Dec. 27, 2023

The Art of Connection: Unveiling the Transformative Journey from Homeschool to Navigating Networking - Episode 6 with Sheila Beavers

The Art of Connection: Unveiling the Transformative Journey from Homeschool to Navigating Networking  - Episode 6 with Sheila Beavers

Ever wondered what it takes to go from a quiet homeschooling life to becoming a force of connection in the entrepreneurial world? Sheila Beavers of Flourish Networking joins me,  Wanda Pearson, on Ready Set Collaborate to share her transformative journey, proving that when it comes to building a business or sparking innovation, the magic truly happens through collaboration and networking. Our conversation is a treasure trove of insights, as we exchange stories about the unexpected doors that have opened for each of us, thanks to the power of genuine, authentic connections. From Sheila's leap into networking to my own pivot from the corporate grind to leading a dynamic networking group, we'll reveal how the right community can propel your personal and professional life to new heights.

This episode is all about the art of cultivating a professional network that thrives on consistency, exceptional service, and real interpersonal connections. Discover how a simple meeting can turn into a collaborative venture, and why facing challenges like communication head-on is essential for growth. I even dive into how a change in location meant starting from scratch to build my network, and the surprising personal and professional growth that blossomed from leading a network group. If you're ready to energize your entrepreneurial spirit and want to know how passion and authenticity can forge lasting relationships, this is an episode you won't want to miss. Join Sheila and me as we unpack the transformative power of networking and how you, too, can create your own success narrative through the art of connection.

Connect Sheila Beavers on Facebook at
For more information on Juice Plus connect with Sheila at

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:02 - The Power of Networking and Collaboration

09:00 - Build and Maintain Professional Network


00:00:02.124 --> 00:00:16.685
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

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Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.969 --> 00:00:52.593
Tune in to Ready Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:54.302 --> 00:00:55.545
Hello, hello, hello.

00:00:55.545 --> 00:01:00.560
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, and I am so.

00:01:00.560 --> 00:01:02.386
Actually, this is episode six.

00:01:02.386 --> 00:01:08.486
I am honored to have my guest, sheila Beavers, with me here today with Flores Networking.

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We're going to talk about that later, sheila, so tell us a little bit about you, but no, let me tell about your bio.

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Let me read your bio so people can know who Sheila Beavers is.

00:01:21.290 --> 00:01:24.661
Sheila Beavers, she loved Jesus and a grateful person.

00:01:24.661 --> 00:01:27.087
I hear you, sheila, I am too.

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She's been married for 46 years to her husband, lane I'm sorry I'm changing my her high school sweetheart.

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They have four grown kids, three of them married to special people, seven grandchildren from nine to 22 years old.

00:01:41.691 --> 00:01:42.480
What a lie.

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We laugh a lot.

00:01:44.123 --> 00:01:48.492
I've been married 42 years, sheila, and now we have six grandchildren.

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So she still had three of our four parents.

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She still had three of their four parents and all five of our brothers.

00:01:58.102 --> 00:02:01.631
That is a blessing and I love this.

00:02:01.631 --> 00:02:03.861
I love this saying Sheila family is a jam.

00:02:03.861 --> 00:02:06.509
Yes, it is, it is a jam.

00:02:08.394 --> 00:02:18.748
So when she finished with home schooling and she did home schooling y'all she became a certified health coach and loved helping people see their health improve with simple solutions.

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She also loved Pilates.

00:02:21.415 --> 00:02:22.501
Ooh, I can't do that.

00:02:22.501 --> 00:02:31.084
Sweet coffee, good music, watching a good movie, making jewelry, traveling with Lane and spending time with friends.

00:02:31.084 --> 00:02:33.408
Life is good, good gift.

00:02:33.408 --> 00:02:34.391
Yes, it is.

00:02:34.391 --> 00:02:45.826
And I want to say Sheila is a passion, is passionate about her network and to connect entrepreneurs, and she's always been that way, with her experience to various fields, but to create her own unique experience with Flores Networking.

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And that is why I want to have Sheila on and I'm going to tell you a little bit about Flores Network and why I picked Sheila.

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Because when I left the corporate IBM, I didn't know how to knit and I actually my first group was experience connection, but floor is networking.

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So I figured let me have Sheila on so she can tell us about floor is networking and how she navigates itself.

00:03:05.432 --> 00:03:09.868
So, sheila, give us a short little something about yourself and I'm gonna ask you some questions.

00:03:11.125 --> 00:03:15.175
Well, I family has always been everything to me.

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From the time I was seven, I wanted to grow up and just be a mom and so kind of this stage of life I'm in my sixties I didn't really think I'd have a purpose.

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I pretty much thought, after my kids grew up and moved out, that I might as well just die because I didn't know how to do anything else but be a mom.

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So it was through meeting a lady at church which that's a network too, meeting a lady at church.

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She told me about a product and a business that just made sense to me and she was in our local chamber of commerce and I thought, well, I better join the next one over in the next town.

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So I did that.

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It was all new to me.

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I was petrified to speak to people.

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I had one minute to stand up and do my thing, but people were interested and so we started having meetups and I was like, really not sure I should be meeting up with a man for coffee because I was married, right, so I would invite my husband to go, and then he started giving me permission to go without him, you know, in public places.

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And so it's been a journey going from a very, very quiet mom, very much an introvert, to just loving people and thinking of them and putting myself out there.

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It's been really, really fun and I love this season of life.

00:04:36.190 --> 00:04:37.369
I say it's the best one.

00:04:38.526 --> 00:04:39.127

00:04:39.127 --> 00:04:52.733
I love it, sheila, because the same thing with me, you know, when you used to be in the home school mom, being a mom and then getting to your own space of what you wanted to do and to meet people and to get in the community, because community is very important to me, just as to you.

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I love it coming from corporate, because I did not know.

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I said, okay, what do I do now?

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I, you know, 36 years at IBM.

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I was like, how do I do this?

00:05:01.394 --> 00:05:10.788
And it's a blessing because I actually had time to spend with my dad and I'm from Chicago, illinois, by the way, sheila, where are you from?

00:05:11.644 --> 00:05:12.670
I live in Colorado.

00:05:13.365 --> 00:05:15.870
Colorado, okay, and that's where most of your family is right.

00:05:16.165 --> 00:05:18.990
Yes yeah, yes, yes, yeah.

00:05:18.990 --> 00:05:23.214
So I figure what do I do next?

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So I went to visit my dad.

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He was he had dementia in a nursing home.

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Well, I am so thankful to God that I got the chance to spend that last time with him, because he died before I got home.

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I was in a depressed mode when that happened and my husband said why don't you got a business?

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I said what business do I have?

00:05:39.571 --> 00:05:40.870
He said you got legal shield.

00:05:40.870 --> 00:05:42.732
I said okay.

00:05:42.732 --> 00:05:44.391
So I had to learn how to do that too.

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So I started with B and I at first.

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I started with them.

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They teach you how to network right.

00:05:50.110 --> 00:05:52.130
So yeah, so that makes a big difference.

00:05:52.130 --> 00:05:55.468
But not enough about me, I want to talk about you.

00:05:55.468 --> 00:06:00.269
So how important do you think networking is for collaboration and why?

00:06:02.064 --> 00:06:08.769
I really think it's critical, because if we don't work together to accomplish something, it's not gonna get done.

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And we can accomplish more working together, so much more than we could by ourselves.

00:06:15.144 --> 00:06:19.103
Absolutely, absolutely, and I totally agree with that.

00:06:19.103 --> 00:06:27.355
And I said, connection, collaboration, success with each one of us, not just business but with our families, that makes a big difference.

00:06:27.355 --> 00:06:35.531
So I wanna ask you something else Can you share an example of a successful collaboration that emerged from networking connections?

00:06:36.305 --> 00:06:38.874
And I know you've got this is a fun one.

00:06:38.874 --> 00:06:55.774
Of course there's a lot of them, but this is a fun one for me because when I joined that Chamber of Commerce it was about 12 years ago and I met a man, a Christian man, and he owned two restaurants and he's gone through a bunch of difficulties.

00:06:55.774 --> 00:07:18.653
He lost one of his restaurants during Hurricane Harvey, which was a big hurricane we had in Houston Vortex, TrustA że he had high blood pressure and he heard me do my little one minute spiel at our meetups and so he wondered if our product might help him with high blood pressure and I said, as a matter of fact, we have a clinical study on it, so it should help.

00:07:18.653 --> 00:07:26.336
To what degree I don't know, but he was able to get on our product and his blood pressure came down.

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He was able to get off of his blood pressure medicine.

00:07:28.612 --> 00:07:33.992
So I felt like I had helped him and he's been a consumer for the last 10 or 12 years.

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But the neat thing in collaboration is he became a Christian actor during this time.

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And so he's done several.

00:07:43.293 --> 00:08:00.495
He's right now in the middle of doing the film the Apostle Paul, but he also did one called Breaking Strongholds and it's about teenage suicide and he placed the chaplain in it and so I was able to show that series to my grandchildren.

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It's on YouTube.

00:08:01.297 --> 00:08:21.233
I was able to show it to my grandchildren before they went to college because I felt like if they ever ran across a friend that was in that place and we know how high teenage suicide is, so it was kind of a circular thing of me getting to help him and then what a blessing he's been to me over the years.

00:08:21.233 --> 00:08:37.076
Just he's been a consumer and then he also was able to bless my family in that way because my kids I didn't really know how to talk to grandkids about teenage suicide, but that series just was very clear for me, that's awesome.

00:08:37.697 --> 00:08:38.238
That's awesome.

00:08:38.238 --> 00:08:52.230
I need you to share that with me, because I definitely have teenage grandsons and, granted, well, I have six grandchildren, so that is awesome, because today's world is a lot of suicide because these teenagers don't think they have any hope.

00:08:52.230 --> 00:08:59.115
So I'm glad you brought that up, which is great, and we're going to talk about your business, because it's Juice Plus, the product that you brought up.

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We're going to talk about that as well.

00:09:00.658 --> 00:09:02.129
But I want to ask you another question.

00:09:02.129 --> 00:09:08.275
So what strategies do you recommend for building and maintaining a strong professional network?

00:09:11.125 --> 00:09:29.470
Showing up and being consistent, good customer service, really good communication, caring about people because people know if you really do care about them and offering a solution or product that fits their needs.

00:09:29.470 --> 00:09:38.979
I just love getting to know people and listening to them and finding out how I might offer a solution.

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It might just be a prayer or a pot of soup, but that's pretty much how I would answer that.

00:09:47.884 --> 00:09:56.448
That's awesome, because I actually just gave some tips for effective communication and relationship building and the same thing that you're doing here.

00:09:56.448 --> 00:09:59.135
It's also networking as well.

00:09:59.135 --> 00:10:07.912
If you're yourself I've always been myself and you are yourself People tend to show, and you show your passion.

00:10:07.912 --> 00:10:11.852
Passion is definitely important for people to start listening to you.

00:10:11.852 --> 00:10:16.110
As far as how can you help them instead?

00:10:16.169 --> 00:10:16.711
of how can you?

00:10:16.770 --> 00:10:19.157
help me so that's very important.

00:10:19.157 --> 00:10:30.278
Yes, but the question I want to ask you and I love that, I love what you just said here so how can networking help individuals or organizations assess new opportunities for collaboration?

00:10:32.467 --> 00:10:34.410
Well, with that, I would answer.

00:10:34.410 --> 00:10:40.208
It helps us uncover services that we wouldn't have even known existed.

00:10:40.208 --> 00:10:42.571
So that's kind of how I met you.

00:10:43.485 --> 00:10:47.413
I heard what you said and I thought you said something about having an attorney.

00:10:47.413 --> 00:10:54.582
Just pick up your phone if you need an attorney or you get pulled over on the road 24-7.

00:10:54.582 --> 00:11:04.712
And I was like I don't know that we've needed an attorney throughout our life, except for our will, which, thank God, that's the case.

00:11:04.712 --> 00:11:13.114
But you never know because, like you had said, our grandchildren might be in the car with somebody that gets pulled over and there's drugs in the car.

00:11:13.114 --> 00:11:20.792
Well, we've got an attorney to help us with this situation, even if our grandchild didn't know there was drugs in the car.

00:11:20.792 --> 00:11:22.750
Hopefully that would never happen.

00:11:22.750 --> 00:11:28.758
But some of the examples that you gave I wouldn't have ever thought of if I hadn't.

00:11:30.427 --> 00:11:31.296
That's awesome.

00:11:31.720 --> 00:11:38.669
This is that no existed, you know, yeah, and I thank you for that, because she just gave me a commercial for my business, legal Shield.

00:11:38.669 --> 00:11:48.453
So thank you so much, yeah, and I truly appreciate you and Lane being our client for at least, I think, a couple of years, now a year or so.

00:11:48.453 --> 00:11:50.144
So thank you so much for that.

00:11:50.144 --> 00:12:04.700
I appreciate it, yeah, yes, I want to ask you how have there been, what are some common challenges or obstacles and collaborative projects, and how can you then ever can mitigate those challenges?

00:12:04.700 --> 00:12:07.648
So have you had any challenges in your networking?

00:12:09.760 --> 00:12:33.900
Sometimes, yes, I will say good communication helps a lot, and believing the best about people instead of the worst, and having a conversation with them and always being respectful, because you know we can lean toward one thing or another, but I find if I'm looking for the good, that's usually what I find, and Absolutely, absolutely.

00:12:34.120 --> 00:12:38.927
And it's funny because your episode, episode six, is about navigating networking.

00:12:38.927 --> 00:12:42.791
So tell me how you navigated networking to get where you are today.

00:12:42.791 --> 00:12:44.913
I know I met you and experienced connections.

00:12:44.913 --> 00:12:45.634
Is that right?

00:12:46.234 --> 00:12:47.274
Yes, yes, yes.

00:12:48.700 --> 00:13:00.009
So tell me about your navigation, how you never so I lived in Houston until six years ago and we moved here to be near our kids and our grandkids and I thought what am I?

00:13:00.009 --> 00:13:03.471
I'm leaving my whole team and friends and business in Texas.

00:13:03.471 --> 00:13:04.913
So I knew I had to start over.

00:13:04.913 --> 00:13:14.389
When I got here and my husband was looking I don't know he just said she lie, think that you ought to get out and join this networking group.

00:13:14.389 --> 00:13:25.206
He actually found the first networking group that I went to and I loved it and from that I learned about a second networking group.

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So the first one is experience connections and I love it.

00:13:29.072 --> 00:13:48.663
And then from that I learned about flourish and I went, as just I went for two years and loved it, and then COVID shut us down for a while and then we started meeting again and I was asked to lead it, and so that was about a year and a half ago.

00:13:49.443 --> 00:13:49.543

00:13:49.744 --> 00:14:04.229
I absolutely love the ladies that I've met leading it and I tend to pull people out of the county that have small businesses and invite different ladies so they have an opportunity to meet our regular ladies.

00:14:04.809 --> 00:14:05.051

00:14:05.720 --> 00:14:08.302
And so it's just a group of really fine ladies like yourself.

00:14:08.582 --> 00:14:24.280
That are core group and then we invite new ladies to come in and see if we're a good fit or and of course people can't make it every month, because we go take care of our grandkids, right, we go visit Colorado, so we don't.

00:14:24.280 --> 00:14:26.884
You know, most of us can't make it every month.

00:14:26.884 --> 00:14:32.590
So it's kind of like we have a large group of ladies that are in and out as they can come.

00:14:32.590 --> 00:14:37.196
Sometimes we run about 22 people and it's a fun group.

00:14:37.196 --> 00:14:39.985
Sometimes it's a smaller group, it might be 10 or 12.

00:14:39.985 --> 00:14:44.232
But I always think God brings just the right ladies to each meeting.

00:14:44.779 --> 00:14:52.711
Oh, he does, he does, and I truly appreciate you, sheila, because Sheila is always the one that you come into my floors meeting this month, you know.

00:14:52.711 --> 00:14:59.700
So I love her because she cares, she cares about and always bringing new ladies in and you know, and meeting them.

00:14:59.700 --> 00:15:19.964
I mean, I've done some collaborations with some of these ladies in the group, so I truly appreciate that about what you do, because you're definitely you're definitely a navigating, networking lady that gets it done, that connects people, and the good thing about both of us is that and first of all, we're both Scorpios Okay, that's right.

00:15:19.964 --> 00:15:23.222
We love to connect.

00:15:23.222 --> 00:15:27.188
We love to connect people together, especially like with me.

00:15:27.188 --> 00:15:33.679
If I hear something about, oh, that person will be good for this, you know, oh let me refer that person to this one here.

00:15:33.840 --> 00:15:38.427
So you refer some of your ladies to experience connections and vice versa.

00:15:38.427 --> 00:15:43.092
So we really appreciate it, but it really it's all about getting out there.

00:15:43.092 --> 00:15:55.852
Yes, and I always said, if you have a passion for business, even just come to say and that's ladies, as they said, like Susan used to say what she still say and experience going to, that's the best 25 hours of therapy that you can get.

00:15:55.852 --> 00:16:06.030
Yeah, if you're nice, I don't want to go today, you know, but when you get there it makes it fun.

00:16:06.030 --> 00:16:07.452
So, yeah, thank you.

00:16:07.452 --> 00:16:08.695
Thank you for sharing that with me.

00:16:08.695 --> 00:16:15.307
So so we have a little bit of time now, but I want you to tell us about your business, what you're doing as far as juice plus.

00:16:15.307 --> 00:16:16.028
Tell us about that.

00:16:17.111 --> 00:16:20.159
So Juice Plus is just vine ripened whole food.

00:16:20.159 --> 00:16:29.298
Most of us aren't eating the core of a pineapple or the peel or the core of an apple or eating the peel of an orange.

00:16:29.298 --> 00:16:32.873
There's more nutrition in some parts of a plant that we don't eat.

00:16:32.873 --> 00:16:43.677
So what I love about Juice Plus it not only provides us with a variety of 30 different raw fruits and vegetables, grapes and berries, and oils, omegas.

00:16:43.677 --> 00:16:48.011
It does it in such a way that none of the nutrients are destroyed.

00:16:48.011 --> 00:16:52.798
Everything is cold pressed and most of us aren't eating a variety every day.

00:16:52.798 --> 00:17:06.400
I mean, are we eating beets and parsley and peaches and pineapple and beets I think I said beets already but a variety of 30, we pretty much eat the same things that we like every day.

00:17:06.400 --> 00:17:08.012
So I like that.

00:17:08.012 --> 00:17:13.941
Our company what do you want to say?

00:17:13.941 --> 00:17:16.935
I'm looking for the word.

00:17:16.935 --> 00:17:30.955
It partners with small farms and everything is clean no herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, and then tested, third party tested and certified for purity, and so I love that.

00:17:30.955 --> 00:17:34.159
And then it's the number one researched supplement in the world.

00:17:34.159 --> 00:17:35.894
So it's number one in our land.

00:17:36.529 --> 00:17:46.355
There's a lot of copycat products out there, but if you want the real deal, juice Plus is the real deal, and the real kicker is when we get on it, because we all need it right.

00:17:46.970 --> 00:17:50.855
Our body's not needing vitamins or pharmaceuticals, it's needing whole food.

00:17:50.855 --> 00:17:51.913
It knows how to heal.

00:17:51.913 --> 00:17:53.538
We know what to do.

00:17:53.538 --> 00:17:59.119
Our body knows what to do with whole food, so when we give it what it needs, we can do great things.

00:17:59.119 --> 00:18:00.134
We can be healthier.

00:18:00.134 --> 00:18:03.394
Longer we can serve others, longer we can feel good.

00:18:03.394 --> 00:18:06.057
We really can't serve others if we're sick.

00:18:06.057 --> 00:18:20.259
So another benefit that I love about our company is they care so much for the next generation that not only when we get this product, they will send it to a child or a student until they turn 26 years old for free.

00:18:20.259 --> 00:18:28.739
So we can get a child starting at four on this good nutrition, and then they can continue for 21 years.

00:18:28.739 --> 00:18:39.737
I'm like what company cares about the next generation like that and they're such a giving company and that we're the largest sponsor of the St Jude's Marathon, which just took place last weekend.

00:18:40.410 --> 00:18:42.416
Every year we're the title sponsor for that.

00:18:42.416 --> 00:18:46.077
We put Tower Gardens in Boys and Girls Clubs across America.

00:18:46.077 --> 00:18:49.936
We're free, we just need somebody to take care of it there.

00:18:49.936 --> 00:18:59.436
So I just can't say enough good, and what it's done for me personally and our family just makes me so passionate.

00:18:59.436 --> 00:19:05.432
I want to tell everybody about it because I want them to feel good and be able to put out here to do it.

00:19:06.536 --> 00:19:07.057
That's awesome.

00:19:07.057 --> 00:19:08.308
I'm going to tell you about it.

00:19:08.308 --> 00:19:16.578
But I've been on Juice Plus because actually I was on Juice Plus before I met Sheila and I wasn't taking my Juice Plus like I was supposed to.

00:19:16.578 --> 00:19:25.634
So Sheila has been helping me with that and I've taken it every day.

00:19:25.634 --> 00:19:32.740
I actually had my grandkids I was telling Sheila about my grandkids in sixth Every day before they walk out the door take your Juice Plus, take your Juice Plus.

00:19:32.740 --> 00:19:34.015
I take my Juice Plus.

00:19:34.015 --> 00:19:38.919
But what has helped me, sheila and I really appreciate you saying is that I take it every day.

00:19:38.919 --> 00:19:42.680
That has been helping me protect me from COVID.

00:19:42.680 --> 00:19:46.477
So I take that every day and sometimes I forget.

00:19:46.477 --> 00:19:47.509
But then I think about Sheila.

00:19:47.509 --> 00:19:48.733
I say, oh, let me take my Juice Plus.

00:19:50.690 --> 00:20:01.551
Well, that's good, because we have five unique system studies, and one of them's on nurses and one of them's on athletes, and so they're right in the front, the nurses.

00:20:01.551 --> 00:20:08.653
That particular study was on reducing upper respiratory infections, so you're living out that study, and so am I.

00:20:09.355 --> 00:20:15.659
Oh, I appreciate and the information that you share with me about different studies that's going on.

00:20:15.659 --> 00:20:16.734
I really appreciate that.

00:20:16.734 --> 00:20:27.239
So we are rounding up to the end of our time, sheila, so let me ask you something Tell us how we can get in touch with you, as far as your email, your website, all of that.

00:20:27.239 --> 00:20:28.882
Just tell us where we can get in touch with you.

00:20:30.207 --> 00:20:36.523
My name is Sheila Beavers and my phone number is 678-628-7353.

00:20:36.523 --> 00:20:46.474
And my website is easy to remember SheilaBeaversjuicepluscom, and I'll be glad to talk to anyone answer any questions.

00:20:46.474 --> 00:20:58.317
You can find out pricing on my website, but you might want to reach out to me if you have trouble placing an order, because we want to get that free child's portion for your family too.

00:21:00.608 --> 00:21:08.647
I love it because I love it that I did not know what company gives you free products for your grandchildren, for your children.

00:21:08.647 --> 00:21:11.175
You know that they can take to keep them healthy.

00:21:11.175 --> 00:21:18.917
So I love it, sheila, and I want to truly appreciate you being on my podcast, episode 6.

00:21:19.827 --> 00:21:22.209
Thank you for inviting me this was fun.

00:21:22.787 --> 00:21:24.970
Yes, yes, yes, navigating networking.

00:21:24.970 --> 00:21:25.732
And Sheila's title.

00:21:25.732 --> 00:21:35.204
So you know, and we thought about that, because she's been navigating the network from a home schooling to getting out there, and the good thing about it is that your husband said you need to start networking.

00:21:35.204 --> 00:21:36.299
So your husband was the two of you.

00:21:36.299 --> 00:21:38.209
So, yes, and it keeps you.

00:21:38.209 --> 00:21:40.575
It keeps you young, sheila, right, it keeps us young.

00:21:40.575 --> 00:21:45.556
Yeah, so, but thank you so so much for being on our show.

00:21:45.556 --> 00:21:48.884
Thank you, ready to collaborate?

00:21:48.884 --> 00:21:50.125
I truly appreciate it.

00:21:50.125 --> 00:21:57.825
So so, audience, stay tuned for episode 7 coming soon and we would definitely give you some more knowledge information.

00:21:57.825 --> 00:22:12.522
So this actually series is about the art of networking and all of my networking groups that I started with I wanted to make sure that everyone knew that there's a lot out here that you can start your own business, that you can start networking and getting to know people in the community.

00:22:12.522 --> 00:22:13.749
So thank you for tuning in.

00:22:13.749 --> 00:22:18.730
Yes, all right, sheila, thanks again, I appreciate it.

00:22:19.626 --> 00:22:22.698
You can make some of your best friends by networking.

00:22:23.440 --> 00:22:24.704
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:22:24.704 --> 00:22:28.875
I'm gonna get Sheila one of my best friends, so thank you so much.

00:22:28.895 --> 00:22:30.351
Thank you, thank you.

00:22:30.351 --> 00:22:36.256
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:22:36.256 --> 00:22:47.079
For more information about the host, head to wdpearsonassociatescom, and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:22:47.079 --> 00:23:02.750
If you want to connect, send an email to wander at wdpearsonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.