Meet Corinna Belizzi and Julie Lokun The Founders Of Femcasters

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You will network with other FEMCASTERS, find incredible opportunities to collaborate, cross-guest and continue learning what works (and what doesn't) through ongoing access to powerful tools and exclusive content to grow your brand, your influence, and your impact.

About Our Fearless Female Founders (FFF)
Corinna Bellizzi, MBA is a natural products industry executive, mom of two young boys, and podcaster who began her broadcasting journey as a guest on many nationally syndicated radio shows. In her role as an executive, she is a professional speaker, delivering rehearsed speeches and presentations to audiences as large as 500. Given a background in technical directing and storytelling that started with her undergraduate pursuits, she has weaved these skills into her podcast journey with Care More Be Better: Social Impact, Sustainability, and Regeneration NOW -- which launched in late January 2021 -- and is already in the top 3% of all podcasts as reported by Listennotes.

Julie Lokun, JD is the most effective cheerleader any girl could hope for. As a mom of four (4) boys, she has learned to leverage her sacred feminine power to lead her household while serving as the head maven of Crown & Compass Life Coaching -- serving her clients and her collaborators with grace as she "annoints and points" -- directing the strategic growth of businesses and professionals around the globe. As a speaker she has delivered presentations IRL on the big stage, and in multimedia virtual events. With a background in law, she teases through complex information with ease tp find the truth behind the truth -- and tells deep, compelling stories that resonate with audiences far and wide. She co-hosts a swiftly growing podcast: Obsessed With Humans On The Verge of Change with multiple episodes out each week. Obsessed launched in spring of 2021 and is already in the top 5% of podcasts as reported by Listennotes.

With these two at your service, you get:

Street Creds + Academic Creds = The Guidance + Tools You Need

A Big Thanks all the amazing FEMCASTERS that have joined this group, our guests