Aug. 14, 2024

Transforming Lives with La Tonya Roberts: Intentional Living, Personal Growth, and Mastering Marketing in a Dynamic World

Transforming Lives with La Tonya Roberts: Intentional Living, Personal Growth, and Mastering Marketing in a Dynamic World

Ever wondered how you can transform your career and personal life through intentional living? La Tonya Roberts, the mastermind behind Harmony Consulting Group, joins us to share her nearly two-decade-long journey in HR consulting, leadership development, and personal growth. La  Tonya talks passionately about her Intentional Living Coaching Program that empowers women to live authentically, leveraging human design, strengths, vulnerability, and intuitive wisdom. She also opens up about her strategic relocation from the DMV (DC, Maryland and Virginia)  area to Atlanta and her insights on maintaining marketing consistency and visibility for small business owners.

In another segment, we explore the dynamic world of continuous learning and how staying updated with the latest marketing trends and technologies is crucial for success. La Tonya delves into the role of AI in transforming business strategies, making a compelling case for balancing automation with human touch. Hear about her unique coaching program focused on human design, which offers a personalized approach to understanding one's strengths and challenges. Don't miss her valuable tips on effective communication tailored to different personality types and her advice on engaging with your target audience on the most relevant platforms. Join us for an enriching conversation that promises to empower women and champion success through intentional living and lifelong learning.

Make sure you contact La Tonya Roberts





Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Empowerment Through Networking and Collaboration

16:16 - Continuous Learning for Marketing Success

19:51 - Coaching Program With Human Design


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.576 --> 00:00:28.495
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.495 --> 00:00:41.929
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.799 --> 00:00:44.085
Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.328 --> 00:00:51.551
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

00:00:53.034 --> 00:00:59.012
Welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson the Art of Marketing Strategy series.

00:00:59.012 --> 00:01:38.197
Today I want to speak life into someone who has been a cornerstone in the journey of this podcast, my marketing manager, diane Freeman, the sponsor of the Ready Set Collaborate podcast, isn't just a guiding star in the vogue of our brands, but a beacon that cultivator watering, nurturing and believing, sometimes even more fiercely than I did, in our ability to unite small businesses with intention of growth and shouting them out to the world.

00:01:38.197 --> 00:01:43.248
She is the maestro behind the melody that is Ready Set Collaborate.

00:01:43.248 --> 00:01:54.566
It speaks to the readiness to take in new challenges, the preparedness to set sights on higher peaks and the underlining spirit of a collaboration that fuels genuine success.

00:01:54.566 --> 00:02:01.227
She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs get to the goal of excellent clients through the marketing maze.

00:02:01.227 --> 00:02:12.128
Check her out at her website, bcsocialmediacom that's spelled with a B-E like a B scene S-E-N socialmediacom.

00:02:12.128 --> 00:02:17.692
Or find her on social media at bscensocialmedia Diane Freeman.

00:02:17.692 --> 00:02:24.634
Thank you, diane, for being a sponsor to this podcast series, the Art of Marketing Strategies, and I want to thank you.

00:02:24.634 --> 00:02:27.502
So make sure everyone the Market the Art of Marketing Strategies, and I want to thank you, so make sure everyone.

00:02:27.502 --> 00:02:37.893
Please subscribe, follow and share and like on all podcast platforms Spotify, apple Podcasts and more the Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:02:37.893 --> 00:02:40.462
Now let's get on to the show.

00:02:40.462 --> 00:02:45.072
Welcome, welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson.

00:02:45.072 --> 00:02:57.371
I am so excited to have my next guest, LaTanya Roberts, with us and she's going to share some really great tips to us about marketing and consulting and all this other good stuff.

00:02:57.371 --> 00:02:59.923
But let me actually welcome LaTanya.

00:02:59.923 --> 00:03:02.806
Say hi to the audience, hello everyone.

00:03:02.806 --> 00:03:08.656
So I'm going to talk about her bio and then we're going to get into diving into some questions.

00:03:08.656 --> 00:03:13.752
So meet LaTanya Roberts, the powerhouse behind Harmony Consulting Group.

00:03:14.320 --> 00:03:31.796
With nearly 20 years of experience in HR consulting, leadership development and personal organizational transformation personal organizational transformation Latonya is living her purpose as an executive, life and business coach dedicated to empowering women to live life on their own terms.

00:03:31.796 --> 00:03:32.538
I love that.

00:03:32.538 --> 00:03:35.646
That's what I said live your best life right, ladies.

00:03:35.646 --> 00:03:44.382
If you're ready to break free from the chains of professionalism and procrastination, latonya's Intentional Living Coaching Program is your ultimate game changer.

00:03:44.382 --> 00:03:51.074
She's here to help you tap into your deep, intuitive wisdom and embrace your divine feminine power.

00:03:51.074 --> 00:03:56.750
It's time to stop playing small and start commanding the life you deserve right now.

00:03:56.750 --> 00:04:06.592
Amen, yes, the Tanya Secret Sauce is your unique blend of human design, strength, vulnerability and intuitive wisdom.

00:04:06.592 --> 00:04:18.151
She knows firsthand the struggles of balancing a career, family and personal goals, and she's crafted a program that speaks directly to the heart of leadership.

00:04:18.899 --> 00:04:29.812
Whether you're aiming to climb the corporate ladder, launch your own business or simply become the best version of yourself, latonya's approach will guide you towards harmony and success every step of the way.

00:04:29.812 --> 00:04:38.805
Get ready to transform your life and step into your power, because when you live intentionally, there's nothing you can't achieve.

00:04:38.805 --> 00:04:40.509
I love that, latonya.

00:04:40.509 --> 00:04:41.610
That's great.

00:04:41.610 --> 00:04:43.661
Yeah, you said it all, girl.

00:04:43.661 --> 00:04:45.048
It's like you're speaking my language here.

00:04:45.048 --> 00:04:48.411
So thank you, but welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast.

00:04:48.411 --> 00:04:49.925
Thank you for having me.

00:04:49.925 --> 00:04:51.221
Oh, you're welcome.

00:04:51.221 --> 00:04:58.721
I know I told you a little about your bio, but tell us a little bit more about you as far as what you've been doing with Harmony Consulting, how long you've been in the business.

00:04:59.642 --> 00:05:00.122

00:05:00.122 --> 00:05:02.324
So, first and foremost, I'm a mom.

00:05:02.324 --> 00:05:08.327
I started consulting almost 20 years ago as a mom and then, within a year, I had my second child.

00:05:08.327 --> 00:05:12.531
So, I've been living life in harmony for the last few years.

00:05:13.290 --> 00:05:27.843
So I got into consulting human capital consulting, doing a lot of the behind the scenes stuff, and a few years later into my career I decided I really want to work with people and I definitely became an advocate for women's empowerment.

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Working in a male-dominated environment where often we are told to dim our light, not using those words, but in people's actions, and self-care was never a priority.

00:05:38.961 --> 00:05:40.524
So I burnt out a few times.

00:05:40.524 --> 00:05:43.408
So I learned a lot through that.

00:05:43.408 --> 00:05:45.932
And then I'm from the DMV.

00:05:45.932 --> 00:05:50.125
But during COVID I decided I want to switch some things up and I moved down to Atlanta.

00:05:50.125 --> 00:05:51.108
So here I am.

00:05:51.108 --> 00:05:55.499
I've been here for about four years now, Okay, Where'd you say you're from?

00:05:56.500 --> 00:06:00.149
The DMV DC, Maryland and Virginia it's the local term.

00:06:00.149 --> 00:06:01.737
People don't know.

00:06:02.899 --> 00:06:03.680
I knew what it was.

00:06:03.721 --> 00:06:09.278
Yeah, I knew what it was but a lot of people thought what's DMV?

00:06:09.317 --> 00:06:11.105
So, yeah, no, I know we actually.

00:06:11.105 --> 00:06:16.201
Dennis is from New Jersey and I'm from Chicago, so we used to come down to the DMV all the time.

00:06:16.201 --> 00:06:22.141
Girl, the Baltimore Inner Harbor, that's actually where our convention, legal Shield Convention is.

00:06:22.141 --> 00:06:26.324
Next year we will be in the DMV territory.

00:06:26.324 --> 00:06:29.865
So no, thank you for clarifying that.

00:06:29.865 --> 00:06:31.581
But let me ask you some questions.

00:06:31.581 --> 00:06:34.425
What are the primary goals of your marketing efforts with your business?

00:06:34.425 --> 00:06:38.040
How did you start marketing Harmony Consulting Group to get out there?

00:06:38.220 --> 00:06:47.701
So primary goal I would say consistency, visibility right, as a small business owner, you got to put yourself out there right.

00:06:47.701 --> 00:06:56.555
You don't have the engine behind big companies like where I came from Deloitte, booz Allen they have teams that do that, but small business it was me.

00:06:56.555 --> 00:06:59.526
So consistency and visibility were number one.

00:06:59.526 --> 00:07:02.244
And then education and inspiration.

00:07:02.244 --> 00:07:09.939
I wanted to make sure that people were educated on how they can really advocate for themselves and then inspire them to dream bigger.

00:07:11.163 --> 00:07:12.505
That's awesome, that's great.

00:07:12.505 --> 00:07:15.903
That's great, and education is definitely important to me.

00:07:15.903 --> 00:07:23.954
I like to make sure that my clients are educated to know what they're getting and how I can consult and coach them as well, and I'm sure that's what you do all the time.

00:07:24.255 --> 00:07:25.701
So that's awesome.

00:07:26.262 --> 00:07:27.165
So let me ask you something.

00:07:27.165 --> 00:07:32.822
So which digital marketing channels do you prioritize in Social media, email marketing, seo?

00:07:32.822 --> 00:07:34.718
You know which one do you prioritize?

00:07:34.718 --> 00:07:35.723
I am social media.

00:07:36.014 --> 00:07:38.834
So you definitely find me playing around on LinkedIn.

00:07:38.834 --> 00:07:44.625
That's my number one platform, and then I'm also on Instagram and Facebook.

00:07:44.625 --> 00:07:49.774
I use LinkedIn mainly because that is I'm speaking to corporations, right?

00:07:49.774 --> 00:07:59.185
So a lot of people that are either business decision makers and an organization or people that are wanting to create their exit plan from corporate.

00:07:59.185 --> 00:08:06.942
So I'm talking to them as well, and so LinkedIn is where we're at, and then next up, it will be working on email marketing.

00:08:08.607 --> 00:08:12.125
That's great, and do you run any campaigns on the email marketing?

00:08:13.177 --> 00:08:15.415
I have not done any lately.

00:08:15.415 --> 00:08:16.740
I did a few years ago.

00:08:16.740 --> 00:08:35.602
I will be doing some soon, but I've done some stuff on LinkedIn hopping in the DMs or private messenger and running a campaign that way where it's connecting with people, asking a little bit about themselves, sharing who I am, what we do and then seeing if they want to connect.

00:08:35.602 --> 00:08:42.527
And connection can look like networking or it can look like an actual consult for a service that I provide.

00:08:43.014 --> 00:08:48.607
Absolutely and I love it because actually networking when I left corporate, that's how I started.

00:08:49.115 --> 00:09:00.145
We are, we've been in legal shield for years, but that's how I started building up our people as far as our prospects, through networking, and I always said that's why I created this podcast Ready Set Collaborate.

00:09:00.145 --> 00:09:08.745
Collaborating and networking are so important Networking with different people that maybe have been helping you with your business and helped me with my business how do we bring it together?

00:09:08.745 --> 00:09:10.241
And that's the success of both of them there.

00:09:10.241 --> 00:09:15.181
So I hear you saying that the specific platform mainly is LinkedIn.

00:09:15.181 --> 00:09:17.057
So what is your LinkedIn address?

00:09:17.057 --> 00:09:18.740
And I'm going to ask you that again.

00:09:18.799 --> 00:09:21.003
Sure, you can find me on LinkedIn.

00:09:21.003 --> 00:09:24.368
It's my name, so LinkedIncom.

00:09:24.368 --> 00:09:25.769
And then what is it?

00:09:25.769 --> 00:09:27.236

00:09:27.236 --> 00:09:32.645
Forward slash in forward slash L-A dash Tanya.

00:09:32.645 --> 00:09:34.929
T-o-n-y-a dash Roberts.

00:09:35.715 --> 00:09:39.402
Okay, great, great, we're going to get that anyway, so I can put that in the show notes as well.

00:09:39.962 --> 00:09:42.126
And then I'll just say Instagram and Facebook.

00:09:42.126 --> 00:09:45.860
My handle is coach Latonya Roberts, okay.

00:09:45.961 --> 00:09:56.739
Okay, so I need to make sure that we are connected with each other on all those platforms so we can, when this podcast comes out, we can make sure you share it on all your podcasts, let people know.

00:09:56.739 --> 00:09:57.541
So yeah, so what?

00:09:57.541 --> 00:10:03.289
Can you share some examples of successful digital campaigns that you run?

00:10:03.289 --> 00:10:04.860
I know you say you do HR.

00:10:04.860 --> 00:10:06.043
Do you have an example?

00:10:06.043 --> 00:10:07.820
You just told me about one today, right?

00:10:09.004 --> 00:10:21.059
Yeah, I think for me, what I found to be the most successful campaigns were really around yes, getting into the direct messages and having those one-on-ones really around yes, getting into the direct messages and having those one-on-ones.

00:10:21.059 --> 00:10:26.376
But when you think about your reach, going live or even just doing some videos, I found those to be the most engaging.

00:10:26.376 --> 00:10:34.538
I receive a lot of feedback online and offline on the videos and how they are so relatable.

00:10:34.538 --> 00:10:47.158
I love videos because people get a chance to hear your voice, they hear your story and get some of your personality, and it's a little bit more intimate than just reading something that you may put out there.

00:10:47.158 --> 00:10:48.945
So I find those to be the most successful.

00:10:49.955 --> 00:10:53.443
Absolutely, cause I actually do newsletters for my clients.

00:10:53.443 --> 00:10:56.256
And my virtual assistant said why don't you got to do videos?

00:10:56.256 --> 00:10:57.700
I said why do I have to do videos?

00:10:57.700 --> 00:10:58.783
But that's actually.

00:10:58.783 --> 00:11:04.519
They do relate more than reading, even though I do put the information in my newsletter.

00:11:04.519 --> 00:11:08.666
But the videos is more like personal like you're talking to them.

00:11:08.666 --> 00:11:09.707
Yeah, but that's great.

00:11:09.707 --> 00:11:10.249
That is great.

00:11:10.249 --> 00:11:11.090
I love that still.

00:11:11.090 --> 00:11:15.557
So what role does content marketing play in your overall strategy?

00:11:15.557 --> 00:11:20.301
So your content, that you do, your videos or digital, how does that play?

00:11:21.341 --> 00:11:21.621

00:11:21.621 --> 00:11:26.884
So the content is really about just being able to connect more.

00:11:26.884 --> 00:11:47.096
It's the reach, it's sharing more of who I am, what we do here at Harmony, giving those little snippets of what it's like to work with us and creating that visibility and just to say, hey, I'm here.

00:11:47.096 --> 00:11:53.775
I will say I'm an introvert, so putting myself out there was always a challenge for me, so I would go through periods of I'm really good at social media and then I'd stop.

00:11:53.775 --> 00:11:59.649
I was like this is overwhelming and I've had my business actually since 2013.

00:12:01.235 --> 00:12:09.370
Started out doing resume writing and career coaching, and then that morphed into other consulting services and coaching.

00:12:09.370 --> 00:12:17.775
That's what I love to do, but what I found was hiring someone, and you just mentioned having a virtual assistant, so I do have someone that helps me out.

00:12:17.775 --> 00:12:19.597
Yeah, she's a great.

00:12:19.597 --> 00:12:23.500
Shout out to Olivia yeah, she's awesome.

00:12:23.500 --> 00:12:27.604
She knows me, she knows my voice and she's actually my target audience.

00:12:27.604 --> 00:12:34.229
So I'm speaking to a woman like her and so she's really great at giving concepts.

00:12:34.229 --> 00:12:45.899
She's a tech guru, she's great at what she does and she does social media, so she can take my ideas and then turn them into something and it allows me to build on that and I can stay in my zone of genius, which is great.

00:12:45.899 --> 00:12:49.086
I'm not stressing out about putting this out there.

00:12:49.294 --> 00:12:52.244
She's like I got you Exactly and that really makes a difference.

00:12:52.244 --> 00:12:54.035
And that's a team, that's teamwork, right?

00:12:54.035 --> 00:13:00.423
Yes, the same thing with me as far as my virtual assistant, who does my newsletters and do my followers, but also my marketing manager.

00:13:00.423 --> 00:13:05.711
The same with you, because I was in the office until midnight working and trying to do the social media.

00:13:05.711 --> 00:13:10.187
So it's so important to have somebody that you trust and know your business.

00:13:10.187 --> 00:13:19.086
And my marketing manager, diane Freeman, she's been doing that for me and she's a client of mine, so she knows my services, so that makes a big difference.

00:13:19.086 --> 00:13:21.760
Yeah, and shout out to Olivia, because what can we do without them?

00:13:21.880 --> 00:13:22.682
I'm so thankful.

00:13:22.682 --> 00:13:25.176
I just sent her a message the other day.

00:13:25.176 --> 00:13:26.399
I said I just appreciate you.

00:13:26.399 --> 00:13:27.140
She's like what I do.

00:13:27.140 --> 00:13:37.287
I was like, yeah, you do what you do and I appreciate it and thank you because, yeah, it does help with the consistency, it helps manage the stress.

00:13:37.287 --> 00:13:50.063
And she just I've tried other companies and just talking to a friend and saying, hey, this is what I have going on, just I can help you with that.

00:13:50.063 --> 00:13:59.849
And and the interesting part, I was referring her to other people, the services that I had used herself, and then I and everyone's, why aren't you using her?

00:13:59.894 --> 00:14:07.076
she's awesome, but you're right yeah, so talk and I said, let's, let's make it work yeah, she probably said why don't you do?

00:14:07.216 --> 00:14:14.510
it yourself she knows go get it out no same thing with me.

00:14:14.510 --> 00:14:18.298
We'd be doing so many different things and trying to bring it all together.

00:14:18.298 --> 00:14:22.797
So having that teamwork with someone else that knows what you do, that makes a big difference.

00:14:22.797 --> 00:14:24.240
And that's my next question.

00:14:24.240 --> 00:14:30.149
As far as the challenges, what are some of the biggest challenges marketing challenges that you face, and how did you overcome them?

00:14:31.192 --> 00:14:35.942
Yeah, I think some of the biggest marketing challenges is when you're a small business owner.

00:14:35.942 --> 00:14:38.669
You wear so many hats, right?

00:14:38.669 --> 00:14:43.200
So it's the creating the content, it's doing the video.

00:14:43.200 --> 00:14:57.626
So I don't only do video, I definitely do the carousels and written form, and because I can get it out pretty quickly, but then also having time to network, having time to create and just actually do the work.

00:14:57.626 --> 00:15:09.639
I guess the biggest challenge is finding the time to do it, and so having a team member be a part of that process is how I overcome a lot of the challenges associated with time.

00:15:11.102 --> 00:15:14.820
Exactly, and that's a good point, because you just never know things you may forget.

00:15:14.820 --> 00:15:23.735
And have someone else help you to remember those things that you forget and them being honest with you, because with my marketing manager she I said I don't sugarcoat anything.

00:15:23.735 --> 00:15:24.960
Just tell me what I need to do.

00:15:24.960 --> 00:15:37.245
And I give her challenges because the things she's doing for me she may have, that's a challenge for her but she's she had may have that's a child for her, but she gets it done and she gets she's.

00:15:37.172 --> 00:15:39.336
That's why I like you, because it's a variety and I'm sure, with olivia, the same variety that you do for them.

00:15:39.336 --> 00:15:47.926
You definitely she pushes me back and she says, okay now, these, these videos and these posts are great, but you need to get some sales.

00:15:47.926 --> 00:15:57.817
Exactly, I love doing what I do, but I think you should definitely be paid off of your purpose too right, because that's what you were put here on earth with the mission and a purpose, so why not use it?

00:15:58.500 --> 00:15:59.423
Pay off your purpose.

00:15:59.423 --> 00:16:00.164
I love that.

00:16:00.164 --> 00:16:01.578
Pay you your purpose.

00:16:01.578 --> 00:16:03.023
Yeah, yeah, I love that.

00:16:03.023 --> 00:16:07.778
I love that that's saying that and that is so true because we give away with our personalities.

00:16:07.778 --> 00:16:13.206
We give away a lot to help people, but God, he blesses us in other ways but, yeah, but that really makes a difference.

00:16:13.206 --> 00:16:15.629
Yeah, I like that as far as that's saying here.

00:16:15.629 --> 00:16:19.639
So how do you stay updated with the latest marketing trends and technology?

00:16:20.462 --> 00:16:21.043
I am.

00:16:21.043 --> 00:16:25.316
I love to learn, so I'm always learning something new.

00:16:25.316 --> 00:16:25.797
That that's.

00:16:25.797 --> 00:16:30.984
I am a trainer, I'm a facilitator, but I am a lifelong learner.

00:16:30.984 --> 00:16:48.458
So reading different articles, really big into AI, and as a consultant, I've actually been hearing about artificial intelligence for many years and was familiar with there's some power and knew that this was something coming up, but before it became more mainstream.

00:16:48.458 --> 00:16:59.956
So reading, staying connected to different communities, talking to different business owners hey, what works for you?

00:16:59.956 --> 00:17:01.982
And I'm a coach, but I also definitely believe that a coach needs a coach too.

00:17:01.982 --> 00:17:09.281
So I have coaches that have helped me out and helped me with my strategies, helped me understand what I should be doing, where I should pivot.

00:17:09.281 --> 00:17:16.258
So, just always seeking out something new, where I should pivot.

00:17:16.258 --> 00:17:22.077
So just always seeking out something new, and for many years, as part of my morning routine, I'm educating myself on something, and that could be a podcast, an article, a training video.

00:17:22.077 --> 00:17:23.923
It is part of my daily activity.

00:17:25.228 --> 00:17:26.633
That's what I'm about education.

00:17:26.633 --> 00:17:34.162
So usually January, the beginning of the month, I'm constantly even though I may know it, but you always got to know what's going on now, because everything's changing.

00:17:34.162 --> 00:17:40.365
Things are changing in our world today and I appreciate that what you just said, because that is so true.

00:17:40.365 --> 00:17:50.396
You need the education to be able to educate other people on what's going on, especially with you being in doing HR and consulting, because there's a lot of people may come in.

00:17:50.396 --> 00:17:55.547
Ai is taking over a lot of different things, so you want to make sure you stand up to date with what's going on now.

00:17:56.028 --> 00:17:56.650

00:17:56.650 --> 00:18:10.242
And, going on the HR side, it's AI can come in and is changing jobs, and so, when you think about how our landscape is changing in the workforce of the future, what are some of those jobs that can be automated?

00:18:10.242 --> 00:18:13.762
But there are certain things that you can't take away from the job.

00:18:13.762 --> 00:18:21.287
Acting with people, ai can't do that, and so it's so important to understand you're a business owner.

00:18:21.287 --> 00:18:39.132
Yeah, you can automate some things and you can be more efficient and save some money, but you still need the peopleill, or pivot, not only your business strategy but your workforce plan, so that you can stay up to date on and actually be here in the future.

00:18:40.434 --> 00:18:45.647
Absolutely, and I was going to ask you how do you see the future of marketing evolving and how are you preparing for it?

00:18:45.647 --> 00:18:49.767
And I think you just really told us about that, making sure you're educating yourself, Right.

00:18:50.355 --> 00:19:05.847
Make sure that you're doing it and take advantage of what's out there right, because there's a lot of free stuff, there's a lot of things that you can automate, and we all know that you're not doing everything that you should be doing.

00:19:05.847 --> 00:19:11.942
So what can you automate and free up your plate to do more of the other things that you should be doing.

00:19:11.942 --> 00:19:14.948
Right, whether it's let's okay, I need to do a video.

00:19:14.948 --> 00:19:17.792
How can I leverage AI to create that script?

00:19:18.034 --> 00:19:18.354

00:19:18.615 --> 00:19:24.756
Because usually it's the first step, that's the hardest thing, and so use AI to be your brainstorming partner.

00:19:25.178 --> 00:19:30.073
Yes, I love it Because that's what I do with my newsletter.

00:19:30.073 --> 00:19:32.097
Okay, what can I talk about this month on my newsletter?

00:19:32.097 --> 00:19:43.828
I need to keep up to date what you know, what the trends are, and it really does give you those ideas, and those ideas help you to be able to transport it to your clients, to your, to your prospects.

00:19:43.828 --> 00:19:44.636
Yeah, I love that.

00:19:44.636 --> 00:19:45.882
I love it.

00:19:45.882 --> 00:19:51.199
Yeah, so what advice would you give to small businesses or startups looking to improve their marketing efforts?

00:19:51.199 --> 00:19:54.665
I know you said you do companies, small businesses.

00:19:54.665 --> 00:19:55.848
What advice would you give to them?

00:19:57.756 --> 00:20:07.298
I would say do your research to figure out where your target audience is right, Because you don't want to spread yourself too thin.

00:20:07.298 --> 00:20:08.320
We hear this term.

00:20:08.320 --> 00:20:09.503
You need to be omnipresent.

00:20:09.503 --> 00:20:16.818
You need to be everywhere and, while that is true, in the beginning, it's just not feasible.

00:20:16.818 --> 00:20:23.278
So figure out where they hang out the most and make sure that you are present there.

00:20:23.278 --> 00:20:46.684
So in my case, a lot of my clients would be on LinkedIn the majority of my effort to LinkedIn and then pick up a backup your plan B Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, whatever it is for you and be present there as well, and then just make sure you can clearly communicate who you serve and the value that you provide, and not make it about you.

00:20:46.684 --> 00:20:57.260
A lot of times we say, oh, I can do this and I can do that and it's great, but what your client wants to know is how can you help me?

00:20:57.260 --> 00:20:59.744
So make it relatable for them.

00:21:00.846 --> 00:21:02.128
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:21:02.128 --> 00:21:03.856
I love that, I love that.

00:21:03.856 --> 00:21:05.861
So what are you working on now?

00:21:07.042 --> 00:21:36.160
Right now I am building out my coaching work, not building and expanding my coaching program, and so I so, talking about learning, I have been obsessed with human design for about a year and a half now and as an HR consultant I've done many personality tests, right and assessments, myers-briggs type, indicator, dis in Deloitte had business chemistry and I can do all of those right, certified and all the things.

00:21:36.160 --> 00:21:43.580
But what I love about human design is it just takes it to another level and it makes it more tailored for you.

00:21:43.580 --> 00:21:46.279
And so my coaching program.

00:21:46.279 --> 00:22:15.138
Actually, it starts out with human design reading and then from there, once we know who you are and those unique strengths and gifts of who you are, as well as some of your watchouts right, when you're out of alignment, we take that, we build out your goals, we build out your action plan and we figure out whether it's you want to walk away from corporate or you want to scale the ranks to corporate or your well-being and your life is just out of whack.

00:22:15.138 --> 00:22:16.020
We get you together.

00:22:16.321 --> 00:22:22.906
So I'm working on the coaching program and expanding that, putting that service out there more because I love to help women.

00:22:22.906 --> 00:22:27.604
So I'm speaking to the ladies out there and say, hey, let me help you.

00:22:27.604 --> 00:22:31.661
Right now I'm doing one-on-one, but eventually I'll do some group coaching.

00:22:31.661 --> 00:22:32.563
I love community.

00:22:32.563 --> 00:22:37.586
I'll be doing that and then eventually starting up a community platform outside of a Facebook group.

00:22:37.586 --> 00:22:40.683
So it'll be on mine figuring out where that will be.

00:22:40.683 --> 00:22:49.064
But yeah, I want to build community and I want to coach more, because that is where my heart is, alongside with my consulting services that I provide.

00:22:49.986 --> 00:22:50.426
I love it.

00:22:50.426 --> 00:22:51.317
I love it.

00:22:51.317 --> 00:22:58.226
That is so great to hear because I know we in fact, when I was at IBM, we did the Briggs-Meyer testing.

00:22:58.246 --> 00:22:59.409
Myers-Briggs type indicator.

00:23:01.920 --> 00:23:05.747
Yeah, we had to do that to see what type of personality we're doing.

00:23:05.747 --> 00:23:18.928
And even now my marketing manager, she's doing that as far as coaching as well as far as a personality, because it really tells you your ideal customer and your ideal client that you're working with and what personality.

00:23:18.928 --> 00:23:22.079
But then maybe communication.

00:23:22.279 --> 00:23:29.421
it's not necessarily about how it's 50% how you communicate, but then it's how was that person receiving information?

00:23:29.421 --> 00:23:44.525
The personality assessments and I love them and still use them helps you understand who you are, how you show up, and then how do you better communicate with others, whether they have the same communication or personality preferences as you or their opposite?

00:23:44.525 --> 00:23:55.226
Where human design takes it to another level is it considers all those things, but then also we go deeper into not just these four boxes or six boxes.

00:23:55.346 --> 00:23:58.801
It is really breaking down who you are at the core.

00:23:59.844 --> 00:24:02.616
I'm sure it has improved from what we did in corporate.

00:24:02.616 --> 00:24:07.606
They made us do that and I did have 36 years at IBM and I retired.

00:24:07.606 --> 00:24:20.320
I retired at an early age but I had the old pension plan, so that's what helped me to do what I'm doing now, to get what God intended me to be that social work, to work in a community and to do what I'm doing now.

00:24:20.320 --> 00:24:21.124
I appreciate you.

00:24:21.124 --> 00:24:27.222
It seems like we have the same type of personality as far as that community base and getting out there to help people, and that really is inspiring.

00:24:27.222 --> 00:24:33.048
So tell people how to get in touch with you again so we can make sure they connect with Latonya.

00:24:33.067 --> 00:24:35.338
I suggest everyone to connect with Latonya.

00:24:35.338 --> 00:24:41.020
She has some great information to share with you as far as tips and how she can help you and your business.

00:24:41.020 --> 00:24:42.403
So tell us that, latonya.

00:24:42.423 --> 00:24:46.980
Thank you so you can follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

00:24:46.980 --> 00:24:52.087
My handle is Coach Latonya Roberts on LinkedIn.

00:24:52.087 --> 00:25:04.535
It's just my name, so La-Tanya-Roberts, and my website where you can actually grab my free guide in Embracing your Power a guide to divine feminine leadership.

00:25:04.535 --> 00:25:13.376
You can get that at harmonyconsultinggroupcom and I'll definitely make sure you have all of the information.

00:25:13.376 --> 00:25:17.220
My consulting website is that orgony Consulting Group dot org.

00:25:17.220 --> 00:25:30.229
Ok, you can link to the free group or the free guide there as well, but that's where you can find me online or follow me on social LinkedIn, instagram or Facebook and would love to connect.

00:25:30.930 --> 00:25:31.650
That's awesome.

00:25:31.650 --> 00:25:37.759
I definitely send that to me so I can put it in the show notes so everyone will know when this podcast come out to get in touch with you.

00:25:37.759 --> 00:25:41.183
So thank you so much for being on a podcast.

00:25:41.183 --> 00:25:44.222
Ready Set Collaborate, and I want to make sure that everyone knows.

00:25:44.222 --> 00:25:46.903
Please make sure that you follow me.

00:25:46.903 --> 00:25:49.174
Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:25:49.174 --> 00:25:53.739
I'm on all podcast platforms Spotify, apple Podcasts, even on Audible.

00:25:53.739 --> 00:25:58.624
I didn't know I was on Audible Even Audible to listen to all of some of the other guests that I've had on the show.

00:25:58.624 --> 00:26:08.816
So I definitely do other series that I've been doing and this is actually the marketing series and I met Latonya and I said, yeah, we want to be on my podcast, so I'm so glad we have it.

00:26:08.816 --> 00:26:13.184
But, yeah, make sure you share and follow it's Wanda Pearson.

00:26:13.184 --> 00:26:14.848
Ready Set Collaborate.

00:26:14.848 --> 00:26:15.155
I'm sorry.

00:26:15.155 --> 00:26:16.582
Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:26:16.582 --> 00:26:21.181
Thanks again, latanya, for being on my podcast and I look forward to talking to you again.

00:26:21.181 --> 00:26:22.064
We're going to have you on again.

00:26:22.064 --> 00:26:23.401
Tell us how you're doing.

00:26:23.714 --> 00:26:25.757
I would love to come back for sure.

00:26:26.217 --> 00:26:27.917
Yeah, definitely, thank you so much.

00:26:27.917 --> 00:26:29.599
All right, all right, all right, thank you.

00:26:30.099 --> 00:26:30.339

00:26:30.339 --> 00:26:35.544
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:26:35.544 --> 00:26:45.912
For more information about the host, head to WDPearsonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:26:45.912 --> 00:26:55.316
Want to connect?

00:26:55.316 --> 00:27:01.969
Send an email to Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.