Aug. 30, 2024

Ep 168 | Conquering Fear in Sales and Life

Ep 168 | Conquering Fear in Sales and Life

Let’s explore how fear often holds us back and what we can do about it:

🔍 Fear vs. Reality: Inspired by a dialogue between Mike Tyson and philosopher Sadhguru, it’s clear that fear is often not based in reality but is a product of our imagination.

📈 Opportunity in Sales: Instead of fearing rejection in sales, focus on the potential positive outcomes of each interaction. What if we viewed every encounter as an opportunity rather than a setback?

🧠 Rethinking Fear: Question the legitimacy of your fears—are they really likely, or just worst-case scenarios? Recognizing the irrationality of most fears can liberate us.

🚀 Moving Forward: Confront and question your fears to diminish their power, allowing you to reach your fullest potential. Shed these unfounded fears and embrace confidence and optimism.

Let’s kick fear out and pursue each day with renewed energy and assurance. Fear is just a hurdle, one that we can overcome with the right mindset.

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