March 20, 2024

Unveiling Authenticity in Professional Women: A Journey of Transformation with Rev Jacqueline Lulu Brown

Unveiling Authenticity in Professional Women: A Journey of Transformation with Rev Jacqueline Lulu Brown

Embark on a transformative odyssey with the luminous Rev Jacqueline Lulu Brown, better known as Lulu, as she reveals the essence of her metamorphosis into a beacon of authenticity. Our hearts will be set ablaze by her commitment to genuineness, a theme that dances through every moment of our discussion on the "Audacity to Shine" book project. Lulu's narrative is a testament to the potential that lies in shedding the constraints of societal norms, allowing professional women like us to surface with our true selves unshielded. Her journey is a clarion call to all listeners, urging us to unearth our inner splendor and stride confidently into the light of our own making, illuminating our paths and those around us.

In the sanctity of this episode, we'll explore the potent intersection of vulnerability and spirituality, where the act of baring one's soul to a higher power becomes a source of profound solace and strength. The synergy of collective wisdom is celebrated; a confluence of minds that fosters boundless growth and nurtures the intellect within a fortress of support. My business philosophy, dedicated to nurturing professional women to lead with heartfelt sincerity and empathy, weaves its way into our dialogue, challenging the archaic narrative that the corporate realm is devoid of compassion. Together with Lulu, we paint a vision of a future where every individual can tap into their "genius zone," rising as trailblazers and harbingers of positive transformation in their fields.

Connect with Rev Jacqueline Lulu Brown

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00:00 - Empowerment Through Authenticity and Collaboration

15:39 - Empowering Women Through Collaboration


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.551
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

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Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.475 --> 00:00:41.935
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

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Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.323 --> 00:00:51.494
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Rhonda Pearson.

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00:00:53.241 --> 00:00:58.170
Welcome to the Ready Set Collaborate podcast, episode 14.

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I am so honored to have my girl, reverend Jaipel, and Lulu Brown, but I saw her Lulu.

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Yeah, we all love her Lulu.

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We're gonna see where you got that Lulu name from, but I am so honored for you to be part of this podcast.

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But the best thing about it is Lulu.

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When we met our book collaboration books Adachi Tsashine with Sina Cole and I love the title of how she created that Adachi Tsashine and how she said God told her to call me.

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I'm sure she told you the same thing God told her to call you.

00:01:28.591 --> 00:01:32.408
Yes, she got 10 of us ladies, but we'll talk about them later.

00:01:32.408 --> 00:01:39.882
But I want to actually read your bio because there's so much wealth of information that you have to share with us and I want you to share with us more.

00:01:39.882 --> 00:01:47.974
So, jacqueline Brousen, 40 plus years in information technology and engineering arena, with global responsibilities Wow.

00:01:47.974 --> 00:01:59.974
One of the things that she discovered over travels across the globe was that woman, in their careers, business and ministry were filling the heavy burden of silently carrying their unsaid and burnt out.

00:01:59.974 --> 00:02:10.979
So true, these unsaid challenges and burnout statuses are often not openly discussed because of the secret shame and the fear of revealing one true self.

00:02:10.979 --> 00:02:31.341
Jacqueline's purpose and focus with her revolution ascension LLC business is to provide a safe, safe space, open, honest and raw conversation and allowing professional and executive women and leadership to explore their challenges, to reveal solutions and implementation to the last blood.

00:02:31.341 --> 00:02:31.801
I love that.

00:02:32.401 --> 00:02:39.989
Jacqueline is a phenomenal disruptor, positive, deviant and radical change agent moving away from the status quo.

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So in March 2023, she launched her divine, prosperous living magazine under the all of its publishing company.

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When asked what she wants to be remembered for, she answers to lead every woman I encountered to have a bright, shining life that sings to their soul.

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She enjoys making this happen with her phenomenal retreats, ascension, academy 101, culture, executive, women's leadership, consulting and training.

00:03:06.282 --> 00:03:08.724
Do her keynote speaking again.

00:03:08.724 --> 00:03:15.711
And also she is a four times international best seller co-author and talking about a massive design.

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It's one of the books of lead manager years.

00:03:17.473 --> 00:03:18.474
And I had Jacqueline.

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I said her title I want her to talk about is her journey and just discuss some of the journey here Journey to be empowered to walk in your purpose.

00:03:25.828 --> 00:03:29.960
I love this, jacqueline, lulu, I'm gonna call you Lulu Zenokai.

00:03:31.301 --> 00:03:32.182
I prefer that.

00:03:32.182 --> 00:03:34.945
Thank you, thank you.

00:03:34.985 --> 00:03:37.128
Thank you, I'll call you a little bit.

00:03:37.128 --> 00:03:39.292
So Lulu will tell us a little bit about yourself.

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Then I'm going to ask you questions about how you all.

00:03:41.974 --> 00:03:45.879
It was just so much in her bio that I just had to take pieces and pieces.

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She's like a thank this person.

00:03:48.123 --> 00:03:49.586
Y'all famous lady.

00:03:49.586 --> 00:03:52.270
She has so much to share.

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So tell us a little bit about yourself.

00:03:54.500 --> 00:03:56.442
So thank you so much for having me today.

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I am truly honored to be here and I'm honored, and it was just destiny that brought us together on Ordacity to Shine.

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And let me just take a step back and bring in how and what Ordacity to Shine meant to me.

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It gave an opportunity for me to share my journey of when we live behind a mask, and very often people think that living behind a man is just bad things.

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We also hide our brilliance, our genius, our gifting.

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We hide that behind a mask as well, because sometimes we're made to feel that we don't Deserve for the world to really see who we are in our kids day and a lot of times we hold that back.

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And there are these gems, jewels, diamonds not diamond in the rough, but real, brilliant diamonds that are in us.

00:05:01.350 --> 00:05:10.781
And very often that is behind a mask because we don't have the or dash city to shine.

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The or dash city to shine book with see Nicole gave me an opportunity to share my journey.

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And how did I go from where I was not being authentically me and conforming to what others tell you that you need to do or you need to be or you need to answer certain way?

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And a lot of times people will say I'm more than, but they're really not, because they don't really understand what authenticity is.

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And it was that journey that allowed me to bring what is in the core, in the essence of me, and I was able to bring that forward and operate in that but yet be successful because I no longer conformed to the standards that this world tells you.

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There's a system that sort of maps things out and we've been indoctrinated with those things from the time we come out of our mother's wounds.

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When we're little, we are given things to give us and mold us in a particular way.

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We are told things are spoken to us and if we really examine what it's like as a child, we have to really peel back those layers and say Was I really taught how to search and get an understanding of what's unique about me?

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How am I going to know my purpose if I don't know who I am?

00:06:55.555 --> 00:07:27.959
And am I regurgitating what other people say because it sounds good and it makes me look successful and it puts me in this category with I know who I am, I'm not in a box or authentic, or because I have a level of success, I make a particular salary, my square footage of my home is within what the world deems is successful, all of these different things.

00:07:27.959 --> 00:07:39.809
Have I really stepped outside of all of that and have I tapped into what is so unique about me that it makes me limitless?

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And people don't realize that even the cliches we've been taught impose those limits.

00:07:47.668 --> 00:07:49.379
We're told.

00:07:49.379 --> 00:07:51.165
The sky is the limit.

00:07:51.165 --> 00:08:00.112
The minute someone says the is the limit, there's a limitation.

00:08:00.112 --> 00:08:07.295
You've just spoken a limitation on yourself, and people will say why can't I say that?

00:08:07.295 --> 00:08:13.074
I know what I need, you know what you mean, but the universe knows what you mean as well.

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God knows what you mean because out of the abundance of the heart, so speak it the man, the woman.

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And so when we say these things and they're going into the atmosphere, we have to really understand do you really know what you're saying?

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Because there really are no limits except the ones we set for ourselves.

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But we have to have the audacity to let those things come out.

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And so that chapter was so special to me because it gave me an opportunity to share my journey.

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It gave me an opportunity to actually talk about how the church itself in religion was part of what prevented me from shining, from walking in my purpose.

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As we're talking here Sometimes, what we think is good can sometimes be holding us back.

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And that's not denigration on church or anything.

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It's speaking to the level of, I'm going to say, where people and leaders have not come into enlightenment.

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It speaks to not being fully enlightened on who we are, who's we are and what our true purpose is here and how do we operate in that purpose from a limitless place.

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And that was really the, I'm going to say, the nuts and bolts of my chapter.

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And I remember the editor sending me a note and she said wow, you're really going in deep here.

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You're making some comments about your journey, that people may become offended, and I said you know what?

00:10:02.410 --> 00:10:19.880
I think that's a good thing because maybe they'll become enlightened and they'll do something about it and maybe someone another woman won't have to wait and go through what I did to know that she has the audacity to shine.

00:10:21.105 --> 00:10:32.691
And that's what I love about the title the Scene of Hope and the Dancing Chant, because from that I derived my, because I mentor two middle school girls and I always tell them you have the destiny to shine.

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But I derived my own book.

00:10:34.691 --> 00:10:38.774
From that book I say we hadn't been for Scene of Hope, to tell them to say I want you to be part of this.

00:10:38.774 --> 00:10:41.952
I don't know if I would have wrote a book, but that's something that I said.

00:10:41.952 --> 00:10:44.970
I never write a book and God said, oh yes, she will.

00:10:46.908 --> 00:11:01.111
That derived my book, god's Race to the Fire, but also my second collaboration, impact of One Voice, where you said little that you dug into, because I actually told the truth about what I've dealt with this for is the fear, the abuse.

00:11:01.111 --> 00:11:04.128
You know that I didn't think when somebody told me you're not going to be nothing.

00:11:04.128 --> 00:11:08.167
You know that I am something they hope, but I didn't believe it at their time.

00:11:08.167 --> 00:11:28.933
This was something that we actually, I think, helped a lot of women and then to be able to help them, my book I have a journey in there, a journal I'm sorry, a journal that I want them to go to, not go to what we went through and the fear of speaking up, because a lot of the time I grew up in Chicago you're seen and not heard, right.

00:11:28.933 --> 00:11:30.062
I don't know if you've heard of that.

00:11:30.245 --> 00:11:34.155
So, that is something that we really need to help other people with.

00:11:34.155 --> 00:11:35.991
But I'm going to ask you some questions here, and that was great.

00:11:35.991 --> 00:11:38.089
You actually answered a lot of my questions already.

00:11:38.089 --> 00:11:46.187
So how did you maintain that consistent voice and style throughout the book, despite most of the authors?

00:11:47.945 --> 00:12:00.947
Wow, it was asking one question every time I had to write, change, rewrite am I being true to myself?

00:12:00.947 --> 00:12:05.150
And it was asking that question over and over again.

00:12:05.150 --> 00:12:07.316
Are you being true to yourself?

00:12:07.316 --> 00:12:12.695
Are you willing to reveal what needed to be healed?

00:12:12.695 --> 00:12:14.649
And are you doing that?

00:12:14.649 --> 00:12:19.482
And I would look did you put in there what you needed to be healed from?

00:12:19.482 --> 00:12:21.028
Because there's a root to everything?

00:12:21.028 --> 00:12:25.950
So did you go to the root, did you reveal the root?

00:12:25.950 --> 00:12:31.135
And then did you reveal your willingness to come forward and to heal from it?

00:12:31.135 --> 00:12:37.754
And so asking that same question is what I found that worked for me.

00:12:38.455 --> 00:12:39.537
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:12:39.537 --> 00:12:40.499
And we have partners.

00:12:40.499 --> 00:12:47.735
We partnered up with some of the other authors and I know Stacey when I get Stacey on YouTube what I actually wrote about, because I tell you it was hard.

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Things should be buried deep down inside.

00:12:49.572 --> 00:12:52.533
You know, I didn't remember a lot of things until I started writing this book.

00:12:52.533 --> 00:12:54.927
Yes, I had forgiveness.

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This is what I had to forgive myself for and forgive my abuse that I had.

00:13:00.114 --> 00:13:13.216
And that was really tough because, even like writing my book, it's like it came back up all over again and I said, okay, so having that and that was actually my benefits in writing this collaboration.

00:13:13.216 --> 00:13:20.480
So let me ask you another question what were the benefits of collaborating on this book compared to writing this summer?

00:13:23.368 --> 00:13:56.797
Oh, sisterhood, first and foremost, knowing that it was okay for me to reveal the portions of my life that I wasn't okay, that level of freedom, the being with other women that also had the courage to name and pursue their most authentic aspirations, and because that's a big part of what I do in my business is helping women to do that.

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But for me, I also love the fact that I had cohorts that were willing to say or share their story on how they achieved freedom, the discernment to know that I deserve a greater integrated life and I need to step into that uniqueness so that I can fulfill my unique purpose on the planet, because we have unique purposes that we personally are here to fulfill on this planet and so it's the sisterhood that brings that together and brings the freedom to express that with one another and be on those calls that were on with C DeCole it was that and the things that went on behind the scenes, whether it was emails or things like that.

00:14:53.528 --> 00:15:01.610
it was that part of it, that in the opportunity that there's a lot that goes into writing a book on your own.

00:15:01.610 --> 00:15:23.614
I've been in four anthologies and I can tell you that I enjoy the ability to be able to do this with other women, because my personality is air, water, but air and water, and I just love the camaraderie that we had.

00:15:24.336 --> 00:15:35.850
Yeah, I guess you say your personality and actually I didn't realize mine is fire Nice, that's all I can Nice Fire from the struggles that I actually went to.

00:15:35.850 --> 00:15:37.674
Yes, I got to today.

00:15:37.674 --> 00:15:39.530
So, no, that is great to hear.

00:15:39.530 --> 00:15:43.634
Now let me ask you something what was the title of your chapter when you chose it?

00:15:43.634 --> 00:15:45.229
Why did you choose this title?

00:15:45.229 --> 00:15:46.606
I'm your chapter.

00:15:49.365 --> 00:16:10.331
God knows the mass that we hide behind, and I chose that title because we think that we're hiding things from each other, but we're not hiding it from God, and he knows the hurt, he knows the pain, he knows what we need to be delivered from.

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He knows what needs to be healed.

00:16:12.370 --> 00:16:22.515
The only thing that he's waiting for is for us to ask him, because he's not someone that comes in uninvited.

00:16:22.515 --> 00:16:25.191
Yeah, god is not a trespasser.

00:16:25.784 --> 00:16:25.985

00:16:26.884 --> 00:16:45.278
And he's just waiting for us to humble ourselves and say I need you, I can't get beyond this without you, and I'm willing to go to the place that I need to go in him to get healed.

00:16:46.200 --> 00:16:50.594
Yes, they're so true, and you really put it in a nutshell, then.

00:16:50.594 --> 00:16:54.014
So let me ask you something, and I want you to tell me a little bit about your business, too.

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What advice would you give others considering the book collaboration?

00:16:56.893 --> 00:17:00.816
In fact, this series is called the Art of Book Collaboration.

00:17:00.816 --> 00:17:06.433
This is my second series that I'm actually putting on here but what advice would you give others that are considering the book collaboration?

00:17:06.433 --> 00:17:09.190
You've done four, so what would you give them?

00:17:12.125 --> 00:17:15.954
Oh, wow, let me see.

00:17:15.954 --> 00:17:18.328
Answer it this way, I would do four more.

00:17:18.328 --> 00:17:22.048
Okay, I would, I really would.

00:17:22.048 --> 00:17:48.036
And that is because when you have the personality of sharing and wanting to give and wanting to learn as well as teach, I love to learn, I love to teach, but I never want to be the smartest person in the room.

00:17:48.036 --> 00:17:57.979
It's being in the room with other people that are smarter, because some people are smarter.

00:17:57.979 --> 00:17:59.349
We don't want to admit that.

00:17:59.349 --> 00:18:02.731
They may be smart ass, but they're not smarter.

00:18:02.731 --> 00:18:08.073
Okay, congratulations, you have never met anyone that's smarter than you.

00:18:08.073 --> 00:18:13.175
I tend to put myself in the presence of people that I know are smarter than me.

00:18:13.175 --> 00:18:19.817
It's okay, because it means that they have a level of knowledge that I don't.

00:18:19.817 --> 00:18:21.810
There's nothing wrong with that.

00:18:21.810 --> 00:18:27.894
That's why I do four more to have that opportunity.

00:18:28.355 --> 00:18:31.067
That's good, that's awesome, I always say.

00:18:31.067 --> 00:18:33.153
That's why they just say collaborate.

00:18:33.153 --> 00:18:37.713
I've always said that collaboration and connections are the key to success.

00:18:37.713 --> 00:18:47.351
Even other people, other women, other men to connect with one another and to collaborate because, like you said, we're not all men.

00:18:47.351 --> 00:18:48.454
We don't know everything.

00:18:48.454 --> 00:18:54.313
It's other people that may know this part or something, another person may know this part or something, and that's really what it's all about.

00:18:54.313 --> 00:19:00.505
Tell us a little bit about your business and then I want you to tell us the future.

00:19:00.505 --> 00:19:02.912
What are your future plans for your business?

00:19:04.125 --> 00:19:17.326
Okay, the best way is to say what drives me, because what drives me is exactly what my business is.

00:19:17.326 --> 00:19:22.012
What drives me is to have an opportunity.

00:19:22.012 --> 00:19:29.445
I primarily work with and you stated this with the bio I primarily work with professional women.

00:19:29.445 --> 00:20:14.251
It provides me an opportunity to reduce organizational suffering and that's their suffering as well as what takes place and to equip people to remove corporate burn, it to really understand what authenticity is, to really understand what diversity is, because these are words that are thrown out and objectives that have the checklist but, when implemented appropriately, it's what helps people to soar, thereby, whether it's an organization or a corporation or their own business that is going to soar.

00:20:14.251 --> 00:20:26.608
All of that happens simply because I help women live with more purpose, more grace, more joy, more peace.

00:20:26.608 --> 00:20:32.313
Flow in ease, and that's a part of my tagline.

00:20:32.313 --> 00:20:34.633
I've had people ask me what is that?

00:20:34.633 --> 00:20:35.646
What is flow?

00:20:35.646 --> 00:20:46.750
Flow is the opposite of you grinding 24-7, everything being so hard because we don't have to grind.

00:20:46.750 --> 00:20:48.751
I hear people say I grind hard.

00:20:48.751 --> 00:20:53.167
No, I don't want to grind hard, I want to flow.

00:20:53.167 --> 00:21:04.853
Grinding is not going to always be easy, but we should be able to find a portion of peace within that that, as we're going through it.

00:21:04.853 --> 00:21:14.914
We're not coming up with every disease known to man, because this ease is the root of those diseases and the burnout.

00:21:14.914 --> 00:21:33.707
Being able to focus on women in leadership and really believing because this is a core, I'm going to say tenet for my company is believing that we are in a new era of women's leadership.

00:21:33.707 --> 00:21:50.914
It calls for us to step fully into our, as I say, positive, deviant, changemaker role, and when we can do that, everyone wins.

00:21:50.914 --> 00:21:51.596
It's a win.

00:21:51.596 --> 00:22:07.175
This is a knot about women empowering in taking and bashing men or forget about men, or neglecting families or being burnt out all the time because we're on this hamster wheel of success.

00:22:07.175 --> 00:22:30.833
But it's being a positive deviant and a changemaker because you're willing to require yourself a greater level of self-care, you are willing to reveal what needs to be healed on the inside and you have the courage to pursue your aspirations no matter what.

00:22:30.833 --> 00:22:35.359
And that's really a big sum of what we do.

00:22:35.359 --> 00:22:52.873
We teach a lot of divine feminine leadership, and divine feminine leadership is simply those qualities empathy and nurturing the things that women were told to leave at home.

00:22:52.873 --> 00:22:54.826
They don't have any place in the workplace.

00:22:54.826 --> 00:22:57.827
That's what makes us great leaders.

00:22:57.827 --> 00:23:23.269
That's what gives us the ability to be people, leaders that develop other leaders and that bring people along and help people progress as organizations, as ministries, as businesses, so that we're doing this collectively, versus we're in a bubble and we're into this.

00:23:23.548 --> 00:23:26.294
Go pick somebody's bookup and read that.

00:23:26.294 --> 00:23:30.131
I want to know how the Rockefellers did it.

00:23:30.131 --> 00:23:34.090
You might be able to learn something from the Rockefellers.

00:23:34.090 --> 00:23:46.989
They make some savvy business moves, but what is it about you that can give you the same level of success if you knew how to tap into it?

00:23:46.989 --> 00:23:52.359
So I asked women what if I could show you how to do that?

00:23:52.359 --> 00:23:58.011
What if I could show you how to be as brilliant as anybody else?

00:23:58.011 --> 00:24:00.318
Find your genius zone?

00:24:00.318 --> 00:24:04.563
What if I told you I could help you find your genius zone Because I found mine?

00:24:04.563 --> 00:24:15.874
I thought I knew it, but I found mine, and when I found mine, I literally have the proof that I saw it leaps and bounds, far beyond my imagination.

00:24:16.840 --> 00:24:25.234
Wow, and that's why your title if you said it all, is our journey to be empowered to walk in your purpose.

00:24:25.234 --> 00:24:29.171
I truly appreciate you, jackie, for I'm so jack.

00:24:29.171 --> 00:24:31.590
Lulu, how can I call you Jacklyn?

00:24:31.913 --> 00:24:33.380
That's okay, that's all right.

00:24:34.105 --> 00:24:35.070
I truly appreciate.

00:24:35.070 --> 00:24:43.268
You have just given me a wealth of knowledge and I encourage our audience to really reach out to Lulu, but tell us how we can contact you.

00:24:44.740 --> 00:24:52.173
Okay, you can contact me and I made it really easy because my email was long.

00:24:52.173 --> 00:25:00.250
It was jempleenlulu at revolutionascensioncom, so now I said you know what I need to shorten this.

00:25:00.250 --> 00:25:17.339
So it's JLB Jacklyn Lulu Brown, jlb at revolutionascensioncom, and they can go to my website, which is revolutionascensioncom, and they can just go and you can read a lot.

00:25:17.339 --> 00:25:37.108
And I encourage people on my website, when you scroll down into the description, go to the description, because I think if you're going to work with someone or if you're going to participate in something that someone is hosting or sponsoring, you should know something about them, and I have five things that people should know about me.

00:25:37.108 --> 00:25:40.359
Okay, go to the website, look at those five things.

00:25:40.359 --> 00:25:46.113
It will drive you to click on that button and schedule that free consult with me.

00:25:46.113 --> 00:25:48.867
You don't even have to email me if you don't want.

00:25:48.867 --> 00:26:01.048
You can just read those five things and say, yep, yeah, I want to talk to her, and click on that button on my website and it will take you directly to schedule a free consult with me.

00:26:01.249 --> 00:26:02.009
Awesome, Awesome.

00:26:02.009 --> 00:26:03.373
And tell us what that website is.

00:26:03.452 --> 00:26:09.279
Jlb the email is JLB at revolutionascensioncom.

00:26:09.279 --> 00:26:15.736
The website is wwwrevolutionascensioncom.

00:26:15.736 --> 00:26:17.380
Revolution Awesome.

00:26:17.760 --> 00:26:19.086
Thank you so much, my dear.

00:26:19.086 --> 00:26:33.269
I really enjoyed this conversation with you and one of my fellow book collaboration and I tell you Lulu came to my book signing for my book and I just really enjoyed you and your husband being there, Thank you, Thank you for your support.

00:26:33.730 --> 00:26:34.290
Thank you.

00:26:34.872 --> 00:26:35.373
Thank you.

00:26:35.373 --> 00:26:41.053
So let's stay tuned for episode 15.

00:26:41.053 --> 00:26:42.704
I was trying to see what episode we are on.

00:26:42.704 --> 00:26:46.229
This is episode 15 for Ready Set Collaborate.

00:26:46.229 --> 00:26:58.108
Well, we would definitely give you some more insight and experience and expertise from other entrepreneurs that can help you Book, collaboration, networking, collaboration, all of those.

00:26:58.108 --> 00:27:02.888
But thank you so thank you again, Jackie, for all of your wisdom that you have shared with us.

00:27:02.888 --> 00:27:05.012
Thank you, Thank you.

00:27:05.440 --> 00:27:10.231
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:27:10.231 --> 00:27:21.097
For more information about the host head to wdpearsonassociatescom, and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:27:21.097 --> 00:27:22.380
Want to connect?

00:27:22.380 --> 00:27:36.632
Send an email to Wanda at wdpearsonassociatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate.