April 10, 2024

Weaving Heritage into Fiction with Roni Robbins: The Art of Storytelling and Networking for the Aspiring Novelist

Weaving Heritage into Fiction with Roni Robbins: The Art of Storytelling and Networking for the Aspiring Novelist

When Roni  Robbins decided to weave her grandfather's life tales into an award-winning novel, she didn't just pen a story; she ignited a conversation about passion, transition, and the resilience of the human spirit. "Hands of Gold" isn't merely her debut novel; it's a testament to the enduring power of heritage and the richness of a career transformed by storytelling. Join me, Wanda Pearson, as we explore Roni’s  captivating journey from the factual world of journalism to the boundless realms of fiction. Together, we unravel the threads of identity, immigration, and overcoming adversity, themes that remain strikingly relevant even two decades after the novel's conception.

Within the layers of Roni’s narrative lies a symbol as versatile as it is poignant—the human hand. It's a motif that bears the weight of history, the touch of kindness, and the scars of prejudice. Our discussion transcends the pages of her book, as we share personal anecdotes about the power of networking and the art of collaboration. Roni’s experience highlights the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and forging connections that open doors to new opportunities, a lesson as valuable for seasoned writers as it is for those just finding their voice. Don't miss this episode, where passion and legacy intertwine, offering a compelling glance into the future of a novelist who's just getting started.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson. Subscribe - Follow and Like Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson


00:00 - Networking for Successful Collaboration

08:18 - Networking, Writing, and Identity Through Generations

21:41 - Ready Set Collaborate Podcast Promotion


00:00:00.620 --> 00:00:15.576
Welcome to Ready Set Collaborate podcast with Rhonda Pearson, where we will dive deep into the world of networking, collaboration and partnership, unlocking the secrets to a successful team working within innovation.

00:00:15.576 --> 00:00:28.495
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional or just someone eager to understand the power of networking and collaboration, this podcast is your go-to resource.

00:00:28.495 --> 00:00:41.929
Join us as we explore the stories, strategies and insights from experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have experienced the magic of networking and collaboration to achieve successful results.

00:00:42.799 --> 00:00:44.085
Tune in to Ready.

00:00:44.328 --> 00:00:51.491
Set Collaborate podcast on a journey towards achieving your goals with host Wanda Pearson.

00:00:52.881 --> 00:00:54.789
Welcome, welcome to Ready Set.

00:00:54.789 --> 00:01:00.124
Collaborate with Wanda Pearson and this series is about the art of book collaboration.

00:01:00.124 --> 00:01:08.335
I am so happy to have my guest, ronnie Robbins, and I tell you I'm going to read her bio because she has a lot of stuff to tell us about.

00:01:08.335 --> 00:01:11.310
But first I'm going to actually talk about my sponsor.

00:01:11.310 --> 00:01:27.561
So sponsor is actually WD Pearson Associates, which actually helps businesses get set up the right way, but also with our services, with Legal Shield, we help you get legally protected, successfully, financially, and we want to make sure that you are actually have your legal information altogether.

00:01:27.561 --> 00:01:33.927
So connect with me, wanda Pearson, with WD Pearson associates, and we can actually have a free consultation.

00:01:33.927 --> 00:01:35.531
Thank you so much.

00:01:36.099 --> 00:01:41.225
But also I want to tell, make sure you subscribe, follow and like this podcast.

00:01:41.225 --> 00:01:48.311
So, ron, ronnie Robbins, I'm so excited to have you on my podcast.

00:01:48.311 --> 00:01:52.751
When my husband told me that you wanted to do this, it was just like, oh my God.

00:01:52.751 --> 00:01:53.694
I said this is great.

00:01:53.694 --> 00:01:57.566
I am so happy to have you on my show to do this.

00:01:57.566 --> 00:02:00.112
I want to tell a little bit about you, robin, but welcome, ronnie.

00:02:01.200 --> 00:02:01.762
Thank you.

00:02:01.762 --> 00:02:10.229
Thank you and, by the way, add that I'm a LegalShield loyal and very happy LegalShield customer, as my family is.

00:02:11.050 --> 00:02:11.693

00:02:11.693 --> 00:02:12.776
Thank you so much.

00:02:12.776 --> 00:02:13.519
I appreciate that.

00:02:13.519 --> 00:02:15.905
I appreciate that support that you have for us.

00:02:15.905 --> 00:02:17.329
We've been doing it for 25 years.

00:02:17.329 --> 00:02:24.542
So this is something that I did when I retired, but this is our business, and now I created my own business and I created my own podcast.

00:02:24.542 --> 00:02:26.385
But thank you, ronnie, I appreciate it.

00:02:26.385 --> 00:02:28.992
Let me tell you a little bit about Ronnie.

00:02:28.992 --> 00:02:31.949
Ronnie is just look, she's a celebrity.

00:02:31.949 --> 00:02:35.082
So Hands of Gold capitalizes on Ronnie Roberts.

00:02:35.484 --> 00:02:53.985
Nearly four decades as a published writer, a staff reporter for daily and weekly newspaper, a freelancer for national, regional and online publications and, more recently, associate editor of Medscape slash, webmd, after serving in the same role as the Atlanta Jewish Times.

00:02:53.985 --> 00:03:03.770
Robert's articles have appeared in the Huffington Post, forbes, the New York Daily News, ad Week, webwd and Helpline.

00:03:03.770 --> 00:03:06.272
She was a staff writer for Florida Today, usa Today, the Birmingham News Adweek, webwd and Helpline.

00:03:06.272 --> 00:03:12.611
She was a staff writer for Florida Today, usa Today, the Birmingham News and Atlanta Business Chronicle, american City Business Journals.

00:03:12.611 --> 00:03:23.025
She also wrote for Mother Nature Network, daily Report, american Lawyer Media, the Forward from the Grapevine and Hadassassah magazines.

00:03:23.025 --> 00:03:31.735
In addition to major CEOs and politicians, she's interviewed such celebrities as Wolf Blitzer, andy Gibb, hank Aaron and Usher.

00:03:31.735 --> 00:03:33.659
I told you we had a celebrity over here, y'all.

00:03:34.320 --> 00:03:45.991
So Hands of Gold won the 2023 International Book Awards for Multicultural Fiction and the 2023 Global Book Awards Global Gold Medal for Biographical Survival.

00:03:45.991 --> 00:04:03.373
The novel was a finalist, earning a five-star rating in the 2023 Reader's Choice Book Awards Best Adult Book, and was a finalist in the 2022 American Fiction Awards Family Saga.

00:04:03.373 --> 00:04:09.765
It was a quarter finalist for the historical fiction in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest.

00:04:09.765 --> 00:04:24.908
In addition to the fiction awards, rob Robbins won three Simon Rockauer awards for Jewish journalism, including an investigative piece about Jewish seniors who feel out of touch in nursing homes.

00:04:24.908 --> 00:04:27.983
Hands of Gold begins and ends in a nursing home.

00:04:27.983 --> 00:04:40.742
Her other news writing awards come from the American Society and Business Publications editors, the State Bar of Georgia, the Alabama Associated Press and the South Carolina Press Conference.

00:04:40.742 --> 00:04:50.507
Hands of Gold was released in February 2022 by Amsterdam Publishers, the largest European producer of Holocaust memoir.

00:04:51.468 --> 00:04:53.834
Robert I'm saying Robert's here.

00:04:53.834 --> 00:04:57.283
Ronnie, thank you so much for being on my podcast.

00:04:57.283 --> 00:04:58.949
I truly appreciate it and this is great.

00:04:58.949 --> 00:05:05.230
I'm so excited to have you here, but also excited to hear a little bit more about your book that you see behind.

00:05:05.230 --> 00:05:11.483
Actually, it's Hands of Gold that's on Amazon and we're going to talk about that at the end, so they can see how we can get the book as well.

00:05:11.483 --> 00:05:13.189
So thank you for joining us.

00:05:13.189 --> 00:05:17.341
So, ronnie, tell me a little bit about your something.

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I want to ask you some questions.

00:05:19.242 --> 00:05:20.946
You said so much about myself.

00:05:20.946 --> 00:05:23.910
I don't know that I have much left to say.

00:05:23.910 --> 00:05:33.273
I guess the biggest thing is that I use my journalism to create this book based on my grandfather's life.

00:05:33.273 --> 00:05:38.963
Now, journalism news writing is nonfiction, but this is fiction.

00:05:38.963 --> 00:05:51.468
But it's loosely based on the facts of my grandfather left cassette tapes of his life and his adventures in Europe and America and I use that to create the novels.

00:05:51.468 --> 00:06:08.245
So that was that may be what you didn't say in all of that that I am a award-winning author and an award-winning journalist and now I'm starting on my second book and just getting ideas for my second books.

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I may move from journalism completely into becoming an author because I spend a lot of time pitching my novel and that's maybe where my success is going to go.

00:06:17.812 --> 00:06:23.492
My future, my career is going to sorry, I hope success, but it's my passion.

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This seems to be my passion at this point in my life.

00:06:27.079 --> 00:06:30.507
That's where you go your passion write your book, be an author.

00:06:30.507 --> 00:06:32.132
So I am so excited.

00:06:32.132 --> 00:06:35.449
I was definitely looking forward to hearing that and you writing that book.

00:06:35.449 --> 00:06:36.819
So keep it, I'm gonna keep on to it.

00:06:36.819 --> 00:06:38.682
Keep in touch with you making sure you're doing it, ronnie.

00:06:38.863 --> 00:06:42.329
So please somebody be on my case about it.

00:06:42.870 --> 00:06:44.252
I will, I'm going to be your.

00:06:44.252 --> 00:06:44.973
What do you call it?

00:06:45.293 --> 00:06:46.694
Butt kicker yes.

00:06:47.100 --> 00:06:48.023
That's a good word for it.

00:06:48.504 --> 00:06:48.805

00:06:49.848 --> 00:06:50.350
I love it.

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I love it, so let me ask you a question here.

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So how important do you think networking is for collaboration and why?

00:06:57.540 --> 00:07:01.379
I wouldn't have gotten my publisher if it wasn't for networking of some sort.

00:07:01.379 --> 00:07:09.581
I am on a bunch of Facebook author groups and writers, readers groups.

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How I got my first publisher was they actually came through family but they wouldn't have known about my desire to find a publisher if I didn't put it out there.

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And really.

00:07:24.317 --> 00:07:33.750
So they found publishers and my cousin found a publisher and passed her publisher onto me and we can get into the story of how that didn't work out.

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But that publisher didn't work out.

00:07:35.639 --> 00:08:00.774
But the second one came from another cousin of my husband's side, also an author, who saw that people were saying that this certain publisher, that their books were published by this certain publisher and that's from an online Facebook readers Jewish readers group and I pitched them and they took the novel to the publishing stage.

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If that group didn't exist, if that kind of networking, if that kind of correspondence of some sort through online means didn't happen these are all of both of the publishers came from internet communication of some sort.

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So I do networking recently because I lost my job in October, downsized, so I do networking for that and I found that it's actually more successful for getting people interested in the book that tell me about you.

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I found through local networking and also to learn about different other opportunities I might pursue for the book in terms of where to sell the book or just getting people to know about the book in a different setting.

00:08:51.813 --> 00:08:56.409
So I do online and it's not as comfortable to do it in person.

00:08:56.409 --> 00:09:00.402
You got to get dressed up, you got to get out of your house, you got to have a message.

00:09:01.403 --> 00:09:02.724
Not so easy, but it's.

00:09:02.724 --> 00:09:11.331
It's how, it's the way of the world you can't do anything if you just sit in your in memory of my dad who passed away last week yeah, you can't.

00:09:11.331 --> 00:09:28.565
You won't meet anyone sitting in your apartment or your home yeah, so you gotta get out there and it may be uncomfortable, but absolutely sell anything by sitting in your house yeah, no, you're right, you're absolutely right, because that's how I actually COVID happened.

00:09:28.664 --> 00:09:32.153
When I was approached and I actually was doing network.

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I was doing networking, virtual networking Thank God for zoom, virtual networking and one of the young ladies who was one of my clients, she called me and she said Wanda, god told me to call you.

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I said, okay, what did he say?

00:09:41.916 --> 00:09:45.572
He said that he wanted me to be part of her book, collaboration.

00:09:45.572 --> 00:09:51.365
And that was actually the book that, the first time I ever started writing, because I thought I could never, I would never write a book, I'm not going to write a book.

00:09:51.365 --> 00:09:55.696
There was a chapter in that book, but it was actually called Audacity to Shine.

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And the same thing happened with me.

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I got another call from another young lady, a well-known speaker in California, and she asked me to be part of her collaboration book.

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That's that impact of one voice.

00:10:05.793 --> 00:10:07.336
So I got into that.

00:10:07.336 --> 00:10:13.385
But I said, okay, next time, just like you, running, I'm doing my own book and I did, and that's God's grace through the fire, from struggle to triumph.

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But I would have never been able to do that if I was not networking and meeting people, as you say, because that makes a difference then.

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So let's get this show on the road here and I'm going to ask you some questions about your Hands of Gold book that's behind you.

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And I'm going to ask you some questions about your Hands of Gold book that's behind you.

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So Hands of Gold examines the impact of immigration.

00:10:36.529 --> 00:10:38.711
Identity, prejudice, anti-semitism, yiddish Is it Yiddish?

00:10:38.730 --> 00:10:39.971
Yeah, I'm not sure Yiddish.

00:10:39.971 --> 00:10:44.774
It's a language of my ancestors, of Jewish people in Europe.

00:10:45.453 --> 00:10:50.956
Remember I was saying it right, that's fine On Jewish families in the 20th century America.

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So let me ask you something.

00:10:52.856 --> 00:10:57.599
Yes, why do you think these issues still attract so much interest today?

00:10:58.359 --> 00:11:06.543
So I couldn't have predicted when I wrote this novel, because I started on this novel when I was raising my children some 20 years ago.

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They are young adults now.

00:11:08.423 --> 00:11:19.293
I couldn't have imagined back then that what I wrote about in the book would still be relevant today.

00:11:19.293 --> 00:11:31.318
I wrote about it of what was going on then, but some of the issues, such as anti-Semitism, for sure, wars we know there's wars going on in Russia between Russia and Ukraine.

00:11:31.318 --> 00:11:52.269
We know there's war going on in Israel and so there was war going on in my grandfather's generation and coincidentally it was also Russia who was fighting and there was lines of the lines were blurred between the countries and they became all Ukraine at some point.

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But they started out.

00:11:53.552 --> 00:12:05.149
My grandfather was Czechoslovakia, then it was Hungary and then Russia and Ukraine that all the borders were changing but Russia was fighting back then and I said that in the book.

00:12:05.149 --> 00:12:07.856
Russia seems to like to fight to cause troubles.

00:12:07.856 --> 00:12:09.447
I couldn't have known that would exist.

00:12:09.950 --> 00:12:19.577
Anti-semitism, the hatred that exists in the world, even beyond, just against Jews, it's your people, it's my people, it's anyone who's different.

00:12:19.577 --> 00:12:22.687
I don't know why.

00:12:22.687 --> 00:12:25.291
I don't understand hatred.

00:12:25.291 --> 00:12:27.995
I really just don't.

00:12:27.995 --> 00:12:29.457
But people hate.

00:12:29.457 --> 00:12:31.360
They hate anyone who's different.

00:12:31.360 --> 00:12:33.730
They hate anyone who seems to be getting power.

00:12:33.730 --> 00:12:36.215
They hate I don't know.

00:12:36.215 --> 00:12:43.735
They seem to think that they're whoever is hating others feel superior in some way.

00:12:43.735 --> 00:12:45.399
I don't have that.

00:12:45.399 --> 00:12:46.059
I'm super.

00:12:46.059 --> 00:12:50.846
I feel like I'm humble and that we're all created equal.

00:12:50.846 --> 00:12:59.149
But maybe that's a religious thing and maybe it takes more religion to then that we would be dealing with what's going on in.

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Texas today.

00:12:59.549 --> 00:13:02.552
History doesn't seem to just be in a vacuum, it, the humanity, comes out.

00:13:02.552 --> 00:13:32.326
The people who are good people you will find them.

00:13:32.326 --> 00:13:34.370
You will find the heroes that emerge.

00:13:34.370 --> 00:13:38.107
You will find the people that risk their lives to save others.

00:13:38.107 --> 00:13:39.875
That also exists.

00:13:39.875 --> 00:13:42.524
I don't want to be all doom and gloom about the world.

00:13:42.664 --> 00:13:50.116
Yeah, yeah, no, I agree, I agree, and actually we all bleed the same blood, we all have red blood, so I agree with that.

00:13:50.116 --> 00:13:51.339
So let me ask you something here.

00:13:51.339 --> 00:13:54.043
So how did you come up with the title Hands of Gold?

00:13:55.847 --> 00:13:58.095
So there's so many meanings behind that.

00:13:58.095 --> 00:14:00.953
Hands are our livelihood.

00:14:00.953 --> 00:14:07.490
If you look at the book and I'm not sure if I hold it up if you'll be able to see it yes, you can.

00:14:07.490 --> 00:14:08.472
Okay, great.

00:14:08.472 --> 00:14:10.913
So you can see there are hands on the cover.

00:14:10.913 --> 00:14:13.754
These are hard working hands.

00:14:13.754 --> 00:14:18.034
These are a person who's got a dirt under their fingernails.

00:14:18.034 --> 00:14:18.897
This is grit.

00:14:18.897 --> 00:14:23.970
This is a person that doesn't have it great but will work to get that.

00:14:23.970 --> 00:14:28.999
If you look real close, you can see the weather on the fingers.

00:14:29.825 --> 00:14:31.772
This is a working man's hands.

00:14:31.772 --> 00:14:32.916
These are chapped.

00:14:32.916 --> 00:14:35.465
Somebody who has to go home and put on lotion.

00:14:35.465 --> 00:14:42.037
This is not an easy life and we have a good, but hands are our livelihood.

00:14:42.037 --> 00:14:46.770
I use my hands to write, to type.

00:14:46.770 --> 00:14:52.784
Hands are also a nurturing, a comforting right, so there's that in the book too.

00:14:52.784 --> 00:14:58.153
My grandmother was nurturing her children, and that requires hands.

00:14:58.534 --> 00:15:00.317
Gold has so many meanings too.

00:15:00.317 --> 00:15:04.770
It's wealth, it's the lack of gold, it's in my book.

00:15:04.770 --> 00:15:07.797
The streets were supposed to be paved with gold.

00:15:07.797 --> 00:15:13.875
Those who came from different countries saw America as the land of opportunity.

00:15:13.875 --> 00:15:17.390
They actually called it the golden Medina, the golden land, or golden paradise.

00:15:17.390 --> 00:15:17.993
That's what they thought.

00:15:17.993 --> 00:15:19.739
Gold is also the golden medina, the golden land, or golden paradise.

00:15:19.739 --> 00:15:20.662
That's what they thought.

00:15:20.662 --> 00:15:23.211
Gold is also the golden years right.

00:15:23.211 --> 00:15:31.033
So my grandparents in the book, or the characters in the book, go through the golden years together, go are through it all together.

00:15:31.033 --> 00:15:33.076
So there's a lot of meaning.

00:15:33.076 --> 00:15:35.589
This right here that I'm wearing is also a hand.

00:15:35.589 --> 00:15:36.150
It's called.

00:15:36.150 --> 00:15:40.311
It's actually a hand of gold that you see, but it's also a hands of god my grandmother gave me, but it's also a hand of God.

00:15:40.686 --> 00:15:50.895
My grandmother gave me something similar to that, and so there's a part in the story that you'll have to read, but the readers are going to have to find out, because it's a hidden meaning.

00:15:50.895 --> 00:15:53.754
They have to find their own meaning for the hands of gold.

00:15:53.754 --> 00:15:55.972
It's a little misleading the book cover.

00:15:55.972 --> 00:16:06.767
Just I'll tell you that Because, as somebody who studied English literature, you need to have a little bit of mystery, can't just give it all away with the book cover.

00:16:07.207 --> 00:16:09.335
No, you're right, You're right, yeah.

00:16:09.335 --> 00:16:14.706
So how difficult was it to move from nonfiction, as a journalist, to fiction, as an author?

00:16:15.427 --> 00:16:17.749
Like you, I never intended to be an author.

00:16:17.749 --> 00:16:19.690
It fell into my lap.

00:16:19.690 --> 00:16:43.208
It started out with me writing a column about my mom giving me these cassette tapes and me running around town listening to them and then transcribing himself behind as a legacy to his progeny, and how people should record their family histories before it's too late, or even afterwards.

00:16:43.208 --> 00:16:43.610
Have the.

00:16:43.610 --> 00:16:48.827
So you'll have that, because I feel like that enriches your life to know where you came from.

00:16:48.827 --> 00:17:00.216
So that was the first step and and then I put it aside and continued to be a journalist and then I said what I more to say.

00:17:00.216 --> 00:17:01.999
Maybe I knew it at the time.

00:17:01.999 --> 00:17:02.866
It's hard to remember.

00:17:02.866 --> 00:17:05.313
Maybe I knew it at the time that it was going to.

00:17:05.313 --> 00:17:12.634
There was so much more to say than what was in, just an overview of what I found from the tape.

00:17:12.634 --> 00:17:18.853
So I transcribed the tapes and and it took a long time to just massage it and move it all around.

00:17:18.853 --> 00:17:21.377
And again, I was nonfiction.

00:17:21.377 --> 00:17:26.375
I was a journalist, but I had the cassette tapes as the interview.

00:17:27.046 --> 00:17:31.045
And when I talk about genealogy, I talk about how important it is to start with the interview.

00:17:31.045 --> 00:17:32.893
You interview your family.

00:17:32.893 --> 00:17:36.910
You hopefully get them recorded Not on cassette tapes.

00:17:36.910 --> 00:17:42.106
Nowadays you can just use your phone or another recording device, video.

00:17:42.106 --> 00:17:52.131
And then I the hardest part is making up the dialogue, and with my second book I'm going to have the same trouble and you have to get in.

00:17:52.131 --> 00:17:52.932
You have.

00:17:52.932 --> 00:18:03.712
For me it may require just putting down all the facts first and then going, going back I did for the first book and figuring out what they might have said to each other, um, at that time.

00:18:03.712 --> 00:18:05.757
But that was that's my biggest.

00:18:05.757 --> 00:18:10.895
That was my biggest struggle with the whole thing was yeah what would they have said what did?

00:18:11.176 --> 00:18:12.605
what was their voice like?

00:18:12.605 --> 00:18:13.846
How did they speak?

00:18:13.846 --> 00:18:17.309
And my relatives have told me that I captured that.

00:18:17.309 --> 00:18:19.751
I have no idea how I did that.

00:18:19.751 --> 00:18:22.054
I had to channel being a man.

00:18:22.535 --> 00:18:26.919
Yeah, you know what's good that you had the cassette tapes to help you.

00:18:26.919 --> 00:18:37.613
I wish I had that with my family, because a lot of things that's happening in our families we don't know what happened unless they tell us, and a lot of our families keep it as a secret, so we don't know what's going on.

00:18:37.613 --> 00:18:43.512
I found out a lot when I did my book God's Grace through the Fire, from Struggle to Triumph that I've met.

00:18:43.512 --> 00:18:47.509
I pushed memories, bad memories, down, so I had to bring it back up.

00:18:47.509 --> 00:18:48.490
So it actually was good.

00:18:48.852 --> 00:18:55.339
So, listen, we're winding down here and I know, right, I told you it was going to be quick.

00:18:55.339 --> 00:19:04.526
I love what you're saying because now you can share this as your legacy to your children, to your grandchildren.

00:19:04.526 --> 00:19:05.528
This is something that actually you can say.

00:19:05.528 --> 00:19:14.684
This is what happened to our ancestors, our parents, and said I'm so sorry about your father, but he's definitely up in heaven and he's looking down on you and so proud of you, ronnie, that you're doing what you're doing.

00:19:14.684 --> 00:19:20.077
So listen, tell us a little bit about how we can get your book and tell us how they can get in touch with you.

00:19:20.905 --> 00:19:24.455
It is on Amazon and all other places.

00:19:24.455 --> 00:19:29.337
You might be able to see some of that behind me, barnes, noble Books, a Million.

00:19:29.337 --> 00:19:32.874
I may have to any other place where books are sold.

00:19:32.874 --> 00:19:33.855
Let's just say that.

00:19:34.385 --> 00:19:36.392
I think it's in Target and Walmart.

00:19:36.392 --> 00:19:37.875
It's in my local Barnes Noble.

00:19:37.875 --> 00:19:40.769
Maybe it'll be in some other Barnes and Noble starting soon.

00:19:40.769 --> 00:19:45.498
So it's in my library, maybe it'll be in other libraries.

00:19:45.498 --> 00:19:48.488
So that and RonnieRobbinscom.

00:19:48.488 --> 00:19:53.846
You got to spell my name right, though, but it's R-O-N-I dot, r-o-b-i-n-s at yahoocom.

00:19:53.846 --> 00:19:58.614
I've got four Facebooks a page from author page.

00:19:58.614 --> 00:20:02.339
They all should be either Ronnie Robbins or Ronnie K Robbins.

00:20:02.339 --> 00:20:08.855
K-a-y-n-e was my maiden name, so I can keep in touch with people who knew me before I became Ronnie Robbins.

00:20:08.855 --> 00:20:13.212
And I've got Instagram that one may be Hands of Gold Novel.

00:20:13.212 --> 00:20:17.365
I've got Twitter If anyone even uses Twitter anymore.

00:20:17.726 --> 00:20:18.650
No, it's called X.

00:20:18.650 --> 00:20:19.613
It's called X.

00:20:22.265 --> 00:20:23.308
Excuse me and I just want to.

00:20:23.308 --> 00:20:30.729
And, if anyone wants, if anyone reads the book, I hope that they will review it online and let me know what they think.

00:20:30.729 --> 00:20:33.335
And it has a lot to it.

00:20:33.335 --> 00:20:34.136
There's a lot.

00:20:34.136 --> 00:20:38.593
There's secrets, like you say, there's secrets that are not revealed.

00:20:38.593 --> 00:20:45.656
There's adventure, there's near-death experiences, there's hero emerging from a shooting.

00:20:45.656 --> 00:20:47.711
There's a lot of dimensions.

00:20:47.711 --> 00:20:53.633
It's family history, it's family saga, it's triumph over adversity.

00:20:53.633 --> 00:20:59.373
So there's a lot involved in this book and I hope to hear from the readers.

00:20:59.373 --> 00:21:00.851
Let me know what you think.

00:21:01.045 --> 00:21:02.869
Let other people know what you think.

00:21:02.869 --> 00:21:03.751

00:21:03.751 --> 00:21:08.049
So I would say go on Google and just Google her name, and you're going to see all of this that comes up.

00:21:08.711 --> 00:21:10.557
Or Hands of Gold, or Hands of Gold.

00:21:10.557 --> 00:21:14.354
If you Google me, you might find all my articles that I've written.

00:21:14.733 --> 00:21:18.849
Yeah, even that, even that, yeah, so this is great.

00:21:18.849 --> 00:21:23.378
I really enjoyed it and you gave me some education on this and I'm definitely going to get your book as well.

00:21:23.378 --> 00:21:26.332
But I appreciate you being on my podcast.

00:21:26.332 --> 00:21:28.457
It's been a pleasure.

00:21:28.457 --> 00:21:30.048
What's going on with you?

00:21:30.048 --> 00:21:30.309

00:21:30.309 --> 00:21:36.308
Everything that's going on back then is now is rewrapping itself, so it is really great that.

00:21:36.308 --> 00:21:38.673
I'm happy that you had those cassettes, ronnie.

00:21:38.673 --> 00:21:40.838
That actually can tell you more of the history.

00:21:40.838 --> 00:21:51.217
But thank you so much for being on my Ready Set Collaborate show podcast, but please make sure you subscribe, follow and share.

00:21:51.217 --> 00:22:00.196
This is how we can get to get our podcasts out there more, and we are actually on all podcast platforms Spotify, podbean, apple or even on Audible.

00:22:00.196 --> 00:22:05.654
I didn't realize he was on Audible, so you can actually catch all of our episodes on those platforms.

00:22:05.654 --> 00:22:10.112
So, ronnie, once again, thank you so much for being on the podcast.

00:22:10.112 --> 00:22:15.767
I truly appreciate you and I have learned a lot from you, so thank you.

00:22:15.767 --> 00:22:19.749
So stay tuned for the next episode of Ready Set Collaborate with Wanda Pearson.

00:22:19.749 --> 00:22:20.729
Thanks again.

00:22:21.269 --> 00:22:26.092
Thank you for tuning into this episode of Ready Set Collaborate.

00:22:26.092 --> 00:22:35.037
For more information about the host head to WDPearsonAssociatescom and that's P-E-A-R-S-O-N.

00:22:35.037 --> 00:22:55.757
Rs O N Want to connect, send an email to Wanda at WD Pearson associatescom and, as always, stay tuned for the next episode of ready set collaborate.