Sept. 11, 2024

Transforming Senior Care with Esther Woghiren and Ann Lafferty: Compassion, Community Support and Overcoming Financial Hardships with Global Blessings

Transforming Senior Care with Esther Woghiren and Ann Lafferty: Compassion, Community Support and Overcoming Financial Hardships with Global Blessings

Imagine transforming the lives of senior citizens who face financial hardships with nothing but sheer determination and compassion. Join us on Ready Set Collaborate as we sit down with Esther Woghiren and Ann Lafferty from Global Blessings Inc. Esther shares the heartwarming story of how her experience with a senior citizen in her personal care home ignited the spark to create the nonprofit in 2020. Ann driven by her deep-seated passion for aiding the elderly, talks about her invaluable role and the essential need for dignity and respect in senior care.

We also dive deep into the pressing challenges Global Blessings faces, particularly in securing adequate funding and the critical dependence on donations and corporate contributions. From upcoming fundraising events like the 2024 Gala to community involvement in preventing senior isolation and financial scams, we cover it all. Ann’s insights as an activity coordinator bring to light the importance of entertainment and activities in improving seniors' lives. Discover how you can support this noble mission through donations, volunteering, and participating in events such as Walking to Benefit Seniors and the Zoomathon. Listen in for touching success stories and learn how you can make a difference.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Global Blessings

07:31 - Supporting Senior Citizens Through Global Blessings

18:25 - Empowering Seniors Through Community Support


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.576 --> 00:00:28.475
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.475 --> 00:00:41.929
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.799 --> 00:00:44.246
Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.328 --> 00:00:51.491
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

00:00:53.081 --> 00:01:04.403
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson and my guest Global Blessings Ladies with Esther Weigert Say it for me Esther Wolverine and Rafferty.

00:01:04.403 --> 00:01:05.685
So welcome to our podcast.

00:01:05.685 --> 00:01:30.588
I am so blessed to have these ladies here with me and what's good about it is that they're Global Best Blessings.

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They're actually helping the seniors out with everything close to my heart.

00:01:34.430 --> 00:01:43.631
That's because I'm a social worker and I definitely love to make sure people in the community are being helped, so I do mentoring at the middle schools as well with the young girls.

00:01:43.631 --> 00:01:45.227
So, yeah, this is definitely Global Blessing.

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So let me tell you a little about this organization.

00:01:48.159 --> 00:02:16.039
Global Blessing is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping senior citizens who don't have financial means to afford quality care for themselves, often forced into homelessness due to a variety of reasons, whether it may be their physical or mental limitations, or not having financial means to ensure that they are well taken care of when needing assistance with activities of daily living.

00:02:16.039 --> 00:02:16.662
I love this.

00:02:16.662 --> 00:02:18.207
I love that you all do this kind of thing.

00:02:18.207 --> 00:02:34.551
Global Blessing Inc aims to work with families who are struggling with this issue to help provide these senior citizens with a stable and comfortable living condition so that they can close the final chapter of their lives with the dignity, the respect and the love that they deserve.

00:02:34.551 --> 00:02:40.832
I love that this says it all, because seniors are the ones that have always been left behind.

00:02:40.832 --> 00:02:44.306
Especially, I went through this with.

00:02:44.306 --> 00:02:54.367
I always said I never want my parents to go to the nursing home, so both of them did have to go to the nursing home and it was sad, because you saw seniors in that nursing home that their families forgot about them.

00:02:54.930 --> 00:02:55.752
Yes, I've seen that.

00:02:56.020 --> 00:02:57.302
Yeah, it's just not right.

00:02:57.302 --> 00:03:04.503
So thank God for my second stepmom, when my first stepmom had died, that she was there to help protect those ones that was left behind.

00:03:04.503 --> 00:03:07.168
So this is a great thing that you guys are doing.

00:03:07.168 --> 00:03:11.013
I really appreciate you and I'm glad I was able to be on the podcast with you all.

00:03:11.013 --> 00:03:12.996
Thank you, Thank you, yeah, definitely.

00:03:12.996 --> 00:03:17.050
So tell me a little bit about your organization and its mission.

00:03:18.501 --> 00:03:25.895
So this organization was inspired by a senior citizen that was living in one of my personal care homes, australia.

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So she ran out of money and the families were now faced with relocating her to maybe Medicaid provided home or something, and at this point she already lived like a year and a half in our facility.

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So they were faced with choices.

00:03:41.866 --> 00:03:46.174
So they went out there, looked for stuff and came crying.

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So they came crying to me and said we can't move mom to these places.

00:03:51.370 --> 00:03:53.193
We don't like it, it doesn't look good.

00:03:53.193 --> 00:03:54.986
I'm like, okay, what are we going to do?

00:03:57.003 --> 00:04:00.012
So I went home on that day and talked to my husband.

00:04:00.012 --> 00:04:03.830
I'm like there's no way I'm letting this family out of my sight just because they don't have money.

00:04:03.830 --> 00:04:05.747
There must be something we can do.

00:04:05.747 --> 00:04:22.713
So we talked about it and I contacted one of my friends that gave me an idea for the nonprofit and I said, ok, we can open a nonprofit and help people like this, since we are in this situation, because I hear these horror stories every day, because I deal with families trying to place their loved ones.

00:04:22.713 --> 00:04:25.228
So that was how it came to pass.

00:04:25.800 --> 00:04:27.665
I'm still in contact with the families today.

00:04:28.288 --> 00:04:35.547
I love that, I love that story there, and you just told about what inspired you to create this nonprofit and how long have you been operating.

00:04:37.081 --> 00:04:48.672
It was approved in 2020, in the middle of COVID, of course, so we weren't able to do much, so it was created in 2020, okay that's awesome and that's you.

00:04:48.692 --> 00:04:54.041
That's when everybody needed it, because people let go from their jobs and they know how they want to pay their rent.

00:04:54.041 --> 00:04:55.565
Yeah, so this is awesome.

00:04:55.565 --> 00:05:04.583
God has really been blessing you all, I'm sure, and that's why you call it global blessings I call it global blessings to every all citizens that are going through hardship like this.

00:05:04.583 --> 00:05:05.968
Yes, yes, that's awesome.

00:05:05.968 --> 00:05:06.610
That's awesome.

00:05:06.610 --> 00:05:11.372
And, anne, how did you get into meeting Esther and get into Global Blessings?

00:05:12.000 --> 00:05:19.230
My husband came home one night and said honey, I'm going back to corporate and one of my dreams is to work with senior citizens.

00:05:19.230 --> 00:05:24.252
So I went on Indeedcom and I found her son, rod.

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It was posted that they needed a part-time activities director.

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So I interviewed with Rod.

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Everything went well and then I started like maybe a week after Then six months of the position, I asked Esther hey, can I come Monday through Friday?

00:05:39.271 --> 00:05:39.913
She said yes.

00:05:39.913 --> 00:05:42.726
Then Esther asked me do you know anybody?

00:05:42.726 --> 00:05:44.351
I'm looking for an event coordinator.

00:05:44.351 --> 00:05:46.326
And I said you're looking at her right here.

00:05:46.326 --> 00:05:48.567
And she's like how can you do all that?

00:05:48.567 --> 00:05:51.249
And I said, believe me, I got this.

00:05:51.249 --> 00:06:02.690
So then I started with the nonprofit as an event coordinator and then I worked up to the community relations manager and now I have two positions with her and I'm really excited.

00:06:03.000 --> 00:06:08.733
I'm very blessed to be a part of this organization and you got a good person, Esther, because she has that smile.

00:06:10.283 --> 00:06:11.427
Everything I believe in.

00:06:11.427 --> 00:06:13.305
My passion for seniors.

00:06:13.305 --> 00:06:14.408
She carries all.

00:06:14.449 --> 00:06:14.850

00:06:16.083 --> 00:06:16.485
I love it.

00:06:16.860 --> 00:06:18.045
Yes, that is great.

00:06:18.220 --> 00:06:28.223
I believe it was a divine appointment from God, because I hired somebody before Ian actually, and I'm like I was at home sick and I fired her from home.

00:06:28.223 --> 00:06:32.071
Okay, first day of work, she's not going to be my director.

00:06:34.461 --> 00:06:36.447
That's awesome, and she can get it done for you, can't she?

00:06:36.447 --> 00:06:37.250
Oh my God.

00:06:41.600 --> 00:06:42.362
That's awesome.

00:06:42.401 --> 00:06:48.793
So I wanted to ask both of you both of you organizing what type of services and programs do you offer to support senior citizens in need?

00:06:49.213 --> 00:06:52.608
Okay, so we cover varieties of things.

00:06:52.608 --> 00:07:01.670
Initially our goal was to like help give some family breaks that are taking care of their loved ones at home that needed, like respite care.

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We prepare for that for two weeks.

00:07:02.985 --> 00:07:11.723
They'll stay in the facility while their loved loved ones are in there, while they are taking care of themselves as well, just as we went into this program.

00:07:11.723 --> 00:07:21.466
The need for seniors out there even utility bills, rents oh, I still have voicemails in my in the global blessing phone.

00:07:21.466 --> 00:07:27.382
Every day we get calls from families that are struggling to pay their rent utilities.

00:07:27.382 --> 00:07:28.266
So many things.

00:07:28.266 --> 00:07:31.132
So now it's like a variety of issues now we have to face.

00:07:31.132 --> 00:07:40.586
Okay, so there's a lot going on with this program now that we are just trying to get funding to help us yeah, I was going to ask you about that.

00:07:40.648 --> 00:07:45.504
As far as funding, do you get funding from corporations or how can people get funding?

00:07:45.504 --> 00:07:45.646

00:07:45.706 --> 00:07:54.807
haven't got many funding uh, all the money we have right now for from private citizens that are donating to us and helping our cause.

00:07:54.807 --> 00:08:01.165
So that's how we're able to help right now, but, honestly speaking, we don't have enough money.

00:08:01.165 --> 00:08:03.149
We don't have enough money, we don't have enough funding.

00:08:03.149 --> 00:08:10.805
So we are forced now to open our program, like March through August, and then close the door to next year again, because we don't have enough money.

00:08:10.805 --> 00:08:13.447
Every day our phone is ringing off the cook.

00:08:13.447 --> 00:08:20.884
We just need people to be aware and help in any way they can so that we can support these seniors.

00:08:21.266 --> 00:08:24.843
Yeah, wow Corporations.

00:08:24.843 --> 00:08:26.110
Can they help you with this?

00:08:26.250 --> 00:08:28.622
yes, absolutely they can help us.

00:08:28.622 --> 00:08:31.689
They can go to our website and hit the donate button.

00:08:31.689 --> 00:08:45.488
We have varieties of what you can give on that website, so just that's the only way we can support the seniors that are going to hardship right now okay, that's good, that's good to, and I want you to make sure you tell us what that website is so people can tell us.

00:08:45.687 --> 00:08:46.509
Okay, yeah.

00:08:46.889 --> 00:08:56.808
So our website is wwwmyglobalblessingscom and our phone number is 470-813-4339.

00:08:56.808 --> 00:09:02.022
You can call us anytime or you can go to the website also and donate.

00:09:02.884 --> 00:09:03.606
Okay, that's great.

00:09:03.606 --> 00:09:08.090
I'm going to have you say that again at the end so people will know whether I get in touch with you.

00:09:08.090 --> 00:09:09.537
So, anne, what services?

00:09:09.537 --> 00:09:12.625
I know you're the activity coordinator, so what do you do with the seniors?

00:09:13.246 --> 00:09:15.902
That's the personal care home is separate from the non-profit.

00:09:15.902 --> 00:09:17.144
They're not linked, okay.

00:09:17.144 --> 00:09:19.451
So I just wanted to let everybody know that too.

00:09:19.451 --> 00:09:20.260
That's important.

00:09:20.260 --> 00:09:28.308
Okay, for the activities director I bring in all the entertainment, the crafts, the decorating, all the fun things for all the seniors.

00:09:28.308 --> 00:09:30.530
I fill up the calendar almost every month.

00:09:30.530 --> 00:09:36.155
I probably brought in 50 plus volunteers already in the assistant living and personal care home.

00:09:36.155 --> 00:09:46.691
And for the nonprofit, there's a gala at the end of the year 2024 gala and all the other fundraisers as well.

00:09:46.691 --> 00:09:49.355
The 2024 Gala is December 7th, from 6 to 9 at the Governor's Gun Club.

00:09:49.355 --> 00:09:53.400
So I've already got 52 sponsorships already signed up.

00:09:53.400 --> 00:09:56.086
I got more coming in the next two months.

00:09:56.086 --> 00:10:00.885
Actually, I got two phone calls yesterday and two phone calls today and my phone's been ringing off the hook.

00:10:00.885 --> 00:10:01.447

00:10:01.587 --> 00:10:02.250
a blessing.

00:10:02.250 --> 00:10:03.032
That's awesome.

00:10:03.259 --> 00:10:06.546
So I also suggest that they look at all the other fundraisers too.

00:10:06.546 --> 00:10:07.650
We have one this weekend.

00:10:07.650 --> 00:10:11.404
It's Walking to Benefit Homeless Senior Citizens at Noonday Park.

00:10:11.404 --> 00:10:14.192
Okay, and that's this weekend, this Saturday.

00:10:14.192 --> 00:10:23.261
So I hope that people will look at the fundraiser events and be willing to come and support that amazing cause for global blessings.

00:10:23.261 --> 00:10:23.783

00:10:23.985 --> 00:10:24.967
Okay, that's good to know.

00:10:24.967 --> 00:10:27.467
Is this every month that you have these different activities?

00:10:27.679 --> 00:10:30.807
Because noon that'd probably be Well, the personal care home is separate, so it's not-.

00:10:30.807 --> 00:10:40.068
The fundraisers are for the nonprofit Okay, with the wwwmyglobalblessingscom, but the activities and all that is for the personal care home, and that's separate.

00:10:40.389 --> 00:10:55.075
Okay no-transcript that you come with creating this organization.

00:10:56.447 --> 00:10:58.394
It's hard for me to give a success story.

00:10:58.394 --> 00:11:03.857
We have a list that my executive director keep Before this program.

00:11:03.857 --> 00:11:09.312
I did not really consult her at all about that, but I can tell you a success story.

00:11:09.312 --> 00:11:12.254
There was a lady that walked into the personal care home.

00:11:12.254 --> 00:11:18.114
She called the nonprofit line and she gave all her documents already.

00:11:18.114 --> 00:11:20.732
So she went down and met me.

00:11:20.732 --> 00:11:25.255
She said she was looking for somebody from Global Blessing and she happened to meet me.

00:11:25.255 --> 00:11:28.013
So I'm like OK, I'm the CEO of Global Blessing.

00:11:28.013 --> 00:11:28.755
How can I help you?

00:11:28.755 --> 00:11:30.150
Normally we don't take physical.

00:11:30.150 --> 00:11:33.775
We just go on the website and you apply and we'll get back to you.

00:11:33.845 --> 00:11:39.869
She said oh my God, I'm being thrown out of my apartment and I submitted everything already to.

00:11:40.129 --> 00:11:46.289
Of course, you know the person like the case manager that works for us and I didn't hear anything.

00:11:46.289 --> 00:11:47.010
And all that.

00:11:47.010 --> 00:11:48.895
And I borrowed money to come here.

00:11:48.895 --> 00:11:52.089
I don't have gas to go home, oh my god, I was so touched.

00:11:52.089 --> 00:12:05.926
So from my pocket, not from the organization pocket, I had to give this lady a hundred dollars for gas and I have to call the director to make sure that check was hand delivered to the landlord the next day.

00:12:05.926 --> 00:12:08.072
She left me several messages thanking me.

00:12:08.072 --> 00:12:09.817
Still the messages are still on my phone.

00:12:09.836 --> 00:12:19.057
So things like that gave me so much pleasure yeah, to know that this woman was going to be homeless, or she was in evicted and I was able to make a difference in her life.

00:12:19.057 --> 00:12:23.576
So that's one of many that we'll be sharing during the gala.

00:12:24.265 --> 00:12:28.950
Yeah, and you actually talked about how it changed their result and the support that you give to them.

00:12:28.950 --> 00:12:33.345
Oh, yes, that's awesome, and we talk about community and collaboration.

00:12:33.345 --> 00:12:37.445
So you have a different program that you do and a collaboration.

00:12:37.445 --> 00:12:39.910
So is there a collaboration that you do with others?

00:12:40.572 --> 00:12:51.351
Right now, most of our referrals are coming from Kaiser Permanente or Unite Me, so some of those organizations are sending these people that need help to our organization.

00:12:51.351 --> 00:12:53.845
So that's how we're collaborating right now, okay.

00:12:53.865 --> 00:12:54.609
So what about the other hospitals?

00:12:54.609 --> 00:12:56.034
No, we're not collaborating with any collaborating right now.

00:12:56.034 --> 00:12:56.918
Okay, yeah, okay.

00:12:56.918 --> 00:12:57.923
So what about the other hospitals?

00:12:57.943 --> 00:13:20.157
or, we're not no, we're not collaborating in a hospital right now other than Kaiser, because with Kaiser they have a program like if somebody's going through hardship, especially seniors, they have a program that take that call and then connect them to who can help them okay, yeah, so we're not in hospital right now because, like I said, funding is essential for this program.

00:13:20.157 --> 00:13:23.933
I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have to dip my hand in my own pocket.

00:13:23.933 --> 00:13:27.910
Yeah, I have to offset because it's so much need out there.

00:13:28.110 --> 00:13:38.529
Yes, yes, it really is Especially everyday senior and then with the senior living places that's not cheap Rent is not cheap here.

00:13:38.629 --> 00:13:43.676
To put people in the hotel, man, and to put people in the hotel, yeah Wow.

00:13:44.155 --> 00:13:56.076
I am so proud of you of creating this program here and it's great to know that there is help for seniors out here to be able to get that support.

00:13:56.076 --> 00:14:00.793
But we definitely need to get funding for the support to help keep this going here and I definitely would love to see it keep growing.

00:14:00.793 --> 00:14:03.908
So I love the sponsor because I will be at the gala.

00:14:03.908 --> 00:14:05.413
Thank you for sponsoring.

00:14:05.413 --> 00:14:08.187
Yeah, yes, yes, I'm looking forward to that.

00:14:08.607 --> 00:14:09.650
So, yeah, so definitely.

00:14:09.650 --> 00:14:13.788
And then we got some of my other girls that are part of a group sharing and heavy.

00:14:14.168 --> 00:14:15.912
Yeah, they said they're going to become sponsors too.

00:14:15.912 --> 00:14:16.894
Yeah, yeah.

00:14:16.953 --> 00:14:18.155
Yeah, so some of our other girls.

00:14:18.155 --> 00:14:20.399
I belong, they call me the networking queen.

00:14:20.644 --> 00:14:22.691
Wow, that's what they call me too.

00:14:22.691 --> 00:14:23.774
That's what they call me.

00:14:26.384 --> 00:14:33.284
Yeah, yeah, they call me that, and this is something that's really needed for our senior, because I'm a senior too May not look like it, but I'm a senior.

00:14:33.284 --> 00:14:41.129
Well, you look great may not look like it, but I'm gonna sing it.

00:14:41.129 --> 00:14:51.586
So, yes, I definitely want to to help, because I look what my parents, my father, he was well-known marketing but then he started getting social security and then now it's like the kind of income yeah yeah, yeah, so that this is definitely needed and I love this here.

00:14:52.208 --> 00:14:55.417
So what role does community involvement play in the success of your programs?

00:14:55.947 --> 00:14:57.953
like we're saying, they can get involved.

00:14:57.953 --> 00:14:59.807
And get involved.

00:14:59.807 --> 00:15:05.798
If you see a senior that's looking for stuff or that is not doing well, you know where to call.

00:15:05.798 --> 00:15:21.345
And if you know somebody that is willing to donate or help the cause, you know where to give, which is the website globalblessingscom, or you call our phone number, 470-813-4339.

00:15:21.345 --> 00:15:27.852
So we can all work together, either by funding it or by helping a senior in it.

00:15:29.405 --> 00:15:30.129
Yeah, I love that.

00:15:30.129 --> 00:15:33.445
I love it, and it seems like you have a lot that you're doing for the communities.

00:15:33.445 --> 00:15:35.684
What are your organization's goals for the future that you're doing for the communities?

00:15:37.589 --> 00:15:40.054
What are your organization's goals for the future?

00:15:40.054 --> 00:15:52.552
Our goal for the future is actually for what I have in mind is to see if we can secure a building for these individuals, because I've worked with what's it called most ministry in the past and they don't really know how to take care of seniors.

00:15:52.552 --> 00:15:58.226
They do the adults, families and all that, so when they have seniors they don't know what to do with them.

00:15:58.226 --> 00:16:00.513
They'll call they've called me in the past.

00:16:00.513 --> 00:16:15.109
So if we can get like a building where we can secure for where we see seniors that are going through stuff like this that they can't just like we have halfway house for you know, whatever you can have something like that for seniors that can't afford anywhere.

00:16:15.109 --> 00:16:18.878
Sometimes you're driving in the streets you see somebody laying on the floor.

00:16:18.878 --> 00:16:20.510
It's a senior citizen.

00:16:20.510 --> 00:16:31.916
So things like that, we can actually reduce the impoverishment that really plagues seniors in this country, and I love that, because with the economy, everything's so expensive.

00:16:32.904 --> 00:16:34.350
Mcdonald's is not even cheap anymore.

00:16:34.350 --> 00:16:37.144
Oh no, you might as well have a dinner.

00:16:37.245 --> 00:16:39.552
You get a sandwich and French fries at 20 bucks.

00:16:40.916 --> 00:16:41.277
I know.

00:16:41.277 --> 00:16:46.220
So, ann, tell us a little bit about your program, what you've been doing with, what you're doing With Global Blessings.

00:16:46.220 --> 00:16:47.524
Yeah, yeah, tell us about what you're doing.

00:16:47.644 --> 00:16:49.732
I'm out in the community networking a lot.

00:16:49.732 --> 00:17:00.711
I do one-on-ones here at Rice Coffee and Tea and they're so generous for donating this tea room to us for Global Blessings, for our podcast, and I help people.

00:17:00.711 --> 00:17:03.859
If they have any questions with registering, they call me.

00:17:03.859 --> 00:17:11.807
I tell them step by step, I take my time, I tell them how can I help you and I get them through the process.

00:17:11.807 --> 00:17:23.238
I'm just the kind of person that is so loving and giving and this organization has a place in my heart that I just love them so much.

00:17:23.238 --> 00:17:27.155
Esther and David and the whole family has been such a blessing for me.

00:17:27.625 --> 00:17:28.810
I'm sorry, I'm crying.

00:17:28.810 --> 00:17:32.471
No, that shows the passion and this is a passion.

00:17:32.491 --> 00:17:33.894
That's what I look for.

00:17:33.894 --> 00:17:34.977
Yeah, oh my.

00:17:34.997 --> 00:17:36.019
God, so embarrassing.

00:17:37.665 --> 00:17:40.914
So that's for you to hire somebody that have the same passion like you do.

00:17:41.115 --> 00:17:41.817

00:17:42.026 --> 00:17:43.352
I'm like this is a good plan.

00:17:43.352 --> 00:17:44.778
Can't even make this up, yeah.

00:17:45.586 --> 00:17:51.858
So I want to thank every one of my sponsors for Global Blessings.

00:17:51.858 --> 00:18:15.933
I promote them every day and the day of the gala and I want to thank them and I wanted to know that they're appreciated and Global Blessings really appreciates them as well, and God bless them and I hope all their businesses become so successful that I will do all my can to refer them to pray for them and I appreciate you all.

00:18:15.933 --> 00:18:20.554
Thank you so much for registering and I want you all Thank you so much for registering and I want you to know you have a place in my heart.

00:18:20.875 --> 00:18:21.155

00:18:21.297 --> 00:18:22.240
And in their hearts too.

00:18:22.520 --> 00:18:24.527
Yes, I know I have a place in your heart.

00:18:24.527 --> 00:18:32.252
How can policymakers and the public better support seniors who are at risk of homelessness or not even to afford quality care?

00:18:32.854 --> 00:18:36.229
I think they can start by looking at the mental health of the seniors.

00:18:36.229 --> 00:18:40.298
Everybody is talking about mental health now, but we don't even address one for the seniors.

00:18:40.298 --> 00:18:55.340
Those are the most important ones that we have to address as well, because sometimes with a disease that goes with aging for instance dementia, things like that some of the seniors will finish all their funds before they start looking for a place.

00:18:55.846 --> 00:18:56.126

00:18:56.448 --> 00:18:57.512
Because they're confused.

00:18:57.512 --> 00:18:59.471
People are scamming them of their money.

00:18:59.471 --> 00:19:02.694
They end up homeless at no fault of their own.

00:19:02.694 --> 00:19:11.454
So if we can have people like checking on seniors that live by themselves, that don't have children, don't have anybody, that would be amazing.

00:19:11.454 --> 00:19:14.593
Yeah, to just have a program that.

00:19:14.593 --> 00:19:17.855
Look at, just look at the seniors in the neighborhood.

00:19:17.855 --> 00:19:26.252
If you have a neighbor that is in that condition, please knock at the door, find out what's going on, see how you can help and know who to call.

00:19:26.272 --> 00:19:28.529
As well, yeah, exactly, I love that.

00:19:28.529 --> 00:19:29.173
I love that.

00:19:29.173 --> 00:19:34.555
What can listeners do to support your mission, whether it's through donations, volunteering or other means?

00:19:35.164 --> 00:19:36.448
You can donate.

00:19:36.448 --> 00:19:43.493
You can actually volunteer your time through events that we have Like we have one this weekend working for seniors.

00:19:43.493 --> 00:19:46.384
You can donate and no amount is too small.

00:19:46.384 --> 00:19:49.239
We're not looking for you must have $1 million to give us.

00:19:49.239 --> 00:19:53.256
$2, $5, $10, anything you can help us with.

00:19:53.256 --> 00:20:02.436
We'll help a senior pay their bill or have a place to live for at least a month until we can get them connected to the programs that can support them.

00:20:02.436 --> 00:20:10.548
So we are just asking the senior out there to tell anybody spread the word and then we'll take it from there.

00:20:10.948 --> 00:20:11.688
I love it.

00:20:11.688 --> 00:20:12.368
I love that.

00:20:12.368 --> 00:20:18.300
So, so we talked about your goals for the future and how you plan.

00:20:18.300 --> 00:20:21.240
How do you plan to expand and enhance your services?

00:20:21.240 --> 00:20:22.994
I guess you need funding to do all that.

00:20:22.994 --> 00:20:24.459
I need funding.

00:20:24.640 --> 00:20:26.757
Definitely, it all comes down to funding.

00:20:26.757 --> 00:20:29.980
I know that most of this nonprofit gets grants.

00:20:29.980 --> 00:20:36.734
We haven't been able to locate anybody that will write grants for us, but that's what we're looking for as well.

00:20:36.734 --> 00:20:43.025
If you know anyone that specializes in this field, please give us a call so that you can connect us with them as well.

00:20:43.025 --> 00:20:46.819
But at the end of the day, with our money, we can continue the program.

00:20:46.819 --> 00:20:50.017
We can only do so much with coming from our pocket.

00:20:50.719 --> 00:20:54.579
Okay, okay, and I'm thinking of somebody that I can ask to help.

00:20:54.579 --> 00:20:56.497
You said to help write grants, right?

00:20:56.497 --> 00:20:56.898

00:20:57.118 --> 00:20:57.950
Okay, okay, yes.

00:20:57.970 --> 00:21:00.902
I to help, right, you said to help write grants, right, yes, okay, okay, yes, I'm thinking about somebody that can help that.

00:21:00.902 --> 00:21:09.692
She actually, yeah, she did a collaboration book together yes, well, yeah, she's an author for a lot of yeah three times, yeah, three times two, collaboration, then my own book.

00:21:09.692 --> 00:21:16.753
So I I understand all of this with you because actually my last book, my, my book, is god's grace, through the fire, from struggle to triumph.

00:21:16.753 --> 00:21:22.501
So I struggled, through trying, but I I am blessed me to be who I am today.

00:21:22.541 --> 00:21:24.690
Even like this podcast, I was like I would never do that.

00:21:24.690 --> 00:21:28.417
I would never write a book, never say never, because God has a plan for you?

00:21:28.438 --> 00:21:31.190
yeah, he has a plan for you.

00:21:31.290 --> 00:21:32.112
He sent me Esther.

00:21:32.112 --> 00:21:33.894
So, yeah, yeah, so yeah.

00:21:33.894 --> 00:21:43.858
I was so excited that you actually came, so both of you all and I want to thank rise coffee and tea that's in um roswell, on sandy plains.

00:21:43.858 --> 00:21:53.346
Make sure you visit rise coffee and tea yes uh, because it's a beautiful place, I'm smelling the the good coffee yeah, wonderful, it's gluten-free.

00:21:53.727 --> 00:21:57.115
Um good sugars, everything's all natural, it's amazing.

00:21:57.214 --> 00:21:58.958
yeah, yeah, so definitely make sure you visit.

00:21:58.958 --> 00:22:00.842
That's right off of 92.

00:22:00.842 --> 00:22:02.144
Yep In Sandy Plains.

00:22:02.144 --> 00:22:03.776
Yeah, make sure you visit in Roswell.

00:22:03.776 --> 00:22:04.699
So, yeah, definitely.

00:22:04.699 --> 00:22:09.041
I want to thank them for letting us be able to do the podcast in this space here.

00:22:09.041 --> 00:22:14.541
Last but not least, are there any upcoming initiative or projects that you're particularly excited about?

00:22:14.541 --> 00:22:15.284
I know the Gala.

00:22:20.790 --> 00:22:21.412
Oh, I can answer that.

00:22:21.432 --> 00:22:21.813
Okay, okay.

00:22:21.813 --> 00:22:23.977
So back in April we had a painting workshop, okay.

00:22:23.977 --> 00:22:29.255
And then back in May we had a Zoomathon, and the painting workshop was here at RISE Coffee and Tea, okay.

00:22:29.255 --> 00:22:33.613
And the Zoomathon was at Shine Health and Wellness Next Door with Nicole.

00:22:33.613 --> 00:22:40.710
And then we have our Walking to Benefit Seniors at Noonday Park this weekend, august 10th, okay.

00:22:40.710 --> 00:22:43.980
And then I'm going to do another Zoomathon in October.

00:22:43.980 --> 00:22:46.288
I'm getting that ready right now, okay.

00:22:46.288 --> 00:22:53.749
And then in December 7th, from 6 to 9 at the Governor's Gun Club, is going to be our big gala at the end of the year, the 2024 gala.

00:22:53.749 --> 00:22:55.275
Okay, it's going to be amazing.

00:22:55.509 --> 00:22:56.712
And you need sponsors for that.

00:22:56.712 --> 00:22:58.316
Yes more sponsors if we could, yes.

00:22:58.355 --> 00:22:59.659
How can people get in touch with you?

00:23:00.019 --> 00:23:09.218
With my phone number Cell phone is 470-723-2496.

00:23:09.238 --> 00:23:09.459
Sounds good.

00:23:09.459 --> 00:23:11.182
Yes, and I will be more than happy to walk them through it.

00:23:11.182 --> 00:23:14.736
Yeah, get that all done, yeah, so check out our website, check out our fundraisers.

00:23:14.736 --> 00:23:16.602
Please belong to the newsletter.

00:23:16.602 --> 00:23:17.965
You'll see what's going on.

00:23:17.965 --> 00:23:19.651
Check out our Facebook page.

00:23:19.651 --> 00:23:21.194
Like our Facebook page.

00:23:21.194 --> 00:23:23.140
Global Blessings Inc Facebook page.

00:23:23.140 --> 00:23:24.563
Check out our website.

00:23:24.563 --> 00:23:26.295
Look at our newsletter, join it.

00:23:26.295 --> 00:23:29.125
Just looking at it makes a big difference.

00:23:29.125 --> 00:23:37.654
And then, when you open the website, it tells you all about the nonprofit, so you'll know what you're donating to, you know what you're becoming a sponsor to and all about it.

00:23:38.115 --> 00:23:38.917
So it makes a difference.

00:23:38.917 --> 00:23:40.201
What was the website name?

00:23:40.201 --> 00:23:40.422

00:23:42.073 --> 00:23:45.422

00:23:45.911 --> 00:23:47.076
That sounds very easy.

00:23:47.076 --> 00:23:49.997
Yeah, remember, yeah, definitely so.

00:23:49.997 --> 00:23:53.568
Ladies, I want to thank you all so much for being on my podcast.

00:23:53.568 --> 00:24:00.733
This is definitely something that we all need to hear about, and especially now I know you're looking for a grant writer.

00:24:00.733 --> 00:24:10.500
It's connecting you with the right people, the right person, but also making sure that everyone, please make sure you, donate to this very important organization.

00:24:10.500 --> 00:24:12.795
It's the global blessings is to help our seniors.

00:24:12.795 --> 00:24:13.837
Everybody's going to be a senior.

00:24:13.837 --> 00:24:14.199

00:24:14.199 --> 00:24:15.830
You're not going to be young forever.

00:24:15.830 --> 00:24:16.311
I tell you.

00:24:16.311 --> 00:24:17.594
I'm going to be 50 next month.

00:24:17.673 --> 00:24:18.454
I don't know man.

00:24:18.454 --> 00:24:22.000
I told Esther she might be taking care of me 10 years from now.

00:24:22.000 --> 00:24:24.224
I'm joking.

00:24:25.330 --> 00:24:40.200
We all are getting there, so you have to have the empathy to know that this cause is going to touch everyone yourself, your parents, your children in the future If we can carry this program that will help a lot of people.

00:24:40.911 --> 00:24:42.817
Absolutely, absolutely, and it's so true.

00:24:42.817 --> 00:24:45.700
But I remember when I turned 50, god, it's 60.

00:24:45.700 --> 00:24:47.354
It's like a snap.

00:24:47.354 --> 00:24:50.055
I think it was 60 already, don't tell me that.

00:24:50.355 --> 00:24:53.898
Don't tell me that I hope I'm with Esther until I'm 90 or 100.

00:24:56.290 --> 00:24:56.932
You're stuck.

00:24:56.932 --> 00:24:58.679
You're stuck with me, esther, you're stuck.

00:25:01.210 --> 00:25:02.294
You're stuck with me, astor, you're stuck.

00:25:02.294 --> 00:25:02.816
You're stuck with me.

00:25:02.816 --> 00:25:03.298
But how about that?

00:25:03.298 --> 00:25:04.481
We'll take care of each other, exactly right.

00:25:04.481 --> 00:25:08.094
We keep global blessings going and it's going to be god is definitely.

00:25:08.094 --> 00:25:17.313
It's going to bless you with this because of what you're doing, each of you, because it's definitely needed in our communities and I wish they had this all over the world.

00:25:17.313 --> 00:25:18.580
You did, is it just enjoy this?

00:25:18.601 --> 00:25:20.852
we forgot to talk about that.

00:25:20.852 --> 00:25:22.796
We did extend it to Nigeria in.

00:25:22.796 --> 00:25:23.738
Was it in?

00:25:24.019 --> 00:25:26.976
April yeah, we had medical outreach for the people there.

00:25:26.976 --> 00:25:28.542
We have the video on our website.

00:25:28.542 --> 00:25:30.873
Check it out to see what your dollar can go to.

00:25:30.873 --> 00:25:33.098
The best thing about this is the dollar.

00:25:33.098 --> 00:25:35.866
Here, one dollar is 1500 Nigerian.

00:25:35.866 --> 00:25:38.660
So we were able to do a lot give glasses to so many seniors that they have, yeah, medication.

00:25:38.660 --> 00:25:41.998
We were able to do a lot Give glasses to so many seniors that didn't have medication.

00:25:41.998 --> 00:25:46.179
They were able to get eye exam, dental exam.

00:25:46.179 --> 00:25:50.355
I was so proud of that mission, so we are extending it globally.

00:25:50.355 --> 00:25:51.459
We're just getting started.

00:25:52.121 --> 00:25:52.501

00:25:53.451 --> 00:25:54.438
We want to be global.

00:25:55.972 --> 00:25:57.056
I can see it going that way.

00:25:57.056 --> 00:26:02.597
Just getting it out there to people and uh, definitely with the podcast, I'm hoping, because it's actually all over.

00:26:02.597 --> 00:26:10.199
So once you share your podcast, just spread it out to everybody because, it's funny, I actually had someone in jamaica.

00:26:10.199 --> 00:26:14.913
I just got from jamaica I said, okay, how did they get my podcast in jamaica?

00:26:14.913 --> 00:26:19.200
Yeah, so you never know who it can reach you know who it can touch.

00:26:19.220 --> 00:26:25.894
It's one of my stops because I am very familiar with many Jamaicans, so I want to take it there and do some medical mission.

00:26:25.894 --> 00:26:26.997

00:26:27.397 --> 00:26:28.259
That's awesome.

00:26:28.259 --> 00:26:28.961
That's awesome.

00:26:28.961 --> 00:26:29.663
That's awesome.

00:26:29.663 --> 00:26:33.298
Ladies, thank you so much for being on my podcast.

00:26:33.298 --> 00:26:35.896
Thank you, we appreciate you.

00:26:35.896 --> 00:26:42.263
Yes, definitely, Audience, make sure you listen to Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:26:42.263 --> 00:26:51.861
I'm on all podcast platforms Spotify, Apple Podcasts, I'm even on Audible and definitely make sure that you reach out to these ladies for what they're doing.

00:26:51.861 --> 00:26:57.280
It's just amazing and I'm just so proud of how you've come to do this here.

00:26:57.280 --> 00:26:59.277
Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:26:59.277 --> 00:27:01.946
Thank you, Esther, with Wanda Pearson.

00:27:01.946 --> 00:27:05.211
Thank you, Esther.

00:27:05.211 --> 00:27:06.316
Thank you, Anne, for being on the podcast.

00:27:06.316 --> 00:27:07.140
Thank you, oh, you are welcome.

00:27:07.160 --> 00:27:08.727
I'm so definitely looking forward to getting this out here.

00:27:08.727 --> 00:27:09.087
Thank you so much.

00:27:09.087 --> 00:27:09.288
Thank you.

00:27:09.288 --> 00:27:11.152
See you at the gala.

00:27:11.192 --> 00:27:15.038
Yes, oh yeah, I got to go get my clothes for the gala.

00:27:15.198 --> 00:27:19.944
Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:27:19.944 --> 00:27:30.740
For more information about the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:27:30.740 --> 00:27:32.291
Want to connect?

00:27:32.291 --> 00:27:36.097
Send an email to Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom.

00:27:36.097 --> 00:27:49.075
Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom, and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborating.