April 18, 2024

Mapping Your Entrepreneurial Vision: Val Low MAPIT Strategy and the Power of Strategic Networks

Mapping Your Entrepreneurial Vision: Val Low MAPIT Strategy and the Power of Strategic Networks

Unlock the full potential of your entrepreneurial spirit with Canadian powerhouse Val Low as she shares her innovative MAPIT strategy, a game-changer in visual strategic planning. In a riveting conversation, Val unfolds the blueprint to keeping your business goals in sharp focus, blending her expertise in organizing, coaching, and marketing to guide you toward your Great Big Goals. We reminisce over the networking magic that connected us across miles and industries, illustrating that the strength of professional relationships lies beyond borders.

This episode is a treasure trove for any entrepreneur seeking to harness the synergy of mind mastery and strategic collaboration. Join us as we reveal how Val's approach to visual business mapping can transform your scattered thoughts into actionable plans, the kind that commands attention on platforms like Podbean, Spotify, and Audible. We'll also touch on her exciting contribution to an upcoming book project and the undeniable influence of platforms like LinkedIn in creating a global network. If you're eager to learn about building a robust team that echoes your business vision, this discussion with Val Low promises to arm you with the insights to amplify your success.

Contact Val Low 

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Unlocking Successful Collaboration Through Networking

12:39 - Networking and Collaboration in Business


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.551
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.551 --> 00:00:28.495
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

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Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.302 --> 00:00:51.515
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:52.881 --> 00:00:56.406
Welcome, welcome to Ready Set Collaborate with Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:56.406 --> 00:01:05.000
I am so excited because now I'm going into national with Val Lowe from Canada and I'm so excited to have her on.

00:01:05.000 --> 00:01:12.000
I know I actually was on Val's podcast before and we all talk about collaboration, right, collaboration and connection.

00:01:12.000 --> 00:01:14.944
But let me tell you a little bit about actually the sponsor.

00:01:14.944 --> 00:01:26.000
The sponsor is WD Pearson Associates and that is Moir, with our services in legal shield small business to get your business set up legally, financially and successfully.

00:01:26.000 --> 00:01:30.438
So contact me, rhonda Pearson, for a 15-minute free consultation.

00:01:30.438 --> 00:01:33.746
I would love to talk to you, but let me get on to the show here.

00:01:34.128 --> 00:01:40.742
This is episode 17 and I want to say talk a little bit about Val Lowe's bio and I tell you I love Val.

00:01:40.742 --> 00:01:42.507
We actually met at our speaking.

00:01:42.507 --> 00:01:49.829
We both spoke at one of the engagements that we had in the networking grant, but Val Lowe is a MAPIT creator and I remember that.

00:01:49.829 --> 00:01:54.000
I want to see that Val, strategist speaker and author of Map your Success.

00:01:54.000 --> 00:02:06.756
Val works with entrepreneurs to create a visual map for business success, implement their plan to make bigger revenue and bigger impact and apply mind mastery to explode their results.

00:02:06.756 --> 00:02:12.491
I love this, val, because I remember when you was creating this, so I'm excited to hear about what you've done with it.

00:02:12.491 --> 00:02:16.187
And just give us a little short time about you, val, about what you've done.

00:02:16.187 --> 00:02:17.570
So I present Val Lowe.

00:02:18.060 --> 00:02:19.025
I'm just thrilled to be here with you.

00:02:19.025 --> 00:02:22.000
I love what you do and we've had a connection for a while.

00:02:22.000 --> 00:02:25.550
Every time I hear your name, I go oh yes, Wanda, there she is.

00:02:27.676 --> 00:02:27.919
Thank you.

00:02:29.201 --> 00:02:42.605
And, yes, I'm not going to go back to the beginning, but I was working in my business, going along pretty good, but I knew there was something missing and I fell into doodling.

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I took this class and my story is I giggled the whole time.

00:02:47.132 --> 00:02:51.979
I signed up, the whole time I was in the class and afterwards, because I could do this for business.

00:02:51.979 --> 00:03:03.256
I could actually just do all this doodling stuff for business, and so that's what I brought together all of my skills of organizing and finance.

00:03:03.256 --> 00:03:06.000
So background and coaching and now marketing.

00:03:06.420 --> 00:03:16.915
I brought it all together and now I can actually create a strategic plan for people, this visual that they can see and then go look at oh yes, this is me, here's what I'm doing.

00:03:16.915 --> 00:03:26.687
I come back to that visual because as a boss, as an entrepreneur, we sometimes get a little distracted, like maybe a lot, yeah.

00:03:26.687 --> 00:03:34.252
And so this map that I'm creating and the map that I call them helps keep us on track.

00:03:34.252 --> 00:03:37.979
It helps us to see what our plans are, just to make a step by step.

00:03:37.979 --> 00:03:42.651
It's just been fun just to start doodling for business.

00:03:43.561 --> 00:03:52.618
Absolutely, absolutely, and I love that because I remember when you was actually doodling and when you started it, so I'm excited to hear about what you've accomplished.

00:03:52.618 --> 00:03:59.252
So let me ask you a question here how important do you think networking is for collaboration and why?

00:04:00.540 --> 00:04:02.986
Oh gosh, wanda, it's key, it really is.

00:04:02.986 --> 00:04:04.510
That's how you and I got connected.

00:04:04.510 --> 00:04:04.951

00:04:04.951 --> 00:04:16.716
We had a collaboration with collaboration, because you and I know that it's so important to have the networking and the collaboration together to grow our businesses.

00:04:16.716 --> 00:04:26.427
If we're just out there doing our own thing without bringing other people along with us, we just aren't going to be that successful, and it's just so important to connect with people.

00:04:27.281 --> 00:04:27.886

00:04:27.886 --> 00:04:29.939
And, val, I remember that's what got me with the hit.

00:04:29.939 --> 00:04:34.711
In fact, I think Monica said when she talked to Wanda, she's going to get you on her webinar.

00:04:34.711 --> 00:04:44.000
So I started doing webinars and I had Val on my webinar and then I was on her podcast and we were actually each other just connected with one another because, like I said, collaboration is the key to success.

00:04:44.000 --> 00:04:45.865
We all have to work together.

00:04:45.865 --> 00:04:52.000
We all have different services that we can offer other people and then the referrals to all of that is a connection that we bring together.

00:04:52.000 --> 00:04:56.098
But, val, what I really liked about you the GBG.

00:04:56.098 --> 00:05:01.774
When you said GBG, I said I like that, I like that and that's what you got.

00:05:01.774 --> 00:05:02.295
Come on my show.

00:05:02.295 --> 00:05:04.247
So GBG, great big goals.

00:05:04.247 --> 00:05:05.334
Tell us about that now.

00:05:05.334 --> 00:05:06.757
Oh, Gosh.

00:05:07.017 --> 00:05:13.095
Yeah, I was thinking how do I sum up what we need to do with all chamber doors and how I service them?

00:05:13.095 --> 00:05:18.574
And I thought you know what it's, their GBG's, their great big goals.

00:05:18.574 --> 00:05:23.185
And, yes, it just fell into my lap that particular phrase.

00:05:23.185 --> 00:05:23.766
I love it too.

00:05:24.208 --> 00:05:25.071
Yeah, yeah.

00:05:25.071 --> 00:05:26.814
It was so good because it really is a lot of us.

00:05:26.814 --> 00:05:38.656
I know 2020 happened, covid happened, a lot of us got stuck in in the house and I think that's when we both like he's doing your map in and I was doing my webinars with other entrepreneurs all over the International.

00:05:38.656 --> 00:05:41.204
And, by the way, val, where are you from in Canada?

00:05:42.357 --> 00:05:52.757
I live close to Vancouver BC Okay, but I'm a couple hours drive north in a really beautiful valley with 8000 foot mountains around this Spectacular place.

00:05:52.757 --> 00:05:57.127
Just a little village but close to Vancouver BC, beautiful part of the country?

00:05:57.415 --> 00:05:58.036
I'm sure it is.

00:05:58.036 --> 00:05:59.079
I'm gonna visit there soon.

00:05:59.079 --> 00:06:08.129
Actually, it's funny because I actually was one of the awardees of a woman on fire and that actually stemmed out of a young lady out of Canada.

00:06:08.129 --> 00:06:09.375
I'm gonna have her on my show as well.

00:06:09.375 --> 00:06:13.355
Good, and she asked me to be a nominee me for being woman of fire.

00:06:13.355 --> 00:06:14.718
So I got the award last year.

00:06:14.718 --> 00:06:21.762
So they actually are coming to Atlanta and I was actually going to our Conference the same time.

00:06:21.762 --> 00:06:23.595
I said, oh, I told my husband, oh, I got to come back early.

00:06:23.595 --> 00:06:24.598
I cannot come.

00:06:24.598 --> 00:06:30.014
I cannot be here in Atlanta and not go where I'm somewhere else, when I didn't go to Canada last year.

00:06:30.014 --> 00:06:33.283
So I'm gonna visit Canada, I'm gonna come visit you Well.

00:06:33.444 --> 00:06:43.629
So yes, please do, please do so let me ask you another question Can you share an example of successful collaboration that emerged from networking connections?

00:06:45.396 --> 00:06:47.725
Oh, successful collaboration, oh god.

00:06:47.725 --> 00:07:01.692
We talked about how you and I met in a speaking engagement lecture conference and that particular person I met Previously collaboration again met her in a networking group.

00:07:02.093 --> 00:07:02.235

00:07:03.096 --> 00:07:05.321
Yeah, and her and I coached together.

00:07:05.321 --> 00:07:08.749
She was, I was her coach for her quite some time.

00:07:08.749 --> 00:07:16.658
Uh, it's just meeting and collaborating with people that gets you those particular business connections.

00:07:18.834 --> 00:07:21.002
That's what it's all about your, your collaboration.

00:07:21.002 --> 00:07:26.067
And then, as you're talking to people, you say, oh, I have a connection for you, oh, I want to introduce you to somebody.

00:07:26.067 --> 00:07:28.235
And all of that comes together with collaboration.

00:07:28.235 --> 00:07:31.120
Because that was my, I should have branded that collaboration.

00:07:31.120 --> 00:07:32.762
That work is a collaboration.

00:07:32.762 --> 00:07:44.230
So that's why I named my podcast ready to say collaborate, because a lot of us have our business, some of us want to start a business, and I always wanted to ask people what are your passion to do in your life?

00:07:44.230 --> 00:07:45.877
Instead of nine to five, what do you want to do?

00:07:45.877 --> 00:07:47.603
So that is so important.

00:07:47.603 --> 00:07:55.646
But I want to ask you how a strategies or what strategy do you recommend for building and maintaining a strong professional network?

00:07:57.793 --> 00:07:59.699
The strategy for your network.

00:07:59.699 --> 00:08:13.954
It comes right back to your actual strategy for you, your business, your marketing strategy and getting really clear on what it is you do, who you serve, how you're going to go about doing that.

00:08:13.954 --> 00:08:26.797
And then, once you've got that really clear, you can look at okay, this is the places that I need to be going, this is the people I need to be talking to, this is who I need to collaborate with.

00:08:27.550 --> 00:08:40.711
Because, once you get really clear, like I said, clear on your direction, then you can go oh yes, rather than just out there marketing and networking and talking to people having a plan to do that.

00:08:40.711 --> 00:08:41.735
How are you going to do that?

00:08:41.735 --> 00:08:43.634
How are you going to follow up with these people?

00:08:43.634 --> 00:08:46.341
So that you can actually collaborate yeah.

00:08:46.341 --> 00:08:48.474
It's really important to do that.

00:08:48.855 --> 00:08:50.158
Yeah, it really is.

00:08:50.158 --> 00:08:50.840
It really is.

00:08:50.840 --> 00:08:53.857
We go through some challenges.

00:08:53.857 --> 00:09:00.701
When we go through that, sometimes it may not be the right collaborator, maybe somebody else you want to partner with.

00:09:00.701 --> 00:09:10.837
So what are some of the common challenges or obstacles in collaborating projects and how can you mitigate those challenges?

00:09:11.700 --> 00:09:25.331
Yeah, like I said, you've got to get clear on who it is you want to be connecting with, and I'm going to dive right into how some people like to sell to you before they even get to know you.

00:09:25.331 --> 00:09:28.059
And love LinkedIn I really do.

00:09:28.059 --> 00:09:39.716
There's a lot of really great people there and that's how I usually connect with people, but sometimes they'll come back and they'll give me a oh, my message is about here's who I am, and I can help you do this.

00:09:39.716 --> 00:09:41.673
Are you interested in this?

00:09:41.673 --> 00:09:56.379
And I'm going oh, my goodness, I don't even hardly even know who you are, and so it's building that trust and that likability and it's also getting to know people that you really want to collaborate with.

00:09:58.129 --> 00:10:02.861
And then you can start maybe messaging them or putting comments.

00:10:02.861 --> 00:10:12.676
I like to comment on other people's posts so they know that I'm paying attention and I'm interested in them and you just got to build that relationship.

00:10:12.676 --> 00:10:14.861
It's really about relationships.

00:10:14.861 --> 00:10:18.880
I think collaboration in the middle of that is relationships.

00:10:19.743 --> 00:10:33.124
Absolutely, and that's actually I'm glad you mentioned that, because first of all, I learned through B&I you got to actually do one-on-ones first to know and trust a person, to be able to work with each other.

00:10:33.124 --> 00:10:36.596
So that is so important and I'm glad you brought that up.

00:10:36.596 --> 00:10:43.955
So are there tips that you can share for effective communication and relationship building within the professional networks?

00:10:45.153 --> 00:10:45.296

00:10:45.296 --> 00:10:58.666
Oui, nico, I could challenge that a fewartein, I think, and you had mentioned when we talked before we started here about my bio, and I'm not sure I'm not big on a great big long lengthy bio about how I did this and that and everything else.

00:10:58.666 --> 00:11:08.302
I like to have a little short bio that actually shows how you can help someone in what you do.

00:11:08.302 --> 00:11:11.645
It's all about the people you're connecting with, the people you're working with.

00:11:11.645 --> 00:11:13.894
You've got to keep it about them.

00:11:14.674 --> 00:11:15.336
It's about us.

00:11:15.437 --> 00:11:19.203
It is about us, but it's got to be about them as well, and how you can support them.

00:11:20.350 --> 00:11:32.837
So, that's the one thing that I would like to really make prominent is you got to be talking to them about their language, how you can connect with them, and then again, like I said, you just build that relationship.

00:11:32.837 --> 00:11:44.956
You really have to build the relationship and then the next thing I think is to take it to the next step and actually ask Once you build that relationship, then you can say hey, I've got this going on.

00:11:44.956 --> 00:11:47.000
Would you like to participate in it?

00:11:47.000 --> 00:11:48.663
Would you like to sponsor?

00:11:48.663 --> 00:11:50.916
Would you like to send it out?

00:11:50.916 --> 00:11:56.669
Your email list, just all those pieces, and not in a salesy way, but in a service way.

00:11:56.669 --> 00:12:00.918
I can really serve your community by sharing this.

00:12:00.918 --> 00:12:01.780
Is it something you'd be?

00:12:01.821 --> 00:12:06.841
interested in Absolutely, and you can see the passion in some people that you can connect with.

00:12:06.841 --> 00:12:14.669
That's always been the way I am as far as the passion, because a lot of people say, yeah, people be shooting business cards out and then where do the business cards go?

00:12:14.669 --> 00:12:29.669
So it's always good to actually set up that one-on-one with that person to really get to know, because you don't have enough time when you're I just came from a networking event you don't have enough time to really say see what they do and what you do and how can we collaborate and bring things together.

00:12:29.669 --> 00:12:39.784
But I met some great people today as far as the collaboration and this is so true, val, and you have been one of the ones that I actually just I love because I'm looking at you.

00:12:39.784 --> 00:12:40.827
You have a podcast too.

00:12:40.827 --> 00:12:41.087
What is it?

00:12:41.087 --> 00:12:41.669
Maybe a podcast?

00:12:42.576 --> 00:12:44.669
It's called Focus and Freedom for Entrepreneurs.

00:12:45.777 --> 00:12:47.649
Yes, yes, so it's actually on the same domain.

00:12:47.649 --> 00:12:48.653
I'm on Podbean.

00:12:48.653 --> 00:12:49.676
It's actually on Podbean.

00:12:49.676 --> 00:12:51.340
I think you're on Spotify as well.

00:12:52.902 --> 00:12:53.669
All kinds of platforms.

00:12:54.312 --> 00:12:55.274
Yeah, all of them.

00:12:55.274 --> 00:12:56.499
So say that platform again, yohan.

00:12:56.499 --> 00:12:58.916
Oh, all kinds of YouTube.

00:12:58.916 --> 00:13:05.192
We're going to be on YouTube too, I too.

00:13:08.695 --> 00:13:09.841
Yes, I heart radio.

00:13:09.841 --> 00:13:11.649
It's on like about 20 different platforms.

00:13:12.072 --> 00:13:14.384
Yeah, me too, yeah, and I didn't know.

00:13:14.384 --> 00:13:15.669
When I started doing the podcast I didn't know.

00:13:15.669 --> 00:13:18.568
I did bus sprout and it sprouted out to everywhere.

00:13:18.568 --> 00:13:21.759
I had no idea I was on there.

00:13:21.759 --> 00:13:27.745
So, even like my brother he said one of you I already asked I am, so I didn't know the other thing is audible.

00:13:28.086 --> 00:13:28.669
We're on audible.

00:13:28.669 --> 00:13:32.669
I had no idea it was on audible, so yeah, so definitely reach out to Val and listen to a podcast.

00:13:32.669 --> 00:13:40.006
She has some great podcast and mine is actually right next to you, val, ready to collaborate with Wanda Pearson on all the platforms.

00:13:40.006 --> 00:13:43.086
So I wanted to be like you, val.

00:13:43.086 --> 00:13:43.669
So I'm going to be like Val.

00:13:43.669 --> 00:13:44.852
I want to be like Val.

00:13:44.852 --> 00:13:52.097
We're winding down the time, but I want to ask you, so tell us a little bit about you, what you do.

00:13:52.097 --> 00:13:53.552
I know what you do.

00:13:53.552 --> 00:13:56.171
I know you're working on your map, map it.

00:13:56.171 --> 00:14:02.043
Tell us about that map and how that works into collaboration and networking with other clients coaching.

00:14:02.811 --> 00:14:05.421
Yeah, yeah, it's a fun thing to do.

00:14:05.421 --> 00:14:07.649
And those that are visual, they just they get it.

00:14:07.649 --> 00:14:10.013
They just told again, they see, oh yes.

00:14:10.013 --> 00:14:16.682
And so what I'd usually do is start with that strategy, that visual business map piece.

00:14:16.682 --> 00:14:20.480
Let's get everything out of your head onto paper and find out where you're going.

00:14:20.480 --> 00:14:22.000
Let's get clear on where you're going.

00:14:22.000 --> 00:14:26.980
Then, oh my goodness, I can actually help people implement whatever that happens to be.

00:14:26.980 --> 00:14:42.663
I love looking at the brand message and the message on your website and tweaking that so it actually draws people in and uses their language, rather than just I like what talked about before, it's about them and then put it, create a follow-up for them.

00:14:42.663 --> 00:14:44.299
All of that, those pieces.

00:14:44.299 --> 00:14:51.884
But the one special piece that I really think is important to us is the mind mastery piece.

00:14:51.884 --> 00:14:56.687
I like to say, getting your mind on the same page as your plan.

00:14:56.687 --> 00:14:59.263
That's good.

00:14:59.554 --> 00:14:59.916

00:14:59.916 --> 00:15:13.779
Yeah, we really need to be getting our mind to be doing those things that really work for us, rather than using all of those old habits in the way we've trained it in a way that we really don't want to have happen.

00:15:13.779 --> 00:15:19.336
So that's what I do, and the other piece, Wanda, is in the middle of a book map.

00:15:19.336 --> 00:15:26.962
Your success so that's really been exciting is that I can integrate some of the maps into the book, and I'm just really excited about it as well.

00:15:27.003 --> 00:15:27.784
That's awesome.

00:15:27.784 --> 00:15:28.285
That's awesome.

00:15:28.285 --> 00:15:31.606
I got to have you back on my podcast because you've got to tell us about the book that you're doing yes.

00:15:31.606 --> 00:15:39.275
Yeah, so no, that's great because I actually came out with my book, my own book, the God's Grace to the Fire, from Struggle to Try Out Athen.

00:15:39.275 --> 00:15:40.883
I'm sure you were in collaboration books.

00:15:40.883 --> 00:15:42.721
Were you in a couple of collaboration books?

00:15:43.215 --> 00:15:45.503
Not yet, but I've been asked a couple of times.

00:15:46.015 --> 00:15:48.441
OK, yeah, I was asked again, so I said I just got out of my books.

00:15:48.441 --> 00:15:49.720
I was actually in two of them.

00:15:49.720 --> 00:16:04.384
I did my own, but that's great that you started out with that and I'm going to have in my next series the series before this is going to be the Art of Book Collaboration and I really would like for you to listen to that, because that's some great tips that actually we'll have in there.

00:16:04.384 --> 00:16:07.344
Make sure you follow me on there and get that going here.

00:16:07.344 --> 00:16:08.539
But that's awesome.

00:16:08.539 --> 00:16:11.884
I am so proud of you, val, because you've done so much already.

00:16:11.884 --> 00:16:12.979
I see you all over the place.

00:16:13.615 --> 00:16:23.339
I was trying to get some of my other guests on here, but I'm definitely going international because globally, it's not just here in the US, people are everywhere.

00:16:23.339 --> 00:16:26.143
And the good thing about it, val, we have Zoom.

00:16:26.143 --> 00:16:27.961
We have just to do all of this.

00:16:27.961 --> 00:16:35.684
So having Zoom to do things that we never thought we would do when COVID happened it made you start thinking about pivoting.

00:16:35.684 --> 00:16:40.346
How can I get people get out there and actually let people know what I do?

00:16:40.346 --> 00:16:51.541
So this is my last question I want to ask you about social media how has technology such as social media or online platforms, influenced networking and collaboration?

00:16:52.764 --> 00:16:55.863
Yes, and there's lots of different platforms out there.

00:16:55.863 --> 00:16:57.741
Again, I go right back to LinkedIn.

00:16:57.741 --> 00:16:59.019
I just love LinkedIn.

00:16:59.019 --> 00:17:03.461
People there are just fantastic and you can connect with anybody you want to.

00:17:03.461 --> 00:17:18.026
Not so much on the other platforms at this point, but again, pick the ones that you like, pick the ones that work for you and go that direction, rather than trying to do everything because you just get too distracted Absolutely Water down.

00:17:18.666 --> 00:17:26.256
Absolutely, and that's good because LinkedIn is actually all over the world, that you actually interact with a lot of other people, people.

00:17:26.256 --> 00:17:31.076
And then now LinkedIn they're actually expanding there but you can do recording, you can do live On LinkedIn.

00:17:31.076 --> 00:17:32.000
They didn't have that before.

00:17:32.000 --> 00:17:38.703
I remember when I was working corporate, we had to go on LinkedIn just to update our skills and that's all I knew about when I didn't know anything else.

00:17:38.703 --> 00:17:40.181
I said, ok, let me update my skills.

00:17:40.181 --> 00:17:41.901
So that was good.

00:17:41.954 --> 00:17:44.582
But then when I came to my own business, I said, ok, what do I do?

00:17:44.582 --> 00:17:45.404
How do I do this?

00:17:45.404 --> 00:17:46.186
But it's good.

00:17:46.186 --> 00:17:47.380
But that's why I have a team.

00:17:47.380 --> 00:17:55.586
I've expanded so much that I'm having a marketing manager who understands, understands me, understands our services, as well as the hands of my virtual assistant.

00:17:55.586 --> 00:18:07.121
So having that the team, and then my daughter and son-in-law, my website designer, so having a team to actually help you mitigate, because I was trying to do everything myself and it just OK.

00:18:07.121 --> 00:18:10.979
I need some help, but it was a challenge, let's put it that way.

00:18:10.979 --> 00:18:16.644
But I'm glad that it's all working out because I tell you, god, I always said God has a plan for you and there's this plan.

00:18:16.644 --> 00:18:20.461
I had no idea what the heck I was doing and he actually just let me go in here.

00:18:20.461 --> 00:18:31.000
But no, I really appreciate you coming on the show, but I want you to share how people can get in touch with you and make sure they connect with you to learn when that map and that book comes out, to make sure they follow you.

00:18:31.535 --> 00:18:34.596
Yes, I'm selling, like a record here, linkedin.

00:18:34.596 --> 00:18:36.743
Just go to LinkedIn and connect with me there.

00:18:36.743 --> 00:18:39.096
I really like to do it, so what's?

00:18:39.196 --> 00:18:39.859
your platform.

00:18:39.859 --> 00:18:40.301
What is it?

00:18:40.301 --> 00:18:41.961
It's actually LinkedIn.

00:18:41.961 --> 00:18:43.023
Tell me how it is.

00:18:43.023 --> 00:18:45.438
I know it's HTTPS.

00:18:45.438 --> 00:18:56.522
Colon slash slash calintoncom slash n slash val dash low, miss Yambari.

00:18:58.182 --> 00:18:58.728
Yeah, okay.

00:18:59.957 --> 00:19:00.659
I just want to make sure.

00:19:00.659 --> 00:19:05.563
But anyway, you look for Val Lowe on LinkedIn and you can connect with her directly with that.

00:19:05.563 --> 00:19:12.107
But I appreciate you coming on our Ready to Collaborate podcast, episode 17.

00:19:12.107 --> 00:19:19.605
I just had to see what episode I'm on here Episode 17, because I did do a special episode in February for relationships, the art of relationships.

00:19:19.605 --> 00:19:25.246
You got to listen to those too, and relationships is not in a relationship, but it's also relationships in business as well.

00:19:25.246 --> 00:19:27.461
It really makes a difference when you do that there.

00:19:27.461 --> 00:19:30.584
But thank you, val, for being on my podcast.

00:19:30.584 --> 00:19:32.902
I truly appreciate it.

00:19:32.974 --> 00:19:40.118
So stay tuned, audience, for my next episode of Ready to Collaborate with Wanda Pearson, and make sure you follow.

00:19:40.118 --> 00:19:51.565
Please follow and share with your friends, because there's a lot of great knowledge and a lot of experts on this podcast that can give you some insight on networking, collaboration, relationships and more.

00:19:51.565 --> 00:19:57.300
I'm going to be having other different series as well health and wellness, quite a few so you don't want to miss any of the episodes.

00:19:57.300 --> 00:20:00.721
So make sure you stay tuned for Ready to Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:20:00.721 --> 00:20:02.065
Thank you again.

00:20:02.065 --> 00:20:02.886
Thank you, val.

00:20:02.886 --> 00:20:04.640
Oh, my pleasure, wanda.

00:20:05.195 --> 00:20:16.365
Oh, I appreciate you All, righty, bye-bye, thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready to Set Collaborate.

00:20:16.365 --> 00:20:27.189
For more information about the host, head to wdpearsonassociatescom, and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:20:27.189 --> 00:20:28.678
Want to connect?

00:20:28.678 --> 00:20:42.820
Send an email to Wanda at wdpearsonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready to Set Collaborate.