In this conversation, Know Your Clients Well and Serve, Jeff and I discuss the importance of knowing your clients today, not just when we sold to them. Showing up for meetings, being well prepared for our client conversations, being a good listener, providing value, and the importance of The Napkin! (Jeff and I had a previous conversation at the local pub and found a need to do some writing for goal setting. That napkin is kept in a safe place many months later!)
How many times do we take some of our clients for granted? It isn’t intentional. We get busy. They get busy. Before we know it they may have been a client for years and could be in some kind of contract that doesn’t meet their needs any longer. There is a risk in this. The client might have a new vendor calling on them or they may shop us because they start to question the value of the expense they are paying.
What can we do to prevent this? Schedule a meeting. Get on the calendar. Things change. Companies pivot and must adapt to the changes in the economy. Do we truly know what they are facing today compared to the months or years since our last real conversation with them?
How prepared are we for these conversations? Do we read up on their industry challenges? How can we bring value? If we can’t help with something, can we offer a referral of someone that may be able to help? Bringing value is not just selling. It can mean showing genuine interest in the person across from us and thinking about how we can serve them.
Bottom line, we always should be looking to serve our clients and keeping them top of mind so we are not caught by surprises. Instead of having to scramble because of change, we can help the client with transitioning.
Jeff Robles CTO, Client Advisory Services at Synoptek can be found on Linkedin