Jan. 24, 2024

Mastering the Mosaic of Relationships: Episode 10 Networking Brilliance with Kathy May and Insights into Mortgage Trends

Mastering the Mosaic of Relationships: Episode 10 Networking Brilliance with Kathy May and Insights into Mortgage Trends

When Kathy May steps into the room, connections are made and ideas blossom. Our latest episode of Ready Set Collaborate welcomes this networking virtuoso, whose journey from property manager to mortgage maven has been nothing short of inspiring. Kathy, the brain behind the dynamic women's group Gusty Girls, joins us to share how the delicate dance of networking and collaboration can lead to unexpected and fruitful partnerships. In a heartwarming story, we reveal how a chance encounter between an artist and an author in our network sparked a creative alliance, culminating in a special event that celebrated their combined talents. Kathy's wisdom illustrates the profound impact of cultivating relationships based on mutual trust and common interests.

If you've ever felt like a wallflower at a networking event, Kathy has the playbook to bring you into the fold. We swap tales from the trenches of mixers and meet-ups, where the art of engaging the introverted can lead to the most meaningful of exchanges. Kathy, now a licensed loan officer at Movement Mortgage, does more than just schmooze—she dives into the nitty-gritty of the current mortgage landscape, shedding light on rates and real estate financing strategies that could shape your next big move. Whether you're looking to nurture your network, seek professional advancement, or get the scoop on mortgage trends, this episode is your gateway to mastering the mosaic of relationships that can drive success.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - The Art of Networking and Collaboration

12:00 - Power of Networking and Building Relationships


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.571
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.571 --> 00:00:28.455
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

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Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:52.600 --> 00:00:59.673
Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast episode 10 with my girl, kathy May.

00:00:59.673 --> 00:01:03.960
I am so excited about having Kathy May on my podcast.

00:01:03.960 --> 00:01:09.670
She is one of my actually beginning of my networking journeys Augusti Girls.

00:01:09.670 --> 00:01:11.534
So hey, kathy.

00:01:12.161 --> 00:01:13.888
Hi Rhonda, thank you for having me.

00:01:14.361 --> 00:01:15.621
Oh, absolutely Absolutely.

00:01:15.621 --> 00:01:17.926
I couldn't do it without you, girl, I tell you.

00:01:17.926 --> 00:01:23.453
You definitely brought me out along with Christine Powers, who actually introduced me to Experience Connection.

00:01:23.453 --> 00:01:25.763
So I've been on a journey, kathy.

00:01:25.763 --> 00:01:30.150
I've been a B&I Gusti Girls.

00:01:30.150 --> 00:01:35.647
I was introduced back with Cami, and when I went to Gusti Girls, that's when I met you.

00:01:35.647 --> 00:01:37.971
And I've been with you, kathy, for over God.

00:01:37.971 --> 00:01:39.112
Was it five years?

00:01:39.112 --> 00:01:39.614
Four years?

00:01:39.614 --> 00:01:41.144
It's been a long time.

00:01:41.144 --> 00:01:44.528
I've been with you ever since then, so you can't get rid of me.

00:01:45.462 --> 00:01:46.745
Absolutely not ever.

00:01:48.400 --> 00:01:56.534
So, but no, welcome to this episode of the art of networking and collaboration, and that is so important in today's world.

00:01:56.534 --> 00:02:02.405
Today, you know when you're networking, that's how you actually network, but that's how you get friendships as well.

00:02:02.405 --> 00:02:05.391
So but let me tell you a little bit about Kathy.

00:02:05.391 --> 00:02:11.131
Kathy May is originally from Houston, texas, and relocated to Atlanta over 30 years ago.

00:02:11.131 --> 00:02:21.413
Kathy worked in the residential property management's field for 15 years, serving as residential and area manager in Georgia, tennessee and Texas.

00:02:21.413 --> 00:02:41.580
She was a candidate for certified property management in Atlanta and Kathy served on the Atlanta Atlanta a park and association membership committee for seven years and let's see I'm just making sure I have my time on here Over seven years.

00:02:41.640 --> 00:02:46.250
Currently Kathy works in the residential mortgage industry as a licensed loan officer.

00:02:46.250 --> 00:02:53.811
For 18 years she works on Bohanan team with the nationwide lender movement management.

00:02:53.811 --> 00:02:56.824
She's one of the top ranking teams in Georgia.

00:02:56.824 --> 00:02:57.806
And you know what, kathy?

00:02:57.806 --> 00:02:59.147
You are a busy lady.

00:02:59.147 --> 00:03:00.371
You're definitely busy.

00:03:00.371 --> 00:03:06.069
So Kathy has a zest for life attitude yes, she does.

00:03:06.069 --> 00:03:10.008
A true passion for helping people in a natural network.

00:03:10.008 --> 00:03:21.677
Kathy started a local network and chapter with the national networking organization that was part of that for many years, which is still thriving today.

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Through her business journey, she saw there was a need to help women, support other women in business.

00:03:29.205 --> 00:03:38.206
Therefore, she created a monthly women's networking dinner group called Gusty Girls and her friends local restaurant Gloucestershire Grill in Acre, georgia.

00:03:38.206 --> 00:03:41.368
13 years later, the group is still going strong.

00:03:41.368 --> 00:03:41.942
Yes, it is.

00:03:41.942 --> 00:03:43.781
It's been 13 years, kathy oh my.

00:03:43.820 --> 00:03:53.729
God yeah, kathy's interests include her love of networking, raced cars, skydiving, hiking, walking and practicing her photography skills.

00:03:53.729 --> 00:04:06.048
She also enjoys working in her yard, especially if it involves cutting trees of Bernie Wood, tending to her rose bushes and fig trees in her garden and spending time with her pet birds and cats.

00:04:06.048 --> 00:04:15.989
So, kathy, welcome to Ready to Collaborate podcast, and I actually named your chapter the success of networking and creating Gusty Girls.

00:04:15.989 --> 00:04:17.665
So thank you for being on my show.

00:04:17.665 --> 00:04:22.887
I truly appreciate it, so I'm going to ask you a few questions but do you want to say a little bit more about yourself.

00:04:22.959 --> 00:04:24.365
I think I said a lot about you here.

00:04:24.365 --> 00:04:27.624
I think you covered it Great.

00:04:27.624 --> 00:04:34.406
So I'm going to ask you some questions here and you can tell us a little bit more about you, about how you got into this one.

00:04:34.406 --> 00:04:38.285
How important do you think networking is for collaboration and why?

00:04:39.639 --> 00:04:47.668
I think networking is absolutely essential because people are way more likely to do business with someone they know, like and trust.

00:04:47.668 --> 00:04:59.750
So, even if you have never met someone, if one of your good friends gives you a glowing recommendation with someone they have done business with, you instantly feel more familiar with that person.

00:04:59.750 --> 00:05:03.404
For example, any good friend of Wanda's is a great friend of mine.

00:05:03.404 --> 00:05:10.425
Absolutely, absolutely, and people cringe when a stranger hits them with the sales pitch.

00:05:10.425 --> 00:05:13.966
That's why it's important to connect with others through friendships you already have.

00:05:14.579 --> 00:05:16.963
Yes, it really does, and thank you for saying that.

00:05:16.963 --> 00:05:18.088
I appreciate it.

00:05:18.088 --> 00:05:22.906
Now can you share an example of a successful collaboration that emerged from networking connections?

00:05:23.920 --> 00:05:32.627
Sure, we connect in a monthly meeting, network meeting, and because of our consistency, friendships and relationships naturally grow and develop.

00:05:32.627 --> 00:05:42.189
So we have an abstract artist in our group and several members of our networking group have shown up in her in-person to her art studio.

00:05:42.189 --> 00:05:50.805
And there was a day where our very talented author, Shanna, scheduled a time to come view Mahara's art studio.

00:05:50.805 --> 00:06:06.505
When she walked into the studio the first thing she saw was a five foot painting of a mysterious forest, and her book series is called the Elemental Union Just happens to be set in a mysterious place called the Midori Forest.

00:06:07.000 --> 00:06:14.971
Shannon was blown away with Mahara's talent and the depth of the painting and it drew her into her fantasy world in her book series.

00:06:14.971 --> 00:06:25.007
So Shannon was so taken from this painting that she purchased it on the spot and Mahara decided to name the painting Midori Forest to honor her writing.

00:06:25.007 --> 00:06:34.182
And Shannon decided to make this painting Somethingelle and Shanna's paintings front cover of her third book, which is in the process of being written.

00:06:34.182 --> 00:06:41.985
After collaborating we planned an event called a Festivity of Art and Literature to help celebrate these two artists and their work.

00:06:41.985 --> 00:06:43.019
It's really great.

00:06:43.735 --> 00:06:44.519
That's awesome.

00:06:44.519 --> 00:06:51.339
And I saw that painting that hey she did for Shannon what a beautiful painting and also Shannon's book.

00:06:51.339 --> 00:06:54.223
So that is definitely an example of collaboration.

00:06:54.223 --> 00:07:13.202
But I mean, that's one collaboration but we've had so many other collaborations that we've done with each other, so it's a blessing to be able to have that connection and the networking that you do Because, like you said, you need the networking in order to collaborate with other people and, like a lot of us, I've never did it before.

00:07:13.202 --> 00:07:15.420
Well, I was in corporate.

00:07:15.420 --> 00:07:26.358
You know I did corporate, so I didn't know how to network and I had to learn it through B&I and B&I actually helped me to be able to get out there and do that one-on-one.

00:07:26.358 --> 00:07:42.622
The relationships that you build with that and Kathy, building that relationship with you and the ladies there, it's just been like a friendship that you can always count and that really what brings, you know, just not about business, it's about how we can help each other.

00:07:42.622 --> 00:07:47.982
You know, as far as the compassion right, Would you agree Exactly?

00:07:48.194 --> 00:07:49.259
And that's just one of the stories.

00:07:49.259 --> 00:07:51.761
There's many over there for sure.

00:07:52.562 --> 00:07:53.185
It really is.

00:07:53.185 --> 00:07:53.826
It really is.

00:07:53.826 --> 00:08:05.079
It's just been a journey for me, because I'm gonna tell you, kathy, I said I would never do this, I would never do that, I would never do podcasting, I would never write a book.

00:08:05.079 --> 00:08:09.821
And God said oh yes, you will, and I've just been following his lead.

00:08:09.821 --> 00:08:16.545
So he's been following me, I've been following his lead to do what he asked me to do, his plans for me.

00:08:16.545 --> 00:08:22.120
So thank you for that answer and that collaboration, a story of that there.

00:08:22.120 --> 00:08:23.901
So let me ask you another question.

00:08:23.901 --> 00:08:29.704
So what strategies do you recommend for building and maintaining strong professional network?

00:08:31.134 --> 00:08:46.339
I think you need to learn to be a good promoter of other people's businesses Ask questions, learn about different products or services they offer, find out who their ideal customer is and, in general, take a serious interest in someone's business.

00:08:46.339 --> 00:08:57.880
When you do that, people will naturally want to send referrals your way as well, and sometimes something as simple as remembering someone's birthday or attending their event or even giving them advice.

00:08:57.880 --> 00:09:00.221
So there's many things that you can do.

00:09:01.155 --> 00:09:11.419
It really is, and I tell you, like you said, that Cathy is actually one of my clients with Legal Shield, having the assets and telling what our business is and how we can help each other.

00:09:11.419 --> 00:09:26.900
That has been a blessing with us and being with Cathy and other networking groups for over five years it has been a blessing for our business, a blessing as far as helping me to relationships and friendships that I received from that.

00:09:26.900 --> 00:09:29.379
So, thank you, thank you, I appreciate that.

00:09:29.379 --> 00:09:31.120
So let me ask you something.

00:09:31.120 --> 00:09:40.778
Another one is about how can networking help individuals or organizations access new opportunities for collaboration.

00:09:41.794 --> 00:09:54.096
Well, when everyone in the group invites guests to attend the networking events, we're extending our reach of people who know us and who are familiar with what we have to offer and like.

00:09:54.096 --> 00:10:02.721
For instance, this podcast is an actual example of us collaborating on a project outside of the networking meeting.

00:10:02.721 --> 00:10:11.345
After all, Wanda, if we would not have networked together, I wouldn't be on this podcast right now, so the possibilities are literally endless.

00:10:12.575 --> 00:10:14.226
Yes, absolutely, absolutely.

00:10:14.226 --> 00:10:15.721
It really is.

00:10:15.721 --> 00:10:24.566
So the different and then some of our networking groups intertwine with each other and the same people that you meet at that networking group.

00:10:24.566 --> 00:10:28.182
You may be at this networking group and they call me the networking queen.

00:10:28.182 --> 00:10:32.043
The reason why I'm a networking queen is because I am a natural on social work.

00:10:32.043 --> 00:10:33.179
I like to connect people.

00:10:33.179 --> 00:10:37.760
So when I see people and they've been asking me Wanda, what networking group can I go to?

00:10:37.760 --> 00:10:48.307
And the good thing about it is that it's so many that's out there, but with your group you have like a one person close about.

00:10:48.307 --> 00:10:57.481
If they do different business than that, you make sure that they get the acclomates of actually telling us about their business instead of having someone who does the same business.

00:10:57.481 --> 00:10:58.277
Is that right?

00:10:58.975 --> 00:11:00.038
Yes, correct.

00:11:00.399 --> 00:11:04.100
Yeah, yeah, so yeah, it makes a big difference when we have that there.

00:11:04.100 --> 00:11:07.779
So, yeah, the possibilities, like you said, are literally endless.

00:11:07.779 --> 00:11:22.332
They are endless, though, so let me ask you another question here what are some common challenges or obstacles in collaborative projects, and how networking can mitigate these challenges?

00:11:23.365 --> 00:11:39.774
Well, some common obstacles are nobody knows what you have to offer, people are not aware of your ability to help them, people may not see how your service or products can impact them, and some people are just too shy or hesitant to promote themselves.

00:11:39.774 --> 00:11:43.553
Well, and networking helps each of these obstacles.

00:11:43.553 --> 00:11:49.793
By over time, the people in the group become more aware of what you offer and how it will impact them.

00:11:49.793 --> 00:11:59.596
We give many presentations that explain and demonstrate the details of our business, so we began to really see the expertise of the people around us.

00:11:59.596 --> 00:12:07.513
Also, when you're surrounded by a welcoming and encouraging group of women, you know even shy people relax and come out of their shell.

00:12:07.513 --> 00:12:11.985
So strangers turn into friends and friends turn into business associates.

00:12:11.985 --> 00:12:13.208
It's a beautiful thing.

00:12:13.892 --> 00:12:14.494

00:12:14.494 --> 00:12:20.187
And shyness, especially when I remember Shannon you talked about Shannon before how she was shy.

00:12:20.187 --> 00:12:24.190
You know, coming into and just bringing it out, it really makes a big difference.

00:12:24.190 --> 00:12:25.687
I mean, I've always been.

00:12:25.687 --> 00:12:32.740
When I go to networking because I go to a lot of different networking events when I see somebody standing on the side or they, you know they feel shy.

00:12:32.740 --> 00:12:37.416
I try to go off to those people to make them feel comfortable, you know, in their surroundings.

00:12:37.416 --> 00:12:38.770
So it makes a big difference.

00:12:38.770 --> 00:12:42.870
But you know what, kathy, that's the social work in me, that's the person, that's the type of person that I said.

00:12:42.870 --> 00:12:44.654
I want them to get involved as well.

00:12:44.654 --> 00:12:47.210
So I'm going to ask you something else.

00:12:47.210 --> 00:12:47.792
I'll sign it.

00:12:47.792 --> 00:12:53.870
But going back to the other one Now, I know you did B&I right what networking groups have you done?

00:12:54.993 --> 00:13:09.658
Mostly B&I, and I've gone to XC before and some other networking groups in the past, but I am now just, you know, participating in the monthly GUSTI girls and doing my own marketing outside of that.

00:13:11.087 --> 00:13:12.111
Exactly, exactly.

00:13:12.111 --> 00:13:21.010
So no, that makes a big difference when you actually branch out, because I'm telling you, another networking I actually got into was the Fuller's Networking, so I'm part of that as well.

00:13:21.010 --> 00:13:24.433
So I guess I'm the networking queen.

00:13:24.433 --> 00:13:27.845
I jump around, I'm like a little bunny hopper, you know, jump around.

00:13:28.326 --> 00:13:30.133
There's a lot of opportunity out there.

00:13:30.133 --> 00:13:33.916
So I encourage everyone to find a group they feel comfortable with.

00:13:33.916 --> 00:13:43.807
I mean, I was up to like four and five different networking groups at one point in time and I had to dial it back, but I really enjoyed the opportunity to meet new people and it's just.

00:13:43.807 --> 00:13:46.434
It's becomes real natural to me to network.

00:13:47.047 --> 00:13:49.791
Yeah, it really does, and it really does make a big difference with that.

00:13:49.791 --> 00:13:53.933
So, but let me ask you another question.

00:13:53.933 --> 00:14:02.629
Okay, how can you provide some tips for effective communication and relationship building with their no professional network, just as we've been talking about Helen?

00:14:02.629 --> 00:14:04.214
How can you provide tips for that?

00:14:05.947 --> 00:14:19.373
Oh, we suggest to find opportunities to get together outside of the meetings, because when you're one-to-one, face-to-face with people, they can get to know you a lot better and feel comfortable in referring their clients to you.

00:14:19.373 --> 00:14:26.471
Always try to be a better listener, make it a point to be familiar with each person and the group and learn about their business.

00:14:26.471 --> 00:14:30.798
And I can tell by my networking, you know, has gone to.

00:14:30.798 --> 00:14:39.032
The next level is when I trade phone numbers with people in the group, because when someone's in your cell phone that means that you formed a personal relationship.

00:14:39.032 --> 00:14:44.336
So you go from a stranger to acquaintance, then acquaintance to be in a friend.

00:14:44.336 --> 00:14:50.538
And Zig Ziglar said it best you have everything in life you want.

00:14:50.538 --> 00:14:56.095
You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.

00:14:57.225 --> 00:14:57.986
I love that.

00:14:57.986 --> 00:15:00.311
I love that because that's exactly what you know.

00:15:00.311 --> 00:15:05.899
God always blesses you when you help other people, and that's why he maybe be a social worker.

00:15:05.899 --> 00:15:12.711
He had me be a social worker, but that is the zigzag was set it all, and he did say it best here.

00:15:12.711 --> 00:15:15.875
So I really appreciate you telling us about that.

00:15:15.875 --> 00:15:18.759
But now I want to get into your business.

00:15:18.759 --> 00:15:20.520
What do you do for your business?

00:15:21.446 --> 00:15:25.269
So I'm a licensed loan officer with movement mortgage.

00:15:25.269 --> 00:15:27.211
I've been in the business for 18 years.

00:15:27.211 --> 00:15:35.601
I work on the Bohanon team and we are one of the top performing teams in Georgia.

00:15:35.601 --> 00:15:57.354
We are a national company and I help John Bohanon work side by side with him to set up the mortgages and service the clients and get everything going with their programs and and and file, and then John and I work and close the deals and take them to the closing table.

00:15:57.354 --> 00:16:03.664
John is excellent at, you know, finding the programs and working out scenarios.

00:16:04.086 --> 00:16:16.408
We get a lot of referrals for turn downs from banks and other mortgage companies that can't actually close the deal because they just don't have the tools to do so, and it's a blessing.

00:16:16.408 --> 00:16:17.389
We just treat it.

00:16:17.389 --> 00:16:28.068
We're very humble and we treat it, as you know, every client that comes across to us or across our path to help them, and we're very successful with that.

00:16:28.068 --> 00:16:31.553
So we're actually growing our team.

00:16:31.553 --> 00:16:38.644
This year we are going to be very busy, which is a blessing, and we just give all the glory to God honestly.

00:16:38.644 --> 00:16:40.572
So that's where we stand.

00:16:41.285 --> 00:16:43.269
Yes, I tell you the busiest girl.

00:16:43.269 --> 00:16:46.876
I tell you 1213 hours a day.

00:16:48.246 --> 00:16:49.210
Monday through Friday.

00:16:49.210 --> 00:16:50.113
You can count on me.

00:16:50.904 --> 00:16:51.525

00:16:51.525 --> 00:17:02.600
And that's what I like about you, kathy, because you help other people, because sometimes the banks too big of banks don't approve you, and I went through that with a bank that I had before and I said I would never deal with that bank again.

00:17:02.600 --> 00:17:15.684
So, thank God, I was able to refinance with another bank I've never heard of, but I've been with them for over five, six, maybe six years to intertwine my second mortgage with that mortgage.

00:17:15.684 --> 00:17:20.994
I told the guy, if you can bring both of these together and a lower interest rate, then I do it.

00:17:20.994 --> 00:17:21.776
And then I did.

00:17:21.776 --> 00:17:30.096
But I wish you around Before, kathy I started doing this because I definitely would have came to you to help me do that that deal.

00:17:30.096 --> 00:17:34.684
So I encourage people to definitely reach out to Kathy because she has a wealth of knowledge.

00:17:34.684 --> 00:17:39.710
As far as even helping in the passion that she has, it makes a big difference.

00:17:39.710 --> 00:17:44.895
You know how she can help other people to get their mortgages, especially now.

00:17:44.895 --> 00:17:50.060
So let me ask you something too Right now as far as how, how are the interest rates?

00:17:51.226 --> 00:17:52.307
Rates are coming down.

00:17:52.307 --> 00:17:57.093
They were higher not long ago in the mid seventh.

00:17:57.093 --> 00:17:59.715
They're now around mid sixes.

00:17:59.715 --> 00:18:03.381
We do anticipate the rates to go down a little bit further.

00:18:03.381 --> 00:18:25.397
I know a lot of people were on the fence for buying but here, of people last year that purchased a home, we have a no lender fee refinance for those people.

00:18:25.397 --> 00:18:31.397
We anticipate of mortgages this year and to increase.

00:18:31.397 --> 00:18:33.471
We're super excited for the opportunity.

00:18:33.471 --> 00:18:36.673
The rates are ebb and flow but they are headed down.

00:18:36.673 --> 00:18:44.134
They won't be in the threes again that we anticipate, but anything lower than six and a half is a good thing.

00:18:45.788 --> 00:18:52.192
Yeah, I remember I started at 7%, but I moved here to Georgia, right, and now I'm down below 3%.

00:18:52.192 --> 00:18:58.327
So I'm good because I'm going to tell you, cathy, the rents today.

00:18:58.327 --> 00:19:03.184
You might as well buy a house, because rents today up to $2,000.

00:19:03.184 --> 00:19:03.707
I said what?

00:19:03.707 --> 00:19:04.569
For one bedroom?

00:19:04.569 --> 00:19:05.172
Oh my god.

00:19:05.172 --> 00:19:17.167
So yeah, so it's best to really contact Cathy and let them get you the loan that you need to get your dream home Right, cathy.

00:19:17.849 --> 00:19:19.409
Absolutely, we'll be happy to help.

00:19:19.944 --> 00:19:29.497
Yes, yes, definitely, but thank you so much for being on my show, but I wanted to actually tell the audience how they can contact you.

00:19:29.497 --> 00:19:30.547
Thank you.

00:19:32.093 --> 00:19:39.502
OK, well, you can contact me cell phone number 770-653-1301.

00:19:39.502 --> 00:19:55.528
My email is cathykathymaymaimovementcom and our website is newloanteamcom, and that's how you can find me.

00:19:56.424 --> 00:19:57.468
Awesome, awesome.

00:19:57.468 --> 00:20:06.334
That is great, and I definitely encourage you to definitely reach out to Cathy, because she would then get that loan approved for you.

00:20:06.334 --> 00:20:12.987
She would definitely get it approved for you and get it going so you can get into your new home, right, cathy?

00:20:13.829 --> 00:20:15.174
Absolutely Now's the time.

00:20:15.174 --> 00:20:16.087
Thank you, Wanda.

00:20:16.650 --> 00:20:17.413
No, thank you.

00:20:17.413 --> 00:20:21.275
Thank you so much for being on our podcast Ready Set Collaborate.

00:20:21.275 --> 00:20:29.632
So make sure you audience, make sure you subscribe, follow and share these podcasts.

00:20:29.632 --> 00:20:38.209
Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson and also go on my YouTube channel, wd Pearson and the Solcius to subscribe to my channel because also the videos are going to be on there as well.

00:20:38.209 --> 00:20:50.775
I definitely encourage you to listen to these podcasts because we have some incredible, incredible experience, expertise that share their tips and share their information.

00:20:50.775 --> 00:20:55.977
So next it's the next time, episode 11.

00:20:55.977 --> 00:21:04.972
And we're actually going to be switching over to another series, which is the book, the art of book, collaboration, and that's how I actually got into writing my own book.

00:21:04.972 --> 00:21:09.476
So next zone, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:21:09.476 --> 00:21:10.647
Thank you so much.

00:21:11.884 --> 00:21:12.386
Thank you, wanda.

00:21:12.386 --> 00:21:18.256
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:21:18.256 --> 00:21:29.054
For more information about the host, head to WDpearsonassociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:21:29.054 --> 00:21:30.548
Want to connect?

00:21:30.548 --> 00:21:44.657
Send an email to Wanda at WDpearsonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:21:44.657 --> 00:21:45.709
Thank you.