Jan. 31, 2024

Unleashing Collective Wisdom: Episode 11 with Marianne Bailey on the Art of Connection and Revolutionizing Retirement through Collaborative Innovation

Unleashing Collective Wisdom: Episode 11 with Marianne Bailey on the Art of Connection and Revolutionizing Retirement through Collaborative Innovation

Unlock the secrets to a vibrant, interconnected life with my talented podcast editor and the brains behind the HIP Senior platform, Marianne Bailey. In our latest episode of Ready Set Collaborate, we not only celebrate the launch of our second season but also traverse the intricate landscape of networking, where the entrepreneurial spirit meets the art of collaboration. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or a retiree keen on staying mentally agile, Marianne's insights will guide you through the maze of professional relationship building and the magic that unfolds when authors unite their strengths for a common literary vision. 

Tune in to hear how Marianne revolutionized the senior community by intertwining technology with the zest for lifelong learning. Reflect with us on the symbiosis between setting goals post-retirement and the cognitive elixir it provides. Discover the symbiotic world of book publishing, where authors and marketers come together to amplify their message, and how the HIP Senior universe is redefining what it means to be an active senior in today's digital age. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a road map to harnessing the collective power of minds united in purpose and passion. Join us and reshape your understanding of what is possible through the art of connection and collaboration.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - The Power of Networking and Collaboration

06:57 - The Importance of Networking and Collaboration

17:19 - Collaboration and Entrepreneurship in Book Publishing


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.551
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.551 --> 00:00:28.495
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.495 --> 00:00:41.935
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.302 --> 00:00:51.494
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:52.140 --> 00:00:55.325
Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ready Set Collaborate.

00:00:55.325 --> 00:00:57.868
I am so excited that they actually have.

00:00:57.868 --> 00:01:05.980
This is my episode 11, but what is more exciting is that I have Marianne Bailey and she actually is my editor of my podcast.

00:01:05.980 --> 00:01:11.448
So thank you so much, marianne, for coming to my podcast.

00:01:11.448 --> 00:01:13.471
This is new to me but I'm getting used to it now.

00:01:13.471 --> 00:01:14.795
So you're doing good.

00:01:14.795 --> 00:01:17.644
She's teaching me so much stuff, I tell you.

00:01:17.644 --> 00:01:19.186
She's touching on the timer.

00:01:19.186 --> 00:01:21.590
You know so many things here, so I appreciate you, marianne.

00:01:21.590 --> 00:01:22.552
Thank you so much.

00:01:22.552 --> 00:01:25.825
My pleasure, but I'm going to talk about your bio a little bit here.

00:01:25.825 --> 00:01:28.691
So you're just a well-fledged knowledge girl, I tell you.

00:01:28.691 --> 00:01:32.864
But the art of networking and book collaboration is what we're going to do.

00:01:32.864 --> 00:01:45.995
Marianne's on, and because my next episode is going to be transitioning to my series two, season two, which is book club, the art of book collaboration.

00:01:45.995 --> 00:01:47.358
So thank you for joining us here.

00:01:47.378 --> 00:01:51.563
So Marianne Bailey oh, absolutely, absolutely.

00:01:51.563 --> 00:01:56.528
Marianne Bailey, a true embodiment of a spirit of connection and entrepreneurship.

00:01:56.528 --> 00:02:05.296
Marianne is not just a serialpreneur, she's a visionary who founded the hip senior platform, which that's what I like HIP senior platform.

00:02:05.296 --> 00:02:21.668
They trailblazing, help to get dedicated to bridging the gap between seniors, their caregivers and businesses that are passionately committed to serving them with our and so I love that you can explore her inspired work at the hip, the hip seniorcom.

00:02:21.668 --> 00:02:24.733
So that's the hip seniorcom.

00:02:24.733 --> 00:02:26.600
Welcome me.

00:02:26.600 --> 00:02:28.663
Community of Centerville, ohio.

00:02:28.663 --> 00:02:35.632
Marianne has spent the past two decades empowering seniors by teaching them the ins and outs of technology.

00:02:35.632 --> 00:02:40.084
You need to help my husband, marianne, send them my way.

00:02:41.199 --> 00:02:48.669
Her belief that one is never too old to learn something new has transformed the lives of many, making her a beloved figure in her community.

00:02:48.669 --> 00:02:52.615
I love that you do that, because a lot of us the new technology is coming out.

00:02:52.615 --> 00:02:54.281
We don't know how to do that.

00:02:54.281 --> 00:02:55.443
So back to her.

00:02:55.443 --> 00:02:58.086
Back to her bio.

00:02:58.086 --> 00:02:59.706
But that's not all.

00:02:59.888 --> 00:03:07.575
The hip seniorcom recently launched an innovative section where readers can dive into a carefully curated selection of books focused on aging.

00:03:07.575 --> 00:03:09.763
This section isn't just a list.

00:03:09.763 --> 00:03:17.739
It offers a unique opportunity to connect with authors, to insightful interviews bringing stories and experiences to life.

00:03:17.739 --> 00:03:21.530
Marianne is more than a guest.

00:03:21.530 --> 00:03:26.411
She's a force of change and a beacon of lifelong learning and connection.

00:03:26.411 --> 00:03:32.250
Tune in to discover her journey, insights and the impact she's creating in the world of aging and beyond.

00:03:32.250 --> 00:03:34.807
Thank you so much, marianne, for joining us here.

00:03:34.807 --> 00:03:39.709
We're definitely going to have your contact with the measurement at the end to say how they can get in touch with me.

00:03:39.709 --> 00:03:43.370
This is a well-needed service that we need.

00:03:43.370 --> 00:03:44.584
Thank you so much.

00:03:44.584 --> 00:03:50.187
Yeah, because a lot of us retired and we get caught up into things Now that someone can do technologies out here today.

00:03:50.187 --> 00:03:54.251
Hip-sing definitely make sure you connect with Marianne.

00:03:54.251 --> 00:03:57.406
Marianne, tell us a little bit about yourself, and then I'm going to ask you some questions.

00:03:57.780 --> 00:03:59.727
I think you just read everything about McGurl.

00:03:59.948 --> 00:04:00.068

00:04:02.605 --> 00:04:06.568
Yeah, it's winter time and so I joke around that I'm being held hostage in Ohio right now.

00:04:06.568 --> 00:04:18.723
You're earning to be a little closer down your way actually, but I've been in Ohio now for roughly close to 20 years, maybe 18 or so.

00:04:18.723 --> 00:04:26.485
We moved here when my daughter was still pretty young I think she was in third grade or so and she's 25 now.

00:04:26.485 --> 00:04:28.947
She's going to marry this coming spring.

00:04:28.947 --> 00:04:35.247
When I think of how long we've been in one area, this is probably the longest that I've stayed in one area.

00:04:35.247 --> 00:04:37.708
However, I have floated around from home to home a little bit.

00:04:37.708 --> 00:04:44.312
It's never growing grass underneath my feet mode.

00:04:44.540 --> 00:04:53.089
But yeah, so I'm a mom, I'm a solopreneur, I have a small team, so I am an entrepreneur.

00:04:53.089 --> 00:05:04.730
I wear some hats for one role and some hats for the other, and it's just what I've always wanted to be was an entrepreneur.

00:05:04.730 --> 00:05:18.531
I joke around right now with my mom and I'm like who's 87, by the way, hi, mom and she was like yeah, you've never been good about having bosses or being 9 to 5 or whatever.

00:05:18.531 --> 00:05:29.490
And I said, well, you could have told me this when I was much younger, because we all aspire to please family and to do stuff right, and so all these years I was like I need to have a 9 to 5.

00:05:29.490 --> 00:05:34.845
I need to have insurance and income and all that stuff that people expect you to do.

00:05:35.639 --> 00:05:52.026
And then it dawned on me one day that I just, I really wanted to be an entrepreneur, no matter the hardships that come with that, the struggles and the blood, sweat and tears, but also the joy and the happiness of being able to control my destiny and where I'm headed with that as well.

00:05:52.026 --> 00:05:58.451
So yeah again, entrepreneur, solopreneur.

00:05:58.451 --> 00:05:59.492
I like getting out.

00:05:59.492 --> 00:06:01.685
I have an e-bike, I get out and ride my bike.

00:06:01.685 --> 00:06:03.545
I like swimming in the summertime.

00:06:03.545 --> 00:06:12.505
I grew up near the ocean, so my plans right now are to get a little bit closer to the ocean, hopefully by next year.

00:06:12.505 --> 00:06:23.807
So I'm just a kind of all-rounded type of middle western of the country blood, sweat, tears, love, hope, joy all those kind of things.

00:06:23.846 --> 00:06:27.386
Persons yeah that's awesome and I'll tell you I love it.

00:06:27.386 --> 00:06:29.146
I remember you telling me a story how you went from.

00:06:29.146 --> 00:06:30.682
I think you went to London.

00:06:30.682 --> 00:06:31.886
Was it London?

00:06:31.886 --> 00:06:37.250
Mm-hmm, I went to London, but the different parts of international waters that you actually travel.

00:06:37.250 --> 00:06:46.930
So you're a realm person that actually has really experienced a lot of that in life and I love that you talked about it as far as an entrepreneur.

00:06:46.930 --> 00:06:52.346
But let me ask you a question how important do you think networking is for collaboration and why?

00:06:53.372 --> 00:06:57.115
It's the most important thing you can do for your business, absolutely.

00:06:57.115 --> 00:07:02.867
When I first started being an entrepreneur or a solepreneur, I thought I was an island of one.

00:07:02.867 --> 00:07:06.860
I thought that everything I did I had to figure out myself.

00:07:06.860 --> 00:07:09.317
I had to make it happen, make it work.

00:07:09.317 --> 00:07:21.889
And then somebody introduced me to a networking group here in the Dayton Ohio area and I went and suddenly I had people lined up after that meeting wanting to make appointment.

00:07:21.889 --> 00:07:28.071
I had to make appointments with me to have one-on-ones with me, and I'm like wait, what I mean?

00:07:28.071 --> 00:07:30.237
Like seven, eight people in line easily.

00:07:31.432 --> 00:07:40.810
And I remember, wow, and through that group and through those connections I learned that I am not an island of one.

00:07:40.810 --> 00:07:49.884
I am a part of an intricate wheel of business associates out there, especially in the senior world.

00:07:49.884 --> 00:08:00.850
When you're dealing with other senior professionals, it's amazing how much they help each other and they give referrals and they give solutions and resources.

00:08:00.850 --> 00:08:48.889
And when I started learning that, I realized, oh my gosh, not an island of one, I'm part of a bigger picture and it is my responsibility to be part of that picture and whether it's one grain of salt on the beach or whether it's a big clump of sand, of being there for other business owners and seniors even that are looking to start like their small little dream projects after they retire or different stuff like that, but being part of that and offering solutions and connections with people so people that are stated themselves they're missing out on a huge, huge part of other resources and benefits.

00:08:48.889 --> 00:08:55.426
And even just somebody to sound off with, with Soulpreneur and Entrepreneur.

00:08:55.446 --> 00:09:00.889
It comes to frustration at times and we can't take that out on customers, right, we can't take it out on clients.

00:09:00.889 --> 00:09:02.375
That's unprofessional.

00:09:02.375 --> 00:09:13.625
So, having a collaborative team that I have a partner that we this will have to obviously get edited.

00:09:13.625 --> 00:09:14.812
What is it called?

00:09:14.812 --> 00:09:21.203
Oh, I have an accountability partner that I touch base with.

00:09:21.203 --> 00:09:22.870
We used to do it every day, now she's busy on busy.

00:09:22.870 --> 00:09:29.884
We touch base a couple of times a week and just make sure you know like be able to sound off hey, this is frustrating me, how do I fix this?

00:09:29.884 --> 00:09:34.701
Or this was something really great that happened and what are your goals for this week?

00:09:34.701 --> 00:09:35.024
What do you?

00:09:35.024 --> 00:09:35.850
What do you look into account?

00:09:35.850 --> 00:09:40.038
Just somebody there, you know, holding your hand and saying, hey, are you reaching your goals?

00:09:40.038 --> 00:09:40.721
How's it going?

00:09:40.721 --> 00:09:41.682
What's what are you doing?

00:09:41.990 --> 00:10:00.522
So it all rolls together into one big clump, but it's it's the most important besides getting doing your job right, Besides doing what you decided to do, it's the most important part of what you can add to your business to increase sales and to make yourself more accountable.

00:10:00.522 --> 00:10:04.368
And and clicking with other people as connections.

00:10:04.368 --> 00:10:09.138
They're great referral services, so I don't know how people would do it without referral services.

00:10:09.740 --> 00:10:20.745
I know, I know, and I'm glad you brought that up, because when I retired from corporate I was still young but I had the you know the old pension plan to help me to be able to be my own entrepreneur.

00:10:20.745 --> 00:10:25.783
I know we had our legal shop business for that It'd be 26 years this year.

00:10:25.783 --> 00:10:30.240
I didn't know how to sell, but I was a social worker.

00:10:30.240 --> 00:10:41.642
So that social work and me made people see the passion that I had in me, and that's another thing that I want to start doing too helping people who retired to go on to the next what do you call it?

00:10:41.642 --> 00:10:45.735
Next Adventure, next business, entrepreneur opportunity.

00:10:45.775 --> 00:10:47.019
So it's phase of their life.

00:10:47.078 --> 00:10:56.380
Yeah, yeah, I'm actually pretty much young because I mean, I tell you, when my father died, he was a reasonable sales manager of a big corporation, but he stopped.

00:10:56.380 --> 00:10:59.105
When you stop thinking, you stop getting busy.

00:10:59.105 --> 00:11:01.056
That's when you're you know, you start going down.

00:11:01.056 --> 00:11:03.875
So that's what made me push myself to do what I'm doing today.

00:11:03.875 --> 00:11:05.480
So, but, thank you for that answer.

00:11:05.480 --> 00:11:07.475
That is, that is actually awesome.

00:11:08.889 --> 00:11:33.243
So there's actually hey, let me throw in a quick shout out real quick there's an author named Robert Dell Montane who wrote a book called the retiring mind and he said when you retire, you're so used to having goals and KPIs and all that stuff and all of a sudden, when you retire, if you don't make a plan for that and include those type of things into your retirement, your mind doesn't know what to do.

00:11:33.243 --> 00:11:34.605
Where do I go?

00:11:34.605 --> 00:11:35.191
How do I?

00:11:35.191 --> 00:11:36.254
How do I account for this?

00:11:36.254 --> 00:11:37.250
What do I?

00:11:37.250 --> 00:11:39.238
What do I reach for?

00:11:39.238 --> 00:11:52.643
And you know, maybe, whatever it is yeah, it's an important part of retirement is making sure that you've got things that are going to keep your at mind, active and reaching goals and setting stuff like that.

00:11:52.643 --> 00:11:53.764
So 100%.

00:11:54.370 --> 00:11:54.993

00:11:54.993 --> 00:11:57.539
And my husband, when he retired, I had to keep him busy.

00:11:57.539 --> 00:12:00.120
Okay, we got this business, this was your business.

00:12:00.120 --> 00:12:07.375
I was just helping out until you retired, so you know to keep his mind going because I mean, we get, we get comfortable, we sit in the recliner.

00:12:07.375 --> 00:12:09.817
We said, oh, let's look at cowboy movies today.

00:12:09.817 --> 00:12:11.736
No, you're going to get out and you're going to network.

00:12:11.736 --> 00:12:15.701
So make sure that he was out there, because I saw what happened to my father.

00:12:15.970 --> 00:12:22.374
It also keeps your brain active enough so that dementia doesn't set in earlier Exactly Pre disposition for that.

00:12:22.374 --> 00:12:31.198
You know, making your brain work Words off that and health and exercise and stuff like that, when it works off dimension, Alzheimer's.

00:12:31.399 --> 00:12:37.261
So Absolutely, and I'm glad you brought that up because it really is a big thing and that's actually bringing me into.

00:12:37.261 --> 00:12:43.594
Can you provide some tips for effective communication and relationship building with professional networks?

00:12:43.594 --> 00:12:48.899
Once we do this, we're going to switch over to the book collaboration, so tell me about this.

00:12:48.899 --> 00:12:54.163
So can you provide some tips for effective communication and relationship building within professional networks?

00:12:55.754 --> 00:13:08.460
I think one of the biggest things that people are forgetting these days is the old adage of saying what you're gonna do and doing what you say.

00:13:08.460 --> 00:13:27.144
Of making sure that if you have an commitment with somebody to do something, or even if it's just a Zoom meeting and, trust me, I am just as guilty as this some days there are days when life happens and things get in the way that we miss a meeting here and there and whatever.

00:13:27.144 --> 00:13:37.418
But going back and apologizing and saying, hey, I'm sorry, my daughter got sick, I had to take her soup and I completely forgot about the meeting.

00:13:37.418 --> 00:13:38.383
My car broke down.

00:13:38.383 --> 00:13:44.520
Whatever the story, is the first opportunity of reaching out to that person and saying, hey, I'm terribly sorry.

00:13:45.674 --> 00:14:02.140
Just making sure that if you commit to creating a document for somebody or doing a job for them that they're paying you to do, to make sure that you have that open communication with them, and saying this is what I'm gonna have it done and keeping them updated.

00:14:02.140 --> 00:14:10.639
To me, nothing drives me more crazy than not being updated on a situation and having to.

00:14:10.639 --> 00:14:25.544
We get busy and sometimes we can't answer text messages and stuff like that right away, and I would hope that somebody is not sitting there waiting for me to text them because again, we're busy and we've got things going on.

00:14:25.544 --> 00:14:43.302
But the first opportunity that you have, even if it's like, hey, I'll have five minutes later today to update you on this situation look out for that around five o'clock or whatever the story is but just be communicative and say what you're gonna do Absolutely, and I call that integrity.

00:14:43.794 --> 00:14:49.022
So everything you just said integrity it made so much of me coming from corporate and me caring about people.

00:14:49.022 --> 00:14:54.720
I had a situation where, like I drier, broke them and the guy came he said, oh, we'll have the part next week.

00:14:54.720 --> 00:14:57.719
Well, now it's into the second week and I haven't heard from you.

00:14:57.719 --> 00:15:00.062
So that drove me crazy.

00:15:00.062 --> 00:15:08.144
So communication is so important to me, so that's a great tip Communication, letting people know.

00:15:08.144 --> 00:15:12.821
And what I do is I follow up to the day before the interview or whatever I'm doing here.

00:15:12.902 --> 00:15:13.403
I love that.

00:15:13.403 --> 00:15:15.662
I love the reminder that that came across.

00:15:15.662 --> 00:15:17.254
I was like, oh yeah, I've got one tomorrow.

00:15:17.254 --> 00:15:20.725
It was on my calendar, but it was a nice part of it being.

00:15:21.917 --> 00:15:24.739
I do that because some people forget I mean I forget.

00:15:24.739 --> 00:15:31.480
So it's nice to get a reminder because you wanna make sure that you're on time and you can actually start the process.

00:15:32.215 --> 00:15:34.722
The other part of that also is keeping a calendar.

00:15:34.722 --> 00:15:41.279
Yes, yes, the older we get, it was easy to remember everything going on when I was 20.

00:15:41.279 --> 00:15:47.245
Yeah right, the older I get, the more things tend to slip.

00:15:47.245 --> 00:15:53.441
And it's not that we don't have good memories I have an excellent memory.

00:15:53.441 --> 00:16:08.639
But when you've got 50 things going on and you are starting to get up there at age, you've got your things with your children, your family, your business partners, your customers, your networking partners.

00:16:08.639 --> 00:16:19.342
There are so many wheels spinning to make this con keep moving forward that if you do not keep a calendar one way or another, it can be virtual on your phone.

00:16:19.342 --> 00:16:24.984
But if you're not there yet, if you don't want me to teach you that how to do that, yet you know you can have paper.

00:16:24.984 --> 00:16:30.004
Just write it down on a calendar so you can look at it and be like, oh yeah, I do have this today.

00:16:30.417 --> 00:16:32.102
And it's so true because I can't do it.

00:16:32.102 --> 00:16:37.503
If it's not on my calendar, I may forget, you know, and then a lot of times it might be on someone else's calendar.

00:16:37.654 --> 00:16:53.558
If I schedule on someone else's meeting calendar, that drives me crazy, because you know I've had to stop and start putting that in my calendar as well as an appointment and all my appointments, stuff, just simply because you know the day before I might miss that.

00:16:54.335 --> 00:16:56.062
Yeah, exactly, and then missing it.

00:16:56.062 --> 00:16:57.414
I mean, just that quick you missed it.

00:16:57.414 --> 00:16:58.317
So that's a great tip.

00:16:58.317 --> 00:17:01.908
Calendar, communication and integrity.

00:17:01.908 --> 00:17:03.352
We're going to use those three tips right.

00:17:03.352 --> 00:17:04.075
Here we go.

00:17:04.075 --> 00:17:05.548
There you go.

00:17:05.548 --> 00:17:18.994
So let's switch over to the book collaboration Now, have you collaborated with other authors or you know, tell us about how that process went, if you came up with the idea, or how was the process in selecting you know?

00:17:19.484 --> 00:17:20.026
I have not.

00:17:20.026 --> 00:17:20.887
I have not.

00:17:20.887 --> 00:17:25.556
I have a password book that I solely created.

00:17:25.556 --> 00:17:26.438
That's on Amazon.

00:17:26.438 --> 00:17:39.173
But I'm working with authors for the book page on the HIP senior where they have worked and collaborated with other authors and seen that process a little bit.

00:17:39.173 --> 00:17:42.799
But I personally myself have not.

00:17:43.588 --> 00:17:44.733
No, we're seeing that too.

00:17:44.733 --> 00:17:46.844
Like, have you the challenges and complex with that?

00:17:46.844 --> 00:17:48.029
Like you're working with authors?

00:17:48.029 --> 00:17:50.845
Has there been, like you know, connection communication?

00:17:50.845 --> 00:17:52.932
But that's a duty collaborative.

00:17:54.085 --> 00:17:57.431
I've seen that authors can be great authors.

00:17:57.431 --> 00:18:06.460
I haven't heard any horror stories where the authors working together haven't been collaborative and communicative with each other.

00:18:06.460 --> 00:18:12.474
But I do know that authors can be great authors but they're not always great marketers.

00:18:12.474 --> 00:18:22.278
You know there's parts to that wheel again that you have to realize if you're going to write a book, depending on what your goal for that book is.

00:18:22.278 --> 00:18:28.656
Some people just write goal, write books to make themselves the authority in that arena, what your business arena.

00:18:28.656 --> 00:18:31.959
That's what most authors write for right, unless it's like romance books.

00:18:31.959 --> 00:18:40.486
They either write to write a lot of books for profit or they write because they love and have that passion to do that.

00:18:41.808 --> 00:18:54.507
But if you're making a book for your business, to be the authority figure known in your business, then you're probably not going to be able to promote your book very well yourself.

00:18:54.507 --> 00:18:58.978
You're going to have a surge of your collaborative people.

00:18:58.978 --> 00:19:06.969
Your, if you're a doctor, you know other doctors and whatever that respect you and admire you for writing a book and they want to support you.

00:19:06.969 --> 00:19:09.576
And after that, how are you going to get that book out?

00:19:09.576 --> 00:19:23.833
Well, you've got to, you know, hire the people, the marketers, to help you, the people that are willing to put you out on social media, the making partnerships with other businesses that you know sponsor.

00:19:23.833 --> 00:19:26.657
And what's the word Wanda?

00:19:31.192 --> 00:19:32.214
We're sponsors.

00:19:32.214 --> 00:19:33.758
I think we have to brainfrog here.

00:19:33.865 --> 00:19:41.893
Yeah, I would definitely have to edit this part out People that not collaborative, but businesses that are similar, that work hand in hand with yours.

00:19:47.710 --> 00:19:51.997
Well, yeah, partner, your partner that you would work with.

00:19:51.997 --> 00:19:53.299
It's like I do legal shield.

00:19:53.299 --> 00:19:55.432
I'm one, somebody that does life insurance, you know so.

00:19:55.865 --> 00:20:05.099
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a word, though I don't know, Anyway, so bringing together other businesses that you know support your business in one way or another.

00:20:05.099 --> 00:20:08.450
So you know, like you were just saying to me earlier.

00:20:08.450 --> 00:20:18.295
You know, if you sell legal shield, you know, then you want people around you that are going to sell life insurance or that work with the same type of people that you work with.

00:20:18.295 --> 00:20:20.967
And then I know there's a word that we're missing somewhere in that story.

00:20:21.067 --> 00:20:37.265
But yeah, I'll get there, we'll put it in there, but you know, but those are actually it's great that you actually had that said that because I was going to ask you to give to others considering the book collaboration and you actually gave those, those advice to people who actually consider.

00:20:37.265 --> 00:20:38.689
And you have anything else to add to that?

00:20:40.905 --> 00:21:01.766
I think it's being wise enough to know your strengths and your weaknesses and reaching, being open enough to admit that, to be authentic in that and to say, hey, I'm writing this book and I really do not know about X, y, z, you know.

00:21:01.766 --> 00:21:13.760
Can you come in and put in, you know, even if it's just write 10 pages about your subject, so that it helps the readers, because we cannot know everything in life right Now.

00:21:13.760 --> 00:21:17.946
With some chat, gpt and stuff like that, it's much more doable these days.

00:21:17.946 --> 00:21:21.789
But are you really a true authority figure on that subject?

00:21:21.789 --> 00:21:22.903
Probably not.

00:21:22.903 --> 00:21:40.022
So just being wise and open enough to be able to admit the world, I don't know everything, and having collaborative partners, that other partners that do know that subject and saying, hey, be part of this with me, contribute to my book.

00:21:40.746 --> 00:21:51.487
Oh, absolutely, and that's what I went through with my book lab my first one, you know, book collaboration with I've asked you to shine and it's just working with the authors and we connected so well.

00:21:51.487 --> 00:21:55.646
It took a little while to get it out but we wanted to make sure that it was perfect.

00:21:55.646 --> 00:21:59.846
So, and the marketing you talk about the marketing yeah, marketing and promotion of the book.

00:21:59.846 --> 00:22:01.384
That makes a big difference.

00:22:01.384 --> 00:22:04.173
You know how you market it and considering multiple authors.

00:22:04.173 --> 00:22:05.423
So what I did?

00:22:05.423 --> 00:22:08.330
I actually marketing my own book.

00:22:08.330 --> 00:22:09.963
I mean, what the collaboration book?

00:22:10.586 --> 00:22:12.540
Right, the person might have ever did this, so I did it.

00:22:12.540 --> 00:22:13.807
And then I had my own book launch.

00:22:13.807 --> 00:22:18.929
But I had the authors that was in this book come to my book launch to really tell about their story.

00:22:18.929 --> 00:22:23.028
So you know, just the connection and the collaboration of how we all came together.

00:22:23.028 --> 00:22:24.203
So that makes a big difference.

00:22:24.203 --> 00:22:25.588
But, yeah, thank you.

00:22:25.588 --> 00:22:31.585
But you know I love your title, that I gave you the spirit of connection and entrepreneurship and I think we talked about that.

00:22:31.585 --> 00:22:32.785
So this is great.

00:22:32.785 --> 00:22:36.105
So tell us a little bit about, before we end this, about your business.

00:22:36.105 --> 00:22:41.385
I know you told about the hip senior, anything that you want the audience to know about how you can help them.

00:22:42.449 --> 00:22:42.990

00:22:42.990 --> 00:22:50.468
If you're a business that is in the senior realm at all and all businesses honestly should be right.

00:22:50.468 --> 00:22:59.430
And we're not talking 90 year old grandma who's wearing a pen sitting in a rocking chair in a senior home, although we are not excluding her.

00:22:59.430 --> 00:23:02.749
We are talking for the hip senior.

00:23:02.749 --> 00:23:04.661
It's kind of in the name, right Hip.

00:23:04.661 --> 00:23:14.128
We're talking about seniors that are out there, being active and engaged and starting businesses and running around with their grandchildren and going on vacations and doing all that stuff.

00:23:14.128 --> 00:23:26.869
But we're also talking about things like businesses and caregivers, early as like 25 years old, right, bringing those community of people together.

00:23:26.869 --> 00:23:39.346
So, starting from the caregivers, the family members my daughter is 25, she gets on and helps my mom with some of her tech stuff now, just because she loves her grandmother and wants to do that stuff with her right.

00:23:39.346 --> 00:23:44.066
And keep in mind, I taught seniors how to use technology for 20 years.

00:23:44.066 --> 00:23:45.223
I still do that somewhat.

00:23:45.223 --> 00:23:55.986
And so bringing all these people together and saying, okay, let's find the solutions and the products and the ideas to help make seniors lives better.

00:23:56.861 --> 00:24:00.905
And so when you log into the hips seniorcom, it's totally a digital magazine.

00:24:00.905 --> 00:24:06.648
There is no print magazine, so do not email me saying can I get a subscription to mail out a magazine?

00:24:06.648 --> 00:24:07.743
Because that doesn't exist.

00:24:07.743 --> 00:24:25.548
Teaching them how to stay online and do stuff is keeping their brains engaged and learning more, and so that's what we're all about is making sure that, again, from the seniors are learning, they're getting products, they're enjoying themselves, all the way, from the caregivers helping them along that journey.

00:24:25.548 --> 00:24:33.907
And so we've got a magazine, we've got a digital directory where businesses can list their business in there.

00:24:33.907 --> 00:24:36.688
We've got our podcast, the hip senior.

00:24:36.688 --> 00:24:41.063
It's available on all podcast platforms as well, just like yours.

00:24:41.063 --> 00:25:00.148
And then we've got the book section and, starting by probably by the time that this is released, our new directory will be up, so businesses will be able to go in there and put in articles, control all of their events through there and get the word out about their business.

00:25:00.148 --> 00:25:03.628
It's gonna be a lot of fun and a big wealth of knowledge from other people.

00:25:04.373 --> 00:25:13.894
That is great, and I really suggest people to connect with Mary and Bailey on Hip Senior, because you may not want it for yourself, but you may want it for your parents.

00:25:13.894 --> 00:25:17.776
That's why you can keep their minds going and keep them knowing how to do things.

00:25:17.776 --> 00:25:19.215
Like I said, I'm gonna send my husband to you.

00:25:20.541 --> 00:25:25.498
Okay, well, and not only seniors, but I also help other small businesses as well.

00:25:25.498 --> 00:25:34.419
I do a lot of videos that I create and a lot of marketing solutions for small to medium businesses as well.

00:25:34.419 --> 00:25:39.694
So if you have any of those kind of needs, feel free to reach out and let's see if I can be of some help to you.

00:25:40.356 --> 00:25:41.098
That's awesome.

00:25:41.098 --> 00:25:41.800
That's awesome.

00:25:41.800 --> 00:25:43.696
Thank you so much, Mary Ann.

00:25:43.696 --> 00:25:45.978
So tell us how people can get in touch with you.

00:25:47.250 --> 00:25:49.739
If you go to Mary Ann or email.

00:25:49.739 --> 00:25:58.958
You can email me at Mary Ann, m-a-r-i-a-n-n-e at thehipseniorcom or just go to thehipseniorcom.

00:25:58.958 --> 00:26:02.119
There's a contact page on there as well.

00:26:02.119 --> 00:26:08.605
Or you can shoot me a text 937-313-6816.

00:26:08.605 --> 00:26:11.017
You can call, but shoot me a text.

00:26:11.017 --> 00:26:11.990
Let me know your calling Cause.

00:26:11.990 --> 00:26:13.751
If I don't recognize the phone number, I just go.

00:26:13.751 --> 00:26:15.598
I try to stay safe that way.

00:26:15.598 --> 00:26:17.016
It just goes to my voicemail first.

00:26:17.109 --> 00:26:19.198
Yes, yes, no, definitely, definitely.

00:26:19.198 --> 00:26:20.556
But thank you so much.

00:26:20.556 --> 00:26:31.775
This is a wealth of knowledge to really help us understand, and it's great to end my episode of Networking and Collaboration, so I am so happy that you were my guest and that I met you.

00:26:31.775 --> 00:26:33.857
It's like we've been knowing each other for years, right?

00:26:34.269 --> 00:26:36.914
It has been, and I've really enjoyed getting to know you as well.

00:26:36.914 --> 00:26:38.334
Thank you so much.

00:26:38.910 --> 00:26:51.578
So thank you, audience, for listening to our Ready Set Collaborate and my next series is gonna be Ready Set Collaborate, book Collaboration, and I am gonna be the next episode, 12.

00:26:51.578 --> 00:26:55.861
So make sure you stay tuned for that Ready Set Collaborate.

00:26:55.861 --> 00:27:02.894
And this is for Wanda Pearson, episode 12, because then I get into why I created the R2 Book Collaboration.

00:27:02.894 --> 00:27:05.479
But thank you so much, mary, and I truly appreciate you.

00:27:05.479 --> 00:27:07.215
Oh, and make sure you subscribe.

00:27:07.215 --> 00:27:12.016
Subscribe to my WDP channel because also, I'm gonna have the videos on there as well.

00:27:12.016 --> 00:27:15.135
So, yeah, thanks for having me, wanda, I appreciate it.

00:27:15.135 --> 00:27:16.058
Oh, thank you.

00:27:16.058 --> 00:27:19.171
Thank you so much, take care, bye, bye.

00:27:20.049 --> 00:27:24.836
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:27:24.836 --> 00:27:35.638
For more information about the host head to wdpearsonassociatescom, and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:27:35.638 --> 00:27:37.134
Want to connect?

00:27:37.134 --> 00:27:51.276
Send an email to Wanda at wdpearsonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.