Feb. 14, 2024

Navigating the Dance of Intimacy with Rachel Davis: Embracing Self-Love, Understanding the Opposite Sex, and Mastering Relationship Dynamics

Navigating the Dance of Intimacy with Rachel Davis: Embracing Self-Love, Understanding the Opposite Sex, and Mastering Relationship Dynamics

Ever wondered how to cultivate a love that vibrates with the frequency of your soul? Join us as we sit down with relationship coach Rachel Davis, who sheds light on the intricacies of self-love and the importance of setting boundaries for healthier, more nurturing connections. Rachel Davis shares her passion for guiding women on their journey to understanding the opposite sex, enriched by her own personal experiences and the transformative program, 'Demystifying Men'. Our discussion promises to leave you with an empowering perspective on reclaiming self-worth and confidently engaging in the beautiful dance between men and women.

Step into a world where career-driven women learn to harmonize their ambitions with their innate femininity. We tackle the delicate balance of maintaining independence while fostering togetherness, all through the lens of heartfelt communication and the four C's: communication, consideration, compromise, and compassion. Get ready to absorb vital tips, such as keeping cell phones out of the bedroom to enrich intimacy, and understand the pivotal role boundaries play in a digital age that often complicates romantic relationships. Whether you're seeking the ideal partner or striving to deepen your current connection, our conversation with Rachel Davis is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to enhance their relationship dynamics.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Discovering Extraordinary Love

10:37 - Femininity and Communication in Relationships

18:14 - Maintaining Independence in Relationships


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.551
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

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Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.302 --> 00:00:51.494
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

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00:00:53.240 --> 00:00:59.027
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate with Rhonda Pearson, but I have a special edition for February.

00:00:59.027 --> 00:01:22.959
It is Valentine's month and I am talking about relationships either his first partnership, marriage, job or family but I will have some special guests that will speak about trauma and relationships, a relationship expert, self-love and creating boundary in a relationship, but, most of all, self-care for yourself is very important to sustain any kind of relationship.

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So this month is going to be full of information and so much fun and a great resource for you to actually listen to over and over again.

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I'm so excited to have some wonderful ladies this month to February to talk about so many things that can benefit us in building and maintaining relationships.

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So let's get started with our guests.

00:01:43.506 --> 00:01:48.993
Rachel Davis, I'm so excited about you being on my half-cance.

00:01:49.073 --> 00:01:51.927
Rachel, oh my gosh, I am honored.

00:01:51.927 --> 00:01:54.980
I am honored to be a guest on your Pat podcast.

00:01:54.980 --> 00:02:07.959
Thank you so much for reaching out and extending the invitation and my message to you here with your community and hopefully give them some really good information that could help propel love in a beautiful way for this month and beyond.

00:02:08.903 --> 00:02:12.075
Yeah, absolutely, and I want to say happy Valentine's Day.

00:02:12.075 --> 00:02:13.000
Happy Valentine's Day.

00:02:13.000 --> 00:02:14.164
Happy Valentine's Day.

00:02:14.164 --> 00:02:16.742
We did not read here.

00:02:16.742 --> 00:02:18.567
We're breaking it already.

00:02:18.567 --> 00:02:19.889
I don't know how to go through this.

00:02:19.889 --> 00:02:20.792
It's your podcast.

00:02:20.792 --> 00:02:21.774
I'm like no, shut up.

00:02:25.004 --> 00:02:28.250
I know you're going to share some great information, but I want to talk.

00:02:28.250 --> 00:02:31.594
I want to actually read your bio, because your bio says a lot about you here.

00:02:31.594 --> 00:02:42.189
So Rachel is a patient, a human coach, who specializes in helping women win at love with men Not just readily boring love, but the love that sets your soul on fire.

00:02:42.189 --> 00:02:52.794
Rachel is committed to helping women such as yourself on their quest for love by guiding them back to self-love, self-discovery and men mastery.

00:02:52.794 --> 00:03:02.514
She is the founder of the Mystifying Men, a program series created that has created magic and changed the lives of hundreds of women around the globe not the world, but the globe.

00:03:03.441 --> 00:03:10.813
Rachel has dedicated close to a decade working with women, helping them to discover how exceptional they are and how equally extraordinary men are.

00:03:10.813 --> 00:03:16.116
She teaches women how to own their personal power and decode men.

00:03:16.116 --> 00:03:17.000
I need to know how to do that.

00:03:17.000 --> 00:03:25.493
They commit to their most fundamental qualities so that healthy, loving and passionate relationships becomes inedible for them.

00:03:25.493 --> 00:03:38.695
Rachel has been a gifting woman worldwide, with the ability to heal from past, love losses and break us, while teaching them how to reconnect with who they are and what makes them lovable at desire.

00:03:38.695 --> 00:03:54.835
Whether you're a single, married, separated or in a complicated situation, she about like that Rachel has the tools, keys, tips, tricks, knowledge and know how to get you from where you are to where you desire to be with men.

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Not just any love, but the love they want and deserve.

00:03:57.979 --> 00:04:05.596
Rachel, we name this episode Breaking free, unleashing extraordinary love in your life.

00:04:05.596 --> 00:04:09.836
I really thought with your bio here that we actually can touch upon a lot of it ourselves.

00:04:09.836 --> 00:04:10.987
Welcome again, rachel.

00:04:10.987 --> 00:04:16.737
To really say, to elaborate in the special edition of relationships, the art of relationships.

00:04:16.757 --> 00:04:17.182
Thank you.

00:04:17.805 --> 00:04:18.670
Definitely so much.

00:04:18.670 --> 00:04:23.632
So tell us a little bit about yourself, Rachel, about your background, how you became a relationship expert.

00:04:25.226 --> 00:04:26.848
Yeah, really quickly.

00:04:26.848 --> 00:04:34.940
My desire to understand men stemmed from me being married for the second time.

00:04:34.940 --> 00:04:52.764
First time, the marriage didn't work out too well and chalk it up to being young and ultimately growing apart and having the opportunity to fall in love, to meet someone, fall in love, have him fall in love with me, and for us to decide to live the rest of our lives together.

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I knew I was good as a woman.

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I knew I was good as a friend.

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I knew I was good as a lover.

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I knew I was good as a wife.

00:05:01.271 --> 00:05:20.819
But I went to 10 X my knowledge and my expertise of men simply because I felt as though if I elevated my position when it comes to better understanding him, he would in turn do the same.

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That was part of the reason why I wanted to really understand men.

00:05:24.115 --> 00:05:44.516
The other part is because all of the women around me, in my family, people in my social circles at that time, with the exception of one person I knew all had failed marriages, failed relationships, or, if they were married or in a relationship, they were miserable, unhappy.

00:05:44.516 --> 00:05:46.764
They were just tolerating one another.

00:05:46.764 --> 00:05:55.725
Aside from that one couple that I knew back then, who are still together to this day, I didn't have an example of what a healthy relationship looked like.

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I didn't have examples of what loving, beautiful, passion-filled marriages looked like.

00:06:00.985 --> 00:06:07.439
As a result, I went on a quest to just better understanding men from a behavioral standpoint.

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I implemented what I learned.

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I watched how my husband just blossomed and he just gelled into me more.

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Our relationship went from being exceptional to exceptional times 10.

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I started sharing with other women, girlfriends what I knew intrinsically, because a lot of this was inherent knowledge that I already had.

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Society more or less teaches us not to tap into it.

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It teaches us not to tap into that intellectual, that ancestral wisdom that we have.

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But I tapped into that, coupled with what I learned.

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I was just giving girlfriends advice.

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One of my friends was like you know what you and your husband, you guys, are in the industry.

00:06:54.125 --> 00:06:57.144
You're always hosting trainings and events and so forth.

00:06:57.144 --> 00:07:01.055
You should put an event together and you should have, you should charge for this.

00:07:01.055 --> 00:07:02.077
This is good stuff.

00:07:02.077 --> 00:07:06.848
She said, yes, I'll help you, I'll even help you.

00:07:06.848 --> 00:07:08.951
We're good for Kelly Campbell.

00:07:09.464 --> 00:07:20.937
And so I put the first Demystifying Men event together and sold out and my husband was like, wow, you're on to something here.

00:07:20.937 --> 00:07:48.685
And that was the first time he actually learned the information that I had learned, and he was then in the back of the room completely amazed, oh wow, and blown away by the information, because a lot of us think that understanding human dynamics and human behavior is something that's simple, or it's something that should be second nature, and, by and large, it really isn't.

00:07:48.685 --> 00:08:26.235
And so when you think about understanding that there are elements about the opposite sex that you don't know, you weren't necessarily born with a manual on how to understand men, and men will tell you, I wasn't born with a manual on how to understand women, but science and psychology has components of how we interact as far as the dynamic of men and women, and you parlay that into relationships and you've got a winning formula for a really beautiful marriage.

00:08:26.235 --> 00:08:27.934
And so that's how I got started.

00:08:28.596 --> 00:08:32.379
That is awesome, and I guess that's what the demystifying men mean.

00:08:32.379 --> 00:08:33.936
Are you demystifying them?

00:08:35.371 --> 00:08:40.932
Yes, that's exactly because at that point I was like what's a catchy title for this event?

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And demystifying men, removing the mystery from women, understanding men.

00:08:47.602 --> 00:08:56.039
And you know, what I also want to share with you too, wanda, is that during my first event, I had a couple of the ladies bring their significant other with them.

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So there was a couple of men in the room and when I tell you one of the young ladies, she said oh my gosh, after your event, her husband had been talking about starting a business and he never did anything about it.

00:09:09.341 --> 00:09:11.347
You just talk, talk, talk with the little action.

00:09:11.347 --> 00:09:12.153
Just the girl.

00:09:12.153 --> 00:09:21.575
Monday morning he'd weigh, he incorporated his business, he went to the bank, got a loan, did this and this and this and that to really propel and move what he wanted to do forward.

00:09:21.575 --> 00:09:24.500
And that was because he also got an education about himself.

00:09:25.102 --> 00:09:26.027
I love it.

00:09:26.027 --> 00:09:26.750
It was profound.

00:09:26.750 --> 00:09:33.351
I love it because actually I was going to ask you about that too, and just me and my husband had been married 42 years Now.

00:09:33.351 --> 00:09:35.758
The last things, that's one, it ain't easy.

00:09:36.219 --> 00:09:36.801
It ain't easy.

00:09:36.801 --> 00:09:44.371
God has always been bringing us back together and we're not liking a lot of ways but not dipping a lot of ways, so we probably need to take one of yours, of course.

00:09:44.371 --> 00:09:44.753
You see it.

00:09:44.753 --> 00:09:47.976
You know how they say in metaphor Mars when we're from Venus.

00:09:47.976 --> 00:09:50.517
But yeah, but no, it is.

00:09:50.517 --> 00:09:59.119
God has really been blessing us to go through our challenges and our wins, and especially when you start getting older and don't be the same.

00:09:59.119 --> 00:10:04.041
So we definitely he's been through his head with that.

00:10:04.041 --> 00:10:04.982
I want to ask you something.

00:10:04.982 --> 00:10:11.235
So, in your experience, what are some of the common challenges that couples or women face in today's past, today's world?

00:10:12.712 --> 00:10:14.211
Oh my gosh, Women.

00:10:14.211 --> 00:10:16.698
Let's talk about some of the challenges women face.

00:10:16.698 --> 00:10:27.582
So think about three on the top of my head Women don't have the luxury of slowing down.

00:10:30.035 --> 00:10:30.717

00:10:31.750 --> 00:10:36.961
We don't have the luxury of just slowing down.

00:10:36.961 --> 00:11:16.187
I had a retreat last year titled the ultimate femininity experience, and one of the key takeaways that I've taught the women at the retreat about femininity and this is for the type A personality woman who is very driven and focused but yet and still realizes that she leads with more form masculinity than femininity the one thing that I shared with the ladies at the retreat was that, in order for you to tap into your femininity, the only way you can tap into your femininity is through time.

00:11:16.187 --> 00:11:29.440
You have to disconnect, you have to decompress, and you've got to carve out and create time in order for you to do that, because, if not, you'll grow old, right?

00:11:29.440 --> 00:11:31.011
That's another thing.

00:11:31.011 --> 00:11:52.581
Some of the issues that women face in terms of being in a fast-paced environment has to do with the desire to please everybody, the desire to meet everyone's needs, and the desire being attached to a sense of accomplishment, being attached to a sense of self.

00:11:52.581 --> 00:12:09.282
The desire to please everybody has now become part of your identity, when it shouldn't be part of who you are in the first place, and so that's another area that I think women who are fast-paced truly struggle with.

00:12:10.649 --> 00:12:32.745
And last but not least, I will say that not being able to articulate if you're in a relationship, that is, not being able to clearly articulate what your needs are from an intimacy perspective is also a challenge, and I think culturally it depends on the culture plays a part of it.

00:12:32.865 --> 00:12:34.774
Even age plays a part of it too.

00:12:34.774 --> 00:12:48.101
I was reading an article that talks about how the 23-year-old young woman today has had more sexual partners than the 54-year-old woman has had in her lifetime.

00:12:48.101 --> 00:12:59.576
Now, that's a huge disparity, but that goes to and I'm not saying one is right or one is wrong, it's just a sign of the times, right.

00:12:59.576 --> 00:13:18.480
But what I'm finding is that the women who are younger and more youthful have asserted the sense of self-awareness where they're able to articulate what they desire, where for some of us Gen X's and Baby Boomers and beyond may still struggle with that.

00:13:18.480 --> 00:13:31.763
Being able to have the freedom to share what you desire in a relationship is an area that I think women often fall as far as they're trapped to in this fast-paced world.

00:13:31.763 --> 00:13:36.221
It's so fast-paced, it's so fast-moving, you don't take the time for pleasure.

00:13:36.673 --> 00:13:41.418
You don't take the time to articulate pleasure and you don't take the time to receive pleasure.

00:13:41.418 --> 00:13:45.019
So those are some of the challenges I think women face and I agree with that.

00:13:45.350 --> 00:13:49.712
And actually I tell people my four C's I'm going to ask you about this but my four C's to a relationship.

00:13:49.712 --> 00:13:56.099
I have to make sure my husband knows this is communication consideration, compromise and compassion.

00:13:56.099 --> 00:13:59.909
Those are the four C's, and there's more C's in here than the other.

00:13:59.909 --> 00:14:11.472
You can go with that, but I want to ask you so how do you approach working with couples and individuals that are struggling with communication issues?

00:14:14.169 --> 00:14:30.552
The foundation of any successful relationship, the foundation of any successful marriage rises and falls on communication, right Even when you think about if we take a look at it from a spiritual perspective or a biblical perspective.

00:14:31.153 --> 00:16:24.009
you'll hear a lot of folks teach that prayer is a foundation, and although I do believe that prayer is a foundation, but I have seen women spend years praying for a man who just doesn't know how to communicate he just doesn't know how, because men, by and large, are raised differently and, in a lot of cases, depending on their background and their upbringing, have acquired elements of trauma and were never really taught that vulnerability was a powerful tool in communication, vulnerability being a powerful tool in relating and in relationships, and vulnerability being a powerful tool and being able to live a completely free and light life when you're able to be vulnerable and when you're able to be securing your vulnerability, when you're able to feel safe in that vulnerability, it then opens the opportunity for you to be able to communicate and to do so in a manner that's absolutely beautiful, because it's founded on feeling safe and vulnerability, and I really I think the biggest part that I wanna share with your viewers with regards to communication is to be able to ensure, if you're not married, if you're single and if you're dating, 50% of the battle at winning a marriage is marrying the right person, and one of the ways you can understand or define or decipher whether that person is the right one for you is their ability to communicate with you and to do so with a beautiful vulnerability.

00:16:25.042 --> 00:16:30.289
And that's perfectly said, because I always say communication is important to me.

00:16:30.289 --> 00:16:33.628
I'm a coordinator and I tell you what I think.

00:16:33.628 --> 00:16:38.686
But when you don't have a partner that don't communicate back with you, then make it difficult.

00:16:38.686 --> 00:16:40.105
The brain needs to have it.

00:16:40.600 --> 00:16:50.067
Or communication sounds more like an argument, or communication is I'm only listening so I can respond, not listening so I can comprehend.

00:16:50.067 --> 00:16:59.087
And we're taught to respond to be able to give an answer, not necessarily to respond to be able to receive.

00:16:59.087 --> 00:17:19.462
And so there's a lot that can be enhanced with the human dynamic in terms of communication that can really help couples excel in the space of marriage and to excel in a way that's absolutely beautiful in terms of what they desire to create for themselves in their relationship.

00:17:20.622 --> 00:17:23.325
Yeah, so how do I have the right person out here to talk about her?

00:17:23.325 --> 00:17:40.525
I wanna ask you something here and we're gonna be starting with that because I wanna make sure we can tell about you In the age of technology, everything with COVID happened and how has social media and digital communication impacted romantic relationships, and what advice do you get couples navigating these challenges?

00:17:41.579 --> 00:17:42.061
At night.

00:17:42.061 --> 00:17:44.608
Get that cell phone out the bedroom, yeah.

00:17:48.599 --> 00:17:49.544
Girl that's gonna be awesome.

00:17:50.540 --> 00:17:55.202
And you say two o'clock in the morning, you wake up and you can't sleep Before cell phone.

00:17:55.202 --> 00:17:59.308
You cuddle closer with your partner and you hold on tight until you fell back asleep again.

00:17:59.308 --> 00:18:01.327
Now you can't fall asleep.

00:18:01.327 --> 00:18:10.704
You're like let me see what's going on ESPNcom, let me see what's going on Facebook, let me see what's being said on Twitter or Instagram or whatever media platform.

00:18:10.704 --> 00:18:11.421
Let me see.

00:18:11.421 --> 00:18:14.170
Let me catch up on my latest YouTuber.

00:18:14.660 --> 00:18:21.468
Yeah, so get rid of the cell phone in the bedroom, forget the cell phone out of the bedroom, Take it out of the room, put it in the next room.

00:18:21.468 --> 00:18:26.107
It can charge in the next room and you're like what if an emergency happens?

00:18:26.107 --> 00:18:28.228
Here's what you and someone needs to call you.

00:18:28.228 --> 00:18:35.865
Unless it's somebody that's in your house, Chances are you probably won't answer the phone until the next morning anyway.

00:18:36.406 --> 00:18:36.868
I know.

00:18:37.180 --> 00:18:37.943
That those needs to.

00:18:37.943 --> 00:18:45.826
Exactly so in your favorites, ed, who's in your favorites, so that if that person calls you at a certain time, you put your phone on do not disturb.

00:18:45.826 --> 00:18:47.526
That phone will ring.

00:18:47.526 --> 00:18:50.423
It'll ring in the next room, you'll hear it.

00:18:50.423 --> 00:18:54.746
You'll wake up and you'll hear it to the cup, eleanor, not after.

00:18:54.746 --> 00:18:57.083
So my phone is on, do not disturb.

00:18:57.083 --> 00:19:00.005
After 9 pm it's on, do not disturb.

00:19:00.005 --> 00:19:03.003
And we charge our phones in the next room.

00:19:05.388 --> 00:19:10.832
I guess I have to work on that one, because I do have do not disturb, though I do that habit on do not disturb.

00:19:11.888 --> 00:19:16.527
So at two o'clock in the morning, when you wake up to go use the bathroom and you can't go back to sleep.

00:19:16.527 --> 00:19:24.834
Before, you used to cuddle, and you know that cuddling provided you with activities that help you fall right back to sleep.

00:19:24.834 --> 00:19:31.194
Nowadays, that's being replaced with social media, and so my advice is get the cell phone out of the bedroom.

00:19:31.566 --> 00:19:31.866
Get the.

00:19:31.886 --> 00:19:33.893
TV and the phone out of the bedroom.

00:19:34.334 --> 00:19:42.771
Okay, okay, I guess a lot of us will have to work on that one there, so let me ask you another question here.

00:19:42.771 --> 00:19:50.810
So how do you couples, or a woman, maintain a healthy balance between independence and togetherness in their relationships?

00:19:51.512 --> 00:19:53.210
Yeah, great question.

00:19:53.210 --> 00:19:54.794
Independence is necessary.

00:19:54.794 --> 00:19:57.431
You got to be who you are in your marriage.

00:19:57.431 --> 00:20:12.576
You've got to be who you are in your relationship and I think the false misconception that a lot of women were taught was that you're supposed to like, melt into the other person and completely disappear as a help mate.

00:20:12.576 --> 00:20:20.570
But my philosophy is I was given this gift of greatness that resides within me when I was born with a purpose.

00:20:20.570 --> 00:20:23.752
Dr Miles Monroe talks about this all the time.

00:20:23.752 --> 00:20:24.595
God rest his soul.

00:20:24.595 --> 00:20:26.971
Everybody has got a seed of greatness in them.

00:20:26.971 --> 00:20:30.973
God's not a purpose that they were designed to accomplish.

00:20:30.973 --> 00:20:32.848
A husband is no different.

00:20:32.848 --> 00:20:33.672
You're no different.

00:20:34.346 --> 00:20:54.554
Your husband is no different, and the independence comes with understanding that you have your life mission and he has his life mission, and what you decided to do when you came together is to go through this life mission side by side, together.

00:20:54.554 --> 00:21:11.353
So being an independent person shouldn't take away from you showing up for your significant other, as long as your independence isn't based on selfishness and I think that's where a lot of people get it wrong.

00:21:11.353 --> 00:21:21.136
A husband may say, oh, I need you to stop doing what it is that you're doing to help me build my business, and by and large, I'm just giving that as an example.

00:21:21.136 --> 00:21:24.411
Women will put what they're doing on hold to help the man.

00:21:24.411 --> 00:21:32.332
Women will always put what they're doing on hold to help the woman, and I talk about that in my Demacifying Men course.

00:21:32.944 --> 00:21:37.409
We talk about stages of man's development, and I'll talk about Prince A and Prince B.

00:21:37.409 --> 00:21:41.637
Prince A wants to build his kingdom with his princess.

00:21:41.637 --> 00:21:43.990
Prince B wants to build his kingdom alone.

00:21:43.990 --> 00:21:55.328
And so when you think about independence and being able to still be in a relationship, someone you got to identify the person that you're with.

00:21:55.328 --> 00:21:59.159
Are they looking to you to support them 100%?

00:21:59.159 --> 00:22:01.616
Are they willing to support you?

00:22:01.616 --> 00:22:06.501
These are the types of conversations that you need to have before you walk down the aisle.

00:22:06.501 --> 00:22:18.738
Now, if you're already knee-deep in marriage, like you're 20 years in, then it also requires a conversation same concept, but perhaps different parameters, where you have to let your significant other know.

00:22:18.738 --> 00:22:22.615
This is something that's meaningful and it's important to me and I want to give it a shot.

00:22:22.615 --> 00:22:24.696
Can I turn on you for your support?

00:22:25.109 --> 00:22:27.516
And that's true, that tells you that's your right mate.

00:22:27.516 --> 00:22:28.818
It's a right mate Exactly.

00:22:29.079 --> 00:22:30.061
You're getting married Exactly.

00:22:30.061 --> 00:22:35.237
I know plenty of couples who this husband does not support what the wife is doing.

00:22:35.638 --> 00:22:35.900

00:22:36.371 --> 00:22:40.862
And it's like somebody just blowing out their candle.

00:22:40.862 --> 00:22:49.039
It's the light that they had in their eyes just disappear, simply because he's functioning from a place of selfishness.

00:22:49.059 --> 00:22:52.679
Selflessness, yep and not selflessness.

00:22:52.679 --> 00:22:54.515

00:22:54.515 --> 00:22:55.313
I love that.

00:22:55.313 --> 00:22:55.976
I love it.

00:22:55.976 --> 00:22:59.655
I'm going to wind down here real quick because I know we're getting on tired.

00:22:59.655 --> 00:23:01.896
But how does?

00:23:01.896 --> 00:23:04.650
Because you know it's a networking and conversion.

00:23:04.650 --> 00:23:05.693
How does that fit into?

00:23:05.693 --> 00:23:07.837
What you do Is for you to collaborate.

00:23:07.837 --> 00:23:11.698
Do you collaborate with other people that actually do what you do, or how do you do it?

00:23:11.931 --> 00:23:13.215
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:23:13.215 --> 00:23:28.142
My mission is to get the word out there, to help men better understand women, to help women better understand men, so that we can have better relationships, so that we can that human element of companionship.

00:23:28.142 --> 00:23:30.778
One of our six basic needs is love and connection.

00:23:30.778 --> 00:23:34.400
As humans having the spiritual experience yes.

00:23:34.400 --> 00:23:40.294
Sorry, as spiritual beings having this human experience, I had it reversed, Loving connection it may not make sense to me.

00:23:40.730 --> 00:23:42.416
But they both make sense exactly.

00:23:42.416 --> 00:24:10.897
But love and connection is a big part of it and I love and I welcome opportunities to collaborate with other people who are like-minded in that way so that we can present this message about how to better connect, how to better collaborate, even in relationships, so that we can have that love affair that, just like I said in my bio, not just such a solo buyer.

00:24:11.740 --> 00:24:14.557
Absolutely, and I actually was talking to my guest that I had yesterday.

00:24:14.557 --> 00:24:20.336
You guys definitely need to connect and my other friend lady.

00:24:20.336 --> 00:24:25.148
She's from Boundaries, so I think you all will be a great collaboration with one another.

00:24:25.309 --> 00:24:27.258
Oh, I have a teaching on boundaries.

00:24:27.258 --> 00:24:30.528
Boundaries makes for great relationships, yeah, yeah.

00:24:30.851 --> 00:24:33.797
Yeah, she's going to be on the 20th front so she'll be following after you.

00:24:34.231 --> 00:24:36.373
Okay, wonderful, yeah, I love it.

00:24:37.009 --> 00:24:46.118
So let's round this down, because I want people to know how to get in touch with you, also when there's courses, because I want to make sure that they listen.

00:24:46.118 --> 00:24:51.095
This is a great conversation and I really appreciate it, so tell us how they can get in touch with you.

00:24:51.897 --> 00:24:52.869
Absolutely so.

00:24:52.869 --> 00:25:02.537
My website is workwithrachildaviscom and when you go to the website, scroll all the way at the bottom and join the mailing list and you'll receive emails.

00:25:02.537 --> 00:25:11.178
I do my best to get at least two emails out per month, which is a way for me to stay connected with my community and provide updates and so forth.

00:25:11.178 --> 00:25:16.378
As far as social media is concerned, on Instagram is love by Rachel Davis.

00:25:16.378 --> 00:25:18.773
Youtube, it's Rachel Davis.

00:25:18.773 --> 00:25:31.557
Tv or Demonstrifying Men, and both it's also Rachel Davis, so that's how you can find me on all social platforms, and I'm at TikTok, rachel Davis as well.

00:25:31.938 --> 00:25:32.880
All right, this was awesome.

00:25:32.880 --> 00:25:38.998
I really enjoyed our conversation and you just gave so many tips.

00:25:38.998 --> 00:25:46.780
What you have is really great for people to listen to, so I encourage the audience to definitely listen to it.

00:25:46.780 --> 00:25:56.434
Reach out to Rachel, because she has so much demystifying tips and stuff that you can do, because I'm telling you I know my husband's going to be listen to this as well.

00:25:56.434 --> 00:26:02.097
So I definitely enjoyed our conversation and I'm going to have you back on that show here.

00:26:03.272 --> 00:26:05.038
So I'm just too sure, I'm just too sure.

00:26:05.038 --> 00:26:09.894
But now it's so much we can get into, absolutely, absolutely how much we can get into.

00:26:10.450 --> 00:26:19.916
But thank you, rachel, for being on our show and thank you, audience, for joining us on Ready Set, collaborate with Wanda Pearson and the special edition of the Art of Relationships.

00:26:19.916 --> 00:26:26.076
Make sure you share and follow my podcast, because I'm on all podcasts.

00:26:26.076 --> 00:26:27.703
I actually read your mind, joe.

00:26:27.703 --> 00:26:28.269
I don't know.

00:26:28.269 --> 00:26:35.853
I don't know All the fantastic podcasts, spotify, pied Made, anything you think of.

00:26:35.853 --> 00:26:38.721
Just do Ready Set, collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:26:38.721 --> 00:26:40.317
You will find me on all different platforms.

00:26:40.317 --> 00:26:46.855
So thank you once again for being on our podcast and I look forward to talking with you soon.

00:26:47.730 --> 00:26:48.152
Tanya here.

00:26:48.152 --> 00:26:49.196
Thanks so much for having me.

00:26:49.289 --> 00:26:49.932
It's been a pleasure.

00:26:49.932 --> 00:26:51.473
Thank you so much.

00:26:52.650 --> 00:26:57.373
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:26:57.373 --> 00:27:08.199
For more information about the host head to WDPiersonassociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:27:08.199 --> 00:27:09.693
Want to connect?

00:27:09.693 --> 00:27:23.857
Send an email to Wanda at WDPiersonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.