April 18, 2023
EPISODE 212 - Season 4 - PRACTION

DAILY FOCUS: PRACTION- It’s an old joke. A fellow goes to New York to attend a concert, but gets lost. He spots another fellow who’s carrying a violin case. “Sir, can you tell me how to get to Carnegie Hall?” The musician smiles and says,...
DAILY FOCUS: PRACTION- It’s an old joke. A fellow goes to New York to attend a concert, but gets lost. He spots another fellow who’s carrying a violin case. “Sir, can you tell me how to get to Carnegie Hall?” The musician smiles and says, “Practice, practice, practice.” Where Action meets Consistent Practice.
- Wake Up at 5am est
- Read for 15 min
- Journal for 15 min
- Shower, get dressed and check in live at 8:00am est here for Rise Up Focus
Awakening each day is no longer a luxury. It’s critical.
* Karmaminds Podcast: Get into the float state with Karmaminds meditation and gear. https://podcasts.apple.com/.../karmaminds.../id1548914205
* Arkana Spiritual Center: Number one rated Healing Center rated by AyaAdvisors https://www.arkanainternational.com #arkanaspiritualcenter #ayahuasca