July 10, 2024

Navigating the Marketing Maze with Wanda Pearson: Empowering Strategies, Captivating Storytelling, and Entrepreneurial Success

Navigating the Marketing Maze with Wanda Pearson: Empowering Strategies, Captivating Storytelling, and Entrepreneurial Success
Embark with me,  Wanda Pearson, on a transformative journey from corporate confines to the entrepreneurial spirit with Ready Set Collaborate. As we navigate the currents of effective marketing strategies, I share the blueprint of my unique brand, WD Pearson Associates, and how it's shaping the way we educate, empower, and coach in the post-COVID era. This episode is electric with the presence of my first guest, a maestro of marketing, who joins us to unpack the art of measuring campaign success, the burgeoning digital marketing landscape, and choosing the perfect platforms to amplify your business.

With a personal tale of diving into the world of LegalShield, I illustrate the profound impact of storytelling in business. My guest and I dissect content marketing, SEO, and PPC, providing an arsenal of tactics to captivate your audience and leave them yearning for more. We reveal how to craft narratives that resonate, engage, and ultimately, convert. This is a must-listen for anyone looking to elevate their marketing strategy and write their own success story. Join us for this essential dialogue where collaboration meets innovation and every entrepreneur finds their voice.

Connect with Wanda Pearson and Make sure you Like, Subscribe and Follow to get all the episodes of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

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Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready.

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Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

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Hi, I am so excited to present a new series on my Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson and that series is on marketing.

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How do you market your business?

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How did you get that information to get out to some of the potential clients and clients that you have?

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So I want to start off with saying that my marketing.

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When I started my business, we have Legal Shield as our business, but I created my own brand, which is WD Pearson Associates.

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My own brand, which is WD Pearson Associates.

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I wanted to have my own brand and how to get out there.

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Even though our legal shield is network marketing, I wanted to have my own brand and so I did create WD Pearson Associates that helps educate, empower, coach and consult with our services and also with what you want to do as far as your passion of how you want to start your business.

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So this is something that I started when I left for my corporate job and I wanted to get out there because I'm a community based.

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I love getting out of the community.

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I'm a social worker.

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How can I help people?

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So this is my way of getting out and helping people and being able to, especially when COVID happened.

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When COVID happened, a lot of people had to stay in their homes.

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They lost their jobs.

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So that's when I started doing the webinars with other entrepreneurs about how we can work together, and when you're working together, you collaborate together, and that's why I named my podcast, ready Set Collaborate.

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Collaboration is the key to success, but you need your marketing strategy to be able to help with that.

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So I am going to be having my guests and I'm going to ask some questions as far as how do you describe your overall marketing strategy?

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I'm going to ask you how do you describe your overall marketing strategy?

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How do you measure your success of your marketing campaigns?

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So I do a lot of campaigns.

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I do my newsletters with my clients, with LegalShield.

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I want to keep them abreast and educate them, make sure that they are understanding what they have as a service.

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So those are some of the things that I've been doing my tools and also educating, coaching people how I was actually helping them get their LLC started.

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But also digital marketing how do you prioritize your digital marketing, which is social media and email marketing, seo, ppc those are some of the questions I'm going to be asking my guests as well.

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So I market minds and I think that I have my first guest is going to be about her marketing, helping me market my business to get it where people will see potential, potential prospects, would see also clients.

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So digital marketing is so important in today's world.

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Right, I would say.

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As far as your social media, your email marketing, how do you get out there to do that?

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And also, how do you approach your social marketing?

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Social media marketing?

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There's certain platforms that you work best for your business.

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I do a lot on LinkedIn and also on Facebook, but you have to be out there to market your business.

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If you don't market your business, then nobody knows what your business does.

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So that is some of the things that I've been doing.

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Content marketing how about content marketing that makes it different your content or what you're marketing?

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What services do you provide?

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What products do you provide?

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Those are some of the things that you want to think about and how do you decide on those topics and formats of your content, something that's going to get people's perk them up, say, oh, I want to learn about that.

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So that is something that you want to make sure.

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But one thing I always say is share your story.

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Share a story of how a particular piece of content significantly impacted your business.

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And I really do have to say I have a story how I got started.

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When I left corporate I said, okay, what am I going to do?

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I retired when I was younger but I had the old pension plan.

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So having that old pension plan helped me to be able to get out in the community, because I'm about the community and help people understand what I do.

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So having that story and also when COVID happened, there was a lot of people that told their story.

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So my story was that I came back from Chicago.

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I'm from Chicago sharing my story and asking myself what can I do to help other people and what can I do to create my own brand?

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I do have some my accountability coaches that actually told me Wanda, you may have legal shield, but you need your own brand.

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With WD Pearson Associates helped me to be able to create that brand, to be able to go outside of what I do as far as my services all of our services and do more than what I've been doing.

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That is some one of the things that I've been doing as far as that, and then also branding what I've been doing.

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That is one of the things that I've been doing as far as that.

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And then also branding.

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As you can see, I've branded my own business, wd Pearson Associates.

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I branded it to be able to create something that's mine.

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It's not anybody else's, but that's mine.

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That was something that I took pride in creating that.

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And I took pride in it because actually, my podcast is all on my WD Pearson Associates.

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Having access to that is a great accomplishment that I've done.

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One thing I always have to say you have to have that customer engagement and experience right.

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How do you engage with your customers?

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How do you tell them that?

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But one thing I want to say is that you have to educate people and empower them to be able to understand what you're doing and what they're doing in their business.

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So that's why I come in with a consultant and how can I help you.

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So these are some of the things that we're going to be talking about on my series on marketing on the Ready Set Collaborate podcast.

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So I look forward to hearing some of my guests.

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That's going to talk about all types of things as far as marketing and how they got started, how they were able to be successful in their business, and I would love for you to follow, subscribe and make sure you like on my podcast Ready Set Collaborate.

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So look forward to hearing some comments about what you think about our podcast on the marketing series Ready set collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

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Thank you so much.

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Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

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For more information about the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom.

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About the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

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Want to connect?

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Send an email to Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborating.