Aug. 21, 2024

Unlocking Business Success with Dr. Tashana Thompson: Harnessing Relationship Marketing, Crafting Compelling Stories, and Building a Solid Brand Identity

Unlocking Business Success with Dr. Tashana Thompson: Harnessing Relationship Marketing, Crafting Compelling Stories, and Building a Solid Brand Identity
Ever wondered how to turn personal connections into powerful marketing tools? Tune in as we sit down with Dr. Tashana Thompson, a veteran marketing and visibility strategist with over two decades of experience. Dr. Thompson shares her journey of founding Beyond Business Solutions in 2007 and her transformative approach to visibility and relationship marketing. Discover how she helps small businesses thrive even in challenging times like the recession and COVID-19, using personalized and relationship-driven strategies.

This episode is packed with practical insights into the importance of storytelling and brand identity. Dr. Thompson explains how crafting a compelling origin story, much like Oprah and Tabitha Brown, can create lasting bonds with your audience. We also explore why establishing a brand identity is crucial before focusing on visual elements like logos and websites. Learn how simple acts of gratitude, such as handwritten thank-you notes and thoughtful gifts, can significantly impact your business relationships. Join us for an episode filled with actionable strategies and inspiring stories from Dr. Tashana Thompson.

Contact Dr. Tashana Thompson

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Building Collaborative Marketing Strategies

16:07 - Creating Brand Identity and Relationships


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.576 --> 00:00:28.475
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.475 --> 00:00:41.929
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.799 --> 00:00:44.106
Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.328 --> 00:00:51.551
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

00:00:53.034 --> 00:00:59.012
Welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson the Art of Marketing Strategy series.

00:00:59.012 --> 00:01:38.197
Today I want to speak life into someone who has been a cornerstone in the journey of this podcast, my marketing manager, diane Freeman, the sponsor of the Ready Set Collaborate podcast, isn't just a guiding star in the vogue of our brands, but a beacon that cultivator watering, nurturing and believing, sometimes even more fiercely than I did, in our ability to unite small businesses with intention of growth and shouting them out to the world.

00:01:38.197 --> 00:01:43.248
She is the maestro behind the melody that is Ready Set Collaborate.

00:01:43.248 --> 00:01:54.906
It speaks to the readiness to take in new challenges, the preparedness to set sights on higher peaks and the underlining spirit of a collaboration that fuels genuine success.

00:01:54.906 --> 00:02:01.566
She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs get to the goal of excellent clients through the marketing maze.

00:02:01.566 --> 00:02:18.229
Check her out at her website, bseesocialmediacom that's spelled with a B-E like a B seen S-E-E-N socialmediacom, or find her on social media at bseenssocialmedia Diane Freeman.

00:02:18.229 --> 00:02:25.390
Thank you, diane, for being a sponsor to this podcast series for the Art of Marketing Strategies and I want to thank you.

00:02:25.390 --> 00:02:35.385
So make sure everyone please subscribe, follow and share and like on all podcast platforms Spotify, apple Podcasts and more.

00:02:35.847 --> 00:02:37.992
The Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:02:37.992 --> 00:02:40.465
Now let's get on to the show.

00:02:40.465 --> 00:02:41.908
Thank you, welcome.

00:02:41.908 --> 00:02:48.286
Welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Wanda Pearson and my guest, tashana Thompson.

00:02:48.286 --> 00:02:53.163
I'm so excited to have her on our show and we're going to talk about the strategy of marketing.

00:02:53.163 --> 00:02:55.528
But first, tashana, say hi to the audience.

00:02:55.528 --> 00:02:57.621
Hello, I'm so excited to be here.

00:02:57.621 --> 00:03:01.670
Thank you for having me, wanda, oh, absolutely, absolutely.

00:03:01.670 --> 00:03:14.436
You definitely was on my list to talk to, but you are definitely a person that actually needs to share all of her information, tips, strategies of marketing, because I heard you're the best in marketing.

00:03:14.436 --> 00:03:16.342
So we're going to talk about all of that.

00:03:16.342 --> 00:03:19.188
So, no, thank you so much for having me having you.

00:03:19.188 --> 00:03:21.253
I'm saying having me having you on the show.

00:03:21.253 --> 00:03:24.205
We're both on the show, right?

00:03:24.205 --> 00:03:25.102

00:03:25.824 --> 00:03:29.706
Let me talk a little bit about oh, I'm sorry, dr Tashana Thompson.

00:03:29.706 --> 00:03:31.671
You go, girl Doctor, you?

00:03:31.671 --> 00:03:32.233

00:03:32.233 --> 00:03:38.893
She's a distinguished marketing and visibility strategist with over 20 years of experience.

00:03:38.893 --> 00:03:52.036
She focuses her expertise on assisting women-led small businesses and nonprofits, and she is dedicated to empowering female leaders to transform both their professional and personal spheres.

00:03:52.036 --> 00:04:03.389
Dr Thompson holds a bachelor's degree in business administration, an MBA with dual specializations in marketing and human resources and an honorary PhD in business and Christian leadership.

00:04:03.389 --> 00:04:04.612
I love it, tashaun.

00:04:04.612 --> 00:04:05.594
I am so proud of you.

00:04:05.594 --> 00:04:07.038
I am so proud of you, I am so proud of you.

00:04:07.079 --> 00:04:09.524
Thank you, please don't feel like you have to read all that.

00:04:09.524 --> 00:04:10.265
That's enough.

00:04:11.269 --> 00:04:15.688
Okay, you want me to leave it there, but you're going to tell us a little bit about you, but I'm going to read the last paragraph.

00:04:15.688 --> 00:04:23.872
So my passion for transformative visibility, Dr Thompson, founded Beyond Business Solutions 17 years ago.

00:04:23.872 --> 00:04:25.574
This founded Beyond Business Solutions 17 years ago.

00:04:25.574 --> 00:04:42.850
This full-service branding and marketing agency stands out by working closely with us I'm sorry with its clients as a fundamental part of their teams, providing customized strategies that deliver significant results, specifically catering to the needs of women-led entities.

00:04:42.850 --> 00:04:47.545
I think I had to say that, yes, your business is beyond business solutions.

00:04:47.545 --> 00:04:50.612
So, 17 years ago, girl, I am so proud of you.

00:04:50.612 --> 00:04:53.552
So welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast, Shoshana.

00:04:53.552 --> 00:04:56.302
So tell a little bit that I didn't talk about yourself.

00:04:56.302 --> 00:04:58.490
Tell me about yourself and how you got started in your business.

00:04:58.490 --> 00:04:59.742
Oh Lordy.

00:05:00.023 --> 00:05:23.812
So I started my business back in 2007 at the height of the recession God blesses babes and fools and really from a standpoint of two areas of my life one, trying to create some real freedom for myself, I was in a role that I was miserable in and it was impacting my mental and physical health.

00:05:23.812 --> 00:05:35.002
And secondly, in that role, it allowed me to work with small businesses and I really saw a need for helping small businesses with marketing and branding.

00:05:35.002 --> 00:05:54.449
I saw a lot of businesses that were great at whatever they do I'm a great accountant, I'm a great consultant but I do not know how to market myself and I saw those businesses, by and large, closing, struggling because they could not figure out how to bring in clients, how to be visible.

00:05:54.449 --> 00:06:06.372
So that is really where Beyond Business Solutions was birthed, both personal creating personal freedom for myself and helping people that were really in need that were small businesses.

00:06:06.901 --> 00:06:07.543
That's awesome.

00:06:07.543 --> 00:06:08.228
You said it all.

00:06:08.228 --> 00:06:14.869
That is great and really we all need it, because especially, I'm sure, during COVID, that even was even more Absolutely.

00:06:15.009 --> 00:06:15.689

00:06:15.870 --> 00:06:17.401
So let me ask you something.

00:06:17.401 --> 00:06:20.033
So can you describe your overall marketing strategy?

00:06:20.033 --> 00:06:22.543
How can you, how do you marketing?

00:06:23.064 --> 00:06:23.505
Sure, sure.

00:06:23.505 --> 00:06:45.290
I am a relationship marketer, so I'm all about building relationships with people and letting them get an inkling into my heart and how I move in the world, not just as a business owner, but as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter, and I think that relatability is what connects people.

00:06:45.290 --> 00:06:49.889
People are looking for relationship right, and that's what COVID taught us too.

00:06:49.889 --> 00:06:52.107
There are a million marketers.

00:06:52.107 --> 00:07:02.480
I have been blessed to do some amazing work but there are thousands and thousands of Tashanas that are doing really good work right and some that aren't doing great work For me.

00:07:02.641 --> 00:07:16.896
it's really how do I connect with people, the right people, and show them pieces of my personality through my content and love on them that they want to do business with me and that they want to refer business to me.

00:07:16.896 --> 00:07:20.288
So that is really the top of my strategy.

00:07:20.387 --> 00:07:22.271
That's how I move through the world.

00:07:22.271 --> 00:07:24.197
That's how I move through the world.

00:07:24.197 --> 00:07:50.839

00:07:51.540 --> 00:07:52.120

00:07:52.120 --> 00:07:58.374
So many people are so transactional and, wanda, if you don't have nothing to offer me today, I don't have no time for you.

00:07:58.374 --> 00:08:14.891
And it's really, and it's really so sad because not that we can make time for everybody, but in spots we really do need to be selective and say, hey, I really like you, how can I support you and not be so focused on what is in it for me?

00:08:14.891 --> 00:08:17.889
And that's one of those things that's often missed.

00:08:18.500 --> 00:08:32.451
Yeah, it really is, because, with me doing Legal Shield, I came in there and people saw I'm an educator, I empower, and that's what it's about educating and empowering people and they saw how different I was from other Legal Shield reps.

00:08:32.451 --> 00:08:35.429
And they come to me and they refer me, just like with you.

00:08:35.429 --> 00:08:41.163
They probably refer you because they know, tashaun, it's not just about the money, it's about how can I help you.

00:08:41.163 --> 00:08:47.582
I do to help you and your business, right, yeah, so what are the primary goals of your marketing efforts?

00:08:48.245 --> 00:08:49.287
Connection first.

00:08:49.287 --> 00:08:57.110
So I'm looking to top of funnel, bring awareness, have people know who I am and know who my team is.

00:08:57.110 --> 00:09:13.758
I'm blessed to work with a team of ladies that support me in BBS and really that awareness and education how can I educate you to have you think about marketing and branding in a new way and challenge you to put yourself out there?

00:09:13.758 --> 00:09:24.472
Because the reason why I've decided in the last three to five years to really start working primarily with women-led organizations is because we have special challenges when it comes to marketing ourselves.

00:09:24.472 --> 00:09:26.488
That's a big part of my effort too.

00:09:26.488 --> 00:09:29.889
Like how do I help these brilliant women shine?

00:09:29.889 --> 00:09:35.832
So those are things that are really the goals of my marketing effort.

00:09:35.832 --> 00:09:38.327
Like how do I get you to know who we are?

00:09:38.327 --> 00:09:42.525
Yeah, how do I educate you about why you may need us?

00:09:42.525 --> 00:09:49.889
And just continue to build that community, build that relationship, create opportunities for connection.

00:09:49.889 --> 00:09:53.009
How many times can I touch you through my marketing?

00:09:53.009 --> 00:09:55.443
Those are the types of things that I'm concerned with.

00:09:56.565 --> 00:09:58.525
That's awesome and that is so true.

00:09:58.525 --> 00:10:02.927
Everything you said is what I'm about to out there and seeing what we can do, audience plays.

00:10:02.927 --> 00:10:05.249
So I spend a lot of time on LinkedIn.

00:10:05.249 --> 00:10:07.229
I email my list probably three times or better a week.

00:10:07.328 --> 00:10:46.011
Investment for education and people come into that group and they're able to hear from me speaking on a specific topic and resources.

00:10:46.011 --> 00:10:49.788
I give resources, I give a giveaway and it's a fun time to connect.

00:10:49.788 --> 00:10:52.956
There's several things that we're doing to really connect with folks.

00:10:54.145 --> 00:11:03.726
That's awesome, so I got to join that, and I do get your news letter get your blues letter.

00:11:03.767 --> 00:11:05.009
Just, you know, get them.

00:11:05.009 --> 00:11:07.797
And very uh, recently this year I started doing a bi-monthly magazine too.

00:11:07.797 --> 00:11:09.120
Okay, wish I had it on my desk.

00:11:09.120 --> 00:11:18.658
Okay, but I do a business, oh, I do a business in action magazine, okay that's awesome my referral partners, current and past clients.

00:11:18.658 --> 00:11:22.971
So there's just things that are in my marketing mix, because we all need a marketing mix.

00:11:22.971 --> 00:11:25.009
Yeah, that are really important to me.

00:11:25.832 --> 00:11:26.475
That's awesome.

00:11:26.475 --> 00:11:31.114
And LinkedIn when I was in corporate, they made us go on LinkedIn to update our skills.

00:11:31.114 --> 00:11:32.793
I didn't know nothing about no LinkedIn.

00:11:32.793 --> 00:11:35.955
I was like even like learning how to say it or spell it.

00:11:35.955 --> 00:11:39.586
I realized, when you're in business, that's what a business people are Absolutely.

00:11:39.586 --> 00:11:41.268
I realize, when you're in business, that's what a business people are, absolutely.

00:11:41.268 --> 00:11:42.389
We offer services right.

00:11:42.389 --> 00:11:44.850
So you're right, that's what you got to offer your services.

00:11:44.890 --> 00:11:48.575
So you want to speak where the people that could actually afford your services.

00:11:48.875 --> 00:11:50.456
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:11:50.456 --> 00:11:51.317
And you don't even know.

00:11:51.317 --> 00:11:56.062
My first marketing strategy was actually was on Pinterest.

00:11:56.062 --> 00:12:02.932
I didn't know what the heck I was doing on Pinterest, but as do my education.

00:12:02.932 --> 00:12:05.104
I always get on like different classes, uh, in the beginning of the year to continue to educate myself.

00:12:05.104 --> 00:12:06.852
But they said Pinterest is a good.

00:12:06.852 --> 00:12:08.884
I said, oh, I didn't know I was doing Pinterest.

00:12:08.884 --> 00:12:13.520
Yeah, I had no idea, so I just put stuff on there.

00:12:13.520 --> 00:12:14.605
I didn't know what I was doing.

00:12:14.605 --> 00:12:16.409
And what's the other one?

00:12:16.490 --> 00:12:23.346
it's another one out there that I started with and there's so much that you can do, but what can we do?

00:12:23.346 --> 00:12:25.291
Yes, where is our audience?

00:12:25.291 --> 00:12:27.394
Yeah your audience is not.

00:12:27.394 --> 00:12:31.009
It depends on your audience and it also depends on what you can do.

00:12:31.009 --> 00:12:48.558
Well, if you're not a person that's super, you know comfortable making video, a ton of video, and it's maybe not be the place for you yeah yeah, I'm of the belief you can make money anywhere, but I also understand that these social media platforms are in business to make money.

00:12:51.110 --> 00:12:55.739
Oh yeah, oh yeah exactly, yeah, it's changing meta something.

00:12:55.859 --> 00:13:10.221
I was like okay, yeah, the thing is that those of us, if you're not looking to spend money on ads, we have seen in the last several years reach, organic reach is hard.

00:13:10.221 --> 00:13:20.139
It's an upward battle right and reaching less than 5% of your people that are actually following you Absolutely On your thread.

00:13:20.586 --> 00:13:20.971
On your thread.

00:13:20.971 --> 00:13:23.731
You can your thread exactly and referring on instagram.

00:13:23.751 --> 00:13:32.017
You don't know none of these people I know right, and there's actually something that you have to tap to see your following, like I'm following these people.

00:13:32.017 --> 00:13:32.905
Let me see this.

00:13:32.905 --> 00:13:36.972
Yeah, it's going to feed you, okay, whatever.

00:13:36.972 --> 00:13:38.995
So we don't own social media.

00:13:38.995 --> 00:13:41.360
That's why I'm a big proponent for email marketing.

00:13:41.865 --> 00:13:44.851
Okay, okay, because we own our list.

00:13:44.851 --> 00:13:46.214
That's great.

00:13:46.214 --> 00:13:46.674
That's great.

00:13:46.674 --> 00:13:50.091
And also the hashtags when you hashtag the different groups and stuff.

00:13:50.091 --> 00:13:51.394
That actually helps you too on that.

00:13:51.394 --> 00:13:57.285
So let me ask you another question Sure, so what role does content marketing play in your overall strategy?

00:13:57.285 --> 00:13:59.606
We were talking about content, so how does that play in there?

00:13:59.927 --> 00:14:00.947
Content is king.

00:14:00.947 --> 00:14:10.075
Content, well, look, I'll say king and queen and I'll go one step further Video content, specifically, is king.

00:14:10.075 --> 00:14:17.441
So having a really solid content strategy that has a good mix I've taught about this for years the three E's right.

00:14:17.441 --> 00:14:24.105
Content that is educational, engaging and entertaining right.

00:14:24.105 --> 00:14:30.239
So we want to be using those three E's and mix up our content so that it's really substantial, that's great.

00:14:31.506 --> 00:14:32.847
Say those three E's again.

00:14:33.288 --> 00:14:36.192
Educational, engaging, entertaining.

00:14:36.192 --> 00:14:47.232
We don't want to be boring, people will scroll right past, but we also have to be offering some substance and education and getting people to understand.

00:14:47.232 --> 00:14:51.285
What are you doing, yeah, but what are you offering?

00:14:51.285 --> 00:14:55.436
And that take that can take some time yeah, exactly, exactly.

00:14:55.456 --> 00:14:56.217
I'm glad you said that.

00:14:56.217 --> 00:14:56.785
That's it.

00:14:56.785 --> 00:15:00.253
Look people, that's some good tips that to shine us out putting out here.

00:15:00.253 --> 00:15:02.437
So what about your branding?

00:15:02.437 --> 00:15:06.206
How consistent are you with your branding messaging across the different channels?

00:15:06.989 --> 00:15:13.307
yeah, it's so important to be really consistent and to first know what your brand archetype is.

00:15:13.307 --> 00:15:15.474
It's so, um interesting.

00:15:15.474 --> 00:15:24.451
I do a messaging uh vip day and it's so interesting to me how many people have been in business for a very long time and don't even know their brand archetype.

00:15:24.451 --> 00:15:32.400
They haven't identified brand stories, they don't have an origin story and that's really the baseline of our content.

00:15:32.400 --> 00:15:40.763
So we need to figure those things out and have a really solid messaging branding and messaging strategy before we start putting content out to the world.

00:15:40.763 --> 00:15:41.745
What is it based on?

00:15:41.745 --> 00:15:53.467
So that is at the forefront of like how I work and it typically when a client comes into me, that's like the first after discovery.

00:15:53.467 --> 00:16:02.958
We go into a messaging VIP day and we really get solid on who is this brand, who are we talking to?

00:16:02.958 --> 00:16:04.681
How do we want to show up?

00:16:04.681 --> 00:16:06.750
What is the voice, what's the tone?

00:16:06.750 --> 00:16:09.918
What are some stories that we can use to resonate?

00:16:10.384 --> 00:16:19.210
I always give an example of Oprah and Tabitha Brown, who I'm crazy about right now, which she's a vegan influencer, if you don't know.

00:16:19.210 --> 00:16:21.052
But how?

00:16:21.052 --> 00:16:22.114

00:16:22.114 --> 00:16:29.134
Through the entirety of her career, she was telling one story, her origin story.

00:16:29.134 --> 00:16:39.456
Poor girl came from abuse and has grown through these ranks and has created this crazy, crazy billionaire success.

00:16:39.456 --> 00:16:41.172
But you know that origin story.

00:16:41.172 --> 00:16:51.957
You don't have to wonder who is she, she come from, how did she and the same with Tabitha Brown being sick, losing her mother, chronic illness, going vegan?

00:16:51.957 --> 00:16:56.956
Like if you are in their stratosphere, you know these stories.

00:16:56.956 --> 00:17:08.376
Yeah, we as small business owners have to be creating the same stories and telling them over and over and over again, the same way that these big influencers do?

00:17:08.557 --> 00:17:10.166
Yeah, absolutely.

00:17:10.166 --> 00:17:13.596
And I'm like that Oprah story Everything she is.

00:17:13.596 --> 00:17:15.327
What she went through I went through and it was funny.

00:17:15.327 --> 00:17:18.465
When I started my podcast I said I'm going to be just like Oprah.

00:17:18.465 --> 00:17:20.349
Now I haven't got like Oprah yet.

00:17:20.349 --> 00:17:23.678
I would like to be a billionaire too, but it takes time.

00:17:23.924 --> 00:17:25.250
Yeah, you're going to be just like Wanda.

00:17:25.250 --> 00:17:29.704
I want to be just like Tashana, I know just like myself.

00:17:30.145 --> 00:17:32.372
Yeah, I could take a tad of Oprah's money.

00:17:32.372 --> 00:17:34.477
That's what I'm saying.

00:17:34.477 --> 00:17:37.006
Just give me a little bit of it, I don't got to take all of it.

00:17:37.006 --> 00:17:38.728
No, I got to take all of it.

00:17:39.148 --> 00:17:41.090
That's a few million.

00:17:41.090 --> 00:17:47.078
It's so important and having a brand that you know I'm a very I like pretty things.

00:17:47.078 --> 00:18:04.113
I like things that are aesthetically pleasing and I believe that really taking the time to first develop the messaging and the brand identity and then going into the assets, the logo, the website, the pretty stuff but the pretty stuff does not matter.

00:18:04.113 --> 00:18:19.976
I want to be clear unless we do the brand identity work first, because otherwise you're just creating pretty that doesn't resonate Because, depending on your brand archetype, it would determine what type and brand archetype, the personality of this brand.

00:18:19.996 --> 00:18:20.778
How do you show up?

00:18:20.778 --> 00:18:26.480
Are you showing up as someone who's providing a sage, it's wisdom, a caregiver?

00:18:26.480 --> 00:18:28.446
You're just taking care of people, loving on them.

00:18:28.446 --> 00:18:33.728
Are you showing up as a magician which is how I show up in my business transforming brands?

00:18:33.728 --> 00:18:37.857
But if we don't know how we're supposed to show up, that also guides color.

00:18:37.857 --> 00:18:46.451
So if you go into just oh, purple, I'm gonna choose purple, yeah, we can do that and most times nobody notices.

00:18:46.451 --> 00:18:56.997
Yeah, but if it is not in alignment with the psych, the color psychology of what that brand is supposed to make people feel, there can be a disconnect.

00:18:56.997 --> 00:18:58.407
Um, I like pretty things.

00:18:58.488 --> 00:19:11.422
I hate when and you can tell when you have quality branding versus not yeah, and that really makes sense and actually my my first guest on was actually my daughter, who created my WD Pearson Associates, and my son-in-law.

00:19:11.422 --> 00:19:17.906
They do my website, but they give you a whole long list of things that they ask you about your brand, what do you want to say when?

00:19:17.967 --> 00:19:18.086

00:19:18.086 --> 00:19:20.673
When I first got out there, people start knew me as purple.

00:19:20.673 --> 00:19:21.776
Wanda loves purple.

00:19:21.776 --> 00:19:23.799
Yeah, all of my purses are purple.

00:19:23.799 --> 00:19:24.962
That's because her hair was.

00:19:24.962 --> 00:19:28.093
It's all purple, so yeah, and then I had to change my color.

00:19:28.093 --> 00:19:30.461
I like yellow, I like red, I like pink.

00:19:30.461 --> 00:19:32.608
I like different colors, but I'm known as purple.

00:19:32.608 --> 00:19:34.073
But no, that makes a lot of sense.

00:19:34.073 --> 00:19:41.259
So with winding down, but I want to ask you about the power of building relationships and showing gratitude in your business.

00:19:41.259 --> 00:19:42.300
Tell us about that.

00:19:43.063 --> 00:19:43.865
I love this topic.

00:19:43.865 --> 00:19:50.199
Listen, my mother was my first teacher about building relationships and saying thank you.

00:19:50.199 --> 00:19:57.336
Like the simple things, right, the simple manners that we somehow many people come to business and forget.

00:19:57.336 --> 00:20:00.611
But a simple thank you can take you.

00:20:00.611 --> 00:20:02.875
So you so far as simple.

00:20:02.875 --> 00:20:05.448
I have it on my desk at all times.

00:20:05.448 --> 00:20:07.311
Look, I'll show you right here.

00:20:07.311 --> 00:20:08.535
We'll call her.

00:20:08.535 --> 00:20:14.855
Yeah, I can sit here and write out a thing and pop it in the mail that I can send an email.

00:20:14.855 --> 00:20:18.249
I can send a text, but I love a handwritten thank you note.

00:20:18.249 --> 00:20:19.791
It makes all the difference.

00:20:20.012 --> 00:20:29.375
I just spoke about this a week or so ago on my coffee with Tashana, like how do we really take time to do the little things?

00:20:29.375 --> 00:20:31.439
Back to the fundamentals of business.

00:20:31.439 --> 00:20:41.016
Remember when business was a handshake yes, a handwritten card, and like those little things that and people still care about that.

00:20:41.016 --> 00:20:44.269
They'll make you believe they want everything via email.

00:20:44.269 --> 00:20:48.298
But recently I love sending my clients gifts.

00:20:48.298 --> 00:20:50.208
I wish I had more money.

00:20:50.208 --> 00:20:59.632
I can do it all the time, but I do find time to do it in certain spots and there's one client in particular that has been with me for a long time.

00:20:59.632 --> 00:21:15.856
She's referred hundreds of thousands of dollars of business at this point like a ton of business and she was, something was going on and I just sent her a thank you note and a little gift and she posted that on LinkedIn.

00:21:15.856 --> 00:21:20.407
I wasn't looking for her to do that, but that's how much it meant to her.

00:21:20.934 --> 00:21:23.780
Yes, yes, we forget about that.

00:21:23.780 --> 00:21:27.457
Thoughtfulness is, and I tell you, and you're absolutely right, yes, we forget about that.

00:21:27.457 --> 00:21:29.646
Thoughtfulness is, and I tell you, and you're absolutely right, that's where I was taught.

00:21:29.646 --> 00:21:36.566
But I teach my daughters, who are grown both ones graphic design, once interior design but I teach my grandchildren that too, can give me.

00:21:36.566 --> 00:21:37.307
Can I have?

00:21:37.307 --> 00:21:39.136
Excuse me, how do you ask for something?

00:21:39.136 --> 00:21:42.181
I'm trying to retrain my husband.

00:21:42.181 --> 00:21:46.347
Thank you, I'm sorry, you know.

00:21:46.347 --> 00:21:48.330
Yeah, it's so important.

00:21:48.691 --> 00:21:50.473
Yes, it's so important.

00:21:50.473 --> 00:22:05.480
I've been around people who, personally and professionally, I don't know if they weren't taught, if they're uncomfortable saying thank you, if they make it make, if it makes them feel less than I don't know, but I literally have stopped being friends with people because I did not know how to say thank you.

00:22:05.920 --> 00:22:06.981
Yeah, exactly.

00:22:07.202 --> 00:22:08.404
And everybody's my favorite.

00:22:08.765 --> 00:22:10.288
Yeah, it goes a long way.

00:22:10.548 --> 00:22:10.969
It really goes.

00:22:11.068 --> 00:22:11.250

00:22:11.494 --> 00:22:19.382
And it's not, and you don't need people to be like, oh look, to go overboard, but it's simple, wanda, so much.

00:22:19.382 --> 00:22:20.921
Thank you so much for having me.

00:22:20.921 --> 00:22:24.097
Yes, I really appreciate that you think oh absolutely.

00:22:24.398 --> 00:22:25.000

00:22:25.060 --> 00:22:27.007
But people don't even do that no.

00:22:27.776 --> 00:22:31.376
And I you try to teach young kids, I'm trying to my grandkids.

00:22:31.376 --> 00:22:32.980
Yeah, I have four granddaughters.

00:22:33.019 --> 00:22:33.862
I'm doing the same thing.

00:22:34.063 --> 00:22:35.546
Yes, and thank you.

00:22:35.546 --> 00:22:37.189
Thank you, maygolda, you're welcome.

00:22:37.189 --> 00:22:41.136
It's really the sincereness and appreciation is really what you're showing.

00:22:41.396 --> 00:22:42.037

00:22:42.037 --> 00:22:53.683
And putting something in the mail and when somebody gets it in the busyness of their day and you don't know what people are going through and when you can bless them Absolutely.

00:22:53.683 --> 00:22:55.285
And that simple gesture.

00:22:56.286 --> 00:22:56.865

00:22:56.865 --> 00:23:03.450
And you know what I do, tashauna, I actually send every morning, I send out my inspirations and you just never know.

00:23:03.450 --> 00:23:04.569
I send it to my friends, family Because that word.

00:23:04.569 --> 00:23:06.991
And then I get back because I said to my friends, family, because that word.

00:23:06.991 --> 00:23:17.515
And then I get back because I said let me know if you don't want to receive this, but that's my giving to them, how it can start their day or start their afternoon and that is something that it makes a big difference.

00:23:17.555 --> 00:23:19.603
I've been doing that since I was in corporate.

00:23:19.603 --> 00:23:22.955
I used to do with Joel Osteen, but now I do abide.

00:23:22.955 --> 00:23:25.499
I like abide because I like the messages that's coming out.

00:23:25.499 --> 00:23:28.201
It actually is audio that speaks to them.

00:23:28.201 --> 00:23:30.002
Oh, cool, yeah.

00:23:30.002 --> 00:23:31.324
So yeah, that's what I do.

00:23:31.324 --> 00:23:35.647
That's my appreciation to show I'm thinking of you, I love you.

00:23:35.647 --> 00:23:39.131
I don't know if you need to hear this word, but it may be something that you need to hear Absolutely.

00:23:39.531 --> 00:23:42.175
Yeah, girl, we can be talking all day here.

00:23:42.195 --> 00:23:46.561
Let me ask you something what are the new marketing strategies that you're excited to try in the near future?

00:23:47.663 --> 00:24:03.317
Listen, I'm talking, I'm already trying it, but every day I'm learning more about AI and marketing, right, so I am?

00:24:03.336 --> 00:24:09.343
excited about how that continues to unfold, how marketers can continue to use it to serve their clients better and how small businesses can use it for themselves to leverage and to really transform their businesses.

00:24:09.343 --> 00:24:30.402
So that's something that I'm always excited about all the different types of software that we can use for editing video and creating content and going Like it is mind boggling and I'm actually having a coffee with Tashana about that in a couple of weeks, so I'd love to include that in your show notes.

00:24:30.402 --> 00:24:39.288
It'll be July 12th, so, yeah, I'm really interested in a little bit of a geek when it comes to learning all these different AI tools.

00:24:39.974 --> 00:24:40.678
So that's awesome.

00:24:40.678 --> 00:24:43.598
So when is your next one, in case this doesn't come out, because it comes out every Wednesday?

00:24:43.598 --> 00:24:44.782
When is your next one after that?

00:24:45.916 --> 00:24:48.260
My next one is going to be in August.

00:24:48.260 --> 00:24:52.489
Okay, I want to say August 9th, but don't totally quote me.

00:24:53.174 --> 00:24:54.057
No, you just let me know.

00:24:54.057 --> 00:24:55.260
I'm going to put it in your notes.

00:24:55.461 --> 00:25:04.362
Yeah, there's a website that's always updated with the newest ones, so I'll share that with you Okay Cause I wanted you to share your website your how people are going to touch with you as well.

00:25:04.481 --> 00:25:08.028
So, yeah, I really enjoyed this conversation.

00:25:08.028 --> 00:25:15.383
Girl, you're going to have to come back on the show, because I always do follow up and tell me how you're doing and how you're doing with your new marketing tool.

00:25:15.383 --> 00:25:16.626
But yeah, ai is actually.

00:25:16.626 --> 00:25:18.901
That's helped me a lot, especially my newsletter.

00:25:18.901 --> 00:25:21.207
What can I talk about in my newsletters this month?

00:25:21.207 --> 00:25:23.018
So it gives me ideas and stuff.

00:25:23.018 --> 00:25:24.981
Tell the audience how they can get in touch with you.

00:25:25.343 --> 00:25:38.682
Yes, you can follow me everywhere at Grow With BBS, Facebook, Instagram, X it's not Twitter anymore X and on LinkedIn, Tashana Thompson, or Beyond Business Solutions, and my website is beyondsolutionsbiz.

00:25:38.682 --> 00:25:42.002
Again, I host Coffee with Tashana.

00:25:42.002 --> 00:25:48.920
We're offering some awesome branding and marketing tips every month and you can look on my website and you'll find that there as well.

00:25:49.662 --> 00:25:50.183
That sounds good.

00:25:50.183 --> 00:25:51.747
Now the coffee with Tashana.

00:25:51.747 --> 00:25:53.979
Is that virtual or it is virtual?

00:25:53.999 --> 00:25:56.784
So you can get no excuses.

00:25:57.285 --> 00:26:00.215
Okay, I'm going to have coffee with Tashana.

00:26:00.215 --> 00:26:05.401
I don't know how early it is, tashana, but I don't know 8.30, 8.30 on Friday you up anyway, you don't have to be cute for it Friday?

00:26:05.421 --> 00:26:08.304
I don't know 830, 830 on Friday.

00:26:08.304 --> 00:26:08.664
You up anyway.

00:26:08.664 --> 00:26:09.546
You don't have to be cute for it Friday.

00:26:09.546 --> 00:26:14.851
I don't know about Friday, but thank you so much for being on this podcast Audience.

00:26:14.851 --> 00:26:24.021
I want to make sure that you definitely share and follow Ready Set.

00:26:24.021 --> 00:26:24.904
Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:26:24.904 --> 00:26:35.921
I'm on all podcast platforms Spotify, apple Podcasts, podcast, podbean, even on Audible so make sure you follow us and get all of these great tips from our great guests sharing all of this information.

00:26:35.921 --> 00:26:39.817
But, tashonda, thank you once again for being on this podcast with me.

00:26:39.817 --> 00:26:41.121
I truly appreciate you.

00:26:41.741 --> 00:26:42.704
Thank you for having me.

00:26:43.226 --> 00:26:43.866
You are welcome.

00:26:44.134 --> 00:26:47.723
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set.

00:26:47.723 --> 00:26:48.727

00:26:48.727 --> 00:26:59.604
For more information about the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:26:59.604 --> 00:27:01.027
Want to connect?

00:27:01.027 --> 00:27:15.169
Send an email to Wanda at WDPearsonAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.