Dec. 13, 2023

Revolutionizing Business: Sonya King's Insights on In-Person and Virtual Networking in the Digital Age

Revolutionizing Business: Sonya King's Insights on In-Person and Virtual Networking in the Digital Age

Have you ever wondered how networking and collaboration could supercharge your entrepreneurial journey? Meet Sonya King, the dynamic force behind King Kreations, as we unravel her inspiring journey and her key to success - networking. We discuss her roots as a chef, inspired by her grandmother, to her role as a catalyst in Experience Connections South Fulton, an innovative group dedicated to empowering businesswomen. Sonya's tale of perseverance and success is a testament to the power of connections and collaboration.

The digital age brought a whirlwind of changes, which included a paradigm shift in networking. Sonya and I share our trials and triumphs in navigating through this landscape of virtual in-person events and the impact of technology on collaboration. We also delve into the intriguing story of Sonya, a passionate Chef and entrepreneur who has harnessed the power of networking to foster her brand.
 Sonya's emphasis on focusing on others and building genuine relationships resonates deeply. Get ready for an insightful exploration into the realm of networking and its transformative power in entrepreneurship. Tune in for a dose of inspiration and insights!

Contact Sonya King
Subscribe to her YouTube Channel - King Kreations PCS
website -

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:02 - The Importance of Networking and Collaboration

09:35 - Virtual Networking in the Digital Age

15:37 - Women Making It Happen


00:00:02.124 --> 00:00:16.685
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:16.685 --> 00:00:29.525
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:29.525 --> 00:00:42.973
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.973 --> 00:00:52.594
Tune in to Ready Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:55.145 --> 00:01:03.527
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast episode four with my girlfriend, sonia the king of king creations.

00:01:03.527 --> 00:01:06.917
I am so excited to have Sonia on our show.

00:01:06.917 --> 00:01:13.903
But I want to tell a little bit about Sonia, because me and Sonia met at a networking event and we became best friends since then.

00:01:13.903 --> 00:01:16.271
Sisters we call them sisters, right, sonia?

00:01:16.271 --> 00:01:26.659
Yes, this is from another mother, but I love my Sonia because she just made me feel so welcome when I joined Experience Connections.

00:01:26.659 --> 00:01:28.768
So let me tell a little bit about Sonia.

00:01:29.569 --> 00:01:33.864
And actually Sonia has a book out which is called Chef what's for Dinner?

00:01:33.864 --> 00:01:35.707
No, I'm saying chef, where's dinner?

00:01:35.707 --> 00:01:38.861
I'm saying for dinner, and you definitely need to get that.

00:01:38.861 --> 00:01:40.206
But I'm going to let her tell you about that.

00:01:40.206 --> 00:01:44.429
But it's called my Journey Back to the Kitchen by Chef Sonia King.

00:01:44.429 --> 00:01:47.560
But let me tell you a little bit about her.

00:01:47.560 --> 00:01:53.983
Chef Sonia has always been an entrepreneur at heart, which came from her entrepreneur mind, the grandmother.

00:01:53.983 --> 00:02:05.179
Her ventures in coppers being a kitchen consultant, party consultant, event planner, culinary school to children ages five to 15, and cake decorating teacher.

00:02:05.179 --> 00:02:07.927
Wow, sonia, you got a lot of stuff that you do here.

00:02:07.927 --> 00:02:21.460
As an Experience Connection South Fulton co-leader with her dear friend and business partner, samantha Jackson Chef Sonia is now bringing more business women together to help empower them and further their dreams and aspirations.

00:02:21.460 --> 00:02:30.709
And Sonia definitely is a connector, she's definitely a collaborator and I am proud to bring my girl, sonia, into my podcast.

00:02:30.709 --> 00:02:31.973
I'm so excited, sonia.

00:02:32.754 --> 00:02:34.438
I'm excited to be here, Wanda.

00:02:34.438 --> 00:02:36.084
I love collaborating with you.

00:02:36.084 --> 00:02:37.747
We had so much fun together.

00:02:37.788 --> 00:02:38.651
Yes, we did.

00:02:38.651 --> 00:02:39.513
Yes, we did we.

00:02:39.513 --> 00:02:42.888
Actually we were going to tell about that little on your show.

00:02:42.888 --> 00:02:44.741
I was on your YouTube channel on your cooking show.

00:02:44.741 --> 00:02:50.741
Yeah, that was fun because I can remember what the title was my meal was going to be right.

00:02:51.001 --> 00:02:51.481
Old dish.

00:02:51.481 --> 00:03:03.544
Yes, remember what it was you try to get me in trouble Chicken, anyway had chicken, spinach and alfredo sauce.

00:03:03.544 --> 00:03:06.650
Yes, it was good though y'all.

00:03:06.650 --> 00:03:10.266
Oh, it's delicious, but I can remember what it was.

00:03:10.266 --> 00:03:14.161
But yeah, that was a treat and that's actually on the YouTube channel.

00:03:14.161 --> 00:03:17.367
So make sure you go on Sonia's YouTube channel and subscribe to her.

00:03:17.367 --> 00:03:20.443
So, sonia, tell us a little bit about yourself.

00:03:20.443 --> 00:03:21.765
Then I want to ask you some questions.

00:03:23.311 --> 00:03:27.902
Okay, well, I am a mother of two grown and grown kids.

00:03:27.902 --> 00:03:29.925
I love them.

00:03:29.925 --> 00:03:32.030
Yes, two wonderful grandsons.

00:03:32.030 --> 00:03:35.094
They're age 14 and 11.

00:03:35.094 --> 00:03:38.645
So this is very interesting and fun time right now.

00:03:38.645 --> 00:03:41.850
I'm also a wife.

00:03:41.850 --> 00:03:53.426
We're going to have our anniversary this weekend, our seven year anniversary this weekend, and I'm a devoted mother, I'm sorry, devoted daughter.

00:03:53.426 --> 00:04:02.848
My mother, I love my mother, 83 years old, or say, let's say, 83 years young, and she is wonderful and I just love her dearly.

00:04:02.848 --> 00:04:05.853
And I'm a chef because of my grandmother.

00:04:05.853 --> 00:04:16.884
As Wanda had said earlier, she planted that seed in me as a kid and so I just decided to go to culinary school many years later.

00:04:16.884 --> 00:04:30.507
Unfortunately, my grandmother was not here when I did it, but she's the reason why I'm a chef and I just love Warming people's tummies with good food, whether it's sweet or savory.

00:04:30.507 --> 00:04:32.978
So that's just a little bit about me.

00:04:33.540 --> 00:04:34.723
Yeah, I'm gonna tell you.

00:04:34.723 --> 00:04:43.795
And she gets me in trouble because, actually, with that candy and a pie, I'm from Chicago, so she makes my shi town popcorn for me every time.

00:04:43.795 --> 00:04:44.798
She knows what I like.

00:04:44.798 --> 00:04:51.242
So, oh my god, everything that she cooks sweets, delica, everything she does is superb.

00:04:51.242 --> 00:04:53.487
So thank you, sonya, for being my chef.

00:04:53.487 --> 00:04:56.423
Oh, thank you, thank you.

00:04:56.423 --> 00:05:05.980
I want to ask you some questions, though, because I'm gonna dive into why my network ready to collaborate is so important to me, because we both collaborate a lot with other entrepreneurs.

00:05:05.980 --> 00:05:13.201
But how important do you think networking is for collaboration and why Networking is so important.

00:05:13.641 --> 00:05:26.898
I learned that many years ago when I was I had gone to a vet planning classes and my instructor, she told all of us ladies, if you're not Networking, you're not working.

00:05:26.898 --> 00:05:32.769
And that spoke volumes to me and I like to play on the words, but it stuck with me.

00:05:32.769 --> 00:05:38.788
And Because, as an entrepreneur, you have to get out there and network.

00:05:38.788 --> 00:05:41.264
Because she ran out of friends and family.

00:05:41.264 --> 00:05:43.314
They get tired of you coming to a law boy.

00:05:43.314 --> 00:05:44.276
Here she comes again.

00:05:44.276 --> 00:05:46.382
What is what does she want now?

00:05:46.382 --> 00:05:47.464
What is she selling now?

00:05:47.464 --> 00:05:49.088
You know, what does she want me to do now?

00:05:49.716 --> 00:06:03.341
So when you network with people that are like-minded, they get you so they're ready to collaborate with you, so that you can further your business, help them at the same time.

00:06:03.341 --> 00:06:11.886
And actually there's a quote in my book that I said be the wings that a sisterpreneur needs to soar in her business.

00:06:11.886 --> 00:06:20.235
And that's how I feel, you know, knowing that I'm helping another sisterpreneur with getting the right connections.

00:06:20.235 --> 00:06:39.154
That's why I joined experienced connections South Fulton so that she could, you know, get the connections that she need in her business, to help her, you know, and it just makes me feel good Knowing that I've helped somebody to get the connections that they need to go further.

00:06:39.154 --> 00:06:43.702
So it's very important you must do that.

00:06:43.702 --> 00:06:57.442
You must network and collaborate too, because you get in the People that your collaborator knows that you don't know and vice versa, and Building that relationship is very important.

00:06:58.415 --> 00:07:05.322
Absolutely, and I totally agree with that, because me, coming from corporate, I didn't really know how to network.

00:07:05.322 --> 00:07:07.086
I was not a salesperson, I'm a social worker.

00:07:07.086 --> 00:07:26.548
They're not not a salesperson, but it actually was something that when I learned it, it was just like okay, that gave me this vision to get in back into the community and that community was building it with With be an eye and there was a sparse connection with other other groups that I'm part of.

00:07:26.548 --> 00:07:36.319
That's what they call me the networking queen, but I'm, and me and Sonya be at a lot of the same networking groups Together, but I really enjoy.

00:07:36.319 --> 00:07:40.728
And the good thing about the networking, tony, is that you build friendships as well.

00:07:40.728 --> 00:07:44.685
You know, and and people that's gonna have your back when something happens.

00:07:44.685 --> 00:07:52.182
Like you said, sometimes you can depend on family, but you know, happen the having your entrepreneur Sisters have what do you call it?

00:07:52.182 --> 00:07:52.947
Sister for newers.

00:07:52.947 --> 00:07:53.490
I love that.

00:07:53.509 --> 00:07:53.649

00:07:53.730 --> 00:08:05.142
I call sister for nurse, sister for newers, to have your back, because I Know I built my business, a lot that actually helped me to Attain my goals with the spirits connection.

00:08:05.142 --> 00:08:07.338
So I truly appreciate that.

00:08:07.338 --> 00:08:11.288
And then I would have never met Sonya if I had not network, you know.

00:08:11.288 --> 00:08:13.524
So, yes, very, very important.

00:08:13.524 --> 00:08:21.959
So let me ask you this question how can networking help individuals or organizations that access new opportunities to collaboration?

00:08:24.423 --> 00:08:30.420
Well it's, you know, like when we go to, like you said, we go to a lot of different meetings and we see each other.

00:08:30.420 --> 00:08:37.399
When you go to those meetings you're going to see the same people, but then you also, because you're going in different locations, you're going to see other people.

00:08:37.399 --> 00:08:45.293
And so that helps when you go to other locations, because sometimes we're stuck in our comfort zone.

00:08:45.293 --> 00:08:49.360
But when you go outside of your comfort zone, that's where the magic happens.

00:08:49.360 --> 00:09:08.419
And yeah, even I had to learn that years ago, you know, I was like I'm just going to stick with the networking on my side, because there was no networking on our side of town and as I decided to venture out a little further out, that's when, like I said, the magic happens.

00:09:08.419 --> 00:09:21.269
And it's so important, y'all, you know, grab the sisterpreneurs from different areas and y'all all come together, meet in the center, and you're just going to see a lot of different changes.

00:09:22.701 --> 00:09:35.399
Absolutely, and that's what I want to get to next, and that's great to know, because when COVID happens so I wanted you to talk about the digital age when you start doing networking, in-person network is in COVID happen.

00:09:35.399 --> 00:09:42.871
Tell us about how that transpired to do that virtual in-person networking in the digital age, because this is the digital age now.

00:09:42.871 --> 00:09:45.764
Right, yeah, so tell us about that.

00:09:47.041 --> 00:09:53.173
Well, it's a funny story behind that, because I didn't even have a Zoom account.

00:09:53.173 --> 00:09:54.501
I didn't have any of that.

00:09:54.501 --> 00:09:59.153
I mean, I wasn't doing, you know, virtual meetings or anything like that.

00:09:59.153 --> 00:10:03.410
But when 2020 hit, we all had to pivot, right, yes?

00:10:03.410 --> 00:10:23.399
So while people were complaining about the pivoting, I was laid up, I couldn't walk and when our organization experienced connections was, you know, trying to decide if they were going to go ahead and do virtual, because nobody could do in-person meetings, some people didn't want to do it because, you know, sometimes change is hard.

00:10:23.660 --> 00:10:32.272
I mean, I'm pretty sure that everybody can, you know, agree with that, and I was already laid up anyway and I was like you know what, I'll do it.

00:10:32.272 --> 00:10:33.501
You know, I was the first.

00:10:33.501 --> 00:10:56.399
Our location, the experience connection, south Fulton, was the first location to take the bull by the horns and the organization as a whole has not looked back and that's a great thing because we now have that, this platform to be able to go outside of the Atlanta area and get you know sisterpreneurs from across the globe.

00:10:56.399 --> 00:11:05.111
I mean, I've even met some people from international waters and I was like, wow, this is great, all because of modern technology.

00:11:05.961 --> 00:11:24.576
So for those of you that, yeah, so yeah, so the wonderful thing to be able to go out from your seat and meet other people that you would never have met if you didn't turn on that camera and meet them.

00:11:24.576 --> 00:11:29.900
So, yeah, I would say, just just take a couple of breathers or whatever.

00:11:29.900 --> 00:11:38.789
Go ahead and get on that zoom or whatever platform that you're using and meet some new people from from different states, from out of the country.

00:11:39.725 --> 00:11:44.115
Yeah, and you know, sonny, you always bring those people in.

00:11:44.115 --> 00:11:50.265
I mean, you know it's funny because you use different avenues as far as getting them putting out.

00:11:50.265 --> 00:11:55.437
You know your networking events and what is it the magazine does?

00:11:55.437 --> 00:12:00.648
I forgot the name of it A magazine, not magazine.

00:12:00.648 --> 00:12:08.373
The network, when you reach out to people and they actually respond back and they come to your meetings, virtual or in person.

00:12:09.485 --> 00:12:15.096
Oh well, I use different apps, not really, you know, like, the next door app is one of them.

00:12:15.096 --> 00:12:15.957
That's what I'm like.

00:12:15.957 --> 00:12:21.490
Yeah, the thing is, with the next door app and I think that's what all of them you got to deal with the algorithms.

00:12:21.490 --> 00:12:34.059
So if you're going to promote your business or you know whatever service that you're doing, you're going to have to do it in a decent amount of time, because I'm telling you, sometimes it's a roll of the dice with social media.

00:12:34.059 --> 00:12:39.196
You know, you're hoping that people will find out today that they need to come today.

00:12:39.196 --> 00:12:42.875
No, if you want those people to come today, you need to reach out to them personally.

00:12:43.205 --> 00:12:49.168
But if you're trying to get fresh meat, so to speak, had to go there with the chef thing, but anyway, you have to.

00:12:49.168 --> 00:12:56.472
You know, put it out there like at least five days in advance, knowing that at some point it'll roll around to them.

00:12:56.472 --> 00:12:58.389
So just start early.

00:12:58.389 --> 00:13:00.230
But next door is one of them.

00:13:00.230 --> 00:13:01.450
I'm on a line of both.

00:13:01.450 --> 00:13:05.855
Now, I was already on there, but I'm sure a lot of y'all could agree.

00:13:05.855 --> 00:13:11.673
It's a lot of different platforms out here and sometimes you just feel like it jumping through hoops, right.

00:13:14.109 --> 00:13:25.049
So, I heard somebody say that they had gotten some people from Alignable and I said, well, let me go ahead and get back on there fully so that I could, you know, bring some people into the fold.

00:13:26.164 --> 00:13:35.047
And that's awesome, because actually it's funny because when I have that corporate and I joined B&I but I was on the line and I had no idea what I was I'm still on line, so I'm not using it that much.

00:13:35.047 --> 00:13:43.157
But that was actually one of the questions and you already answered it how is technology such as social media on our platforms influenced networking and collaboration?

00:13:43.157 --> 00:13:45.363
That was one of my questions I was going to ask you.

00:13:45.363 --> 00:13:54.554
So you think that that has brought collaboration into by you doing that, venturing out, not just with social media, because social bikers that I said I missed.

00:13:54.554 --> 00:13:57.270
So that has helped you with your business, right?

00:13:57.812 --> 00:14:04.296
Yes, and also it's good to put that out there and you know there's what's app and all of that stuff.

00:14:04.296 --> 00:14:07.749
Sometimes you can just get overload y'all.

00:14:07.749 --> 00:14:10.609
Sometimes you might have to unplug yourself from the digital devices.

00:14:10.609 --> 00:14:13.947
That's why I look forward to Fridays.

00:14:13.947 --> 00:14:16.264
I'm so serious.

00:14:16.264 --> 00:14:23.328
I do my hustle during the week with all of their social media platform and then on the weekends I just take a breather.

00:14:23.328 --> 00:14:26.787
Sunday you may not even see me at all on social media, you know.

00:14:26.787 --> 00:14:28.350
So that can be my family day.

00:14:29.120 --> 00:14:31.008
Oh, yeah, yeah, we do it on your way.

00:14:31.008 --> 00:14:41.025
We're the hardest working women, I tell you, because we're a bit too both like in the morning talking to each other sometimes, yes, night out, yeah, we are, we are.

00:14:41.025 --> 00:14:43.106
So that that's very interesting.

00:14:43.106 --> 00:14:59.708
But no, you actually, because what you do, they're challenging the obstacles in doing what you're doing as far as a digital, between virtual, between an in-person, and coordinating that with your partner, samantha, and it's kind of hard.

00:14:59.708 --> 00:15:04.346
So, and that's what I call collaboration, you definitely collaborate.

00:15:04.346 --> 00:15:05.590
And how do I bring this all together?

00:15:05.590 --> 00:15:08.047
And you do such a great job in doing that.

00:15:08.047 --> 00:15:10.123
I am so.

00:15:10.123 --> 00:15:17.823
I was so happy to have my first episode, the second episode of Bonnie Ross Parker, who created this platform, experience connection was.

00:15:17.823 --> 00:15:25.785
It was joy, joy connecting, and I don't know when it was experience connections, back about five years ago, I think, son, that's how long I've been knowing you.

00:15:26.379 --> 00:15:27.745
That's how long I've been in it.

00:15:28.821 --> 00:15:30.025
Yes, about five years ago.

00:15:30.025 --> 00:15:37.260
So having this platform for women, I mean, you know that he did what I meant to different platforms here, you know.

00:15:37.260 --> 00:15:39.948
But this is actually what does Bonnie say.

00:15:41.140 --> 00:15:42.164
Women making it happen.

00:15:42.164 --> 00:15:43.683
Women make it happen.

00:15:43.683 --> 00:15:44.842
Yes, that's the slogan.

00:15:45.323 --> 00:15:46.227
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:15:46.227 --> 00:15:55.986
And that that is I tell you about us working together and knowing that we're not left behind, because I'm telling you, coming from corporate, sometimes you're left behind and you're not heard.

00:15:55.986 --> 00:16:08.690
So this what we heard and a lot of people who don't know, and that's what I end up doing when I, when COVID happened, I get into my office and start doing webinars because people wanted to start a business.

00:16:08.690 --> 00:16:09.692
How do you start a business?

00:16:09.692 --> 00:16:13.530
And you know this is something that my passion was to do that as well.

00:16:13.530 --> 00:16:22.849
So, with Sonia actually, Sonia is one of my associates, the leader of SHIELD, so she ties it very well, but we don't get her out there.

00:16:25.322 --> 00:16:39.907
Yeah, yeah so, but you know, it actually is very, very important because you have to be out there on social media in order to be able to get business or to start a business or to see what's going on with the business.

00:16:39.907 --> 00:16:48.529
So these episodes already said collaborate is something to help you be able to start or to grow your business.

00:16:48.529 --> 00:16:58.124
So let me ask you something Can you provide some tips for effective communication and relationship building within the professional networks, like the networks that you've been doing?

00:16:58.124 --> 00:17:02.864
Can you provide any kind of tips that you can share with our audience.

00:17:04.080 --> 00:17:11.689
OK, well, this is something that I say at a lot of meetings, especially when we talk about what has experienced connections done for us.

00:17:11.689 --> 00:17:27.291
I would definitely say that when you start networking, it may not happen immediately, but don't stop, Keep going, because it's about relationships, building relationships.

00:17:27.291 --> 00:17:32.626
You know, a lot of us go to these meetings, or even to our family, friends.

00:17:32.626 --> 00:17:48.488
Let's go that way and expect them to jump on you know all that product, or buy that piece of candy or whatever right away, because you feel that it's, you know, a masterpiece or whatever.

00:17:48.488 --> 00:17:50.346
This is phenomenal product.

00:17:50.346 --> 00:17:54.387
And then you feel some kind of way, when it doesn't happen right there, then and there.

00:17:56.064 --> 00:18:01.990
But you have to remove yourself from the equation and go thinking about the other person.

00:18:01.990 --> 00:18:03.645
What can I do for them?

00:18:03.645 --> 00:18:04.924
How can I help them?

00:18:04.924 --> 00:18:07.207
You know, and they tell us that.

00:18:07.207 --> 00:18:09.747
You know, we have a note section on our rosters.

00:18:09.747 --> 00:18:11.362
Make a note.

00:18:11.362 --> 00:18:14.211
Who can you connect that person with?

00:18:14.211 --> 00:18:18.647
Just from listening to our three minutes, we talked for three minutes about our business.

00:18:18.647 --> 00:18:23.329
So from those three minutes, what can you hear?

00:18:23.329 --> 00:18:28.906
How this person, what kind of referral do they need, you know, to make them soar in their business?

00:18:28.906 --> 00:18:33.170
And so when you start networking.

00:18:33.170 --> 00:18:35.366
Don't go thinking about me, me, me.

00:18:35.366 --> 00:18:37.968
Think about the other person, the other people.

00:18:37.968 --> 00:18:39.203
How can you help them?

00:18:39.203 --> 00:18:42.567
Because as you bless, you will eventually get blessed.

00:18:43.539 --> 00:18:44.142
I love that.

00:18:44.142 --> 00:18:45.788
I love that and thank you.

00:18:45.788 --> 00:18:50.127
So I'm gonna slow down from networking and I want you to tell us a little bit about what you do.

00:18:50.127 --> 00:18:52.728
I'm looking at creating creations in the back of you.

00:18:52.728 --> 00:18:56.943
Tell us about your business and then I want you to share how people can get in contact with you.

00:18:57.880 --> 00:19:00.669
Okay, king Creation's PCS is my baby.

00:19:00.669 --> 00:19:03.565
I started it in.

00:19:03.565 --> 00:19:07.405
Actually, it was conceptualized in the, when I was in my twenties.

00:19:07.405 --> 00:19:10.145
So I'm not in my twenties anymore.

00:19:10.145 --> 00:19:24.007
I remember some years old, but I was known as the cake lady back then and I enjoyed doing the cakes and I taught classes and I just wanted to say it in my bio and all that stuff.

00:19:24.007 --> 00:19:27.007
And let's fast forward to now.

00:19:27.007 --> 00:19:32.652
I'm back to the baking part, because I used to do meals.

00:19:32.652 --> 00:19:34.887
I still do meals, but only on request.

00:19:34.887 --> 00:19:46.486
My baby is always been baking in pastry because my grandmother she was a phenomenal cook as well as a baker, but I always I drew more from the baking side and I love to teach that.

00:19:46.486 --> 00:19:52.125
So King Creation's is going to rebrand next year and I'm so excited about it.

00:19:52.125 --> 00:20:05.141
If you have been following me and looking at my website, you've probably seen that there were some changes on there and I'm slowly making changes on it as I'm going back to doing what I'm very passionate about and that's.

00:20:05.482 --> 00:20:07.128
You know I like to do my sweet treats.

00:20:07.128 --> 00:20:11.872
You know I like to do popcorn, gourmet popcorn and candy.

00:20:11.872 --> 00:20:18.509
So if you can catch me now, before it gets too hot in the ATL, you can get you some wonderful candy.

00:20:18.509 --> 00:20:20.788
Caramel con clusters is my best seller.

00:20:20.788 --> 00:20:22.885
I also do assorted barks.

00:20:22.885 --> 00:20:39.327
I do fudge all of those things, and it's just so easy to be able to please that indulgent tooth, the indulgent tooth that's back there, that everybody's got, and sometimes we put it to the side because I'm not supposed to eat that.

00:20:39.327 --> 00:20:48.047
But this is the holiday season so we can go ahead and have a little bit, a little bit and a little bit more, right, yeah, she gave me a chubbler girl.

00:20:48.047 --> 00:20:49.590
Yes, yes.

00:20:49.590 --> 00:20:52.269
So you can have some of that and enjoy it now.

00:20:52.269 --> 00:20:54.305
And I just want to.

00:20:54.305 --> 00:20:57.967
I just want to sweeten up everybody's life, because this world is something else.

00:20:57.967 --> 00:21:06.186
I'm not getting into all of that, but I just like knowing that you know somebody's going to have a sweet thought when they think about King Creation's PCS.

00:21:06.186 --> 00:21:21.940
Yes, and PCS stands for personal chef service, by the way, but it can also be personal popcorn service or personal candy service, so whatever you want to say, but I love to personalize things for you, my client.

00:21:21.940 --> 00:21:28.411
So if you have a personal popcorn in mind, you can hit up your chef, because I'm your chef now, and you can say hey, chef.

00:21:28.411 --> 00:21:33.847
So yeah, I would like to have a popcorn that tastes like and then I'll play around with it and guess what?

00:21:33.847 --> 00:21:35.183
I'll name it after you.

00:21:36.339 --> 00:21:40.431
So if you want to follow me, you can you see the social media.

00:21:40.431 --> 00:21:42.204
You can follow me all along those.

00:21:42.204 --> 00:21:44.403
You can't talk now.

00:21:44.403 --> 00:21:46.105
You can follow me on all of those.

00:21:46.105 --> 00:21:51.291
Ok, this is YouTube, facebook, instagram.

00:21:51.291 --> 00:21:52.964
I'm on LinkedIn too, y'all.

00:21:52.964 --> 00:21:53.887
I'm on there.

00:21:53.887 --> 00:21:55.865
I'm not really on there, but I'm on there, ok.

00:21:55.865 --> 00:22:06.301
So please subscribe to my YouTube channel, king Creation's, pcs, creation's With a K, and you'll see some fun stuff in there, including Wanda, me and Wanda.

00:22:06.301 --> 00:22:07.988
You got to check out her video.

00:22:07.988 --> 00:22:15.008
We did we did two videos together and, of course, you got to check out my blooper reel, because we had so much fun on that.

00:22:15.008 --> 00:22:15.730
Oh my God.

00:22:16.161 --> 00:22:17.005
Yes, we always do.

00:22:17.005 --> 00:22:18.201
So what, what can?

00:22:18.201 --> 00:22:19.064
How can they get in touch?

00:22:19.064 --> 00:22:21.067
I know you said you, but how can they get in touch with you?

00:22:23.255 --> 00:22:27.576
I'm like I said, you too, and King creations PCS.

00:22:27.576 --> 00:22:30.242
You can go on my you, not number you to be gone.

00:22:30.242 --> 00:22:35.019
My website, King creations PCS dot com creations with the K.

00:22:35.019 --> 00:22:36.763
Ok, you see it back there.

00:22:36.763 --> 00:22:37.954
You see the little thing.

00:22:37.954 --> 00:22:42.058
So King creations PCS dot com is my website.

00:22:42.560 --> 00:22:44.834
OK, great, there's King creations.

00:22:44.834 --> 00:22:49.893
Yes, dot com, and I come.

00:22:49.893 --> 00:22:51.933
Ok, so now what is C?

00:22:51.933 --> 00:22:55.211
But with a K, and it means yes, yes.

00:22:55.211 --> 00:22:57.798
So to make sure it's not doing the C, you're doing the K.

00:22:57.798 --> 00:23:01.901
King creation, pcs, peter's.

00:23:03.349 --> 00:23:05.017
Kater's chef Sonya.

00:23:08.510 --> 00:23:10.520
I love it, I love it, I love it.

00:23:10.520 --> 00:23:14.358
Well, thank you so much, sonya, for being on my podcast.

00:23:14.358 --> 00:23:15.162
I really appreciate it.

00:23:15.162 --> 00:23:17.979
You definitely was one of my top top ones that I wanted to be on.

00:23:17.979 --> 00:23:31.540
I had Bonnie, bonnie Ross, parker, and I'm having quite a few other ones on here, but I'm you know we want to get it out here as far as how to get into your own business, but also how to network and collaborate collaborations that the key to success.

00:23:31.540 --> 00:23:33.317
I say it every time that I'm in a meeting.

00:23:33.317 --> 00:23:35.939
So, having your show, I appreciate it.

00:23:36.490 --> 00:23:39.135
Well thank you so much, All these for attending.

00:23:39.135 --> 00:23:46.153
We're not attending listening to my ready to collaborate podcast Episode four.

00:23:46.153 --> 00:23:48.741
We will be having episode five coming soon.

00:23:48.741 --> 00:23:57.430
We're going to be having global and strategic networking and collaboration, so stay tuned for my next episode of ready set collaborate.

00:23:57.430 --> 00:24:00.468
Thank you, Sonya, so much for being on my podcast.

00:24:00.468 --> 00:24:01.835
I appreciate it.

00:24:01.835 --> 00:24:02.357
I love you, girl.

00:24:03.112 --> 00:24:03.654
Love you too.

00:24:03.654 --> 00:24:04.397
Thank you for having me.

00:24:05.372 --> 00:24:09.750
Thank you for tuning into this episode of ready set collaborate.

00:24:09.750 --> 00:24:16.230
For more information about the host, head to WDPiersonAssociatescom.

00:24:16.230 --> 00:24:21.064
And that's P E A R S O N Want to connect?

00:24:21.064 --> 00:24:36.682
Send an email to Wanda at WDPiersonAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of ready set collaborate.