July 7, 2022

Social Selling Ideas from the Pro Brynne Tillman

Social Selling Ideas from the Pro Brynne Tillman

Brynne Tillman joins the Sales Made Easy podcast and shares incredible insight about social selling that you can apply starting today! Get your pen and paper out to take notes on this episode!

Do you feel like you know how to use LinkedIn for your benefit? Do we understand what Social Selling is for that matter? Are we capitalizing, in a nice way, on the LinkedIn platform? How many connections do we have? Do we know these people? Are they potential clients, referral partners, or total strangers?

Do we post and get little engagement? Or do we get some interaction and have conversations with people who are liking our posts? There is an opportunity with these folks. Conversations can lead to business.

Here is one, how are we scheduling the meeting to meet with people? Brynne brings some great advice with the calendar link sharing at about the 13-minute mark. She also talks about providing real value instead of holding onto the information as salespeople did in the 1970s. Keep providing the value folks! She references the Go-Giver author Bob Burg too and he wrote the book on putting the client’s interests ahead of our own.

Brynne sums up the entire show with this line -Stop selling. Start serving. BOOM!

For more about Brynne Tillman she can be found here:

