disobey God.

00:02:54.181 --> 00:02:54.943
What did he say?

00:02:54.943 --> 00:02:58.603
And that's how I became part of her, one of her co-archers.

00:02:58.683 --> 00:02:59.967
And God wasn't wrong was.

00:02:59.987 --> 00:03:06.252
He, no, he was not, and he, and actually I want to show this book here.

00:03:06.252 --> 00:03:07.723
Addacity to Shine.

00:03:07.723 --> 00:03:18.765
You know what I loved about this, cynna Cole, is the words of the lessons of woman, of color, life, faith and business, and what I love about it is the sunflowers.

00:03:19.426 --> 00:03:22.441
So, I want to tell you a quick that.

00:03:22.441 --> 00:03:29.830
And I actually went to visit my cousin in Chicago and her neighbor had had these big old sunflowers in her yard.

00:03:29.830 --> 00:03:34.717
Wow, god I said that reminds me of my book, addacity to Shine.

00:03:34.717 --> 00:03:40.909
So I really appreciate you coming on the show and giving me that push by me saying I'm never going to write a book.

00:03:40.909 --> 00:03:44.347
She showed it that look, god told her I ain't going to disobey God.

00:03:44.448 --> 00:03:46.216
Yeah, yeah.

00:03:46.336 --> 00:03:52.265
Cynna Cole, tell me a little about your stuff and then I'm going to ask you some questions about the book collaboration that we did and also about your nonprofit business.

00:03:52.265 --> 00:03:56.717
So tell you what you want me to say.

00:03:56.717 --> 00:03:58.816
First, tell me a little bit about yourself.

00:03:59.397 --> 00:04:05.042
Okay, okay, I, as you said before that I've been in this industry for over 26 years.

00:04:05.042 --> 00:04:08.998
It's been a long time, it's actually longer than that, but I don't want to date myself.

00:04:08.998 --> 00:04:15.621
I started out back actually in high school and went on to college.

00:04:15.621 --> 00:04:39.002
And these three young men from my hometown that's why you never spite small beginnings these three young men went off to college, came back to our hometown and started a youth initiative project and they really gave back to the youth, not only to the youth but to the community, because later they got into housing and development and all types of things.

00:04:39.002 --> 00:04:55.168
But they started this nonprofit and when I got off to college I came back and I ran their youth programs and these three young men not only did they have support and awesome board members and things like that, they operated such excellence.

00:04:55.168 --> 00:05:08.581
They had federal funding federal and so we was part of the JTPA program back then where they were able to train young people to be entrepreneurs.

00:05:09.160 --> 00:05:10.533
So who knew, how?

00:05:10.533 --> 00:05:26.187
Did I know that way back when I was doing my own training for the life that I would want to lead by being an entrepreneur, because I've had my own business for a long time as a side business, but I went full time back in 2012.

00:05:26.187 --> 00:05:31.343
And we added the publishing company just about two and a half years ago.

00:05:31.343 --> 00:05:33.269
And the Lord put it on my heart.

00:05:34.197 --> 00:05:35.189
I've always wanted to be in media.

00:05:35.189 --> 00:05:53.954
I've been in literary the literary world is well over 16, 17 years, and so that just really spoke to me to have a publishing company and not only publish my work but to also publish the work of others and people who are nonprofits.

00:05:53.954 --> 00:05:56.221
Who has a story to tell as well?

00:05:56.221 --> 00:06:12.990
When, over 20 years ago, when I got divorced, I changed my first name to the letter C, so C, a legal first name and I did that because I knew I wanted to be an author, and 20 years ago it was a big deal whether you were male or female author.

00:06:12.990 --> 00:06:13.908
It is no big deal.

00:06:13.908 --> 00:06:16.137
Now you can be a cat and write a book.

00:06:16.137 --> 00:06:16.439

00:06:18.331 --> 00:06:23.430
That's great, because that was the question I was going to ask you how did you get the idea for this book's collaboration come about?

00:06:23.430 --> 00:06:25.668
And that's what you was answering, yeah.

00:06:26.492 --> 00:06:27.997
So the book collaboration.

00:06:27.997 --> 00:06:29.783
I'm going to tell you what happened.

00:06:29.783 --> 00:06:39.987
I had been hiding myself, wonder I was not out there like I should have been, and coming up to COVID and all the things that were taking place.

00:06:39.987 --> 00:06:44.029
I wrote another book that I completely finished writing and it was called Girlfriend.

00:06:44.029 --> 00:06:54.569
Pray About it, and when COVID came, I said I'm not ready to release this book yet because I want to be out and I want to be doing events and all kinds of things.

00:06:54.569 --> 00:07:00.250
And the Lord started showing me that I was playing small and that I needed to shine.

00:07:00.250 --> 00:07:04.990
And he also shined a light on Amala becoming the next vice president.

00:07:06.173 --> 00:07:10.009
So he gave me insight that she would be the next vice president before she was actually elected.

00:07:10.009 --> 00:07:14.774
I was here to cross my bed and the Lord said to me.

00:07:14.774 --> 00:07:17.627
He said it is the season of the black woman.

00:07:17.627 --> 00:07:22.497
People be like, oh God, not about color, he's got about all that he made.

00:07:22.497 --> 00:07:29.473
He about Chinese, he about Asians, he about Jamaicans, he's about Caucasians, he's about everybody.

00:07:30.577 --> 00:07:46.538
Right and it was the rise of that woman, because my original cover was a little woman, white, facing out in the field of sunflower with a back turn, and really, to be honest with you, wanda, it represented me.

00:07:46.538 --> 00:07:49.086
Yeah, I'm kidding, yeah.

00:07:49.086 --> 00:08:05.365
So I saw an image of a face of a woman with a spotlight on her and I told the graphic artist about it and he came up with this, and then I got a book of ten of us women of color, and I have a Caucasian woman on the front.

00:08:05.365 --> 00:08:06.387
That's awesome.

00:08:06.406 --> 00:08:06.767
I love that.

00:08:06.767 --> 00:08:08.403
I love it, so tell me more about it.

00:08:09.432 --> 00:08:13.170
But the book is for everybody, regardless of your Caucasian agent.

00:08:13.170 --> 00:08:15.701
I've had so many nationalities.

00:08:15.701 --> 00:08:18.810
People read the book because it's stories that speak to your soul.

00:08:18.810 --> 00:08:24.970
It's stories that speak to your heart, and I've even had one person read it three or four times.

00:08:24.970 --> 00:08:27.329
She's oh my gosh, you will not believe.

00:08:27.329 --> 00:08:30.348
I kept finding myself, and she's a Caucasian woman.

00:08:30.348 --> 00:08:32.169
Yes, just finding myself in this book.

00:08:32.169 --> 00:08:38.817
Just because we're celebrating lessons that come to women of color, even men can read this book.

00:08:38.817 --> 00:08:41.870
It can be truly a blessing to you, absolutely.

00:08:42.090 --> 00:08:44.879
Absolutely, because my husband, he has it and he's been reading it too.

00:08:44.879 --> 00:08:57.030
Yes, but from this book that you actually created for us, us nine other women, yes, we told our stories and that's what actually started me to say, ok, I can do more.

00:08:57.030 --> 00:09:02.272
And then I got into another collaboration, impact on one voice without arriving simple.

00:09:02.272 --> 00:09:07.054
But you started the whole process, yeah, and I said, ok, I want to write my own book.

00:09:07.054 --> 00:09:16.282
And I did, I did, and it's all because you're a gas city to shine and the mentoring that I do to, I tell the girl the whole time you have the gas city to shine.

00:09:16.282 --> 00:09:20.601
That is the words, just really, it's just a blessing to other people.

00:09:20.791 --> 00:09:22.356
And what's the smell of people face?

00:09:22.356 --> 00:09:37.389
Well, my book, from what I derived from yours, god's Grace, through the Fire, from Struggle, to Try Out the full story, that was actually a great way of me releasing things that I had deep airing inside and I had to start seeing the counselor.

00:09:37.389 --> 00:09:43.216
So thank you for for bringing that into nutrition, because I would never I said that never say never.

00:09:43.216 --> 00:09:47.798
But that's actually my second chapter, my second collaboration never say never, because God has a plan for you.

00:09:48.090 --> 00:09:50.339
So yeah, it is awesome.

00:09:50.339 --> 00:09:59.140
I love what you said about that one, because a lot of times we think because we don't talk about it or we don't deal with it, that is healed, and it's not.

00:09:59.140 --> 00:10:03.841
Yeah, writing is such a catharsis healing process.

00:10:03.841 --> 00:10:08.693
Even when we were writing this book, some of us was like you know what I need to rewrite?

00:10:08.693 --> 00:10:10.701
I need a minute, yeah.

00:10:12.537 --> 00:10:13.289
Yeah, I know, I did.

00:10:14.119 --> 00:10:16.375
You're releasing things and that's not.

00:10:16.416 --> 00:10:22.080
So I don't try to rush the process because sometimes people be like oh, you get it out of 90 days.

00:10:22.080 --> 00:10:41.999
Maybe we might need more than 90 days for God to do his perfected work, because at the end of the day, it is his perfected work that's coming forward, not just high time limit, and I'm just so glad of, and I'm not against anyone who pushes within a short time period.

00:10:41.999 --> 00:10:59.687
When you're doing something like this and somebody's never written before, it's not just about book sales, it is about also the people that we're writing, not only for ourselves, but we're also writing to the reader, because the reader to have transformation.

00:11:00.208 --> 00:11:02.254
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:11:02.254 --> 00:11:13.138
It was a transformation for me, yeah, yeah, as far as me getting to this, to the point that I got it and I was like I'm the, I was first time I ever wrote a book, I ever wrote a chapter yeah, look at me.

00:11:13.138 --> 00:11:16.460
But I actually had a journal that I was writing stuff down anyway.

00:11:16.460 --> 00:11:21.096
So, I was actually bringing it down and you see, I was the first one to finish it right.

00:11:21.395 --> 00:11:22.740
Oh yeah, you did Maybe.

00:11:22.759 --> 00:11:24.172
Maybe, but one.

00:11:24.172 --> 00:11:25.174
Let me go get this book out.

00:11:25.174 --> 00:11:31.279
We're trying to rush, see, Look, I don't know how this works, so it was good, no, no, no, it was fine.

00:11:31.360 --> 00:11:32.001
And you know what?

00:11:32.001 --> 00:11:40.355
No process is the same, yeah, yeah, every process is different, even the one you probably went through, even the process on your own.

00:11:40.677 --> 00:11:40.817

00:11:40.950 --> 00:11:53.523
Every process is different, and what you gave yourself, that grace and I had even told you that's the greatest compliment of doing a collaboration is for you to then go on and write your own story.

00:11:53.910 --> 00:11:57.878
Yes, it really was, and it's funny because that's my next question.

00:11:57.878 --> 00:11:59.033
What was the process like?

00:11:59.033 --> 00:12:02.361
Selecting and working with your co-authors, with us as co-authors?

00:12:02.361 --> 00:12:03.414
What was the how was that?

00:12:04.251 --> 00:12:06.684
Oh my gosh, you all are amazing.

00:12:06.684 --> 00:12:09.076
Even the team I have now is amazing.

00:12:09.076 --> 00:12:10.980
Remember that process.

00:12:10.980 --> 00:12:15.708
I truly how can I put this?

00:12:15.708 --> 00:12:17.528
I pray for you all.

00:12:18.312 --> 00:12:18.734
Thank you.

00:12:19.225 --> 00:12:32.552
The number of women that I wanted God graced me with and, honestly, this also came out of a God gave me this word called Grace to completion, and that's how this first thing also came about.

00:12:32.552 --> 00:12:57.755
Because we want to finish stuff we there's things we want to do, and I remember being part of Becky's group that we had at Coca Cola and my tickets that day at our end of the year event had a five or two and a seven in it and I was like Grace to completion and both tickets had the exact same numbers five, two and seven.

00:12:57.755 --> 00:12:59.389
Those are my favorite numbers.

00:12:59.965 --> 00:13:00.567
Those are my favorite.

00:13:00.567 --> 00:13:01.913
Five and seven is my favorite number.

00:13:01.913 --> 00:13:03.890
What is the likelihood of?

00:13:03.931 --> 00:13:04.634
these both.

00:13:04.634 --> 00:13:08.890
It's having these numbers Seven, yeah, five, two and seven.

00:13:08.890 --> 00:13:11.293
And so I was like OK, grace to completion.

00:13:11.293 --> 00:13:17.491
And that's another reason why it came out, because I myself had always wanted to write a book.

00:13:17.491 --> 00:13:24.634
I was part of somebody else's collaboration a business book and another anthology but it wasn't my own.

00:13:24.634 --> 00:13:33.431
And so I said you know what, I'm going to step out and I'm going to have Grace to completion and have others to get their grace to completion.

00:13:34.105 --> 00:13:39.133
And and that's how we did, that's awesome and I truly appreciate you doing this.

00:13:39.133 --> 00:13:42.936
So, before I go on to your non-proper, I want you to give people advice.

00:13:42.936 --> 00:13:43.807
What would you give?

00:13:43.807 --> 00:13:47.654
What advice would you give to people that are considering the book collaboration?

00:13:49.046 --> 00:14:00.455
I would say that sometime, when you want to go fast, you can go alone, but when you want to go far, you want to go with a team.

00:14:00.455 --> 00:14:09.477
And it helps to have community because I even grouped my lady the book authors together.

00:14:09.884 --> 00:14:24.591
They had buddies, they had accountability partners, yeah, and so they build their own bonds and their own relationships and help each other through that process, and truly is a blessing.

00:14:24.591 --> 00:14:34.417
So I would say, research the person that's doing the anthology, to make sure that you feel as though that what they're doing lines up with your work.

00:14:34.417 --> 00:14:41.355
Also, make sure that you have the rights to your work, because sometimes people will try to take the rights of your story.

00:14:41.355 --> 00:14:46.030
So if you ever wanted to redo that story, you couldn't, and that wasn't the case with us.

00:14:46.030 --> 00:14:47.551
We didn't keep the rights of the story.

00:14:47.551 --> 00:14:55.095
We have the rights of it being in the book, but not the rights to their story and they gave us the rights to publish it.

00:14:55.927 --> 00:15:00.465
Okay, one that could go and now take her story and rewrite it in her own book.

00:15:00.465 --> 00:15:05.904
Also, make sure that you check with the guidelines and what the deliverables are.

00:15:05.904 --> 00:15:07.104
What are they offering you?

00:15:07.104 --> 00:15:14.057
Because you want to make sure that you're getting copies of books, or how much would your book copies?

00:15:14.057 --> 00:15:18.904
Because our book copies are not expensive, so you could purchase your own books and you can resell them.

00:15:18.904 --> 00:15:25.389
And one do you know you guys can still order books and have those copies on hand.

00:15:25.389 --> 00:15:30.921
You don't have to stop this because, okay, you can always keep copies of that book on hand.

00:15:33.754 --> 00:15:52.041
Yeah, I still have some of that in my other ones, but that's good to know that I can do more you can always, because Amazon has them on the back end and so we can always get more copies and just and then also see what the subject matter is that they're going to be writing about and see if that resonates with what you want to share.

00:15:52.041 --> 00:15:55.618
And just be open, have an ear to hear.

00:15:55.618 --> 00:16:08.365
Be open because Wanda said she didn't think that she was an author and let me tell you, wanda writes well, and not only she writes well, but she is so organized and she kept us all orderly.

00:16:08.365 --> 00:16:16.380
You never know what nuggets and awesome people that will come and be a part of your team that will keep everything going and flowing.

00:16:16.380 --> 00:16:16.982
Just be open to it.

00:16:17.003 --> 00:16:17.365
That's awesome.

00:16:17.365 --> 00:16:20.692
Thank you so much because people ask me.

00:16:20.692 --> 00:16:25.559
I always went they keep these books 20 years and then we put it out there.

00:16:25.559 --> 00:16:27.440
They asked me how did you do this?

00:16:27.440 --> 00:16:32.961
So then, also in Edelene's ideas, one of you should become a good help people, be a coach.

00:16:32.961 --> 00:16:36.705
I said wait a minute, I already got my podcast.

00:16:36.705 --> 00:16:39.799
Slow down, slow your road, but no, I appreciate that.

00:16:39.799 --> 00:16:42.220
But I want to flip it over because actually we almost out of time.

00:16:42.220 --> 00:16:46.142
But I want to slip over to your business C&H Henderson Associates.

00:16:46.142 --> 00:16:48.576
C&h and Associates yeah, yeah, c.

00:16:48.576 --> 00:16:54.321
Yeah, I'm looking at C&H and Associates, right, okay, I got it right here.

00:16:54.321 --> 00:16:56.019
So who are?

00:16:56.019 --> 00:17:01.988
And I actually see Nicole does non-profit and you definitely want to contact her because she has a wealth of knowledge.

00:17:01.988 --> 00:17:04.270
Like she says she has what 20, how many years to Nicole?

00:17:04.270 --> 00:17:06.198
26 years, 26 years.

00:17:06.198 --> 00:17:07.241
So she knows what she's doing.

00:17:07.515 --> 00:17:12.001
She's helped over 750 organizations just within our company.

00:17:12.001 --> 00:17:14.163
We've helped more than that, but yeah.

00:17:14.163 --> 00:17:16.561
We've spoken to more than that, but yeah.

00:17:16.863 --> 00:17:17.545
That's awesome.

00:17:17.545 --> 00:17:18.941
So I want to ask you these questions real quick.

00:17:18.941 --> 00:17:20.220
I don't know if that's my head.

00:17:20.220 --> 00:17:25.483
Who are your ideal clients and what type of organizations or programs have you served?

00:17:26.775 --> 00:17:27.115

00:17:27.115 --> 00:17:39.483
So my ideal client is someone it's a range, so if it's someone that's already employed, it's usually anywhere that someone that's between about 38 to about 58.

00:17:39.483 --> 00:17:45.644
And so they have a burning desire to want to start a nonprofit.

00:17:45.644 --> 00:17:48.584
They have an idea of something they want to do.

00:17:48.584 --> 00:17:49.436
Now, don't get me wrong.

00:17:49.436 --> 00:17:54.002
We've had clients younger than that, but that's pretty much our target audience.

00:17:54.002 --> 00:17:56.382
They have been through something in life.

00:17:56.382 --> 00:18:13.662
They've endured a breakup or a loss of a parent, dealt with a medical issue themselves, maybe they might have gone through domestic violence, or maybe they're dealt with cancer, or they want to help against the cruelty of children or elderly or animals.

00:18:13.662 --> 00:18:31.483
So answering who our industry is to touched on every industry out there you can imagine, from science to technology, to social justice, to health, to children, to education, to wellness, to homelessness, to veterans.

00:18:32.914 --> 00:18:38.118
There is a plethora of segments that we have crossed over and we've worked with.

00:18:38.118 --> 00:18:47.584
We have clients in 46 states around the country and so that has given us the benefit of working with a lot of diverse and varied organizations.

00:18:48.214 --> 00:18:54.741
That's awesome and I love that, degi, because I'm actually probably going to be talking about you because I probably with my company once I grow.

00:18:54.741 --> 00:18:59.863
I want to get a nonprofit Over the next few years, I told that right there, wanda, what you just said.

00:19:00.355 --> 00:19:16.657
So that's our other specialty is helping businesses add a nonprofit to their business, especially for my private foundations or my corporate clients who really feel like they've done well in their business and they have.

00:19:16.657 --> 00:19:30.363
Now they want to give social goodwill, social responsibility, and they want to take proceeds that they've earned in their business, their profits, and they want to share it into a nonprofit and do good with it and have it to have perpetual.

00:19:30.363 --> 00:19:41.921
So those types of people will either file a form a family foundation, a individual foundation, a corporate foundation or they could have a public charity.

00:19:41.921 --> 00:19:50.819
So it's different things that they can do to expand it and we helped them find that sweet spot between the two and how they can work well with each other.

00:19:51.461 --> 00:19:52.003
That's awesome.

00:19:52.003 --> 00:19:53.887
That's some great information.

00:19:53.887 --> 00:19:56.521
To store down it, because I want to make sure we get your contact information.

00:19:56.521 --> 00:20:01.019
So what led to your passion to consult and coach nonprofits?

00:20:01.875 --> 00:20:08.363
Like I said, it started out with those three young men that came out and then we had a board member called Mr Ron Charity.

00:20:08.363 --> 00:20:09.698
God bless his soul.

00:20:09.698 --> 00:20:15.345
Mr Charity was a businessman, a politician, a professional tennis player.

00:20:15.345 --> 00:20:22.026
He was just a Renaissance man and he just had a heart of gold and a true man of service.

00:20:22.026 --> 00:20:24.259
And I just it was.

00:20:24.259 --> 00:20:35.461
Since I was a little girl, 10 years old, I knew that I had a purpose in life, and I remember telling my grandmother, grandma, I have a purpose in life and I was born for this.

00:20:35.461 --> 00:20:40.321
And so one of the things that I want to teach people is we were born to prosper.

00:20:40.321 --> 00:20:43.864
Our foundational scripture is in 1 Timothy 6.

00:20:43.864 --> 00:20:59.105
And we talked about having that good foundation and being able to give and give out of our resources and being a cheerful giver and not being stingy and having that wealth mindset, being a servant leader.

00:20:59.105 --> 00:21:06.321
So I tell people you want to treat your nonprofit like a corporate leader, but act like a servant leader.

00:21:07.104 --> 00:21:07.664
I love that.

00:21:07.664 --> 00:21:08.307
I love that.

00:21:08.307 --> 00:21:13.171
That is a great way to end this segment, so I really want you all to really reach out to.

00:21:13.171 --> 00:21:16.001
I've seen Nicole, but real quick.

00:21:16.001 --> 00:21:24.128
One more question I want to ask you, as we write it on the top what roles are Millennials and you talked about that before playing among nonprofits and social entrepreneurship?

00:21:24.730 --> 00:21:25.835
Oh, my goodness, I love it.

00:21:25.835 --> 00:21:41.440
I was in a business collaboration where I talked about Millennials that was one of my chapters in the book and Gen Z, Gen X, Y I'm telling you they are so much into social justice, social causes, they're already used to.

00:21:41.440 --> 00:21:50.063
So if you have a nonprofit and you're not seeking out young donors, you're missing it, because they're used to recurring payments.

00:21:50.063 --> 00:22:11.641
They're used to Apple Pay and Venmo and all this other kind of stuff and they just having small recurring payments Coming in I should say payments, donations coming in from these Millennials and Baby Boomers because Baby Boomers they're still very strong in nonprofit support you can make a true difference.

00:22:11.641 --> 00:22:12.719
Let me give you one example.

00:22:13.535 --> 00:22:16.044
Alberta is an app that's a nonprofit.

00:22:16.044 --> 00:22:24.643
They might be a big board, but in 2017, they pretty much was about to go bankrupt, and because they wasn't charging for their services and their apps.

00:22:24.643 --> 00:22:43.821
If you have a nonprofit, you have, first of all, the legal right to ask for money, because the IRS says that people can give 60% of their adjusted gross income to your nonprofit, and then also you have the legal right to because you get tax deductions as well, and so you can charge for services.

00:22:43.821 --> 00:22:55.165
So what they did was they created a sliding scale to ask their clients who had their app, who was using it, to pay anywhere from $4 to $14.

00:22:55.165 --> 00:22:58.343
Their average gift was $4.

00:22:58.343 --> 00:23:05.046
And that gave them their first year of doing that over a million dollars an annual recurring payments.

00:23:05.768 --> 00:23:06.087

00:23:06.715 --> 00:23:07.901
Just one hell of a month.

00:23:08.816 --> 00:23:12.003
Now you see how a wealth of knowledge is this lady is here.

00:23:12.003 --> 00:23:16.648
So I definitely want to and actually I'm almost at the end of the time.

00:23:16.648 --> 00:23:21.605
I definitely want you all to reach out to see Nicole, because she's a wealth of knowledge for nonprofits.

00:23:21.605 --> 00:23:25.902
It's also book collaboration, but how can people get in touch with you?

00:23:27.255 --> 00:23:36.260
My link tree, because I'm having my website redone right now, but my link tree is link treecom.

00:23:36.260 --> 00:23:38.946
Forward slash see Nicole Henderson.

00:23:38.946 --> 00:23:42.903
All my social media is see Nicole Henderson.

00:23:42.903 --> 00:23:44.278
You can Google me.

00:23:44.278 --> 00:23:45.439
I am Google book.

00:23:45.439 --> 00:23:55.980
You will find me on social media if you do it, but everything is under see Nicole Henderson, and so you should be able to find me that way.

00:23:57.183 --> 00:23:58.267
Thank you so much.

00:23:58.267 --> 00:24:05.385
This has been a pleasure talking with you and I tell you she has she's been my hero to get me out to write my book.

00:24:05.385 --> 00:24:08.041
You're my hero too.

00:24:08.041 --> 00:24:13.326
But I thank you so much for being on my podcast, ready Set Collaborate.

00:24:13.326 --> 00:24:21.923
So stay tuned for the next episode because actually, you see, nicole, I'm going to have one of the other authors on my podcast, jacqueline Lulu.

00:24:21.923 --> 00:24:23.467
Yeah, one year.

00:24:23.467 --> 00:24:25.176
So she's going to tell us her story.

00:24:25.176 --> 00:24:31.684
But thank you so much for being on my show and I look forward to you coming back, because I do want to have you back, because we're going to talk about Hilton.

00:24:32.678 --> 00:24:33.863
I would love to do that.

00:24:33.863 --> 00:24:36.604
I would love to do that, especially on my own journey.

00:24:36.734 --> 00:24:37.337
Yes, definitely.

00:24:37.337 --> 00:24:40.290
Thank you so much.

00:24:40.290 --> 00:24:40.875
I say family.

00:24:40.875 --> 00:24:43.483
We're all family, right, we're all family.

00:24:43.483 --> 00:24:47.384
But stay tuned for our podcast, ready Set Collaborate.

00:24:47.384 --> 00:24:49.740
Episode 14, I think, is what we're going to.

00:24:49.740 --> 00:24:50.237
So listen.

00:24:50.237 --> 00:24:55.278
This has been a journey for me and I am so happy to be able to share my journey with all of you.

00:24:55.278 --> 00:25:01.505
Come back and make sure you subscribe, follow Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:25:01.505 --> 00:25:02.426
Thank you so much.

00:25:02.426 --> 00:25:03.738
Bye for now.

00:25:05.894 --> 00:25:10.486
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:25:10.486 --> 00:25:20.888
For more information about the host, head to wdpearsonassociatescom, and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:25:20.888 --> 00:25:22.816
To connect.

00:25:22.816 --> 00:25:36.926
Send an email to Wanda at wdpearsonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.