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Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.
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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.
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Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.
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Tune in to Ready Set Collaborate podcasts successful results.
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Tune in to Ready Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.
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Welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson.
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I am so excited to have my guest, Val Lowe, and we're going to be talking about podcasting, so I was on Val's podcast before and now she's on my podcast, so we want to share some information on how Val got her podcast started Without further ado.
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Val, tell us a little bit about yourself, then I'm going to read your bio.
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Oh, gosh, wanda.
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I was just mentioning before we started that I'm so excited to be here.
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Wanda's one of my favorite people and I'm just thrilled to be here on her podcast again.
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Yeah and yeah, wanda.
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Normally what I do is work with entrepreneurs to create a strategy, a marketing strategy, and implement that strategy for those that want bigger revenue and bigger results in their business.
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And I have a service.
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My unique spot place in the world is with I call it Map it, and that's taking the ideas, the strategies and putting them onto a map, and I just have a great time with that.
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And it's a visual that really shows where you can go.
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Follow that map, because you know, as entrepreneurs, we can get a little distracted.
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So when we have a one map that shows us you know where we're going, where we want to go, we can keep coming back to that and say, oh yes, here's where I am, let's keep on the track.
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Absolutely, absolutely, and that is so true, I tell you me and Val met.
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It was about three, four years ago, val, yeah, three, four years ago.
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So Val Lowe is a mapping creator, a strategist, podcaster and speaker.
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Val works with entrepreneurs to create a visual map for business success, implement their plan to make bigger revenue and bigger impact, and apply mind mastery to explode their results.
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I love that, Val, and it's short and sweet, but it's very powerful.
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A strategist, a podcaster, a speaker all of that is so exciting that people can learn from you, and that's what we're going to talk about as far as how you started your podcast and also your business.
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So, without further ado, let me ask you some questions, val.
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Yes, please Can you tell us a bit about yourself, which I think you did, and how you got into podcasting?
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Oh, how I got into podcasting is just really a kind of a sweet story.
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I like it.
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I was thinking about doing a podcast and my really good friend, michelle Abraham, who started Amplify you, which is a podcasting company.
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They create podcasts, they set podcasters up and at at the time, she and her brother were starting with podcasts and I jumped into one of her first trainings to get set up and so I wasn't like.
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I said, I wasn't ready, but I thought opportunities here, let's do this, and so I did and I jumped in and, oh, my goodness, I can fill you in on the rest of the story.
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Yeah, you'll like from there oh, awesome.
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Now, what's the name of your podcast, val?
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It's called Focus and Freedom for Entrepreneurs.
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Okay, okay, that's awesome, that's awesome.
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I think the name of our podcast is about collaboration.
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Um, yes, yeah, collaboration, and that's why I thought when I created my podcast because I like to collaborate, ready set collaborate.
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It was so important because entrepreneurs helping each other to collaborate brings success to our businesses.
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That's right.
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And you just told us about what inspired you to start your podcast.
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Thank you for answering that.
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What are some of the biggest influences in your podcasting world?
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Oh my, I love listening to podcasts and some of them.
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The one guy that I've really been listening to a lot and he's like number one podcaster in the world we think his name's Ed Milat.
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He's a business guy.
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He's done really well in the business world but he's just got this hunger to support people in business and he's one of my top ones.
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I really like a Dr Shannon Irvine.
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She does all the neuroscience stuff.
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There's some.
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There's some other personal ones.
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I really like dr shannon irvine.
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She does all the neuroscience stuff.
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There's some.
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There's some other personal ones that I like to listen to, so I'm open to listening to.
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It's a great podcast yeah, that's awesome and I never really listened to podcasts, but it's.
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I've been listening to this.
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I can't get off this podcast everything.
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So I really never listened to it till I really started getting into it and it, it really is very, especially when you're on a long trip traffic, it's just something that gets you there fastest.
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But it's so much information out here now that people can share with you, and that's really what I want to talk about, too, with how can people get started with podcasting?
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So what is the main theme or focus of your podcast?
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And I know you said about entrepreneurs.
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What is the main theme or focus of your podcast?
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And I know you said about entrepreneurs.
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So what is your main theme?
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Yeah, all about business, strictly business, If some people want to come on and they got a little bit different than what business is and I don't normally have them as a guest depending on that but it's also about entrepreneurs doing great things in the world, so if they're doing something that was really worth sharing, then I do that too.
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Yeah, yeah, and that makes a big difference.
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That's why I do different series on my podcast as far as different people that are there.
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So how do you choose the topics for your podcast?
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Yeah, I'm sorry for your episodes.
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A lot of times when I'm networking, I'll see someone or go.
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Oh yes, I really need to have them as a guest.
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That's a lot of times, and when I met with you, I knew that we needed to have a podcast.
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Yeah, so it's one of those things yeah that's normally the way I do it one fellow I've got as you probably know, there's lots of people that will email you and say, hey, I've got this great guest or I'm a great guest, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
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Yeah, I don't even know if they've even taken a look at who I am or what I do or listen to any of my podcasts, but there was one fellow that did, oh my goodness and his name totally got on my head, excuse me for that and he emailed me and said, hey, I see you're in this, this space, and I've got a book coming out.
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I wonder if you'd be interested.
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And oh, my goodness, this guy, he's got a book coming out.
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I wonder if you'd be interested.
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And oh, my goodness, this guy, he's got a military background, police background, but he went through some trauma and he wrote a book on, basically on love, loving yourself.
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And I just thought, wow, this looks and he's just a really cool dude and he's doing some really magnificent stuff in the world.
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And if I could get his name before I finished, I'll share that with you.
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Yeah, yeah, and you just never know.
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I talk with my husband.
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He's networking now and he'll go and say my wife does podcasts so all of a sudden he's getting guests for me for my podcast.
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I said, wait a minute, I'm doing different series than this and I've had quite a few of the people that he networked with, entrepreneurs that we did.
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Yeah, but you're right, val, when I start talking to somebody, I say you know what?
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That's a good topic.
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I'm going to have them on my podcast, like you.
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Great big goal.
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I have never forgot that.
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Gbg, gbg's, yes, gbg, yeah, that's how I associate GBG Val with a great big goal.
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So I love that because we all have to have goals.
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Read GBT drive with a great big goal.
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So I love that because we all have to have goals.
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This is something that I never thought I would be doing podcasts but I did a lot of webinars and seminars.
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This was something that actually was part of God's plan for me to start doing after I wrote my book.
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But I'm sure that's a lot of things that you like.
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I see your book Map, your Success.
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That's going to be coming out soon, right?
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Yeah, that's the plan soon, but you're going to be on my show and talk about that when it comes out there.
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Yes, yes, I'd love to do that.
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So let me ask you something about challenges.
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What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a podcaster?
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Sure yeah, I think the biggest I faced is actually getting the episodes out there into the world.
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I had a hosting company that was doing that for me.
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I had a va that was helping me with it as well, but I was the bottleneck with some pieces that I needed to do in order to get it ready for those that were working on and I was weekly is where I was at that time and so that was a little bit of a bottleneck, but I did work on some of those pieces.
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Oh no, I've forgotten the name of that too, forgetting the name days.
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I have a platform that I use that I can import all of my audios into and it gives me the transcripts and it does some headlines and just all kinds of great shortcuts to that.
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So there's lots of great programs out there.
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You can use that.
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Really, that cut my time in half, so that was one of the biggest challenges.
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Sometimes I would get into a little bit of a slump where I needed guests.
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Sometimes I would have a whole bunch, uh, so it's just that was a bit of a challenge, just making that kind of a little bit of a smooth process.
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Yeah, that's some of the challenges.
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And I hear what you're saying, because actually I had to do the same thing.
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I said, okay, I'm doing these, Now what do I do next?
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I got an editor and then I changed my editor, so my editor, but I had to get to intro and outro music and intro and outro of the podcast.
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So putting that all together plus the podcast, that was like, okay, what do I do now?
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So I thank God I have a team that helped me do that.
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I have a young lady that I met at another networking group that she does all my editing and entwine the intro and outro in there, so that those are challenges that you face when you're doing a podcast.
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I wanted to make sure okay, I want to have some music in there, I want to have an introduction of bringing me in there.
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So that has been my challenge and it is.
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That is definitely something that you have to think about right now when you're doing a podcast.
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Do you want to do it that way or do you just want to do straight into talking?
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Yeah, want to do straight into talking.
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Yeah, exactly, yeah, just, yeah.
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Just a little side trip here with michelle and her team helped set me up with the intro and the outro and it was great having them to show me what because, like you say, there's so many pieces and what do you, what do you do next and how you put together?
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yeah, just doing the recordings to that too because I had no idea after everything that, even like with my book when I was collab two collaboration books but when I wrote my own book, okay, what do I do?
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How do I do this?
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How do I do the edit, the book cover, all of that?
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So thank God for my talented family that I have, where my daughter did my book cover for me and my son-in-law did the formatting for me, then I had a young lady do the editing.
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So all of that had to come together to do to get it together to make it a masterpiece of what you created.
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And podcasting is the same way.
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But let me ask you another question here.
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So what are the most memorable moments of your podcast?
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Oh, my God, having Wanda on your podcast.
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No, I'm only kidding.
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Wanda yes, Having Wanda on my podcast was amazing.
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She's a great guest.
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By the way, if anyone needs a great guest, wanda's good.
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Thank you.
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A couple of them.
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I keep mentioning Michelle Abraham.
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She was just such a key in this.
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Every time I hit a milestone like 50 episodes, 100 episodes, 150 episodes, 200 episodes I'd invite her in to be my guest and a lot of times she would turn it around and interview me and it was just lots of fun just to share with her.
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The other one, one of my very first guests, was a rock star guitar player in the in his early days and then he, his dad, got really sick, like he was playing with Kiss and all over the world just doing rock star stuff.
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And I met him at an event, a marketing event, and he's got dark hair and wears black t-shirts and he's got tattoos and earrings and nose thingies.
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And I looked at him and went marketing.
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Okay, if he's in this event, he's got to be good, because the guy that I was there working with he's a top class marketer and so we got to know each other a little bit and he was one and he got into the marketing because his dad his dad was really sick.
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So he came out of the rock world, was looking after his dad and then he started the online marketing and that went from there and then he ended up getting married and he had a baby girl and he had twin boys and they were really close together and he's just an amazing marketer.
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So, wow, he was really cool to have as a guest and that's great.
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That's great to share, because you just never know with your guests that you have what they've done and how they got to where they are today exactly.
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But how do you engage your audience and build a community around your podcast?
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I don't engage me, I just share great stuff is what I like to do.
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Bring on good guests, Make sure that the topics are different so that people aren't hearing the same thing over and over again, and give it that little bit of economy.
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And then just let people know that I have a podcast.
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When I do my weekly tip, then I would put in the weekly tip who my guest was that week and hop in there if you'd like to hear about that particular topic.
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Okay, that sounds good.
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That sounds good.
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So what advice would you give someone who is just starting out in?
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Yeah, dig a little bit into it to see if you really want to do this thing.
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It's great.
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I love doing podcast guests, podcast guests.
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I just love that.
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There's so many wonderful people around the world and I've got had people literally from around the world on my podcast and that was great.
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But this take it's time consuming.
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You've got to be committed to it because if you're going to do weekly, you want to make sure you can mail weekly every week at the same time and there's a cost to it.
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You've got a family that's helping you with that might not be quite so much, but if you've got a podcast agency that's doing it, there's going to be a cost involved to it as well.
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But the other thing is you can take your podcast and you repurpose them, even if it's just you do it and a lot of times doing your own podcast talking about the things that you do, sharing information with people.
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You could take that and use it all over the place.
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There's media, blog posts, whatever.
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So there's lots of pieces there to think about.
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But it's good too.
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It gives you such great credibility.
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Yeah, it does.
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My husband asked me he said what are you getting from this?
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I said I'm getting out there.
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As far as people knowing what I'm doing here, this is part of my stepping stone to get out there to get into more speaking and to be able to share, educate, and it's about education and empowering people in the different series.
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I do but yeah, it is so important there.
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But let me actually I'm going to bring it down to your future plans and goals for your podcast.
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What are your future plans?
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Yeah, to be honest, Wanda, right now I'm pausing because I'm restructuring what I'm doing and so that I can dial in and be more focused on specifically how I can support entrepreneurs and getting out there, sharing what they do, building their business, scaling it.
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So those are some of the pieces I'm working on now.
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So that's where I'm gearing up is towards what that focus is going to be and really dialing into those specific topics.
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That's going to make a difference in entrepreneurs worlds.
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Yeah, that really makes.
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That makes sense.
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So we talk about collaboration.
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How has collaborating with other podcasters or creators influenced your podcast?
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what we're doing now, we're collaborating with yeah, we've already talked about meeting great people like you, wanda.
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Yeah, and then that's really good.
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The connections, the business connections you get through podcasting.
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You might meet someone, say, hey, you really gotta see.
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So on the other side too, I'll go and say, hey, you really gotta meet so-and-so.
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Or refer to other podcasters because you know we're always looking for great guests yeah.
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So there's referrals there, so there's a lot of different pieces that can happen when you have a podcast.
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And that makes sense, and that is so true.
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So can you share a fun fact, something unique about yourself that listeners might not know?
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Sure, oh my goodness yeah, yeah, which one do I tell you I'm?
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We have an event in our community.
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It's called the four by four rally and it happens every june, first weekend in june, and all the guys with their trucks and the women, lots of women at two come up with their big trucks and they we have a hill climb.
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It's actually a mountain climb.
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It's like a really steep mountain climb and mud bog and it's a really great event.
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I just love it and my boys are involved in that.
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They my one son has a truck that he races and my other son and they don't even live here anymore, but they came.
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They come to this rally and they do really well.
00:17:00.195 --> 00:17:09.277
This year, out of 55 trucks, they won the whole event and I'm just so thrilled to be out there in the mud and it was raining and it was, you know, and muddy.
00:17:09.277 --> 00:17:15.259
And the only other thing that I didn't don't like when I'm out there being a participant is I'm not participating, because I love to race too.
00:17:15.359 --> 00:17:17.950
So there's a little tidbit that is awesome.
00:17:17.950 --> 00:17:18.931
That is awesome.
00:17:18.931 --> 00:17:27.663
So now let's talk about a little bit about, and we so now let's talk a little bit about, and we're rounding down, but let's talk a little bit about your business, about the creative strategist.
00:17:27.663 --> 00:17:30.226
Tell us a little bit about what you're doing, your future plans with that.
00:17:42.170 --> 00:17:45.800
Yeah, I just get more and more excited about this because it gives entrepreneurs a visual, and I'm going to show here, on the screen here, if you can see it.
00:17:45.800 --> 00:17:49.611
Hopefully you can, I'm showing this one to Mawanda that I did a branding event with the grand connection, and so this is just a little yes, little flyer to put on the website.
00:17:49.651 --> 00:17:53.509
Just yeah, I'm going to read it because actually this is audio, but um, it's got to be on youtube.
00:17:53.509 --> 00:17:55.232
So it's grand connection.
00:17:55.232 --> 00:18:03.923
Master class map your brand with val Lowe Company brand word of mouth marketing be different, be remarkable.
00:18:03.923 --> 00:18:05.546
And your personal brand.
00:18:05.546 --> 00:18:07.095
This is part of her brand.
00:18:07.095 --> 00:18:12.219
As far as the connection and I may have done it backwards here, yes, okay, they're all pieces.
00:18:12.640 --> 00:18:17.221
Branding is really important, so that's when I can take the ideas and put it into a map.
00:18:17.221 --> 00:18:22.654
I usually take a strategy map and just put it into a great map, but here's a funnel map I did.
00:18:22.654 --> 00:18:27.220
If you've got emails and project going out, we can map that out as well.
00:18:27.220 --> 00:18:28.102
So it's.
00:18:28.102 --> 00:18:31.797
There's lots of fun things to do and I'm showing this one to to wanda.
00:18:31.797 --> 00:18:39.769
Already it's called fishing for ideas and then we could put in little ideas about where are you going in your business but that's awesome.
00:18:39.990 --> 00:18:44.642
That's awesome, yeah, yeah, we always have fishing for ideas of how we can do things.
00:18:44.642 --> 00:18:49.759
So, that's going to be part of your mapping strategy right Map your success.
00:18:49.759 --> 00:18:50.582
That's going to be in your book.
00:18:51.163 --> 00:18:53.517
Yeah, I'm going to have all kinds of maps in my Map.
00:18:53.517 --> 00:18:59.942
Your Success book yes, and it's going to go through the different levels of how we get successful.
00:18:59.942 --> 00:19:00.771
What do we do so?
00:19:00.771 --> 00:19:03.438
Yes, yeah that's awesome.
00:19:03.657 --> 00:19:05.423
So how do you help your small businesses?
00:19:05.423 --> 00:19:13.280
How do you coach them and help them to get using your strategies as far as mapping their success to make them successful, which makes you successful?
00:19:13.280 --> 00:19:14.082
How do you do that?