June 26, 2024

Navigating New Horizons with Cadayejah Caffee: A Truck Driver's Route to Entrepreneurship and Empowerment

Navigating New Horizons with Cadayejah Caffee: A Truck Driver's Route to Entrepreneurship and Empowerment

Ever found yourself at a career crossroads, gripping the wheel of change with both hands? Cadayejah Caffee, a spirited commercial truck driver and aspiring entrepreneur, navigated such a junction and floored the accelerator towards a life of travel and self-determined success. In this heartening episode, Cadayejah unpacks her odyssey from an uncertain college dropout to becoming an educator and eventually a maverick of the highways. Her tale doesn't just clock up miles; it's a beacon for those aspiring to repair what's broken in our educational and governmental frameworks. Buckle up as Kadesha marks half a year into her new venture and shares how hitting the road has paved the way for empowering personal and professional transformations.

Shift into high gear with Cadayejah Caffee as she lays out the roadmap for advancement in the sometimes-grueling realm of commercial driving. She doesn't shy away from the real talk—addressing the bumps of stress and the loneliness of long hauls—but also spotlights the significance of respect within this industry.  Cadayejah's commitment to mentoring the next generation shines through as she discusses her plans to steer prospective drivers with free guidance and her own podcast. For those intrigued by the intricacies of trucking, from contracts to choosing the right school,  Cadayejah's  insights are as valuable as a reliable GPS. Her drive to empower others is infectious, and you're invited to ride shotgun on her journey via Facebook, where she continues to navigate the highways and byways of trucking entrepreneurship.

Follow Cadayejah Caffee on Facebook 

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Truck Driver Networking and Safety

15:30 - Advancement for Commercial Drivers


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.576 --> 00:00:28.495
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.495 --> 00:00:41.929
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.799 --> 00:00:44.085
Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.328 --> 00:00:51.491
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

00:00:52.860 --> 00:00:54.604
Welcome, welcome to the Ready Set.

00:00:54.604 --> 00:00:56.389
Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:00:56.389 --> 00:01:05.453
I am so excited to have oh my God, a woman truck driver commercial driver, I should say with me today and tell me how you say your name.

00:01:05.453 --> 00:01:06.524
I'm getting like what do?

00:01:06.543 --> 00:01:06.984
you call it.

00:01:07.307 --> 00:01:13.740
CRS Kadesha.

00:01:13.740 --> 00:01:15.427
Yes, kadesha, thank you so much.

00:01:15.427 --> 00:01:19.665
I appreciate you being on the show and I'm just so excited to have this.

00:01:19.665 --> 00:01:21.492
This series is going to be off the chain.

00:01:22.140 --> 00:01:22.862
It is a pleasure.

00:01:22.862 --> 00:01:23.906
Thank you for having me.

00:01:24.519 --> 00:01:26.361
Oh, absolutely, Absolutely no.

00:01:26.361 --> 00:01:29.007
I appreciate you being with me and doing it at the last minute.

00:01:29.007 --> 00:01:37.121
We're going to have some great stories from Kadesha and she's going to tell us about how it is on and off the road and how being a truck driver is.

00:01:37.121 --> 00:01:39.004
It's exciting, right?

00:01:39.004 --> 00:01:41.289
I'm assuming it's exciting because you're going to the stage, right?

00:01:41.328 --> 00:01:50.707
It's exciting, it's a dream come true for me, because I've always wanted to travel, but I've always wanted to get paid to travel.

00:01:50.707 --> 00:01:52.941
So I thought I was going to go into the military.

00:01:52.941 --> 00:01:56.009
But I ended up marrying someone that was in the military.

00:01:56.009 --> 00:02:00.429
Things didn't work out, but this is what I've been led to do.

00:02:01.231 --> 00:02:02.555
Okay, that's awesome.

00:02:02.555 --> 00:02:03.438
That is awesome.

00:02:03.438 --> 00:02:04.826
We're going to get this story shorter, but I'm just want to tell you about my sponsor.

00:02:04.826 --> 00:02:04.837
The sponsor is W.

00:02:04.837 --> 00:02:05.036
Okay, that's awesome.

00:02:05.036 --> 00:02:05.155
That is awesome.

00:02:05.155 --> 00:02:05.343
We're going to get this story started.

00:02:05.343 --> 00:02:07.111
But I'm just want to tell you about my sponsor.

00:02:07.111 --> 00:02:14.861
The sponsor is WD Pearson Associates, with our service in the legal shield that help commercial drivers with affordable legal protection on and off the road.

00:02:14.861 --> 00:02:19.592
We actually are here to help you with any legal matter, from trivia to traumatic.

00:02:19.592 --> 00:02:26.562
So, since our dedicated law firms actually are paid in advance, they're so focused on serving you rather than billing you.

00:02:26.562 --> 00:02:29.028
Definitely set up a consultation with me.

00:02:29.028 --> 00:02:37.022
I would love to get you started as far as a commercial driver, and my passion is to make sure that everybody has their legal rights protected.

00:02:37.022 --> 00:02:38.606
So let's get the show started.

00:02:38.606 --> 00:02:44.971
Kadesha, I'm going to talk about your bio, and I love the bio how you actually you spelled everything.

00:02:44.971 --> 00:02:45.712
That's what you're doing.

00:02:45.712 --> 00:02:48.449
So, kadesha, did I say it right?

00:02:48.508 --> 00:02:49.211
Yes ma'am.

00:02:49.512 --> 00:02:52.566
Okay, Pretty name, such a pretty name.

00:02:52.566 --> 00:02:59.794
Kadesha Caffey is a visionary entrepreneur whose journey epitomizes resilience and determination.

00:02:59.794 --> 00:03:08.495
Armed with a potent mix of ambition and unwavering focus, she transformed her dreams into reality through sheer hard work and perseverance.

00:03:08.495 --> 00:03:16.514
With a keen eye for opportunity, she navigated the complexities of the business world, overcoming challenges with grace and grit.

00:03:16.514 --> 00:03:24.620
Kadesha's relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with her innovative mindset, propelled her to the summit of success.

00:03:24.620 --> 00:03:29.507
She stands today as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.

00:03:29.507 --> 00:03:30.489
I love this.

00:03:30.489 --> 00:03:37.182
Khadijah, that is such an inspiring bio of what you're doing and how you actually your dreams and what you're doing with your dreams.

00:03:37.182 --> 00:03:38.551
And tell me a little bit about yourself.

00:03:38.551 --> 00:03:42.324
You just told me about traveling, how you got into being a commercial driver.

00:03:42.883 --> 00:03:55.407
Well, to start off, I went to college and I ended up dropping out because it's not what I was led to do, the passion that I have, that was born, that I was born with.

00:03:55.407 --> 00:03:59.694
I couldn't let it burn where I was when I went to college.

00:03:59.694 --> 00:04:03.445
It wasn't meant for me to be there, so I left, moved to Georgia.

00:04:03.445 --> 00:04:07.080
It wasn't meant for me to be there, so I left, moved to Georgia.

00:04:07.080 --> 00:04:17.237
And that's when everything burst for me as far as business and my pursuit to be a beacon of light for our millennials and our next generation.

00:04:18.586 --> 00:04:19.939
I became an educator.

00:04:19.939 --> 00:04:26.146
I taught kids how to code, how to create apps and things of that nature, and I saw the system.

00:04:26.146 --> 00:04:30.348
I saw that it was broken and a nine to five doesn't work for me.

00:04:30.348 --> 00:04:48.466
I want to be an inspiration of change to these broken systems in our educational system, within our government and a few other things that I aspire to do to help rebuild the generations that are lost because they are lost.

00:04:49.240 --> 00:05:14.069
So I thought long and hard how can I accomplish my dreams, build the foundation and the revenue that I'm going to need, legally and freely, without having to hit somebody's clock every single day?

00:05:14.069 --> 00:05:15.752
Nine to five?

00:05:15.752 --> 00:05:21.303
So I was like I thought about truck driving a couple of years ago, but I never acted on it.

00:05:21.303 --> 00:05:28.829
And I revisit that thought and I was like, okay, this is the way I need to go to accomplish what I need to accomplish.

00:05:28.829 --> 00:05:44.089
So I'm on a mission and truck driving although it's been quite challenging since I've started, it's put me in a position to be able to accomplish a lot of goals that I have set for myself.

00:05:45.654 --> 00:05:48.622
I love it, I love it, and you've been doing this for how long again?

00:05:49.363 --> 00:05:50.927
Six months actually.

00:05:51.427 --> 00:05:53.851
Six months.

00:05:53.851 --> 00:05:55.583
You can do it, people, you can do it.

00:05:55.583 --> 00:05:56.487
Look at Conceitia.

00:05:56.487 --> 00:06:06.810
I tell you I'm so proud of you as far as what you're doing and what you're saying, because it really is another avenue of doing another profession and having this and traveling.

00:06:06.810 --> 00:06:10.350
You say you love traveling all over the world, and that's awesome.

00:06:10.350 --> 00:06:11.012
That's awesome.

00:06:11.012 --> 00:06:12.923
I really like what you said there.

00:06:12.923 --> 00:06:18.937
Oh, and I forgot to tell people make sure you share and follow Ready Set.

00:06:18.937 --> 00:06:20.060
Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:06:20.060 --> 00:06:20.391
I forgot that.

00:06:20.391 --> 00:06:20.944
I meant to tell you that in the beginning.

00:06:20.944 --> 00:06:21.194
So let's get back to it.

00:06:21.194 --> 00:06:21.309
Let's get back to it.

00:06:21.309 --> 00:06:21.488
Listen, I forgot that.

00:06:21.488 --> 00:06:22.206
I meant to tell you that in the beginning.

00:06:22.206 --> 00:06:23.802
So let's get back to it.

00:06:23.802 --> 00:06:24.983
Let's get back to that.

00:06:24.983 --> 00:06:28.632
So we were talking about you being married and you're going on a long trip.

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What are some effective strategies for how do commercial drivers stay connected with loved ones while on the road?

00:06:39.612 --> 00:06:44.449
Now, how I stay connected with my family is through group messages, and I'm a part of a lot of them.

00:06:44.449 --> 00:06:46.379
It gets a bit tiring sometimes.

00:06:46.379 --> 00:06:47.401
Messages, and I'm a part of a lot of them.

00:06:47.401 --> 00:06:58.310
It gets a bit tiring sometimes Always keeping that open communication with, like my mom, my brothers and my husband, of course, my uncles, because I have family members that are truckers as well and have their own trucking companies businesses.

00:06:58.310 --> 00:07:04.610
So I turn on my location so they can always know where I am, because it's also a safety thing.

00:07:04.870 --> 00:07:06.682
It can't get dangerous out here.

00:07:06.682 --> 00:07:14.543
I am a black woman, a woman in general as a truck driver and the way I operate this thing.

00:07:14.543 --> 00:07:17.588
They don't expect a woman to get out of this truck.

00:07:17.588 --> 00:07:29.189
Um, it's a lot of the guys by surprise when I step on out and I'm handling business, so it can be a little bit dangerous.

00:07:29.189 --> 00:07:41.651
Just a little story I'm out delivering the load but I have to stop to get fuel and there's another trucker behind me that's talking this horn because he wants me to pull up out of the fuel pump.

00:07:41.831 --> 00:07:42.694
Well, I got to get fuel.

00:07:42.694 --> 00:07:47.201
Pull up out of the fuel pump.

00:07:47.201 --> 00:07:47.661
Well, I gotta get fuel.

00:07:47.661 --> 00:07:50.047
So I go in the store to pay for the fuel and to grab a bite to eat to bring back to the truck.

00:07:50.047 --> 00:07:52.130
Now I guess he got upset.

00:07:52.130 --> 00:08:01.228
So what he did was he pulled the release handle, which is like a lock that holds the trailer in place on the back of my truck.

00:08:01.228 --> 00:08:12.045
Now, if I was to pull off, the trailer would have hit the ground yeah, and I could not have been able to pick that up.

00:08:12.105 --> 00:08:14.310
I would have had to call roadside assistance.

00:08:14.310 --> 00:08:18.466
Or let's say, I get on the road and I start driving.

00:08:18.466 --> 00:08:25.374
Maybe it didn't detach right then, but what happens if I start driving and go into a curve on the highway?

00:08:25.374 --> 00:08:28.644
I'll be flipped over, and I drive in the mountains.

00:08:28.644 --> 00:08:30.266
That's extremely dangerous.

00:08:30.266 --> 00:08:35.121
So safety is a big thing and people will do stuff like that.

00:08:35.121 --> 00:08:55.101
So always, no matter where you are, anytime you stop, make sure you check your truck before you pull off, because if I had not checked it, I would have been liable and I probably wouldn't be here on this podcast talking to you today yes, so how did you handle that guy?

00:08:55.121 --> 00:08:56.745
that that he did do you know he did it.

00:08:56.745 --> 00:08:57.827
So how did you handle that?

00:08:59.472 --> 00:09:02.240
he approached me in the gas station and asked him did you get fuel?

00:09:02.240 --> 00:09:05.157
Okay, I understand why you're talking to me.

00:09:05.157 --> 00:09:07.755
What about my day.

00:09:07.755 --> 00:09:18.432
I checked my truck to ensure that everything was okay, and that's how I found that the release handle was full released on my my sis wheel.

00:09:18.432 --> 00:09:24.580
That's what we call it, Cause it sits on a plate the trailer so it happens.

00:09:24.580 --> 00:09:26.563
That's why I check.

00:09:26.563 --> 00:09:29.193
That's a blessing.

00:09:29.794 --> 00:09:30.817
No, that's a blessing.

00:09:30.817 --> 00:09:36.745
That's a blessing that you checked that, because if you didn't just in a hurry to get out of there, that could have happened.

00:09:36.745 --> 00:09:37.869
I am glad you did.

00:09:37.869 --> 00:09:45.113
I'm glad you're here with me on my podcast to tell that story and tell people how to make sure they check their gear before they take off.

00:09:45.192 --> 00:09:48.381
Yeah, it can be fun, but it can be a little dangerous as well.

00:09:48.381 --> 00:09:54.460
Pay attention to your surroundings and you get paid to travel.

00:09:54.460 --> 00:09:56.583
Have fun sometimes, it's okay.

00:09:57.490 --> 00:09:58.955
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:09:58.955 --> 00:09:59.437
I love it.

00:09:59.437 --> 00:09:59.979
I love it.

00:09:59.979 --> 00:10:04.490
So what are some effective strategies for managing fatigue during long hauls?

00:10:04.490 --> 00:10:05.551
I know you said you were on a break it, so what are some effective strategies for managing fatigue during long hauls?

00:10:05.551 --> 00:10:08.620
I know you say you're on a break now, so what are some of the strategies?

00:10:09.629 --> 00:10:26.072
I always try to take 15, 20 minute breaks in between the time that I'm driving long hauls, especially when I'm driving more than 1500 miles at one time, hundred miles at one time.

00:10:26.091 --> 00:10:27.596
So I'll take that 15, 20 minutes every three, maybe four hours.

00:10:27.596 --> 00:10:28.158
Um, because walk around.

00:10:28.158 --> 00:10:36.236
I have my dog with me so I take him out for a walk around the truck stop or a rest area that I have stopped at.

00:10:36.236 --> 00:10:37.599
Just go for a walk.

00:10:37.599 --> 00:10:41.955
That's how I keep myself awake, I keep energized, I eat fruit.

00:10:41.955 --> 00:10:47.754
I try to stay healthy, because being on the truck is nothing but fast food open at late nights.

00:10:48.515 --> 00:10:55.414
That's good because that was my next question is how do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

00:10:55.916 --> 00:10:57.339
Having my little dog.

00:10:57.339 --> 00:10:59.583
I call him my son as well.

00:10:59.583 --> 00:11:08.576
He thinks he's human, but having him, it forces me to get out of the truck to be active because he needs to be walked.

00:11:08.576 --> 00:11:21.400
He has to use the restroom because god forbid if he goes in my truck, but yeah, stopping periodically getting that walk in.

00:11:21.400 --> 00:11:22.702
Do a little jogging.

00:11:22.702 --> 00:11:27.799
Eat you some fresh fruit I have apples, I love apples and watermelon Eat water.

00:11:27.799 --> 00:11:31.812
Stay hydrated, so it'll help with the fatigue over time.

00:11:32.374 --> 00:11:39.674
Yeah, that's awesome and I appreciate that you're telling me that, and I'm glad you have your dog with you, because your dog's your friend too, right?

00:11:40.076 --> 00:12:02.499
Hey, buddy, you want to say hello, yes this is me oh, such a cutie pie hello, you don't know, he's on the camera, the cutie pie.

00:12:02.759 --> 00:12:03.740
That is awesome.

00:12:03.740 --> 00:12:05.423
And he obeys too, right.

00:12:06.065 --> 00:12:06.264

00:12:06.990 --> 00:12:12.643
But so what are some of the latest regulations impacting commercial drivers and how can they stay compliant?

00:12:12.643 --> 00:12:17.442
I know there's different regulations that you have, especially on the road.

00:12:18.932 --> 00:12:31.923
Now I don't know all of them, but if I ever have any questions I just reach out to my dispatch and a lot of times they'll send the new rules and regulations and new laws on our tablet.

00:12:31.923 --> 00:12:40.215
They will communicate that with us as drivers, because I work for a major company, so that's how I stay up to date.

00:12:40.215 --> 00:12:56.830
Now, if it was anyone else, there are certain things that you would have to go through to be able to get all of that paperwork and stuff, because you have to keep that stuff on your truck yeah let's say you gotta, you get pulled over and have to get an inspection, a dlt inspection.

00:12:57.650 --> 00:13:07.695
You have to keep all of that paperwork and stuff on your truck, so you have to go through certain avenues to be able to get all of those updates.

00:13:07.695 --> 00:13:12.168
And for me, I get it on my tablet okay, that's awesome.

00:13:12.489 --> 00:13:19.072
That's awesome, especially you have a company that actually keeps you updated on what's going on, especially in the different states that you're going through.

00:13:19.072 --> 00:13:28.515
You don't know what state has this regulation, that regulation, so laws are different per state because we go to.

00:13:28.576 --> 00:13:37.957
I've been to canada and I've been to mexico okay so country as well yeah, that, and it's so true.

00:13:38.359 --> 00:13:43.592
So now, how can, commercial drivers, you navigate through challenging weather conditions?

00:13:43.592 --> 00:13:51.105
I know what happened in Baltimore with the guy with the bridge falling, and then they had the earthquake in New Jersey.

00:13:55.669 --> 00:13:56.674
So it was a lot of things.

00:13:56.674 --> 00:13:58.503
So how can you navigate through those challenging conditions?

00:13:58.503 --> 00:14:06.601
Things like that is is unpredicted, so you can't ever be prepared for events of those magnitudes.

00:14:06.601 --> 00:14:20.803
However, anytime that you are stopped before you leave from whatever location that you are whether you're picking up a load or dropping off a load always do a thought out mapping plan.

00:14:21.390 --> 00:14:21.731
That's what.

00:14:21.792 --> 00:14:22.072
I do.

00:14:22.072 --> 00:14:29.961
I see the layout of where I'm going, whatever address I'm given to take the load, I look it up.

00:14:29.961 --> 00:14:31.274
I look at their weather.

00:14:31.274 --> 00:14:33.136
I look up on Google.

00:14:33.136 --> 00:14:38.140
I use Google satellite maps to look at the area that I'm going into.

00:14:38.140 --> 00:14:41.618
So I know, cause you never know what street is blocked.

00:14:41.618 --> 00:14:44.556
You don't know, what you're running to.

00:14:44.676 --> 00:15:02.922
Once you get to that location or within that area, always look on your Google Maps Earth, whatever the case may be, whatever app you use, Always check in there and always look at the satellite view of where you're going, so in case you have to take a different route that the GPS isn't going to pick up on.

00:15:03.731 --> 00:15:06.840
So thanks for telling me that, because the satellite so there's Google satellite.

00:15:06.840 --> 00:15:07.761
Is that what it is?

00:15:07.761 --> 00:15:09.312
Ok, ok.

00:15:10.073 --> 00:15:17.370
Look at a clear view like what we would see with our eyes a clear view of all the streets in that surrounding area.

00:15:17.529 --> 00:15:19.552
So you know OK that's good to know, thank you.

00:15:19.552 --> 00:15:20.471
Thank you for teaching me that.

00:15:20.471 --> 00:15:21.793
Okay, that's good to know, thank you.

00:15:21.793 --> 00:15:30.200
Thank you for teaching me that I use Google maps, I use Waze, but sometimes you don't see what's ahead of when you're traveling here.

00:15:30.200 --> 00:15:31.902
But I usually actually I fly a lot.

00:15:35.557 --> 00:15:35.763
I miss it.

00:15:38.250 --> 00:15:39.672
I have my share of.

00:15:39.672 --> 00:15:42.297
I had my share of driving because I'm from Chicago.

00:15:42.297 --> 00:15:44.248
We used to drive when we moved from New Jersey.

00:15:44.248 --> 00:15:49.807
We drive to Chicago and and I said, okay and I, no more driving like that for me.

00:15:49.807 --> 00:15:57.034
So I really give you kudos yeah do that, do that.

00:15:57.034 --> 00:15:58.496
So let me ask you something too.

00:15:58.496 --> 00:16:02.315
So what are some career advancement opportunities available to commercial drivers?

00:16:03.184 --> 00:16:04.447
That I really don't know.

00:16:04.447 --> 00:16:24.225
I haven't made it that far just yet because I wasn't really looking into staying a driver for a long time, because I want to start my own company drivers.

00:16:24.225 --> 00:16:27.413
I see what's out here and how these companies treat the drivers I'm going to do something different.

00:16:27.452 --> 00:16:28.274
I'm going to treat my drivers better.

00:16:28.274 --> 00:16:28.576
That's awesome.

00:16:28.596 --> 00:16:31.769
So I really don't know all of the opportunities that they have.

00:16:31.769 --> 00:16:35.466
I haven't really looked into it because it's not a goal of mine.

00:16:36.089 --> 00:16:37.794
And that's great, and that's what I tell people.

00:16:37.794 --> 00:16:39.280
Get your own passion.

00:16:39.280 --> 00:16:45.708
You're learning the ropes, you're learning as far as what you need to do and you're seeing what's going on, how people are being treated.

00:16:45.708 --> 00:16:55.556
I was in corporate for 36 years and I said, OK, that's it.

00:16:55.556 --> 00:16:59.339
I'm so proud that you're doing that, especially as and then.

00:16:59.339 --> 00:17:09.435
What I love what you said in the beginning is how you want to teach young people that this is available as far as with a lot of things that's happening in this world today, the youth and I do mentoring.

00:17:09.435 --> 00:17:10.246
What you're doing.

00:17:10.246 --> 00:17:12.873
I really admire what you're going to be doing, then.

00:17:12.873 --> 00:17:14.297
That that that is awesome.

00:17:14.297 --> 00:17:15.046
That is awesome.

00:17:15.046 --> 00:17:16.788
So let me ask you something again.

00:17:16.788 --> 00:17:21.452
So how do commercial drivers cope with stress and isolation during extended trips?

00:17:21.673 --> 00:17:22.654
what I do.

00:17:22.654 --> 00:17:38.032
I keep myself busy so I don't have to focus on the stress of whatever's going back home and family life while I'm out because it can be distracting while you're driving and you focus on other things and not on the road, so I keep myself.

00:17:38.032 --> 00:17:41.740
So what I did was I got registered back into school.

00:17:41.740 --> 00:17:44.628
Okay, I do online courses.

00:17:44.628 --> 00:17:54.893
So I'm always in a business meeting strategizing how I can be a better version of myself and how I can help others.

00:17:54.893 --> 00:17:56.978
So I keep myself busy.

00:17:58.445 --> 00:17:59.087
That's awesome.

00:17:59.087 --> 00:17:59.788
I love it.

00:17:59.788 --> 00:18:02.015
I love it.

00:18:02.015 --> 00:18:04.167
And you mentioned you're going to have your own podcast too.

00:18:04.167 --> 00:18:12.076
So here, listen, I'm so honored that you actually joined me on this podcast to really tell your story as far as how you started and what you're doing.

00:18:12.076 --> 00:18:13.685
So we're getting, we're at the end.

00:18:13.685 --> 00:18:15.388
So I want you to tell us a little bit more.

00:18:15.388 --> 00:18:19.557
Give us a what you about, what you, how, what you're going to be doing in your future plans.

00:18:19.557 --> 00:18:30.351
You said you're going to have your own company, but tell us a little bit more about how you can get into this field and then your other business You're creating your own once you get out of this.

00:18:30.351 --> 00:18:33.130
I have a couple this is different avenues.

00:18:33.932 --> 00:18:34.334

00:18:34.894 --> 00:18:39.134
Starters, if you want to get into trucking, do your research.

00:18:39.134 --> 00:18:40.390
That's what I'm going to say.

00:18:40.390 --> 00:18:41.308
Do your research.

00:18:41.308 --> 00:18:42.056
That's what I'm going to say.

00:18:42.056 --> 00:18:50.338
Do your research, check out the different schools, because everybody has some type of contract that's going to get you stuck.

00:18:50.338 --> 00:19:04.490
So please read the fine print and be careful, be vigilant in the information that you obtain and go from there, make your decision based off of the information and comparing the different schools.

00:19:04.490 --> 00:19:09.710
I went to Roadmaster, which is through Warner, so Warner pays my tuition.

00:19:09.710 --> 00:19:13.798
Also, some companies do tuition reimbursement and some don't.

00:19:13.798 --> 00:19:19.076
So pay attention to that, because you're going to have to pay a pretty penny out of pocket.

00:19:19.944 --> 00:19:22.333
Wow, wow, that is awesome.

00:19:22.333 --> 00:19:25.009
That is awesome and that's interesting to know.

00:19:25.009 --> 00:19:27.346
Like I said, a lot of things, people don't know what they don't know.

00:19:27.346 --> 00:19:35.951
I think you're going to be a great entrepreneur, thank you, and teaching people what you know and how you can teach them to do better.

00:19:35.951 --> 00:19:42.186
So tell us how to get in touch with you, how people want to get in touch with you, with all these good tips that you give me here.

00:19:42.769 --> 00:19:45.973
Oh, you can follow me on Facebook.

00:19:45.973 --> 00:19:48.137
I do live blogs.

00:19:48.137 --> 00:19:57.011
I'm getting ready to get into my own podcast and a lot of other things to give out free information, because a lot of people don't give out free information.

00:19:57.011 --> 00:20:05.170
They say they do and then you end up following them and they have you paying for a lot of information just for them to talk in circles.

00:20:05.170 --> 00:20:16.230
So follow me on Facebook at C-A-D-A-Y-E-J-A-H and my last name C-A-F-E-E.

00:20:16.230 --> 00:20:21.500
So I do a lot of my live videos and feeds on Facebook.

00:20:21.500 --> 00:20:29.398
If you have any questions, you can hit me up through Facebook Messenger, because I really don't do social media, but that's the only platform that I'm really on.

00:20:29.964 --> 00:20:39.140
Awesome, awesome, yeah, because I want to definitely be friends on here, because we're going to put your live podcast on Facebook so you can share it on your page as well.

00:20:39.140 --> 00:20:45.051
Podcast on Facebook so you can share it on your page as well.

00:20:45.051 --> 00:20:46.493
You can share them, no, so definitely.

00:20:46.493 --> 00:20:47.876
Thank you so much, kadesha, for being on my podcast.

00:20:47.876 --> 00:20:48.136
Wait, anytime.

00:20:48.136 --> 00:20:51.508
This is the art and we're going to have a follow-up again.

00:20:51.508 --> 00:21:02.817
So, yes, I really appreciate it because I think you're being a six month, you're giving us that experience of what you've accomplished in six months, which is great.

00:21:02.817 --> 00:21:09.557
I am so proud of you that you are doing what you're doing, girl, and learning how to be an entrepreneur on the road.

00:21:10.125 --> 00:21:11.430
It's really what it is entrepreneur on the road.

00:21:11.430 --> 00:21:15.170
That's a good one, but thank you so much for joining us on Ready Set.

00:21:15.170 --> 00:21:19.077
Collaborate with Wanda Pearson and my guest, Kadesha Caffey.

00:21:19.077 --> 00:21:26.259
Definitely make sure you contact Kadesha, because she's given some great information and she told you what her Facebook page is.

00:21:26.259 --> 00:21:33.347
Follow her, and especially with the live updates, she's giving you some free information if you're thinking about getting into this field of commercial driving.

00:21:33.347 --> 00:21:35.750
So thanks again, Kadesha.

00:21:35.809 --> 00:21:36.912
Thank you for having me.

00:21:36.912 --> 00:21:38.192
It was a pleasure.

00:21:39.434 --> 00:21:47.544
Absolutely, so make sure you follow, subscribe and share Ready set collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:21:47.544 --> 00:21:51.644
I have different series on podcasts on Spotify.

00:21:51.644 --> 00:21:55.252
I'm on all podcast platforms Spotify, apple Podcasts.

00:21:55.252 --> 00:21:56.115
I'm even on Audible.

00:21:56.115 --> 00:21:57.077
I didn't know I was on Audible.

00:21:57.077 --> 00:22:00.570
I'm on iHeartRadio, yeah, so it's all over.

00:22:00.570 --> 00:22:07.492
So, yeah, if you just hit up ready set collaborate with wanda pearson, you would see me on here with all the different actually podcasts that I have.

00:22:07.492 --> 00:22:10.405
I have different series and this series is about commercial drivers.

00:22:10.405 --> 00:22:15.182
But thanks again, katasia, I appreciate you being here it is my pleasure.

00:22:15.281 --> 00:22:24.362
Thank you for having me thank you, oh, and also make sure you follow me on YouTube on WD Pearson Associates, because also the video is going to be on there as well, so have a good one.

00:22:24.843 --> 00:22:29.606
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.