Dec. 20, 2023

Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Global Networking: A Conversation with Terilee Harrison on Trust, Collaboration, and Business Growth

Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Global Networking: A Conversation with Terilee Harrison on Trust, Collaboration, and Business Growth

What if you could unlock the secrets to successful global networking and collaboration, creating a ripple effect of prosperity in your business? Brace yourself, as we're about to reveal just that in our recent chat with the networking mastermind herself, Terilee Harrison. With a wealth of experience transitioning from in-person networking to the digital sphere, Terilee gives us a peek into how this significant shift has not only expanded her global connections but also boosted her business growth.

You're in for a treat as Terilee and I, your host Wanda Pearson, candidly share our networking experiences, bearing the importance of trust and follow-ups in cementing relationships. Our enlightening conversation will help you realize the immense potential that global networking holds for your success. From fostering enduring friendships to creating lucrative business opportunities, the power of networking is truly transformative. And if that's not enough, Terilee even has a free ebook on high-level networking up for grabs. So, get ready to be inspired and learn how to harness the potential of global networking for your success.

Contact Terilee Harrison at
Free Ebook - Connect with Terilee online at
Website to set up Free Consultation - 

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:02 - Global Networking and Collaboration

15:13 - Networking & Collaborative Endeavors Are Important


00:00:02.124 --> 00:00:16.685
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:29.525 --> 00:00:42.972
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.972 --> 00:00:52.591
Tune in to Ready Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

00:00:54.460 --> 00:01:00.872
Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast episode five with Terri Lee Harrison.

00:01:00.872 --> 00:01:08.302
I am so excited to have Terri Lee on my show and it's just an honor and she is such a wealth of knowledge.

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But I'm going to tell you a little bit about her bio.

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Let's talk about that, right, terri?

00:01:12.210 --> 00:01:12.652
That's good.

00:01:12.652 --> 00:01:22.251
Yes, terri Lee Harrison is a speaker coach specializing in speaker business development, a global speaker, and has written numerous books.

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Terri Lee leads the public speaking division of Eric Wolfhunt International, a global sales training company, where she trains and coaches speakers to grow their business and maximize their message in the world.

00:01:36.097 --> 00:01:39.632
She resides in Houston, texas, and serves professionally globally.

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Connect with Terri Lee.

00:01:41.099 --> 00:01:42.221
We're going to talk about this in a minute.

00:01:42.221 --> 00:01:48.114
Connect with Terri Lee online at terrileaharrisoncom and you're going to actually talk about that and say well, you can get it.

00:01:48.114 --> 00:01:49.724
I already looked on your website, terri.

00:01:49.724 --> 00:01:50.647
I love what you got there.

00:01:50.647 --> 00:01:54.427
So, terri Lee, tell us a little bit about yourself.

00:01:54.427 --> 00:01:57.212
How do you get into your global?

00:01:57.212 --> 00:01:57.480

00:01:57.480 --> 00:02:00.890
Actually the name of this title is the power of global networking and collaboration.

00:02:00.890 --> 00:02:04.930
Tell us a little bit about that, how you got into the global part of networking.

00:02:05.659 --> 00:02:17.306
You know, it's a real pleasure to be here with you and see you again, and this is one thing that I love about having a global network is that you really have a networking family and you can reach out to people who you may.

00:02:17.306 --> 00:02:23.769
I think it's one of the biggest assets that we have is going back, and it's the gold in our network.

00:02:23.769 --> 00:02:36.884
It's going back to people that you may have known over the last year, two years, three years, people you had a relationship with and just being able to say, hey, how are you, what's the latest, what's happening, and you can pick up where you left off.

00:02:36.884 --> 00:02:38.728
For me, one day.

00:02:38.728 --> 00:02:45.105
I have had been using networking as my business since 2006.

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And a lot of that was that meeting in your town, in your city, direct face to face network, even the referral networking with team referral network, and I became a franchise owner.

00:02:57.010 --> 00:03:08.806
It actually was a move from Southern California over to Singapore that physically took me from my in-person networking, and that's when I began networking online.

00:03:09.495 --> 00:03:15.388
I don't take the credit, wanda, for being someone who thought about global networking.

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I had someone in my life named James Fierce.

00:03:17.943 --> 00:03:24.972
James is no longer with us, but back in I want to say, like 2011, 2012,.

00:03:24.972 --> 00:03:27.542
James could see what we do now.

00:03:27.542 --> 00:03:30.144
He could see networking online.

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He could see networking in the virtual world.

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It was because he introduced it to me that when I moved to Singapore, I was like I want to try online networking again.

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People really didn't get it back in 2014, 2015, but as we came closer to COVID they did.

00:03:48.049 --> 00:03:53.665
I will say I came back to it in the fall of 2018, so well ahead of COVID.

00:03:53.665 --> 00:03:58.543
Then, wanda, people said I don't think I could network on screen.

00:03:58.543 --> 00:03:59.425
We know better.

00:03:59.425 --> 00:04:00.608
We know better.

00:04:00.608 --> 00:04:09.288
That's a little bit about my road and how I just embraced what could be.

00:04:09.288 --> 00:04:11.659
When COVID hit, what happened?

00:04:11.659 --> 00:04:15.564
We all went online and that's when things really took off.

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That's when things took off.

00:04:17.139 --> 00:04:20.021
It's awesome because that's when I met you.

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When you was in Singapore.

00:04:22.086 --> 00:04:25.303
One of my friends told me about you.

00:04:25.303 --> 00:04:29.865
You never heard of a V-team, but we call it V-team.

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I became part of your group there.

00:04:32.841 --> 00:04:35.259
I loved it because it was virtual.

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Even though I was doing online networking, I was bringing my friends along to the group.

00:04:41.154 --> 00:04:43.382
The thing about it, terri, is that it was global.

00:04:43.382 --> 00:04:49.447
We were connected with South Africa, with London, all across the world.

00:04:49.447 --> 00:04:54.447
I said this is great, because I wanted to not just stay in my territory, domestic in Atlanta, georgia.

00:04:54.447 --> 00:04:56.120
I wanted to go elsewhere.

00:04:56.120 --> 00:04:58.420
You have taught me a lot.

00:04:58.420 --> 00:04:59.843
We went to the NAA.

00:04:59.843 --> 00:05:04.786
I tell you that was a great experience for me to do that global and to be able to connect.

00:05:04.786 --> 00:05:09.958
That's how I actually got my virtual assistant, leanne McKenzie, who actually is going to be on our show too.

00:05:09.958 --> 00:05:14.706
It's been a blessing, but I really like that.

00:05:14.915 --> 00:05:23.343
You know what's funny, terri, is that, oh God, when you did it in 2018, you're right when I came back in 2020, covid happened.

00:05:23.343 --> 00:05:25.838
Nobody think virtual networking.

00:05:25.838 --> 00:05:29.788
No, I can't do virtual networking, but hey, that's when you have to pivot.

00:05:29.788 --> 00:05:32.723
You have to pivot to do something else that you're not used to doing.

00:05:32.723 --> 00:05:35.122
That's how you meet people all over the world.

00:05:35.122 --> 00:05:37.281
I am so glad that you're doing that.

00:05:37.281 --> 00:05:39.759
It really is very, very important.

00:05:39.759 --> 00:05:46.504
With that, let me ask you something how important do you think networking is for collaboration and why?

00:05:47.735 --> 00:05:49.641
I think it is totally key.

00:05:49.641 --> 00:05:53.524
It is such an important piece.

00:05:53.524 --> 00:06:02.403
One of the best ways to grow your business is through meeting other people, wanda, who share your client, and it's not competition.

00:06:02.403 --> 00:06:14.826
These days, if I'm focused on serving speakers, it's some people that are great at for me being able to refer, and vice versa will be other people who work in that realm.

00:06:14.826 --> 00:06:21.451
How about if I believe that speakers need to be authors and vice versa?

00:06:21.451 --> 00:06:27.286
I want to work with people who help authors bring their books to fruition.

00:06:27.286 --> 00:06:33.817
I want to work with people who work with podcasters, because the speaker, podcaster, whole realm goes.

00:06:35.555 --> 00:06:37.940
Think about for you and for those listening.

00:06:37.940 --> 00:06:42.461
I want you to think about if that's a family of businesses that can network well together.

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What would it be for you?

00:06:44.286 --> 00:06:49.065
When we network, that's when we know and trust somebody.

00:06:49.065 --> 00:06:53.478
All Wanda has to do is reach out to me and say, hey, I have a new podcast, I would like you to be on it.

00:06:53.478 --> 00:06:59.081
For me to be like well, I know Wanda and I trust Wanda and I'm going to see what's the latest with Wanda.

00:06:59.081 --> 00:07:03.021
It's easy for me to say yes versus that stranger.

00:07:03.021 --> 00:07:06.880
Networking is key.

00:07:06.880 --> 00:07:14.988
We can build collaborative relationships from a cold place, but networking or even a referral warms it up.

00:07:14.988 --> 00:07:17.521
I think it's absolutely key.

00:07:18.442 --> 00:07:19.625
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:07:19.625 --> 00:07:23.862
You said it in a nutshell Funny because when I started I left corporate.

00:07:23.862 --> 00:07:26.579
I didn't know when I was doing networking.

00:07:26.579 --> 00:07:27.382
I joined B&I.

00:07:27.382 --> 00:07:37.264
B&i told me just like you, build that relationship and people you know, like and trust that helped me to be able to get out in the community and do what I'm doing now.

00:07:37.264 --> 00:07:39.119
That is so important.

00:07:39.119 --> 00:07:47.269
I wanted to ask you another question here what strategies do you recommend for building and maintaining a strong professional network?

00:07:49.552 --> 00:07:58.911
One thing is going to be it is really key to find a place, your tribe right, and so it might be.

00:07:58.911 --> 00:08:08.434
So we met at Team Referral Network and we called it virtual team V team, but there are still other.

00:08:08.434 --> 00:08:09.555

00:08:09.555 --> 00:08:13.831
I am no longer running V team, okay, so I will be.

00:08:13.831 --> 00:08:14.995
Let me be clear about that.

00:08:14.995 --> 00:08:17.074
I have been with them 15 years.

00:08:18.132 --> 00:08:23.137
I decided not to renew my franchise, just looking at the next five years of my life and what did I want to do?

00:08:23.137 --> 00:08:31.935
Right, but being part of a group where your tribe exists, where you can meet new collaborative partners, where you can meet new potential clients.

00:08:31.935 --> 00:08:38.681
Doing something like that is key, and whether that's you mentioned, you've been doing a lot of networking in person, right?

00:08:38.681 --> 00:08:47.357
Some of us have amazing networking close by to us that we can get in our car and go, and for some of us, we're still networking online.

00:08:47.357 --> 00:08:52.562
I think that it's staying true to those relationships and continuing to build.

00:08:52.562 --> 00:08:59.475
You don't want to wait until you don't have any clients and no pipeline nothing in the pipeline to start networking.

00:08:59.475 --> 00:09:01.195
The time to network is today.

00:09:02.437 --> 00:09:03.600
Absolutely, Absolutely.

00:09:03.600 --> 00:09:05.476
You put it in, you really get in.

00:09:05.476 --> 00:09:16.458
And actually that was one of my next questions is what are some of the common challenges, obstacles and collaborative projects like you're doing.

00:09:16.458 --> 00:09:18.614
How can networking mitigate those challenges?

00:09:22.769 --> 00:09:26.076
Sometimes you might feel like I have to.

00:09:26.076 --> 00:09:33.690
The right of me is like my fourth quarter goals list and so, like I wrote down, I want to partner with these certain people.

00:09:33.690 --> 00:09:37.900
Now, for the most part, those are people that I somewhat have a relationship with.

00:09:37.900 --> 00:09:45.572
If I go and name some big name, I don't know them, they don't know me, we almost.

00:09:45.572 --> 00:09:52.760
I want you to think about collaboration, Like if you're going to sell your home and you're going to stage your home right.

00:09:52.760 --> 00:09:56.639
If you're going to sell your home, sometimes we get the home ready to sell.

00:09:57.210 --> 00:10:02.360
Well, if I'm cold calling people for collaboration, I have to have my ducks in a row.

00:10:02.360 --> 00:10:03.202
What does that look like?

00:10:03.202 --> 00:10:04.032
Well, it can be.

00:10:04.032 --> 00:10:05.495
How big is my email list?

00:10:05.495 --> 00:10:08.878
Right, it can be how, what is my web presence?

00:10:08.878 --> 00:10:12.096
Like, I could go on and on about the things.

00:10:12.096 --> 00:10:14.482
Well, do I have a product to offer?

00:10:14.482 --> 00:10:16.035
Do I have a product to sell?

00:10:16.035 --> 00:10:18.176
Do I have my funnel ready to go?

00:10:18.176 --> 00:10:18.476

00:10:19.570 --> 00:10:36.618
So having a be a friend, having it be a colleague, warms it up so much that sometimes, if you're just on the road to building your email list, you can get away with having a smaller email list because of relationships.

00:10:36.618 --> 00:10:45.323
So this is definitely a journey, but being able to collaborate with people and what might that look like?

00:10:45.323 --> 00:11:03.059
It might look like teaming up Wanda, like maybe you and I do a joint webinar together because I'm in Houston and you're in Atlanta, but it could be doing things in town together in Atlanta with other people, right, but I just firmly believe that our relationships are key.

00:11:03.059 --> 00:11:08.379
They're key and I just want to to being able to blow through some of those barriers that might be there.

00:11:09.561 --> 00:11:10.202

00:11:10.202 --> 00:11:18.591
I love that and actually I was going to ask you we're technology, social media or online platforms and social networking collaboration.

00:11:18.591 --> 00:11:26.841
How has that affected your business or how would it affect, and we already talked a little bit about it but how is technology such a social media?

00:11:26.841 --> 00:11:30.361
Because you got to be on social media to be out there, right, we do, we do, we do.

00:11:30.442 --> 00:11:31.124
We need.

00:11:31.124 --> 00:11:37.147
Yeah, there's certain things that I think are key for collaboration, and number one would be the list.

00:11:37.147 --> 00:11:53.325
I mean, I don't want to harp on that, but if you have a list of, let's say, 500, 5000 versus having no lists people, our ability to be able to, I'll promote you if you promote me.

00:11:53.325 --> 00:11:58.607
It's one thing to go on social media and say, hey, wanda and I are teaming up with this.

00:11:58.607 --> 00:12:05.370
It's another thing to have a responsive list that, when you email that people respond, that's a whole other thing.

00:12:05.370 --> 00:12:09.243
So technology is super important.

00:12:09.243 --> 00:12:16.345
Our ability to capture those leads and being able to come back and respond to them.

00:12:16.345 --> 00:12:19.009
It's really a foundational piece really.

00:12:20.961 --> 00:12:25.822
It really is, and thank you for telling me that you're giving some great nuggets here, and that's what I'm going to ask you now.

00:12:25.822 --> 00:12:31.946
Can you provide some tips on effective communication and relationship building within your professional networks?

00:12:31.946 --> 00:12:32.567

00:12:32.587 --> 00:12:33.931
kind of communication here.

00:12:33.931 --> 00:12:37.806
Okay, so effective communication and building relationships.

00:12:38.066 --> 00:12:38.287

00:12:39.568 --> 00:12:56.201
I think that one goal I want to give you, as we headed to that question, is that I believe that we should spend 80% of our networking time with our power partners, those who share clients, and it's non-competition Right.

00:12:56.201 --> 00:13:10.601
If I can go and meet as someone who helps speakers monetize now and build the foundation of their business, right, I could say I really love meeting the dog groomer, yeah, and it's fine.

00:13:10.601 --> 00:13:12.988
I'm not here to bash the local dog groomer.

00:13:12.988 --> 00:13:15.041
They have an amazing business, right.

00:13:15.041 --> 00:13:27.530
But if I can hone in on the hone in to build those relationships with the people that I share my clients with, I am just going to get further faster.

00:13:27.530 --> 00:13:29.621
It's not that I don't want to meet everyone.

00:13:29.621 --> 00:13:31.486
It helps us prioritize our time.

00:13:31.486 --> 00:13:37.498
There's no way that we can meet Every time we show up on a Zoom, every time you show up at an in-person event.

00:13:37.498 --> 00:13:42.369
There's no way that we can meet and have a solid relationship with everyone.

00:13:42.369 --> 00:13:43.250
Does that make sense?

00:13:43.250 --> 00:13:46.023
That makes a lot of sense we don't have time for that.

00:13:46.062 --> 00:13:46.985
We don't have time for that.

00:13:46.985 --> 00:14:03.546
So if we can hone in and then even the people we share clients with not everyone is going to be our person, but because we take and have our conversation, we have the opportunity to really potentially move that relationship forward.

00:14:03.546 --> 00:14:10.748
We can have better, solid relationships with you and you might kiss some frogs along the way.

00:14:10.748 --> 00:14:23.029
Not everyone will be your person, but there are going to be people that you can have be your collaborative partner for life, people that you come alongside and serve each other and your clients very well.

00:14:23.029 --> 00:14:30.246
So that would be my goal is to focus on the better relationship with the few.

00:14:30.246 --> 00:14:32.892
It gives you less people to be communicating with.

00:14:33.981 --> 00:14:39.222
And that's what 101 comes to, come in together, because you can't say things in two, three minutes, one minute.

00:14:39.222 --> 00:14:47.389
The 101 is what those people who you think you collaborate with have those to build that trust, that relationship with them.

00:14:47.389 --> 00:14:53.969
And that was one of my next question is what role does trust play in successful collaborations?

00:14:55.360 --> 00:14:56.042
Trust is everything.

00:14:56.042 --> 00:15:10.032
Trust is everything, and I have had an opportunity to refer back and forth to someone who they helped me publish one of my first books in 2013,.

00:15:10.032 --> 00:15:12.618
Like, I have explicit trust in them.

00:15:12.618 --> 00:15:26.116
So we've known each other for a while and we were able to easily jump into the I'm going to promote you if you promote me thing, and it just cut through all the chase versus meeting someone fresh.

00:15:26.116 --> 00:15:41.086
So we need to know networking is not a get rich quick scheme, right, it's not a get rich quick scheme, but it can be one of the most fun, effective, productive things that you do to build your business and these relationships.

00:15:41.086 --> 00:15:45.817
Like you, you were sharing with me people that I was networking with several years ago.

00:15:45.817 --> 00:15:47.591
You're still working with them today.

00:15:47.591 --> 00:15:48.869
Right, it's awesome.

00:15:48.869 --> 00:16:01.551
It's awesome to hear and, and I think that that we can live that life where we have trust and where we have quality relationships, and that that's how we build our business.

00:16:02.346 --> 00:16:04.594
Absolutely, and you build a friendship with them as well.

00:16:04.594 --> 00:16:08.206
So it's fun too, yes, yeah.

00:16:08.206 --> 00:16:18.272
And then makes a really big difference when you trust them, because now with my, my uh, or just assistant, which is Leigh Ann, uh, I trust her so and she knows my business now.

00:16:18.272 --> 00:16:25.596
So when I say, okay, new England, I need you to do a new set up for me, she knows how to do it without me having to go step by step how to do this.

00:16:25.596 --> 00:16:26.807
I mean, I send them information.

00:16:26.807 --> 00:16:34.375
But it's so important to build that trust and then not only that, taylor is that you know you trust that person.

00:16:34.375 --> 00:16:43.436
Then you refer them to somebody else you know, connecting them to be able to help someone else that that will be able to um to um, to utilize that business.

00:16:43.436 --> 00:16:51.831
So, but I want you to share any personal experiences and those that can highlight the power of networking in a collaborative endeavors.

00:16:51.831 --> 00:16:53.650
I know you're doing something with Eric Loughlin.

00:16:53.650 --> 00:16:56.552
Tell us about that, tell us what you're doing.

00:16:56.804 --> 00:16:58.971
I think that that is a really good example.

00:16:58.971 --> 00:17:08.164
So, um, I first met Eric Loughlin back in, I want to say, like 2008 or 2009.

00:17:08.164 --> 00:17:18.704
He came to Southern California to speak at one of our networking functions and, um, have you met people and you just enjoy being in relationship with them?

00:17:18.704 --> 00:17:30.451
And he was someone like I, was on his email list, I purchased his program that very day and, and so he always was, uh, in the peripheral in my life Okay, always in the peripheral in my life.

00:17:30.451 --> 00:17:40.432
Sometimes I would have him come and speak for me, sometimes I would coach with him, and, but he was always this is what the important lesson here he was always excellent.

00:17:40.432 --> 00:17:49.375
He viewed me as the team person, even though I was not the complete owner of team or phone network, but he would always, once a year, follow up to say, hey, what's the late?

00:17:49.375 --> 00:17:54.435
Here's your lesson, guys, what's the latest and how could we maybe collaborate at this time?

00:17:54.435 --> 00:18:05.582
All right, so two years ago I got that very familiar message and I said, well, sure, yes, I'd love to chat with you.

00:18:05.582 --> 00:18:09.505
And I never dreamed like the conversation.

00:18:09.505 --> 00:18:21.512
He said I want to share with you what's happening with my company, and that day he wasn't looking for me and I wasn't looking for him, but when he shared what he was looking for, I said, well, could you use someone?

00:18:21.512 --> 00:18:23.574
And he goes.

00:18:23.574 --> 00:18:24.714
Well, tell me more about that.

00:18:24.714 --> 00:18:28.336
And within a couple weeks, we were in agreement to begin working together.

00:18:28.336 --> 00:18:29.377
And this is.

00:18:29.438 --> 00:18:31.239
This is less part of the lesson, too.

00:18:31.858 --> 00:19:05.301
In the past five, I wouldn't have deemed myself worthy of being a business partner of his right, but sometimes we grow, we're ready for it and we and you just need to ask right, I wasn't looking for him, he wasn't looking for me, but it has been an amazing partnership and an amazing way to bring together working with speakers inside of a sales organization so that they can develop their projects they want to sell, learn how to close them, learn how to make money right, and so.

00:19:05.301 --> 00:19:16.088
So the lessons are the importance of the follow up, of keeping the relationship solid, and then being ready to ask, being worthy of the ask, to say, hey, what if we were?

00:19:16.088 --> 00:19:19.510
What would this look like if we were, were able to work together?

00:19:19.510 --> 00:19:31.278
So that is all part of networking, all those things, and it is okay to go back to people that you've not talked to for years and just say, hey, I want to see how you're doing, what's the latest?

00:19:31.278 --> 00:19:32.680
Because I guarantee you most people are not.

00:19:32.680 --> 00:19:35.528
People have pivoted and shifted and are doing something a little different.

00:19:36.099 --> 00:19:42.288
Oh yeah, oh yeah, absolutely, and I love that because I did get one on one of the client and Terri always invites.

00:19:42.288 --> 00:19:46.031
I mean I'd be doing a lot of stuff, but when I can get on I would jump on.

00:19:46.031 --> 00:19:52.401
But I was one on a classy hat last week, I think it was.

00:19:52.401 --> 00:19:53.222
Yeah, you was on that.

00:19:53.222 --> 00:19:57.190
He mentioned that Terri is my business partner and I love it.

00:19:57.190 --> 00:19:59.213
I said so, I'm glad that I was able to do that.

00:19:59.619 --> 00:20:01.743
Yeah, I want to because it's great information.

00:20:01.743 --> 00:20:04.108
I mean I, you know, I'm all about education.

00:20:04.108 --> 00:20:11.086
Yeah, so no matter how old you get, no matter how much you think you know, it's best to get that education from other experts.

00:20:11.086 --> 00:20:29.526
So if you're an expert in that field and I want to bring that up too so you on your website and I really suggest people to get on your website, you know, to tell me that website and about how you have one of join my speakers community, also have an ebook with high level networking.

00:20:29.526 --> 00:20:32.931
I really suggest that you actually get on Terri.

00:20:32.931 --> 00:20:35.255
Go on Terri's website and see what she has to offer.

00:20:35.255 --> 00:20:37.037
So tell us how people can get in touch with you, terri.

00:20:40.480 --> 00:20:45.443
So you can find out more information on me and what I'm up to at terrileaharrisoncom.

00:20:45.443 --> 00:20:54.009
That's just like I have it here on the screen, but I do have something very special because we've been honing in on the whole networking discussion.

00:20:54.009 --> 00:20:59.314
So I would actually love if you go to terrileaharrisoncom, you'll see you can get an ebook.

00:20:59.314 --> 00:21:04.337
That's about speaking, but I would love to be able to Let me see I got to get it right there.

00:21:04.337 --> 00:21:06.261
We go Like that I would.

00:21:06.461 --> 00:21:22.160
This high level networking is my top strategies from all my years of networking, where we're going to talk about power, partnering and collaboration, your one minute commercial, how to maximize your networking, and so for that, Wanda, I would love to invite people, if they want, to email me.

00:21:22.160 --> 00:21:25.623
They say, hey, I saw you on Wanda's podcast.

00:21:25.623 --> 00:21:31.307
If you go to Terri Lee talks so see my name to ERILE talks, T-A-L-K-S.

00:21:31.307 --> 00:21:35.892
Like I talk at Gmail and say that you want the high level networking ebook.

00:21:35.892 --> 00:21:37.853
I'd be happy to send this all to you.

00:21:37.853 --> 00:21:45.759
I promise that all the things we talked about this is everything on steroids and this it would be my gift to your audience, Wanda.

00:21:46.665 --> 00:21:48.135
Well, thank you, I'm going to be the first one to get on.

00:21:48.135 --> 00:21:48.680
I'm going to get there.

00:21:48.680 --> 00:21:51.079
Awesome, I would love it.

00:21:51.079 --> 00:21:53.605
Yeah, no, definitely I love that.

00:21:53.605 --> 00:21:59.881
And I love the other, the other product services that you provide in your terriharisoncom.

00:21:59.881 --> 00:22:06.660
So there's T-E-R-I-L-E-E Harrison, h-a-r-r-i-s-o-ncom.

00:22:06.660 --> 00:22:11.500
Go on her website and she has a wealth of saying this, speaking too.

00:22:11.500 --> 00:22:18.557
So that's my next goal, and if you was talking about that, terri, everything that I'm doing I thought I'd say I'm never going to do that.

00:22:18.557 --> 00:22:19.733
Don't never say never.

00:22:22.433 --> 00:22:29.439
We just don't know, I think, being ready for the next thing, being ready to serve in a bigger way.

00:22:29.439 --> 00:22:34.298
When I met you, I don't know if you ever imagined then you'd be doing a podcast and look at you now.

00:22:34.298 --> 00:22:36.356
It is all just amazing.

00:22:36.356 --> 00:22:39.097
So I acknowledge you, wanda, for your amazing growth.

00:22:39.259 --> 00:22:41.276
Thank you and how you're going up to serve.

00:22:41.810 --> 00:22:42.895
Yeah, thank you so much.

00:22:42.895 --> 00:22:47.273
I appreciate it because you're still in my YouTube channel that you interviewed me.

00:22:47.273 --> 00:22:54.720
Yeah, I talked about different things, so you just never know who your partner is going to be, who you collaborate, who you're never been.

00:22:54.720 --> 00:22:56.096
It's so important.

00:22:56.096 --> 00:22:59.234
And when I thought about you, terri, I said I want to have Terri on my show.

00:22:59.234 --> 00:23:06.344
So Sharon actually is my secretary to make sure she's at work, so she gives me names.

00:23:06.344 --> 00:23:07.816
I said we got Terri on here.

00:23:07.816 --> 00:23:15.798
So I really suggest you all reach out to Terri Harrison and I am so happy and what great information that you shared with us.

00:23:15.798 --> 00:23:22.857
Terri, it was just really really awesome to reach out to her because she I would call you the networking queen, you know.

00:23:22.857 --> 00:23:23.954
Oh well, thank you.

00:23:24.590 --> 00:23:28.622
Networking is vital and it will change your life.

00:23:28.622 --> 00:23:35.118
The relationships you have will change your life, your family's life, and that helps make you a better, smarter person.

00:23:35.118 --> 00:23:37.519
Just gleaning from your fellow business owners.

00:23:37.851 --> 00:23:40.015
Yes, absolutely, and thank you so much.

00:23:40.015 --> 00:23:40.854
I appreciate it.

00:23:40.854 --> 00:23:45.740
So make sure you stay tuned for Ready to Collaborate, episode 6.

00:23:45.740 --> 00:23:49.058
That I will be having soon, but we're going to have it weekly.

00:23:49.058 --> 00:23:50.016
A terribly good.

00:23:50.016 --> 00:23:54.678
It's going to be weekly with money out there, but I'll let you know when it's going to pull so you can actually share with your audience.

00:23:54.678 --> 00:23:55.400
I would love to.

00:23:55.400 --> 00:23:56.135
I would love to.

00:23:57.529 --> 00:24:01.278
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set.

00:24:01.278 --> 00:24:02.320

00:24:02.320 --> 00:24:13.140
For more information about the host head to WDPierersonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:24:13.140 --> 00:24:14.652
Want to connect?

00:24:14.652 --> 00:24:28.794
Send an email to Wanda at WDPiercentAssociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.