July 2, 2024

Mastering Authentic Storytelling: Boost Your Brand with Sincerity with Dominick Domasky

Mastering Authentic Storytelling: Boost Your Brand with Sincerity with Dominick Domasky

In today's oversaturated market, standing out is not just a choice, but a necessity. Authentic storytelling is the key to capturing your audience's hearts and minds. But how do you communicate your brand's unique story with balance and sincerity?

Dominick Domasky, a seasoned storyteller and founder of Motivation Champs, will guide you through this process. With a passion for sharing inspiration and positivity, Dominick understands the art of blending genuine narratives with strategic branding.

What You'll Learn:

📌 Identify Unique Brand Elements: Discover the values, experiences, and purpose that set your brand apart.
📌 Craft Compelling Narratives: Learn how to weave your brand's message into stories that resonate deeply with your audience.
📌 Walk the Authenticity Tightrope: Master the art of being genuine without overstepping boundaries or oversharing.
📌 Boost Engagement and Loyalty: Create stronger connections with your customers, fostering trust and long-lasting relationships.

Don't miss this!

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00:00:00.020 --> 00:00:05.400
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, and yes, there is cool music, but it's playing elsewhere.

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So, great to see you guys.

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We are going to talk about mastering authentic storytelling today with the one and only Dominic Damasky, founder of Motivation Champs, an amazing publisher, everything positive.

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The guy's got TV shows about bikes and hikes.

00:00:23.725 --> 00:00:25.004
Absolutely incredible.

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Love the energy.

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Dominic, we're going to talk about boosting your brand with sincerity.

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And we're going to talk a little bit about that around authenticity.

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So welcome to the LinkedIn live, Facebook live and all the other lives we're doing here today.

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What is the good word?

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Hey, thank you, Harry Spate.

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Anytime I get to spend time with Harry Spate, I am honored, so I'm just soaking it all in and I can't wait to talk storytelling and authenticity with the guy who is the real deal.

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So let's do it, Harry.

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All right, so tell us a little bit about what it is.

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It's just like a little background of who you are and who you serve and kind of get people.

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Um, thinking about what you do and maybe, uh, see if there's some opportunity there to follow you and learn more from you.

00:01:14.655 --> 00:01:15.545
Oh, very cool.

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I get to pitch right off the bat.

00:01:17.254 --> 00:01:17.745
Thanks Harry.

00:01:17.745 --> 00:01:19.814
Yeah A

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short pitch.

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Yeah, I'm kidding the curve.

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Uh, so I have a company called motivation champs And 24 7 365 days a year We try to share inspiration, positivity, and smiles and help other people do the same.

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I have this, uh, I have this goal.

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I want to live in a world where 20 years from now, people thank each other.

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People look each other in the eye.

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They hold doors for each other and they say, Hey, remember back.

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20 years ago when negativity used to get the ratings, now positivity does now kindness does.

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So I try to help people share their stories.

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We publish books.

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We take people from piece of paper to publish author.

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But we, I have such a belief that not all stories are best told via Although I love the book, right?

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But like Harry's great on this live stream, you know, on his podcast.

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So he should be doing those things too.

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So I just want to put out positive content everywhere.

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I can't hear it.

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So that's me in a nutshell.

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Well, I want you to know, Mr.

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Positivity, I was referred to recently this past very week, someone called me.

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The most positive guy on LinkedIn, something like that.

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And I'm like, you don't know Dominic Damasky.

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Maybe she does.

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And maybe I just passed, I just passed Dominic Damasky as the most.

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Positive person on LinkedIn.

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and if you did, if you did, I would be proud because my belief is I can't do it all alone.

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I never intended to set out in like, I, I, I try to live it and, you know, share the content.

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And, but I see people like you doing great things and I want to lift them up.

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To get to this goal of, uh, no negativity and people holding doors for each other and saying, Hey, remember there when, when there was a 24 hour news cycle where everybody tried to poke each other's buttons, uh, well, to, then we got a lot of work to do.

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So I can't get done.

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And this is post debate last night.

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So the world is completely divided.

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And here we are going to talk about peace and love and kindness.

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I am in for this conversation.

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So let's get right down to it.

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We're going to talk about this word authenticity.

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I, I never really knew what authenticity was until recently.

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I mean, it's not a word I ever used in sales.

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It was, I mean, maybe being genuine, maybe being sincere, but over the last several years, I don't know when the authentic word really jumped out if it was in the last 20 years or last 10 or five.

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But this, this is a word that a lot of people are, are using and saying, I want to be my authentic self.

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Well, that can be good, right?

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If we're completely inauthentic, that could be good is that we want to work at being better.

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But if we're too authentic, then that could also push people away, right?

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Is that what you're, was that where we start or what's your thought?

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One, I love authenticity.

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Authenticity as far as I am who I am.

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I'm trying to be the best Dominic Domaschad can be.

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Harry's trying the best, best Harry can be.

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But, There's a time and place for everything.

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So you got to know the room, know the audience, know what people are talking about.

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Let's say vulgarity is your thing and you're as vulgar as can be.

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Well, there's a place for that.

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It's not everywhere.

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It's not church.

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It's not the live stream or that's going on LinkedIn in the middle of the day.

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So there's, it's not, so there's an understanding.

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And some people would say, well, I'm going to be myself.

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But I saw David Goggins do it.

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David Goggins, he's all in on what he does.

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He's got a very unique circumstance and a very unique portion of the population that love him.

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For instance, let's say, uh, Rush Limbaugh back in the day.

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Rush, Rush did what he did and he had a portion of the population that loved him.

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Somebody, but you need to know if you're going to go down, Any path, like let's say you wanted to lead with vulgarity, there's going to be a portion of the population that don't wanna hear it.

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If you wanna talk politics, there's, I never talk politics.

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I don't know anything about'em.

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I, you know, so it's not, it's not for me.

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I don't know it, but some people they, that's what they're into.

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But they have to know that if this is what you talk about, well, there's a portion of the population.

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Don't want to hear it.

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So for me, it's about authenticity, but understanding who you're talking to and reading the room.

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I love it.

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Give me an example.

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When you use the word authentic of someone who is.

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Authentic in a good way.

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Okay, so let's say we're looking for some, I, let's say Gary v.

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Gary Van, the truck.

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This is a guy who, well, one, he, maybe he swears too much.

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But it seems that he is authentic on brand, on mission with what he talk, I'm gonna.

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Do this, this, this, this on brand on mission.

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I get it.

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I get it.

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You understand what he is putting out.

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Let's say it's a Joel Osteen.

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Joel Osteen.

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He does.

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Well, he does faith.

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He does religion.

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He never is off of this message of God or Joyce Meyer, whoever those people are there.

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They're there.

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They lead with faith and they're When you see them, that's what they're putting out to the world.

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So I would say, no, I don't know in private life and I don't need to know in private life.

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I'm saying for what they've shown me over the last, cause somebody's going to rebut here that, oh, they live in a million dollar house or this, for what I've seen in there, the message they put out is on like Like the rock, let's say the rock is a perfect example, whether he's selling tequila, whether he's acting, whether he's in the WWE, whether he's launching a football brand, this is a, for you and sells, they like you, they trust you.

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They buy from you the rock.

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I know what I'm getting.

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Every time I'm getting positive upbeat, I'm getting his muscles.

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He seems like a good guy.

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Then I see him buying a truck for somebody.

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He sees that it seems nice in every action, you know, but he's still tough.

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Still got his muscles still who he is.

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He's not hiding that, but I would say that this is a person who is.

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Sincere and I, I, I, I got one more for you since this is, since this is the Harry Spade show, Harry Spade is completely authentic.

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So yeah, no matter what Harry's always has a touch of humor.

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He can't turn it off.

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He's never going to turn it off.

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Yeah, he can turn it off.

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He can turn it off a little bit, but so you don't hide that.

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You let people know in your videos.

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That whether it's the hat, whether it's how you come on screen and get closer to the camera, there is, but, but this is who he is in every interaction.

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I, I'm not fooled.

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This is the guy I see.

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So I'm, I, I'm comfortable.

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Now that doesn't mean, like, if I, this is me who I am.

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There are going to be people that say, why is that guy smile so much?

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Why does he talk like he does?

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Why hasn't he let Harry talk for 10 minutes?

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I don't like him.

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So I get it.

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But this is, this is who I am.

00:09:01.215 --> 00:09:01.715
You're funny.

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Thank you for setting me up.

00:09:03.414 --> 00:09:17.789
So, so first of all, when I think about So, like, getting our authentic self, our genuine self out there on video, I think is a huge challenge for many.

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Because they want, and I, you may find this hard to believe folks, but I, Harry Spade, the multimedia genius that I am, used to be horrified that I would make a mistake on my videos and I would do 20 or 30 or 40 or more videos a year.

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of 15 to 30 second videos and just go do over do over and I can show you my screen of all these stupid videos that were not perfect and guess what?

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Who cares?

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I was looking for perfection.

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Was I being authentic?

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What do you think?

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So I'm in that world with you.

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So check, check, check exactly for anybody out there making videos.

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I've done what Harry does and we still do, right?

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We still mess up and we still make them over and we, you know, okay.

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I didn't realize that behind me was a exit sign when I made that video or something weird.

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So you, or car horns are honking and weird things happen.

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So you can do them over, but I'll tell you.

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So you mentioned the show bikes and exit one day I was, I'm out.

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Like I did like Harry, I always redo, redo, stop, stop, stop.

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So one day my, my partner, Dave used to be in an improv group, uh, that I do the biking and hiking with.

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So he was in a traveling improv group.

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And then another guest we had on, she had traveled across, um, She was with a national Broadway tour whenever you when you tour across country, but I don't know what that's called.

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Anyway, so we're doing Yeah, okay.

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Yeah, I guess that's how it is.

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So we're doing it Off Broadway.

00:11:02.549 --> 00:11:31.450
Okay, so we are doing an opening and I'm with the two of them much more experienced and Something went wrong Let's say but barely went wrong and I stopped I froze and then I saw the two pros They just kept going and I learned that day they played it and they it was they were great And I saw one I wasn't good enough and two here's two people that have been trained been schooled They just went with it.

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And so the harry's point just go with it I I have a go with it warts and all to you know, as long as long as it's not Bad sound, bad quality, bad quality and things like that stink.

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So I, one time I went to Times Square, I thought I was going to make the best video.

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I'm like, this is going to be so cool.

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I'm going to go to the, I consider the center of the universe.

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I'm going to go to the Times Square and make the best video.

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So I'm there.

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I took my cameras up in Times Square.

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I'm doing my thing that I, you know, really I'm into it when I play it back.

00:12:00.985 --> 00:12:01.115

00:12:01.480 --> 00:12:06.190
Be buses, people talking, nothing I said was audio at all audible at all.

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So it was terrible video, but so sometimes you just can't use it.

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go on, Harry.

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All right.

00:12:14.870 --> 00:12:16.570
So what am I doing?

00:12:16.570 --> 00:12:18.000
I got a little feedback here.

00:12:18.090 --> 00:12:19.879
I think I'm good.

00:12:20.049 --> 00:12:20.360
All right.

00:12:20.360 --> 00:12:21.014

00:12:21.644 --> 00:12:27.044
This idea of like, so me starting out and doing the videos, looking for perfection, that wasn't me.

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I had to learn to be me on video.

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I remember a person saying to me, a young lady, uh, she said, you're not that guy, right?

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I know you better.

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And you're not that guy that's coming out on video.

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She says, you need to relax and be yourself.

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It's like all these people throughout my life say these brilliant things.

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It's like, oh, okay.

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So she says, just relax and have fun.

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And you know, now I'm that guy now I'm me right before I was trying to be someone else.

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I was trying to be smarter.

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I was trying to be perfect.

00:13:01.049 --> 00:13:02.360
It just wasn't who I was.

00:13:02.419 --> 00:13:04.500
That does not connect with people.

00:13:05.240 --> 00:13:13.789
But to your point, the idea of looking for perfection and settling for what's less than perfection does not mean.

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Let's talk about, let's talk about

00:13:17.340 --> 00:13:17.840
that, Harry.

00:13:17.840 --> 00:13:18.720
Let's dig into that if

00:13:18.759 --> 00:13:19.139
we can.

00:13:19.600 --> 00:13:26.320
I think you have to do the best with what you have at that given point in time in your life.

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And so let's say I start with the camera.

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I love, I love the phone, turning that phone around and doing 30 second video.

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Right now, at this point in my life, I got a third, I have this thousand, you know, Apple iPhone or whatever phones, a thousand other cameras.

00:13:42.629 --> 00:13:43.850
Use that to start.

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And then as you build, you can add a light.

00:13:47.639 --> 00:13:50.480
You can add a new headset.

00:13:50.480 --> 00:13:52.029
Look, I got the headset like this.

00:13:52.059 --> 00:13:53.190
I haven't added a microphone.

00:13:53.190 --> 00:13:54.090
Harry's got a fancy mic.

00:13:54.649 --> 00:13:55.600
I don't have a fancy mic.

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So you, you can add, you can build, be the best you can at that point with what you have.

00:14:03.039 --> 00:14:04.340
And that's authenticity.

00:14:04.870 --> 00:14:05.730
So sure.

00:14:06.159 --> 00:14:07.720
Somebody else has a whole production team.

00:14:07.730 --> 00:14:08.220
I don't.

00:14:09.815 --> 00:14:18.075
So Bill, do the best 30 seconds you can, the best minute you can, write the best book you can, chapter, sentence, post, that's all you can do.

00:14:18.575 --> 00:14:19.684
You can't worry about that other stuff.

00:14:20.455 --> 00:14:27.644
Yeah, and then, so, where that is in this whole thing is the balancing factor.

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Eventually, you can do better, and then we could be lazy and just say, well I don't care, I'm just, I'm gonna do it.

00:14:36.105 --> 00:14:38.085
Crappy mood today or whatever.

00:14:38.235 --> 00:14:41.235
I'm just gonna put something out and let everyone know who I am.

00:14:42.485 --> 00:14:48.875
To me, I mean, that's fine if that's the way you, you want your brand, but that could also push people away.

00:14:49.284 --> 00:14:49.434

00:14:49.465 --> 00:15:01.384
If they're coming to you for inspiration and motivation and positivity, and you come on video and you say, well, today is just a crappy day, folks, and I'm just gonna tell you all the bad things that are going on in my life right now.

00:15:02.585 --> 00:15:07.365
You know, that's authentic, but is that really what you want to be doing?

00:15:07.365 --> 00:15:10.085
And I think that's the question that we have to ask ourselves.

00:15:10.424 --> 00:15:16.125
Am I sharing too much where people are just going to say, Yeah, now I'm uncomfortable.

00:15:16.774 --> 00:15:19.034
I'm uncomfortable with what is being shared.

00:15:19.085 --> 00:15:29.075
And what helps me balance this out, folks, is not everybody is ready for your authenticity.

00:15:30.735 --> 00:15:33.534
So not everyone can handle it.

00:15:33.985 --> 00:15:40.445
And what, what will happen is like, if you're trying to gain clients, I mean, we're talking about business generally here.

00:15:40.794 --> 00:15:43.384
If you're trying to gain clients, you could say, well, I don't care.

00:15:43.809 --> 00:15:44.360
I don't care.

00:15:44.360 --> 00:15:53.379
I'm only going to attract the people that are, you know, that like me for who I am and what I do and what I say and so forth, they may not be ready for you today.

00:15:54.159 --> 00:16:01.379
And so you push them away by being completely yourself without any boundaries.

00:16:01.750 --> 00:16:07.950
You can push them away and then you lose them for a longer time, but you lose them forever because they're going to go to a different place.

00:16:08.570 --> 00:16:11.659
So you can be authentic.

00:16:11.710 --> 00:16:14.639
You can, but you can take, what is the word?

00:16:16.110 --> 00:16:24.909
Temperate, temperate, temperate, and with a concern for other people, right?

00:16:24.940 --> 00:16:29.000
Versus this is all about me and I don't care.

00:16:29.009 --> 00:16:33.789
This is about me, all, all the best to you, but I just don't think that's always great for it.

00:16:33.789 --> 00:16:35.590
It works for some, it may not work for everyone.

00:16:36.360 --> 00:16:37.879
Thoughts on that long winded thing.

00:16:38.365 --> 00:16:39.095
That's interesting.

00:16:39.105 --> 00:16:41.304
Uh, I say, what is the mission?

00:16:41.304 --> 00:16:42.264
What is your brand?

00:16:42.264 --> 00:16:43.144
What is the passion?

00:16:43.754 --> 00:16:44.164

00:16:44.174 --> 00:16:46.845
So now we know my mission is this.

00:16:47.504 --> 00:16:49.014
My passion is this.

00:16:50.004 --> 00:16:51.085
My business is this.

00:16:51.115 --> 00:16:56.375
That's what you have to deliver on to then talk about relationships.

00:16:56.375 --> 00:16:58.674
Well, I go to Harry for selling with dignity.

00:16:59.205 --> 00:17:03.654
I, this is why his, this is what I expect to hear from him.

00:17:04.275 --> 00:17:07.634
So all of a sudden, when you come, well, it was a bad day.

00:17:08.335 --> 00:17:12.924
It was a bad day because I, I, It was a bad day because I smoked too much.

00:17:13.025 --> 00:17:17.684
It was a bad, bad day with, that's not what I expected to find on selling my dignity.

00:17:17.714 --> 00:17:20.345
So I'm, I only have so much time.

00:17:20.394 --> 00:17:23.325
We have a, uh, what's a finite amount of time.

00:17:23.384 --> 00:17:24.565
Is it finite or infinite?

00:17:24.724 --> 00:17:25.494
It's finite, right?

00:17:27.045 --> 00:17:27.434

00:17:27.484 --> 00:17:29.115
We only have a finite amount of time.

00:17:29.525 --> 00:17:37.204
So when I look to my content, when I look to the books, when I look for people messaging, I have a thousand choices that day.

00:17:38.180 --> 00:17:46.539
You have built, we started to build a rapport, we started to build a trust, and then all this, I really think this can break trust.

00:17:46.859 --> 00:18:04.910
So I expected to get Selling with Dignity, I expected to learn about the NFL, I expected to learn this, and then all of a sudden, now you're going down, like, I've been In the motivation world, I'll see a lot of times that people all of a sudden get in fights with other people or spouses.

00:18:05.079 --> 00:18:08.819
And then you see that on their, the content they're putting out.

00:18:09.150 --> 00:18:12.859
And I'm like, wait a minute, I come to you because I'm having a bad day.

00:18:13.519 --> 00:18:16.359
And now all of a sudden you're jumping.

00:18:16.440 --> 00:18:21.119
You have, I think you have to show up, show up on brand on message.

00:18:21.750 --> 00:18:23.750
Now, if you could take one of those messages.

00:18:23.809 --> 00:18:27.140
So if you could take that message.

00:18:27.214 --> 00:18:34.105
I'm going to encurve it and say, well, here's how I carry his relationship with Harry.

00:18:34.134 --> 00:18:42.164
Well, I'm going through this, how I use this, how you can use this relationship to grow another way.

00:18:42.164 --> 00:18:42.464

00:18:42.464 --> 00:18:51.704
I think anybody should be using personal stories to, uh, elevate their game, elevate their craft, elevate their message.

00:18:51.940 --> 00:18:53.299

00:18:54.279 --> 00:19:00.960
so let's talk about these personal stories right now, so before I get into that, that's where I want to go,

00:19:01.170 --> 00:19:01.470

00:19:01.710 --> 00:19:09.900
but I also want to just touch on something that you said is like this, this takes some mental preparation.

00:19:10.125 --> 00:19:15.464
Is when you're putting yourself out and you say, what is my brand, right?

00:19:15.484 --> 00:19:18.984
It's not just, I'm putting out video for the sake of video.

00:19:18.984 --> 00:19:20.144
So people get to know me.

00:19:20.194 --> 00:19:23.105
If you're all over the place, they don't really get to know anything.

00:19:23.115 --> 00:19:25.255
They're just like, well, this person's all over the place.

00:19:25.829 --> 00:19:38.029
But if you say, all right, um, you know, I'm gonna be about positivity, motivation, inspiration, promoting authors looking for the good in life, you, you, that's down somewhere.

00:19:38.029 --> 00:19:42.910
It may not be down written, but it is inscribed in your mind, right?

00:19:42.940 --> 00:19:46.509
There's no question as to what is on brand and offbrand with you.

00:19:46.599 --> 00:19:46.779

00:19:47.109 --> 00:19:49.599
And so it, it, it's a roadmap.

00:19:49.750 --> 00:19:50.890
It's a roadmap, Harry.

00:19:50.890 --> 00:19:54.390
Once you know that, then you can easily weed out.

00:19:55.059 --> 00:20:02.130
The things that aren't on brand on message, sometimes it gets gray and we all mess up, but go on once in a while.

00:20:02.240 --> 00:20:02.440

00:20:03.799 --> 00:20:04.960
Yeah, a hundred percent.

00:20:04.960 --> 00:20:10.190
So like, so like, do you want to be known as a person that is political?

00:20:10.609 --> 00:20:11.069

00:20:11.099 --> 00:20:16.380
Maybe that's, that's part of your thing, but that's, you got to make these choices.

00:20:16.710 --> 00:20:24.509
But if you're just randomly going to do something, it's going to throw off your audience, like you, you would not believe, right.

00:20:24.559 --> 00:20:26.730
I get thrown off of following somebody.

00:20:27.184 --> 00:20:30.365
Then I see something that is controversial.

00:20:30.365 --> 00:20:33.355
I'm like, where the heck is that coming from?

00:20:33.785 --> 00:20:35.434
And now I lose respect.

00:20:35.444 --> 00:20:36.234
Now the person can say.

00:20:37.055 --> 00:20:38.704
Well, I'm just being my authentic self.

00:20:39.085 --> 00:20:39.505

00:20:39.505 --> 00:20:41.615
But you're not on brand, right?

00:20:41.634 --> 00:20:47.045
Your brand is saying one thing and now your, your authentic self is saying something different.

00:20:47.045 --> 00:20:51.125
So who are you really is what it comes down to.

00:20:51.484 --> 00:20:53.755
And that I think is the key is when you're going to.

00:20:54.194 --> 00:21:00.684
use storytelling and show who you are, then you've got to have some consistency there.

00:21:01.204 --> 00:21:01.505

00:21:02.005 --> 00:21:03.035
Yeah, let's go into this.

00:21:03.045 --> 00:21:11.744
So in this personal storytelling, what we have to remember, and Harry mentioned it already, is it's always about them.

00:21:12.174 --> 00:21:26.894
I can tell you a personal story, but the story is really so you can understand your own relationship so you can realize that You can overcome something like a lot of people go on stages and they tell of the hardships that they've been through.

00:21:27.375 --> 00:21:31.285
But the reason they're doing that is to show that if they can do it, you can do it.

00:21:31.285 --> 00:21:34.134
And you, you're, you're, wow, look at what they've done.

00:21:34.134 --> 00:21:38.765
I, I, they, they spark something, ignite something in you, and then you go do it.

00:21:39.075 --> 00:21:40.664
But you, the story.

00:21:41.005 --> 00:21:43.125
Always has to be about them.

00:21:43.345 --> 00:21:47.075
So you said earlier, these people go on and like, they're not ready yet.

00:21:47.144 --> 00:21:47.664
They're not ready.

00:21:48.115 --> 00:21:56.295
So if somebody wants to tell, be too harsh or talk about too much trauma or, and well, they're not ready.

00:21:56.365 --> 00:21:57.474
I'm not ready to consume that.

00:21:57.474 --> 00:21:58.315
I don't know you.

00:21:58.644 --> 00:22:00.484
I don't know you well enough to hear that.

00:22:00.505 --> 00:22:01.505
It's not on brand.

00:22:01.505 --> 00:22:02.414
It's not a message.

00:22:02.414 --> 00:22:03.355
And it's not about me.

00:22:03.750 --> 00:22:06.990
You know, I came to you for help.

00:22:07.230 --> 00:22:09.339
I came to you cause I wanted to learn how to sell.

00:22:09.339 --> 00:22:11.730
I came to you cause I wanted to learn how to fish.

00:22:11.750 --> 00:22:15.420
Cause I wanted to get marketing, uh, expertise.

00:22:15.450 --> 00:22:20.740
And then all of a sudden I'm hearing about your views on politics, your views on relationship.

00:22:21.450 --> 00:22:22.369
I didn't expect that.

00:22:22.400 --> 00:22:28.559
And I don't, it's just, it's not consistent and that consistency breaks trust.

00:22:28.809 --> 00:22:32.470
So I go back to, I sold yellow pages and.

00:22:33.019 --> 00:22:35.460
Insurance and pharmaceuticals.

00:22:35.460 --> 00:22:40.599
And one of the main lessons was they, they like you, they trust you, they buy.

00:22:41.410 --> 00:22:44.319
And there's so many ways that you could break that.

00:22:44.339 --> 00:22:45.940
You could be a jerk in a million ways.

00:22:46.220 --> 00:22:49.440
So if you're a jerk in a million ways, you're never going to get to those other two steps.

00:22:49.940 --> 00:22:52.490
If you break people's trust, you're never going to get to this.

00:22:52.490 --> 00:23:02.460
They buy from you and buy from you is you could say, engage with you, uh, do business with you, uh, be attracted to you, all that, all those things like that.

00:23:02.460 --> 00:23:04.049
So, uh, That's right, Paul.

00:23:04.049 --> 00:23:04.509
And that's her.

00:23:05.259 --> 00:23:05.549

00:23:06.180 --> 00:23:12.009
Talk to me about about mastering this storytelling.

00:23:12.009 --> 00:23:22.069
What are some steps that people could take that come to mind for you to help them to be better with the storytelling and get them get these stories out?

00:23:22.920 --> 00:23:23.220

00:23:23.220 --> 00:23:24.549

00:23:24.549 --> 00:23:27.750
One, I can so simply beginning, middle, end.

00:23:28.220 --> 00:23:29.839
I say beginning, middle, end.

00:23:29.849 --> 00:23:30.559
What's the win?

00:23:31.150 --> 00:23:36.210
Don't if you don't know that like if you start, if you turn on it.

00:23:36.220 --> 00:23:38.369
So here's where I think people go wrong, right?

00:23:39.000 --> 00:23:39.844
I'm going to do a video.

00:23:39.844 --> 00:23:41.730
I've been wrong about this category.

00:23:41.799 --> 00:23:42.599
There's an end.

00:23:42.599 --> 00:23:43.079

00:23:43.079 --> 00:23:45.079
I didn't think there was ever an end.

00:23:46.250 --> 00:23:48.829
I'm going to go on I'm going to I'm going to do this.

00:23:48.829 --> 00:23:50.369
I'm going to go on camera today.

00:23:50.759 --> 00:23:53.670
And then they start walking around.

00:23:54.109 --> 00:23:56.650
Well, guys, nothing really going on here today.

00:23:56.869 --> 00:23:57.450
I'm out.

00:23:57.509 --> 00:24:00.720
Well, you know, like, come on.

00:24:01.109 --> 00:24:01.789

00:24:01.940 --> 00:24:04.299
What, what are, why are you going to go on camera?

00:24:04.529 --> 00:24:08.220
It'd been important enough to do give, make it, you know, okay.

00:24:08.380 --> 00:24:09.924
Today we're going to talk about this, this, this.

00:24:10.184 --> 00:24:10.644

00:24:11.275 --> 00:24:13.045
Take it home, drive it home.

00:24:13.065 --> 00:24:20.214
And hopefully these three tips that I share will help you sell more widgets.

00:24:20.214 --> 00:24:23.335
Hopefully these three tips will help you make a better meatloaf tonight.

00:24:23.575 --> 00:24:25.214
At least I, at least I know.

00:24:26.305 --> 00:24:29.045
And so I, I really, I, I can't.

00:24:29.144 --> 00:24:34.095
And, and then now I'm going a step further cause you got me worked up here.

00:24:34.345 --> 00:24:36.755
Then her per platform.

00:24:37.404 --> 00:24:39.775
So some platforms are faster.

00:24:40.134 --> 00:24:40.865
Some are like.

00:24:41.390 --> 00:24:43.509
Long form content, short form content.

00:24:43.779 --> 00:24:52.924
If all of a sudden you're doing five minutes on LinkedIn real or whatever they allow or on Tik TOK, well, Everything I'm seeing is 20, 30 seconds.

00:24:53.125 --> 00:24:57.795
And this is six minutes in your last, all your other, and even, which is okay.

00:24:57.795 --> 00:25:00.845
If you're doing all six minute videos, but what is odd?

00:25:01.224 --> 00:25:04.595
If I come to Harry for those, Terry gives me 30 second videos.

00:25:05.065 --> 00:25:06.634
He gives me 30 second videos.

00:25:06.714 --> 00:25:13.194
And then the live stream, when all of a sudden I'm expecting a 30 second video from Harry, and then it's.

00:25:13.555 --> 00:25:15.095
Eight minutes, six minutes, four minutes.

00:25:15.255 --> 00:25:15.545

00:25:15.615 --> 00:25:21.634
I tuned in for, because I was going to give Harry my four minutes or my minute, because he's always delivered in a minute.

00:25:21.634 --> 00:25:23.244
Now I see four minutes.

00:25:24.265 --> 00:25:25.115
I needed to know.

00:25:26.644 --> 00:25:27.224
My goodness.

00:25:27.515 --> 00:25:27.785

00:25:27.785 --> 00:25:28.694
This is so good.

00:25:28.724 --> 00:25:28.924

00:25:28.924 --> 00:25:32.305
I have, I'm guilty of all the things you just described.

00:25:32.454 --> 00:25:35.704
I thought longer was better.

00:25:36.025 --> 00:25:40.974
I did not know that there is such a thing called shorts, that short little clips.

00:25:40.974 --> 00:25:43.115
I thought everything needed to be around three minutes.

00:25:43.714 --> 00:25:45.984
So yeah, the things that you learn, right.

00:25:45.984 --> 00:25:48.724
But the, the key thing is to make the progress.

00:25:49.404 --> 00:25:51.944
And I love what you said about the.

00:25:53.684 --> 00:26:08.105
About the stories as to what's the purpose of the story, just putting out video for the sake of putting out video is going to push people away because they don't know what the good stuff is.

00:26:08.904 --> 00:26:23.990
So if we fill up our profile or whatever our sites are, wherever we are, if we fill it up with a lot of stuff, that's just random out of the blue, Makes it's not coherent, takes too long.

00:26:24.309 --> 00:26:25.759
We're going to lose followers.

00:26:26.019 --> 00:26:30.980
Now you have something brilliant to say, you got to find new followers because you just lost.

00:26:31.680 --> 00:26:33.759
A good percentage of your followers.

00:26:33.960 --> 00:26:34.549
What's your thought?

00:26:36.730 --> 00:26:39.460
I think I can take it back to the, they like you, they trust you.

00:26:39.869 --> 00:26:45.319
If you want me to watch a 30 minute video, you better make a good 30 second one.

00:26:45.329 --> 00:26:48.900
If you want me to watch a good minute, you better make a good 30 seconds.

00:26:48.940 --> 00:26:54.119
So I think you have to earn these, um, and understand that.

00:26:54.529 --> 00:27:04.305
What also, what I think a lot of people don't understand is that, like, let's say me, You are going to have a hard time ever getting me to watch something 40 minutes.

00:27:04.305 --> 00:27:06.555
My, my head goes boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop.

00:27:06.555 --> 00:27:11.605
I got a thousand things to do unless I'm sitting down for the night where I'm watching TV.

00:27:11.634 --> 00:27:12.325
That's okay.

00:27:12.444 --> 00:27:13.355
And that's the time.

00:27:13.704 --> 00:27:17.085
Otherwise, give me 30 seconds and I'll watch your videos all day long.

00:27:17.335 --> 00:27:17.984
Give me a minute.

00:27:18.174 --> 00:27:23.075
So every viewer has their own habits and you can't be mad.

00:27:23.075 --> 00:27:29.640
You have to understand, well, let's say, Okay, on YouTube, it's a longer form.

00:27:29.640 --> 00:27:31.240
So the three minute video, it works.

00:27:31.529 --> 00:27:34.859
The 30 minute video, it works because they're expecting that.

00:27:34.920 --> 00:27:41.119
But if all of a sudden you put out these different times, you lose the trust.

00:27:41.190 --> 00:27:43.809
So I'm, I'm stuck

00:27:43.809 --> 00:27:44.059
on that.

00:27:44.059 --> 00:27:44.660
Harry go on.

00:27:45.599 --> 00:27:46.319
No, it's good.

00:27:47.339 --> 00:27:54.759
Um, yeah, and I, you got me stuck on it too, Alright, so we're gonna go back to what does good look like?

00:27:55.759 --> 00:27:55.789

00:27:55.789 --> 00:27:58.424
Beginning, middle, end, putting, beginning,

00:27:58.900 --> 00:28:00.460
beginning, middle, end.

00:28:00.464 --> 00:28:01.269
What's the win?

00:28:02.210 --> 00:28:02.569

00:28:02.575 --> 00:28:03.200

00:28:03.259 --> 00:28:03.619

00:28:03.625 --> 00:28:08.839
That, that, that to me, the can be what is, so how am I serving?

00:28:08.960 --> 00:28:10.579
What thoughts are going through, right?

00:28:10.730 --> 00:28:12.319
What is my audience getting out of this?

00:28:12.319 --> 00:28:13.244
Am I looking like a hero?

00:28:14.759 --> 00:28:16.430
I was just able to do this today.

00:28:16.430 --> 00:28:17.369
I'm amazing.

00:28:17.650 --> 00:28:21.250
Or do we tie that back in to the wind for our audience?

00:28:22.130 --> 00:28:24.170
That would be huge in my opinion.

00:28:24.299 --> 00:28:24.940
Thoughts on that?

00:28:25.329 --> 00:28:26.460
Yeah, a hundred percent.

00:28:26.490 --> 00:28:38.990
And if you, I mean, if you did some cool stuff and you want to let people know, maybe there's a way to say it so that you could say, Hey, sold my million book today, thanks for all the support.

00:28:38.990 --> 00:28:41.839
It's because of each of you that this happened.

00:28:42.884 --> 00:28:48.615
Thanks for, you know, got to go charter fishing today with Harry Spade.

00:28:48.625 --> 00:29:02.134
It's because whatever, whatever that is, I think you, there's a way, I wanted to say this earlier, there's a way to share information and the longer you can share and give value, give value, give value.

00:29:02.164 --> 00:29:06.345
Our friend, our friend, Tom Langan, it's always about giving value, giving value, giving value.

00:29:06.964 --> 00:29:10.744
As long as we can give value, Tom Langan, legendary, there's a plug for him.

00:29:11.255 --> 00:29:12.865
As long as we can give value.

00:29:13.380 --> 00:29:28.789
And everything we do, then some people are so in a hurry to make this, ask to get something out of you, you know, like, well, like join my club, pay me in 199, pay me 500, buy something from me, pay me up front.

00:29:29.059 --> 00:29:31.160
We know, we know people that do that.

00:29:31.440 --> 00:29:34.960
Well, how about give me value, give me value.

00:29:35.710 --> 00:29:42.650
And then, and you can determine at some point when the vet, like, so if I give you, let's say, I say you.

00:29:43.174 --> 00:29:47.204
I give, I share inspiration, share inspiration, share inspiration, positivity, smile.

00:29:47.394 --> 00:29:53.775
And then all of a sudden I say, hey, here's Selling with Dignity, a great book for if you want to take yourself's career to another level.

00:29:53.775 --> 00:29:58.325
There's, you can build your career not on gimmicks and nonsense.

00:29:58.404 --> 00:30:00.615
How about build it on trust and selling with dignity?

00:30:00.670 --> 00:30:13.130
It is your choice at this point to determine if that's you'll have to buy it and I didn't tell you how to buy it I'm saying I believe this book selling with dignity is full of value.

00:30:13.720 --> 00:30:16.259
Would you like to buy it do whatever you want?

00:30:16.509 --> 00:30:28.980
But it is me trying to put out value So in all that I do value value value value and maybe once in a while, I put out something else It's not an ask It's saying, I think this is valuable and you take it or leave it.

00:30:28.980 --> 00:30:30.160
It doesn't, it doesn't affect me.

00:30:30.859 --> 00:30:31.190

00:30:31.309 --> 00:30:38.599
And I like the, uh, principle that Gary Vee did with the, uh, 80 percent providing value to the 20 percent ask.

00:30:38.609 --> 00:30:42.180
I mean, not that there's any rule, but that's not a bad one to kind of.

00:30:43.140 --> 00:30:43.470
Yeah, right.

00:30:43.690 --> 00:30:45.029
Give me a 10 to 180.

00:30:45.250 --> 00:30:47.930
I mean to see here's authors.

00:30:48.220 --> 00:30:48.609

00:30:48.640 --> 00:31:13.450
Let's see if you could flash in like authors Calling all authors, here's a i'm gonna look at the camera too calling all authors Here is a message for you There are so many times where I haven't seen a post from an author ever Not one post from an author all of a sudden their book comes out and they're buy my book I got a new book out make my book number one You Well, I don't know you.

00:31:13.730 --> 00:31:14.630
I don't trust you.

00:31:14.630 --> 00:31:18.319
You've never given me value at this point because we don't even know each other.

00:31:18.549 --> 00:31:20.789
You haven't given me a smile like Harry Spade.

00:31:21.009 --> 00:31:22.099
You haven't given me tips.

00:31:22.099 --> 00:31:25.750
I haven't seen you on video and now you want me to buy your book.

00:31:25.829 --> 00:31:36.599
How about giving me some value first and not just the week before, how about a month before, how about three months before, how about six months before and then continuously after the fact.

00:31:36.880 --> 00:31:40.480
And then when you keep giving me the value, Like Harry, the video.

00:31:41.890 --> 00:31:43.710
We didn't know this was a sales pitch for Harry.

00:31:43.710 --> 00:31:43.910
I'm good.

00:31:43.960 --> 00:31:44.349
I'm good.

00:31:44.680 --> 00:31:48.029
All of a sudden Harry gives me, Harry gives me the value all the time.

00:31:48.029 --> 00:31:51.299
And I might say, Hey, this guy, he shows up consistently.

00:31:51.460 --> 00:31:52.789
He gives me a good message.

00:31:52.789 --> 00:31:54.980
You know, I think I'm going to buy this book.

00:31:55.039 --> 00:31:55.779
Someone with dignity.

00:31:55.890 --> 00:31:58.480
There's something about this guy.

00:31:58.480 --> 00:32:00.170

00:32:01.049 --> 00:32:03.740
I'm going to go back to the authenticity is really good stuff.

00:32:04.109 --> 00:32:06.950
I want to touch on this for those who have books out there.

00:32:07.490 --> 00:32:09.210
I was concerned.

00:32:09.549 --> 00:32:11.609
That I was selling myself too much.

00:32:11.700 --> 00:32:16.230
It was all about me and that there is marketing.

00:32:16.240 --> 00:32:17.480
We have to do marketing.

00:32:17.480 --> 00:32:19.410
So for those who have done this.

00:32:19.930 --> 00:32:22.619
And I'm waiting for something amazing to happen.

00:32:23.190 --> 00:32:25.740
The answer to me is provide the value.

00:32:26.140 --> 00:32:27.380
Keep serving people.

00:32:27.440 --> 00:32:28.710
Get your message out.

00:32:28.740 --> 00:32:31.059
The book is not going to go away.

00:32:31.119 --> 00:32:32.809
It's always going to be there.

00:32:33.059 --> 00:32:34.980
You can sell it years from now.

00:32:35.170 --> 00:32:39.319
But if you just put it away and say, well, I wrote the book.

00:32:40.289 --> 00:32:42.619
Hopefully someone wants to buy it.

00:32:42.619 --> 00:32:44.150
It just doesn't work that way.

00:32:44.779 --> 00:32:50.539
So the authentic self in us at that time, me authentic was.

00:32:51.555 --> 00:32:53.775
Yeah, I'm a humble guy.

00:32:53.835 --> 00:33:04.654
I'm not going to self promote, but I didn't think through that, which was, what is the value that I am providing here?

00:33:05.210 --> 00:33:20.200
And when I was able to remove myself, I know it sounds weird, mystical, remove myself from myself and became Harry's promoter, Harry's marketing assistant, right?

00:33:20.420 --> 00:33:25.799
I then could take my own pride and ego out of the way.

00:33:26.269 --> 00:33:29.500
And just give people what Harry provided.

00:33:29.920 --> 00:33:40.089
Uh, and that was just the way I looked at it, but it was just, it set me free from the inadequacies or challenges that I was like, Oh, I'm promoting myself.

00:33:40.089 --> 00:33:42.190
I'm bragging about myself and so forth.

00:33:42.410 --> 00:33:43.240
What's your thought on that?

00:33:43.569 --> 00:33:47.250
That was, I wrote, I wrote a, I wrote a note here.

00:33:47.269 --> 00:33:50.220
It says, remove yourself from the message.

00:33:50.599 --> 00:33:51.960
So Harry out there.

00:33:52.484 --> 00:33:53.375
There's two different things.

00:33:53.375 --> 00:33:56.934
There's the message he's trying to promote this valuable message.

00:33:57.295 --> 00:34:10.804
And then there's him, you know, so you don't, we get so tied up and this is about me and because, well, no, it was about the message, which is really about them that like, let's say it's, if I said, it's time for you to share your story, I believe that.

00:34:11.105 --> 00:34:13.375
This is the moment it's time that's about you.

00:34:13.784 --> 00:34:15.414
It's not it's not about me.

00:34:15.425 --> 00:34:19.025
Although i'm the one saying it that's about you It's time right?

00:34:19.355 --> 00:34:20.375
Don't wait another minute.

00:34:20.375 --> 00:34:21.454
Don't let somebody do it.

00:34:21.465 --> 00:34:26.605
Don't let another year go by The world needs your story so that that has nothing to do with me.

00:34:26.815 --> 00:34:31.255
Although I could be the person Uh, I am the person sharing that message.

00:34:31.255 --> 00:34:33.795
So I think you're spot on there my friend

00:34:33.869 --> 00:34:43.230
I mean, it's worked for me is, I mean, when I hear people say the hangups that they have, it's like, I don't want to do this or that because that's not my personality.

00:34:44.500 --> 00:34:45.949
Think a little bit about the ego.

00:34:46.460 --> 00:34:58.880
Um, the thing about authenticity, you know, doing a little preparation, Adam Grant, who I'm a huge fan of talks about this is that authenticity can sometimes be an excuse.

00:35:00.155 --> 00:35:01.864
For us not growing.

00:35:03.215 --> 00:35:21.614
And I went, Oh my God, this, I mean, I, I'm like, I came across the word authentic, really getting on LinkedIn and social media in the last, whatever, five, six years prior to that, I just didn't have knowledge of what this word was and it's like everybody on social media uses, right?

00:35:21.614 --> 00:35:22.885
Be your authentic self.

00:35:23.434 --> 00:35:26.094
Well, I always wanted to try to be better.

00:35:26.489 --> 00:35:35.420
I want to be my, not that I'm the hero here, but I think there's a lot of people that want to be the better version of themselves and that means.

00:35:35.980 --> 00:35:40.550
The question is, are we authentic when we're trying to be the better version of ourselves?

00:35:40.679 --> 00:35:44.400
And the answer is yes, we're striving to be better.

00:35:44.710 --> 00:35:48.039
Makes us authentic people trying to be better.

00:35:48.179 --> 00:35:57.730
Not, well, I'm, I'm, I'm turning away my authenticity where I like to be, you know, heavy drinker, uh, find me on the side of the road or whatever.

00:35:58.389 --> 00:36:00.210
That's not who I want to be.

00:36:00.380 --> 00:36:02.630
Not that I have that issue, but you get the idea.

00:36:02.869 --> 00:36:12.300
I'm trying to use an extreme here is that I want to be my best self, and I hope that people who are listening to this, this is what you want to be.

00:36:12.570 --> 00:36:20.829
You want to be a better parent, better husband, wife, son or daughter, employee, employer, whatever it is you want.

00:36:20.849 --> 00:36:21.650
We want to be better.

00:36:21.650 --> 00:36:23.750
This is the fun part about life is growing.

00:36:24.280 --> 00:36:24.909
So, go.

00:36:24.909 --> 00:36:24.925

00:36:25.094 --> 00:36:29.125
Sometimes that authentic word can be an excuse for us not growing.

00:36:29.135 --> 00:36:31.835
And I thought that was really a brilliant line.

00:36:32.684 --> 00:36:42.684
It's okay to grow and to get where any of us want to go this, I would, I to get where any of us want to go, we have to grow from that.

00:36:42.684 --> 00:36:50.875
I think that's, I would almost think that probably a fact to elevate, you know, I, I need to, I need to be smarter.

00:36:50.875 --> 00:36:56.440
I need to be, you know, Yeah, there's a growth is so important.

00:36:56.449 --> 00:36:56.940
We have to grow.

00:36:56.940 --> 00:36:58.530
I want to double back on something.

00:36:58.530 --> 00:37:01.150
If, if you'll humor me, Harry, do we have time?

00:37:01.599 --> 00:37:02.250

00:37:02.510 --> 00:37:02.800
Couple of minutes.

00:37:02.800 --> 00:37:11.139
So, so many people, when they start putting out their comment content, they're like, Oh, I told people I had a book.

00:37:11.139 --> 00:37:12.769
I told people I had a business.

00:37:13.039 --> 00:37:15.019
I told people I had X product.

00:37:15.110 --> 00:37:16.079
I did that one.

00:37:16.670 --> 00:37:24.210
So I'm uh, I'm not going to get into algorithm talk on media because, uh, it's a whole nother topic, but I want to propose this thought to you.

00:37:24.809 --> 00:37:25.179

00:37:25.449 --> 00:37:27.610
Moment, a moment of clarity here.

00:37:27.710 --> 00:37:34.380
Has anybody seen the, has anybody ever seen the Budweiser Clydesdale horses?

00:37:35.590 --> 00:37:36.639
Well, I have, yes.

00:37:37.070 --> 00:37:37.420

00:37:37.420 --> 00:37:45.329
And I'm going to imagine some people, uh, listening today have, they see these commercials, Budweiser, Budweiser Clydesdale horses.

00:37:46.119 --> 00:37:46.400

00:37:46.809 --> 00:37:47.030

00:37:48.074 --> 00:37:56.614
How come Budweiser has been airing the same Clydesdale horse commercial for 30 years, 40 years, 20 years?

00:37:56.875 --> 00:37:57.985
The Clydesdale's young.

00:37:58.135 --> 00:37:59.125
The Clydesdale's old.

00:37:59.144 --> 00:38:00.894
The Clydesdale walks across the road.

00:38:01.155 --> 00:38:03.545
The Clydesdale helps somebody else.

00:38:03.545 --> 00:38:06.824
The Clydesdale loses, and we don't think anything of it.

00:38:07.309 --> 00:38:07.710

00:38:07.710 --> 00:38:11.269
We give, give me more Budweiser Clydesdale horse.

00:38:11.530 --> 00:38:27.030
You know, the commercial comes on at the holidays and we're like, but when it's our own marketing and for our own brand and our own message, we put out a message once and we're like, did that message already?

00:38:27.329 --> 00:38:28.250
Can't share that.

00:38:28.510 --> 00:38:30.389
Can't talk about that product again.

00:38:30.739 --> 00:38:33.659
They've been doing it for 40 years with the same message.

00:38:33.670 --> 00:38:36.110
Just tweaked a little bit of tweak.

00:38:36.110 --> 00:38:36.579

00:38:36.875 --> 00:38:38.025
Clydesdale's on the road.

00:38:38.235 --> 00:38:39.795
Clydesdale's in a different field.

00:38:40.065 --> 00:38:43.114
Clydesdale, but it, it's wholesome.

00:38:43.235 --> 00:38:44.164
It's on message.

00:38:44.485 --> 00:38:47.144
It's, it's Americana.

00:38:47.385 --> 00:38:48.304
We love it.

00:38:48.594 --> 00:38:53.885
So when you're, when you're on message, when you're putting out content, it's okay.

00:38:54.224 --> 00:39:01.284
To share, pivot, to tweak that message a little bit, tweak it, make it grow, make it a little better, make it different.

00:39:01.534 --> 00:39:19.090
But people still want that selling with dignity message or whatever message it is about your dance studio, about your, Whether it's your dance studio, whether it's your, whether there's people that, that sell the, the special pans for cooking, I could use a new pan for cooking.

00:39:19.320 --> 00:39:20.039
Don't give up.

00:39:20.059 --> 00:39:21.519
I didn't need your pan.

00:39:21.880 --> 00:39:24.559
I didn't need your pan a year ago because I had a pan.

00:39:24.829 --> 00:39:26.159
Now I do need a pan.

00:39:29.269 --> 00:39:31.079
There's a time and place, you know, right.

00:39:31.590 --> 00:39:37.179
We used to say in pharmaceuticals, right time, right message, right time, right message, right place.

00:39:37.179 --> 00:39:39.869
You know, all of a sudden, if all those things went.

00:39:40.309 --> 00:39:43.269
Went together, right, right time, right place, right message.

00:39:43.610 --> 00:39:46.199
If they all went together, then it would all work out.

00:39:46.199 --> 00:39:46.389

00:39:46.679 --> 00:39:47.980
that's why I got Clydesdales.

00:39:49.369 --> 00:39:50.019
Well, you know what?

00:39:50.050 --> 00:40:06.230
I didn't expect to go into Clydesdale conversation today, but that is a great story and hopefully, uh, that, that visual of the Clydesdale is doing the little dance, little baby Clydesdale, the old Clydesdale welcoming the newborn Clydesdale.

00:40:06.780 --> 00:40:14.860
It's a great feeling, a great way to end the Mastering the Authentic Storytelling Live Event, Dominic.

00:40:14.920 --> 00:40:16.190
It has been a blast.

00:40:16.320 --> 00:40:18.750
Any final thoughts from you, my friend?

00:40:19.500 --> 00:40:21.269
Yeah, I'll leave you, I'll leave you with this.

00:40:21.269 --> 00:40:23.480
I, um, something I like to say.

00:40:23.480 --> 00:40:25.670
Be you, nobody does it better.

00:40:25.960 --> 00:40:28.579
If you try to be anybody else but you, you will fail.

00:40:28.579 --> 00:40:34.400
If you do, do, do you, if you're, if you're yourself, your authentic self, nobody does it better.

00:40:34.400 --> 00:40:35.210
So that's what

00:40:35.885 --> 00:40:37.795
Oh, that's a great, great way to end it.

00:40:37.855 --> 00:40:39.204
Thank you so much for joining.