Sept. 9, 2024

Transforming Passion into Podcasting with Wanda Pearson: Expert Insights, Collaborative Creation, and Practical Steps

Transforming Passion into Podcasting with Wanda Pearson: Expert Insights, Collaborative Creation, and Practical Steps

Ever wondered how to transform your love for conversation into a thriving podcast? Join me, Wanda Pearson, on the Ready Set Collaborate podcast as I reveal my journey into the world of podcasting in our special series, "The Art of Being a Podcaster." Inspired by a nudge from a friend who knew my passion for talking and collaborating, I ventured into the podcasting realm and never looked back. In this episode, you'll hear about the thoughtful process behind naming the podcast and the importance of educating and empowering listeners through engaging conversations. 

I'm thrilled to share the mic with seasoned podcasters who’ll offer invaluable tips and experiences on starting and sustaining a podcast. Learn the step-by-step process of creating a podcast, from selecting the perfect platform to integrating music and editing. Discover the collaborative efforts behind the professional sound of this podcast, thanks to contributions from friends and experts like Dr. Stacy Moore and Marianne Bailey. Tune in every Wednesday for an episode packed with insights and inspiration for aspiring podcasters and collaboration enthusiasts alike.

Contact Wanda Pearson


Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

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Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready.

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Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

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Welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson.

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I am so excited to actually introduce my new series on the art of being a podcaster.

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I'm going to have some great guests which are senior podcasters and them to give us some tips on how they started podcasting.

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But let me tell you a little bit about myself and why I started, the reason why I started podcasting.

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Actually, one of my groups that I was in, v-rock, adeline Dryden, said Wanda, I want you to get into podcasting.

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I was like, why should I get into podcasting?

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But she knew I liked to talk and I liked to collaborate.

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So this is one of the different things that I started getting into.

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I considered doing that because I wanted to interview guests on different topics and it actually inspired me to be able to start this podcast.

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I had to think of a name and I always like to collaborate, so I came up with Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

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Thanks to my marketing manager, diane Freeman.

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The biggest benefit that I saw from this is actually teaching other people, educating them.

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I'm always about educating, empowering people to let them know the different things that's going on in this world, but also to get some tips and education on other people's feedback and education on other people's feedback.

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My podcast with the art of being a podcaster is gonna be from senior podcasters who I've been on their show, on some of their shows.

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This is gonna be a great way of saying I know a lot of people say how do I start a podcast?

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What do I need to do to be a podcaster?

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This will help you to be able to listen to some of my guests to tell you how to be on a podcast.

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But the main thing and focus on my podcast was to be able to collaborate with other podcasts.

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No matter how much you are educated, it's always good to get education.

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I've always been that way as far as educate myself even more and I'm just so happy to have these professional podcasters to be on the Ready Set Collaborate podcast, creating the process of creating that episode from start to finish.

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It was actually.

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It was like a learning experience.

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I actually did it on Spotify.

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And how do I do this?

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How do I get the music to intertwine with my podcast?

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How do I get the intro and outro?

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And I'm so happy that my podcast who actually my friend, who actually helped me to do the intro and outro and then create the music for me, who is Dr Stacy Moore.

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She created that for me to be able to bring in that along with my interviews that I have here.

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So I'm happy to have that.

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And it's actually you got to do a lot of research, get some tips from my guests that's going to be coming on about how they started their podcast and how they got through the process of creating this podcast from start to finish.

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I started it, created it, and then I went to Fiverr so Fiverr was able to intertwine my intro and outro and the music that Dr Stacey Moore had created for me to make ita finished product.

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So it's not as easy as you think.

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I wanted to make sure it was professional and I actually went to my editor, who was actually Marion Bailey.

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So I met her on a networking event and she became my editor.

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So these are some of the and it's a teamwork, collaboration type of thing that you really have to be able to know how to start it to make sure that it lasts.

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I went on some classes and one of the guys asked me do you want it to be weekly, monthly or daily?

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And I decided to do it weekly.

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On every Wednesday I have a podcast that comes out with different series that I have.

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This series is the Art of the Podcaster me learning from other podcasters.

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This is helping me to grow and to be better in what I'm doing every day.

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Let me tell you how I started.

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I actually did a spreadsheet.

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I did a spreadsheet and talked with one of my girlfriends, sharon Hare, who helped me to come up with some of the topics that I wanted to discuss creating this podcast.

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I had the different series and the different topics I wanted to talk about and then I would invite my guests.

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Who was a professional in that type of environment?

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This is what actually started it, because I wanted to be professional in doing this here.

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The most memorable moments of my podcast was to do my first one and I had no idea what I was doing here to talk about why I created Ready Set.

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Collaborate with Wanda Pearson I've always been about, and my first actually series was about networking and collaboration how I started networking, how the people in my life helped me to expand our business, which is Legal Shield, and WD Pearson Associates that's my brand, which is where my podcast is on to be able to share my journey.

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That journey has actually been just taking me through these different journeys that I had no idea, that I said I would never do.

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Never say never, because God has plans for you.

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This has actually been a memorable moment for me to really just get out and do it and I'm going to tell you, november will be my one-year anniversary and I'm going to be celebrating that with different episodes of my one-year anniversary of being a podcaster.

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The way you actually get out there is I do a lot of networking.

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They call me the networking queen, and when someone's talking to me and we're talking about different things, I say I want you to be on my podcast.

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So, whatever the topic is, I think it's a good way to share with the world of what they're talking about here.

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I definitely want to make sure that you listen to this series, the Ready Set, collaborate with Wanda Pearson, and the title is the Art of being a Podcaster.

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I'm doing other things, especially auditions, that I'm actually adding into, intertwining these into my series.

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Listen out for those, but every Wednesday at eight o'clock it's on all podcast platforms, which is Spotify, apple Podcasts, audible, Podbean Just research the name Ready Set, collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

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You will see all the different platforms that I'm on Get set.

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Get ready to listen to the Ready Set Collaborate the Art of Podcasts series.

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See you soon.

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Don't forget to share, follow and subscribe to my podcast.

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Ready Set.

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Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:07:00.055 --> 00:07:00.617
Thank you.

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Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set.

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For more information about the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

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Want to connect?

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Send an email to Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.