Dec. 6, 2023

Maximizing Business Growth: Mastering the Art of Networking with Christine Powers and Balancing Work-Life with Z Transact

Maximizing Business Growth: Mastering the Art of Networking with Christine Powers and Balancing Work-Life with Z Transact

Ever wonder how networking can boost your business growth? Get ready to be enlightened as we sit down with the networking queen herself, Christine Powers. Christine unpacks the art of networking and shares her effective strategy for breaking the ice and starting engaging conversations using the F-O-R-M (family, occupation, recreation, motivation) method. She also reveals her journey of building successful businesses and the effectiveness of in-person meetings.

But that's not all! We also venture into the world of virtual networking, where Christine shares her inspiring story of creating a Facebook group during the pandemic that became a beacon of engagement and empowerment. We also discuss Experience Connections, a unique networking group for women, and learn how it fosters strong business relationships. As a cherry on top, we bring you insights from Christine, a successful estate sale business owner. She generously shares her experiences, discussing the importance of work-life balance and introduces us to Tranzact debit card program to save money. Tune in for all this and more!

Contact Christine for more information on sharing the Powers of her business and Tranzact Card


Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:02 - The Power of Networking and Collaboration

07:11 - Networking Collaboration

18:18 - Estate Sales and Balancing Work Life


00:00:02.124 --> 00:00:16.685
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:29.525 --> 00:00:42.972
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.972 --> 00:00:52.594
Tune in to Ready Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:54.362 --> 00:01:00.133
Hello everyone, I am so excited to bring my episode three Ready Set Collaborate.

00:01:00.133 --> 00:01:20.406
And what I'm excited about is that I have my girl, christine Powers, who and I've always blamed you, christine, because you got me into being a networking queen so I met Christine actually I did be an eye and Gusty Girls and then I met her at Gusty Girls and she said, wonder, did you ever heard about experience connection?

00:01:20.406 --> 00:01:33.361
So Christine has been my, my, my lady that's been helping me build my business and going to different network, and so I want to thank you, christine, first of all for helping me be who I am and meeting such wonderful people.

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And my my guest before you is actually Bonnie Ross Parker, who actually created experience connection.

00:01:39.903 --> 00:01:40.807
So that's right.

00:01:40.807 --> 00:01:41.530
Yes, yes.

00:01:41.772 --> 00:01:42.313
Yes, yes.

00:01:42.313 --> 00:01:44.603
So it's exciting, but I want to tell a little bit about you, let me.

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Let me talk about your bio, because you have a lot to talk about and and we're going to actually make sure that we stay on point on time here.

00:01:54.792 --> 00:01:57.585
So, christine Powers who is Christine Powers?

00:01:57.585 --> 00:02:03.201
Christine Powers is a mother of five, a mother of five Right kids.

00:02:03.201 --> 00:02:05.064

00:02:05.125 --> 00:02:13.289
Yes, well, I inherited two of them, so okay, yes, I claim them when, when, when they're good, I claim them.

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When they're good, when they're bad, you just have it right.

00:02:15.581 --> 00:02:32.111
And she's a grandmother of six and actually I'm a grandmother six as well has spent 40 plus years as an entrepreneur, from managing the operations of a multi-million dollar incentive motivation company to currently owning and running a successful estate.

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State estate sale company is her living dream and I'm so glad that you started that, christine.

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That's your dream, that's your passion.

00:02:40.387 --> 00:02:53.918
She created this network into her success and has taken a part in many networking opportunities, including BNI, where she serves as president, and experience connection, where she currently leads and holds virtual as well as in person meetings.

00:02:53.918 --> 00:02:59.401
And that's why this title is in person meetings, because I know Christine know all about those in person meetings.

00:02:59.401 --> 00:03:00.223
But I want to tell.

00:03:00.223 --> 00:03:01.407
But I want to add a little bit more.

00:03:03.013 --> 00:03:17.841
Christine, it's not only those meetings, the BNI, but she actually master, master networkers, predominantly a ladies group, including the experience connection, cop, business women, legal girlfriends, re rock and gusty girls, to name a few.

00:03:17.841 --> 00:03:19.066
And all of those.

00:03:19.066 --> 00:03:23.159
Well, I'm not the masterminds, christine, but I am part of the same thing.

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That's why I said she gap into all of this here.

00:03:25.147 --> 00:03:31.653
I'm part of experience connections, cop, business women, legal girlfriends, re rock and gusty girls.

00:03:31.653 --> 00:03:37.891
So, christine, without further ado, I welcome you to our podcast and I know you're going to give us a wealth of knowledge here.

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But first let me ask you something.

00:03:39.644 --> 00:03:43.861
Here we're going to do the acronyms Christine a form.

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Tell us about the acronyms F-O-R-M.

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Tell us what those mean.

00:03:47.860 --> 00:03:48.122

00:03:48.122 --> 00:04:03.852
So this really kind of relates to one of the questions that we're going to talk about, then, and that is how do you break the ice when you're first walking into a room and you don't know anybody, or you're trying to find out and get some understanding of who's in the room?

00:04:03.852 --> 00:04:13.493
So form is actually the acronym, it's one of the things that you can kind of keep in your back pocket, so to speak, and it's obviously it's F-O-R-M.

00:04:13.493 --> 00:04:20.624
So form, when you're talking to somebody and you really don't know what to say, think about form because F stands for family.

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So one of the good things, and the thing too that you want to remember, is talk about them, ask them questions.

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Don't go in there and just, you know, talk about yourself the whole time.

00:04:31.572 --> 00:04:36.637
You want to, you want to really get them to engage, because you know people do like to talk about themselves.

00:04:36.637 --> 00:04:41.896
So if you start asking questions, you're gonna you're gonna obviously get an exchange of information.

00:04:41.896 --> 00:04:45.721
So the first thing that form stands for F is for family.

00:04:45.721 --> 00:04:47.166
So let's talk about your family.

00:04:47.166 --> 00:04:48.252
Tell me about your family.

00:04:48.252 --> 00:04:49.319
How many kids do you have?

00:04:49.319 --> 00:04:50.305
You know, let them.

00:04:50.305 --> 00:04:52.197
Let them talk about what they're.

00:04:52.197 --> 00:04:53.464
You know what they're passionate about.

00:04:53.464 --> 00:04:56.336
Also, you can ask about their occupation.

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That's O for occupation.

00:04:58.002 --> 00:04:59.951
So we've hit the F and we've hit the O.

00:05:00.353 --> 00:05:01.779
Find out what it is that they do.

00:05:01.779 --> 00:05:10.593
They might be there talking about you know, mary Kay, but they might have a whole different job that they do, you know, eight hours a day, so they can tell you about both things.

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R for recreation what is it that they enjoy doing?

00:05:14.252 --> 00:05:15.194
What are their hobbies?

00:05:15.194 --> 00:05:16.733
What do they do outside of work?

00:05:16.733 --> 00:05:19.807
So it gives you a little bit more insight as to who, who they are.

00:05:19.807 --> 00:05:21.291
And then, what motivates them.

00:05:21.291 --> 00:05:24.029
I always like to kind of find out what's their why.

00:05:24.029 --> 00:05:25.076
Why are they doing this?

00:05:25.076 --> 00:05:29.295
Why are they out at a network meeting, you know, at eight o'clock at night, you know?

00:05:29.295 --> 00:05:31.684
Why are they at a vendor event?

00:05:31.684 --> 00:05:33.353
Why are they doing the things they're doing?

00:05:33.353 --> 00:05:41.452
Find out what moves them, what motivates them, what drives them, and, believe me, you'll find out a lot if you just ask some, some good questions.

00:05:41.452 --> 00:05:46.153
So that's what that's what form stands for, and that's just a great way to break the ice.

00:05:46.776 --> 00:05:48.827
I love that because I never thought about that, but that's good.

00:05:48.827 --> 00:05:52.507
But I always ask what do they do and I always like what you know to ask people.

00:05:52.507 --> 00:06:03.774
When I got into networking coming from corporate and B&I actually helped me to learn how to network, but you, ladies and experience connections actually helped me to build those relationships.

00:06:03.774 --> 00:06:05.547
It's about relationships, right?

00:06:05.547 --> 00:06:13.329
So, going on to that, how important do you think networking is for collaboration and why?

00:06:14.973 --> 00:06:24.766
Well, I think that you know, I think networking is very important on many different levels and as far as collaboration is concerned, you're gonna want to collaborate with people that you know, like and trust.

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You're gonna want to collaborate with like-minded people.

00:06:27.834 --> 00:06:31.442
So when you're networking, you begin to develop those relationships.

00:06:31.442 --> 00:06:47.255
You find out who those people are and if you want to take it to that level of collaboration with those people, you certainly want to surround yourself with people, as I said, that you know, like and trust, and if you're collaborating, then you almost kind of become one right?

00:06:47.255 --> 00:06:50.848
So you want to make sure that your values are in line with each other.

00:06:51.550 --> 00:06:52.754
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:06:52.754 --> 00:07:04.170
And that's great, because when, when COVID happened the same thing with me, I got into my office and started networking virtually I'm gonna talk about that as well, so virtually and having it with entrepreneurs.

00:07:04.170 --> 00:07:07.425
How can we help each other, how can we collaborate with each other?

00:07:07.425 --> 00:07:09.997
How can we refer each other to be successful?

00:07:09.997 --> 00:07:11.363
So that is so important.

00:07:11.363 --> 00:07:16.127
So give me an example of a successful collaboration that emerged from networking connections.

00:07:18.110 --> 00:07:20.233
Well, so there's.

00:07:20.233 --> 00:07:23.139
There's been many, I guess you know.

00:07:23.139 --> 00:07:54.038
The most current, the most recent, I think, is when a fellow ex-selector who has been a leader, you know, with experience connections, for I don't know, probably, I don't know 10-12 years she'll correct me if she hears this, but you know, and then I've been an ex-selector for, I think, eight years, seven or eight years, and so for the two of us to kind of join forces in the experience connections leadership role, I think is a great collaboration.

00:07:54.038 --> 00:08:09.911
I think we both bring a lot that, susan, obviously we know Susan Guthrie, and so I think that for us to collaborate and, you know, offer the meetings as one, I think that was a real, a real good collaboration.

00:08:09.911 --> 00:08:28.762
I've also obviously collaborated with many people on different levels in different businesses, but I think that just helping each other out, like you say, that's just all part of the beauty of networking and then building those relationships and collaborating in different areas.

00:08:29.975 --> 00:08:31.060
Absolutely absolutely.

00:08:31.120 --> 00:08:31.682
I love that.

00:08:31.915 --> 00:08:36.460
I love that because I know I started off with your experience.

00:08:36.460 --> 00:08:37.462
Connections in person.

00:08:37.462 --> 00:08:42.907
So, what are your thoughts about virtual versus in-person networking meeting?

00:08:43.195 --> 00:08:44.520
Well, you know, we didn't.

00:08:44.520 --> 00:08:51.303
I did never really experienced a virtual setting until COVID, obviously, and we then had to go virtual.

00:08:51.303 --> 00:09:04.989
As a matter of fact, that was the year that I served as president with B&I, which was quite challenging, but so I wasn't a big, big fan of it during the COVID process.

00:09:04.989 --> 00:09:08.662
Maybe it's because it's the only way that we could do it, so I wasn't really enjoying it.

00:09:08.662 --> 00:09:14.508
But since then, just recently, I've attended some other online.

00:09:14.595 --> 00:09:45.724
Some of the XC meetings will also run online, so I will attend those, and I've been doing that over the last few months, and what's happened is I have found that people that I have known, of that I might especially other XC leaders, for instance, that might be too far away for me to actually go to their meetings, but I can attend their meetings virtually, and so what's happening is relationships that I really had not built are being built now in the virtual world.

00:09:45.724 --> 00:09:50.623
But I know that if we see each other in person, it's going to be like we're just long lost friends.

00:09:50.623 --> 00:10:13.282
So, and then, of course, just having people on the virtual meetings that maybe aren't in my geographical area, that aren't XC leaders Even so, it helps just build some other opportunities to collaborate with those people, even if it is on a virtual or online basis?

00:10:13.361 --> 00:10:18.264
Yeah, absolutely, and I love it because actually you get to be people internationally.

00:10:18.465 --> 00:10:30.523
You get to be people Well, true true, and if your business is not limited by geographically limited, then definitely the virtual is a great way to go.

00:10:30.523 --> 00:10:45.763
I just had a thought and oh so, after attending some of those meetings, we had been running simply the in person meetings here in the Acworth Cobb area and but over the last two or three months we've decided to add a virtual meeting as well.

00:10:45.763 --> 00:10:55.267
So we're running the virtual meetings as well as in person meetings, because I just did find the power even more so now than I did when, when we were in the COVID situation.

00:10:56.254 --> 00:10:57.538
And I want to bring that up.

00:10:57.538 --> 00:11:07.014
As far as what you did during COVID, how you created this space on Facebook and brought onto our knowers Remember you had that group yes, that we talked about that group.

00:11:07.014 --> 00:11:16.379
So I remember that very closely between you and Angie the girlfriends, you guys brought something in to keep us active in our business, right To share our business.

00:11:16.379 --> 00:11:17.995
I truly appreciate that.

00:11:17.995 --> 00:11:18.777
That was awesome.

00:11:19.418 --> 00:11:20.317
Yes, and it was.

00:11:20.317 --> 00:11:25.475
I have to remember it was like engage and empower, I think was.

00:11:25.475 --> 00:11:26.046

00:11:26.046 --> 00:11:43.972
I was actually sitting on the front porch with my mom During that timeframe it was March, actually we had a huge B&I event in person B&I event on March 10th yes, march 11th, and many people came to the March 10th event.

00:11:43.972 --> 00:11:46.099
Right, it was before COVID was really announced.

00:11:46.360 --> 00:11:46.602

00:11:47.206 --> 00:11:52.336
And I think on March 11th maybe or March 12th is when everything shut down.

00:11:52.336 --> 00:12:06.032
So I was just sitting out on the front porch with my mom and just kind of thinking, going a little bit stir crazy, because it's when you're used to being on the go and then all of a sudden you just can't go.

00:12:06.032 --> 00:12:08.791
You can't go, You're told you cannot go anywhere.

00:12:08.791 --> 00:12:15.653
So I went ahead and set up I think it was empower and engage.

00:12:15.653 --> 00:12:17.309
I can't remember the words.

00:12:17.309 --> 00:12:18.092
It's still out there.

00:12:18.092 --> 00:12:19.370
The group is still on Facebook.

00:12:19.370 --> 00:12:24.183
We just haven't really done much with it, but I might revive it here after you just mentioned it.

00:12:24.284 --> 00:12:28.082
I think it's a great idea, because that was really great to have.

00:12:28.124 --> 00:12:56.328
Yeah, but what we did is I invited people to join the group and then we each had an opportunity to share our business or our passion, whatever it was that we wanted to share, and it just did create some relationships that we were able to bond a little bit more in that environment and everybody kind of had a spotlight and we all supported each other and I think I had several 300 people or so join the group People I didn't even know.

00:12:56.865 --> 00:12:57.629
Yeah, she did.

00:12:57.629 --> 00:13:00.913
Yeah, she did, and it was great because I was going to ask you.

00:13:00.913 --> 00:13:04.493
So, experience connections, so tell us a little bit about that.

00:13:04.493 --> 00:13:10.614
I know we were running down, but I know that's one of the things as far as when they come to the experience connections in person, that working.

00:13:10.894 --> 00:13:11.154

00:13:11.154 --> 00:13:25.544
So it is a female oriented group, so we host meetings in our home or online, but the in-person meetings are obviously in our home.

00:13:25.544 --> 00:13:26.669
Most of us do it in our home.

00:13:26.669 --> 00:13:32.971
Some do it in their office I think there may be one in a restaurant or two but majority of them are in our homes.

00:13:32.971 --> 00:13:38.495
In the leaders' home, we usually have between 15 to 25 women who attend.

00:13:39.544 --> 00:14:04.830
We serve lunch and we do some open networking during the lunchtime, which is about 45 minutes, and then after that we will go into a 10 minute interactive icebreaker question, and so then we all kind of share our thoughts about that question and then we go into our structured networking time where everybody gets to share three minutes of their business.

00:14:04.830 --> 00:14:23.594
So everybody gets up, we run an alphabetical order and stand up for three minutes and just tell them about ourselves or the business that we're wanting to share, and then we have door prizes and testimonials and things like that, and then that's when the relationship building occurs.

00:14:23.594 --> 00:14:25.169
It's really in those.

00:14:25.169 --> 00:14:36.405
Well, during the meeting obviously we have a lot of interaction, but then we tend to see each other again at another meeting, or we have Often.

00:14:36.426 --> 00:14:39.235
We'll have people who come to the meeting each month.

00:14:39.235 --> 00:14:52.169
It is a closed seat, so you're only going to have one realtor there at that particular meeting and then if you get another realtor that wants to come in next month, then that seat kind of opens back up again.

00:14:52.169 --> 00:15:00.013
But often we will have what we call kind of the regulars will come back, but it certainly is open for new people to come in and join.

00:15:00.013 --> 00:15:13.405
It's a great, it's a great opportunity for women to just, you know, we share life, we share business, we have tears, we have laughter.

00:15:13.405 --> 00:15:14.442
It's just, it's a lot of.

00:15:14.442 --> 00:15:15.807
It's a good meeting.

00:15:16.440 --> 00:15:20.428
And I remember Susan said that's the best $25 of therapy that you therapy.

00:15:20.469 --> 00:15:21.009
That's right.

00:15:21.009 --> 00:15:23.302
Walk in I.

00:15:23.302 --> 00:15:26.818
You know I don't love it when people walk in with a frown on, but sometimes I.

00:15:26.818 --> 00:15:32.873
But what I do love is when, if they do walk in with a frown on when they leave they are smiling ear to ear.

00:15:34.543 --> 00:15:35.346
So I love it.

00:15:35.346 --> 00:15:37.884
So let me, let me ask you something.

00:15:37.884 --> 00:15:39.245
I want to get into your company here.

00:15:39.245 --> 00:15:43.490
So what is the business, business biggest takeaway from networking?

00:15:43.899 --> 00:16:05.669
What is the biggest takeaway that you say and I think you actually gave some of the tips already- you know, for me, when I started networking, I, you know I had been in my, my husband and I had actually been in business for 25 plus years and and and and it was kind of I was in the operations side of things, so I was sort of inside.

00:16:05.669 --> 00:16:07.827
I really didn't know a whole lot about networking.

00:16:07.827 --> 00:16:13.044
I didn't have a lot of girlfriends because I was sort of very much embroiled in what we were doing there in the business.

00:16:13.044 --> 00:16:22.801
And then of course, it was my family, when, when I wasn't working, I was dealing with, you know, my kids or my mom or so didn't have a lot of time for girlfriends per se and so.

00:16:22.801 --> 00:16:30.148
But when, when, when he retired, I realized I was really not ready to retire and I there was, I had more to do.

00:16:30.148 --> 00:16:37.568
So I found some other opportunities and I found out pretty quick that your friends and family don't want to really hear about.

00:16:37.568 --> 00:16:43.253
You know all the essential oils that you want to sell them, or all the CBD that you want to sell.

00:16:43.253 --> 00:16:47.288
You know they get tired of hearing about it because you become very passionate about it.

00:16:47.919 --> 00:17:07.151
So I realized I had to broaden my center of influence and so I found networking, and Tracy Randall actually is one of the first people that sort of introduced me to some networking groups and she is our CMO, our Chief Motor Reformation Officer for Experience Connections.

00:17:09.741 --> 00:17:17.644
But you know it's so, when I started networking I was, you know, I lived obviously I still live with my husband.

00:17:17.644 --> 00:17:22.829
I had my three boys, I had my two dogs, my two cats all all males.

00:17:22.829 --> 00:17:34.750
I had no females in my house and so, walking into a networking meeting and it's all women, you know, it didn't take long for me to really start bonding and creating some strong friendships.

00:17:34.750 --> 00:17:53.434
And now I can't even count the friends all of them on on two hands, but I've got some very close ones as well, that I know if I, if I needed them in the middle of the night, they'd be there if I needed them, you know, if I needed to make a phone call and that you don't get necessarily in.

00:17:53.434 --> 00:18:06.010
So it's friendship and I think for me, yes, we, we definitely share our business, but there's a lot to be said for the friendships and the relationships that we build in the process.

00:18:07.222 --> 00:18:08.969
Well, I want to get and that those are great tips.

00:18:08.969 --> 00:18:16.801
I appreciate that, but I want to get into and be short time that what prompted you to start your estate sales company.

00:18:18.781 --> 00:18:28.167
Well, so when I was working in that with my husband, the weekends, as I mentioned, would be devoted to my family and my mom.

00:18:28.167 --> 00:18:55.730
Saturdays were my, the day that I would spend with my mom, and we would go to garage sales and that was just what we really enjoyed doing to to, you know, thrift stores and estate sales, and we'd buy, and then it would end up that we'd have so much we'd have to have garage sales to get rid of what we, you know, the things that we would buy, and anyway, it was kind of like a repeating cycle, and so it was something that we really enjoyed doing.

00:18:55.730 --> 00:18:57.586
I really loved finding the treasures.

00:18:57.586 --> 00:19:06.970
I really even enjoyed the garage sales that we would have, you know, selling things, and we even had a, you know, like a booth in an antique store.

00:19:06.970 --> 00:19:12.734
And, as a matter of fact, when we retired, the first thing I did actually was I went and opened up a.

00:19:12.734 --> 00:19:15.262
It was kind of like, kind of like a.

00:19:15.262 --> 00:19:19.542
It was sort of like an antique store with all the booths, but it was really more.

00:19:19.542 --> 00:19:27.381
There was art, it was called artiques, it was a cross between art and antiques, with all the booths and everything, but at any rate.

00:19:28.599 --> 00:19:36.377
So I had that and I just decided that, you know, the estate sale business would be something that I would really enjoy doing.

00:19:36.377 --> 00:19:50.710
I wanted to have something that I could really call my own, and so my son was, you know, willing to join with me and I thought what a great way for me to still spend time with him, even though he's an adult, and usually they don't want to spend as much time with you.

00:19:50.710 --> 00:19:55.428
Right, right, yeah, so this is a, and my mom, you know, would have.

00:19:55.428 --> 00:20:11.612
She actually came with me for the first, probably the first year or so that we, when we launched back in 2019, 2020, she would come with me to the sales because, you know, it was not a estate sales were considered a essential business.

00:20:11.612 --> 00:20:20.488
So we were never shut down, maybe for maybe for about a month, and then we were back on track in May of that year and we never stopped, we never slowed down.

00:20:20.587 --> 00:20:22.073
So and that's awesome.

00:20:22.073 --> 00:20:26.845
I really love what you're doing and it's a successful estate because she'd be having some great sales.

00:20:26.845 --> 00:20:30.031
I still haven't got that yet, cause I got to clear out when I got that you will.

00:20:30.031 --> 00:20:32.377
You will, but no, that's great.

00:20:32.377 --> 00:20:39.772
So I know we're ending the time here, but I want you to tell me about how you balance your work life, especially when you were taking care of your mom.

00:20:39.772 --> 00:20:41.592
I mean I, I miss mom.

00:20:42.185 --> 00:20:43.309
You know, I know, I do too.

00:20:43.309 --> 00:20:44.153
I do too.

00:20:44.153 --> 00:20:44.865
We lost.

00:20:44.865 --> 00:20:46.731
We lost my mom in February.

00:20:46.731 --> 00:20:51.053
She was 98 years old, and many people.

00:20:51.913 --> 00:20:53.919
I took her with me a lot in the beginning.

00:20:53.919 --> 00:20:57.394
I moved her in here with me when she was 90, took her with me a lot.

00:20:57.394 --> 00:21:05.272
She was well known in the networking world as the queen and she was also from England, so the title fit her, fit her well.

00:21:05.272 --> 00:21:09.194
But you know, I had a lot of support from my husband.

00:21:09.194 --> 00:21:12.164
He is home, you know.

00:21:12.164 --> 00:21:26.855
So he was able to be here with her during the day just to make sure that, you know, she was taken care of and that the, you know, the TV was, was on if it needed to be, or she'd been fed, or, you know, he'd bring her out and they'd sit out in the living room and chit, chat and so forth.

00:21:27.365 --> 00:21:28.971
But, and then my boys as well, you know.

00:21:28.971 --> 00:21:38.727
So I had a lot of support which made things a lot easier, but it was, you know, in the evenings I and and he was so my husband was so good about it.

00:21:38.727 --> 00:21:42.310
Every night when I would come home, he's like go in there and be with your mom.

00:21:42.310 --> 00:21:44.131
You know, you're not going to have this forever.

00:21:44.131 --> 00:21:46.251
Go in there and spend the evening with her.

00:21:47.188 --> 00:21:47.829
So every night.

00:21:49.107 --> 00:21:57.330
Yeah, he was, he was very supportive and I just I cherish those days and just wish I could have him back, even even the hard days.

00:21:57.330 --> 00:21:58.914
But Absolutely.

00:21:59.384 --> 00:22:01.319
And 98, christina, that's.

00:22:01.319 --> 00:22:01.964
That's a blessing.

00:22:01.964 --> 00:22:05.454
I lost my mom at 67 and then mine, my second, 77.

00:22:05.454 --> 00:22:07.090
So that is such a blessing.

00:22:07.090 --> 00:22:09.049
So I am, I am so excited.

00:22:09.049 --> 00:22:10.334
But let me ask you something Now.

00:22:10.334 --> 00:22:12.650
Last question what are you currently most excited about?

00:22:15.048 --> 00:22:30.574
Oh well, definitely, just you know, continuing with the estate sales, I have come across a new opportunity where I can actually help people stretch their dollars even further than I can when they're buying the discounted items at the estate sales.

00:22:30.574 --> 00:22:39.855
It's via you know, a debit card that they can basically get get their money back in the form of Z bucks, reward points.

00:22:39.855 --> 00:22:44.984
So if anyone's interested in looking into that, I'm certainly happy to share that with them.

00:22:44.984 --> 00:22:50.556
But it is an awesome opportunity to stretch things during this crazy economy that we're in.

00:22:51.196 --> 00:22:54.050
Absolutely, and I remember that the name of that card is.

00:22:54.050 --> 00:22:54.693
What is it called?

00:22:55.005 --> 00:23:15.537
It's the Transact card, yes, With a Z Transact, with a Z Transact and yeah, it's just, it's it's and Z bucks and there's, yeah, you can, you can redeem your Z bucks for all kinds of great merchandise and travel, just lots of, lots of great items that just you know that you're going to do anyway.

00:23:15.537 --> 00:23:23.048
So, yeah, if you're, if you're getting that for free, it makes things quite attractive from that perspective.

00:23:23.509 --> 00:23:30.509
That is awesome, so I really enjoyed that conversation, but really what I want you to do is share how they can contact you, sure.

00:23:31.644 --> 00:23:32.446
So I have 16 powers.

00:23:32.446 --> 00:23:39.750
My tagline is sharing the powers, which is also my website, so sharing the powerscom.

00:23:39.750 --> 00:23:58.367
You will have access to all of my information through there, so that's probably the best way sharing the powers with an Scom, and just remember superpowers, Superpowers, and then you actually have what is your name, your your estate planning powers and that's that you can.

00:23:58.367 --> 00:24:01.567
You can actually link to that through sharing the powers, but it's powers.

00:24:01.567 --> 00:24:02.710
Estate sales.

00:24:03.731 --> 00:24:04.153

00:24:04.394 --> 00:24:08.174
Awesome, yep, you can get there and you can follow us on Facebook.

00:24:08.174 --> 00:24:13.756
We usually put teasers out regarding the sales about two weeks before the sale.

00:24:13.756 --> 00:24:20.270
You can also get on our email list and we'll send you a link to the sale the day before with the address and so forth.

00:24:20.270 --> 00:24:23.692
So yeah, but sharing the powers will get you to all of it.

00:24:24.134 --> 00:24:29.404
Yes, and I was going to ask you what's your tagline, that you're always sharing, sharing the powers.

00:24:29.484 --> 00:24:31.452
She shared the powers, so that's it.

00:24:31.452 --> 00:24:37.498
I mean I really want to thank you so much for for being on my podcast and I have some.

00:24:37.498 --> 00:24:45.130
I'm going to have some wonderful guests, some awesome ladies, maybe men we're going to have some men on too To share what they have.

00:24:45.130 --> 00:24:50.325
So I'm about we both about collaboration and educating and empowering.

00:24:50.325 --> 00:24:56.278
I mean empowering our audience of how we can actually help each other out.

00:24:56.278 --> 00:24:59.894
So thank you so much for being a part of my podcast.

00:24:59.894 --> 00:25:03.352
I was I don't know if that actually say yes, you're a body.

00:25:03.373 --> 00:25:05.416
Yes, it was my pleasure.

00:25:05.416 --> 00:25:06.828
It was my pleasure, Wanda.

00:25:06.828 --> 00:25:09.490
Thank you so much for having me Thank you so much.

00:25:09.509 --> 00:25:11.555
I appreciate you All right Thanks.

00:25:13.025 --> 00:25:16.773
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set.

00:25:16.773 --> 00:25:17.796

00:25:17.796 --> 00:25:28.638
For more information about the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:25:28.638 --> 00:25:30.109
Want to connect?

00:25:30.109 --> 00:25:44.290
Send an email to Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.