Drive In The Dating Fast Lane With Car Sales Manager & Speaker, Keisha Stubbs

Keisha Stubbs is an author, training coach, motivational speaker, and founder of the non-profit Tied Together, geared toward uplifting and providing basic needs for children and public speaking to inspire adults. Keisha teaches others that their miseries are building blocks for their greatness. Keisha took a lifestyle she couldn't afford for herself and her son to one she never imagined. Her life's purpose is to help people who have been dealt a bad hand and can't find their way out of a terrible situation. Keisha has been there. She's lost everything, Twice! She figured out how to use what she had available and increased her income by more than five times! She learned the hard way, so you don't have to.
In this episode, Keisha teaches us how to leave our struggles behind. She inspires us to win daily, outwork our competition, and how we can be better than yesterday.
Kerry Brett and Keisha Stubbs cover a lot of ground and talk about how dating and sales are similar. Topics include:
Why you should stay away from black-out circles and negative talk about dating.
Why you need to be upbeat and positive when you're online dating.
How your energy and attitude magnifies.
People can feel your energy when they swipe on you and text you.
People buy from who they like and date who they like.
People want to align with positive winners.
Do not make assumptions, and failure lies in making fixed opinions.
Type of car Men drive doesn't indicate their finances.
Lose stereotypes.
Why men are more complicated than we think.
Why, if you think you can or you think you can't, your right.
If you believe it, you can achieve it.
Why your online success is dependent on your attitude.
To find out more about Keisha Stubbs, you can visit her website or follow on Facebook Keisha Stubbs or Instagram @keishavstubbs. You can purchase her book Close or be Closed on her website or Amazon.