Aug. 2, 2024

Ep 161 | Are we educating and providing real value to others or do we just want more leads?

Ep 161 | Are we educating and providing real value to others or do we just want more leads?

A participant openly expressed frustration about not receiving leads from the group, which seemed humorous at first. However, humor often masks a bit of truth, and it got me thinking about the perception of neediness in professional settings. Instead of focusing on what we're not receiving, how about flipping the script to provide value?

🌟 Here's a tip for all professionals, regardless of your field:

Become a subject matter expert by answering common questions in your industry. Use resources like Google to discover what people are most curious about in your field.
Share that knowledge regularly. 

This approach not only enriches your network but also enhances your reputation, making you the go-to person in your field. 

Remember, it's about serving first; the sales will naturally follow. Let's keep sharing knowledge and smiling along the way—positive energy is contagious! 

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