Aug. 30, 2024

Stolen Innocence & Surviving Abduction: Jan Broberg on Trust, Trauma, and Triumph

Stolen Innocence & Surviving Abduction: Jan Broberg on Trust, Trauma, and Triumph

How did a trusted family friend manage to kidnap a young girl not once, but twice? This jaw-dropping episode with Jan Broberg, the courageous survivor behind "Stolen Innocence," tackles the chilling realities of abduction and the insidious nature of grooming. Jan shares her powerful journey from victim to advocate, recounting the traumatic events that began when she was just nine years old and a charming neighbor infiltrated her family’s lives.

We unravel the calculated deception employed by Robert Birchtold, who manipulated Jan and her family through carefully constructed trust and charismatic charm. Jan provides a detailed account of the emotional and psychological strategies used by her abductor, including the terrifying mind games and threats that kept her compliant. Despite the unimaginable ordeals, including a second kidnapping to a Mexican trailer park, her story is one of resilience and the unyielding human spirit.

This episode is not just about the horrors Jan endured but also about her incredible journey toward healing and empowerment. Jan emphasizes the importance of gratitude, forgiveness, and boundaries in overcoming trauma. Her insights into the complexity of familial manipulation, the strength required to rebuild one's life, and her ongoing efforts as an advocate for survivors offer a beacon of hope. Tune in for an episode that underscores the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of love and support.


00:02 - True Resilience and Unwavering Courage

08:30 - Building Trust Through Deception

13:21 - Abduction and Mind Control

22:15 - Surviving Manipulation and Grooming

32:26 - Surviving Manipulation and Finding Love

37:35 - The Manipulation and Betrayal of Trust

46:22 - Speaking Out and Finding Courage

52:33 - Overcoming Trauma Through Healing Journeys

01:05:22 - Establishing Boundaries in Relationships


00:00:02.343 --> 00:00:04.527
I'm Carrie Brett and this is Shot at Love.

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Today we have an incredibly inspiring guest, jan Broberg, whose story of resilience and recovery will leave you speechless.

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As a child, jan was abducted, kidnapped and manipulated by a trusted family friend.

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These traumatic occurrences are detailed in the book Stolen Innocence, the Jan Broberg story, the Netflix documentary Abducted in Plain Sight and the Peacock miniseries A Friend of the Family, which highlights the depth of betrayal she endured.

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Despite these unimaginable experiences, she has emerged as a beacon of hope and a powerful advocate for survivors everywhere.

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Join us as we dive into Jan's story.

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Hear her powerful message of hope and unwavering courage.

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You won't want to miss it, so stay tuned.

00:00:48.350 --> 00:01:08.454
As a child, jan Broberg went through things no child should ever go through being abducted twice when she was kidnapped as a young girl, which you can learn about in the nine-part series A Friend of the Family and the documentary A Friend of the Family, true Evil.

00:01:08.454 --> 00:01:14.490
Today, she'll share her expertise around grooming and how she rebuilt her life and empowers others.

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Today, jan is here all the way from Utah, and it is my honor to introduce her today, hi Jan.

00:01:20.311 --> 00:01:23.858
Thanks so much for being here, hi Keri.

00:01:23.879 --> 00:01:25.504
Hi, thank you so much.

00:01:25.584 --> 00:01:26.930
This is awesome to be here.

00:01:26.930 --> 00:01:28.783
I'm so excited to have you.

00:01:28.783 --> 00:01:33.933
I have been waiting really all summer to speak with you.

00:01:33.933 --> 00:01:34.634
It's true.

00:01:36.123 --> 00:01:57.531
We had to reschedule and it's been a wait worth waiting for, I hope, because for me, meeting you is just a real privilege and I'm very excited to get to know the audience that would be listening today, because I feel like I have a lot to share and I hope that it helps just one person you know, it's every individual that I care about out there.

00:01:58.700 --> 00:02:10.843
And what I love about you is that your heart is still so big and beautiful and even though you've overcome so many things, it hasn't changed.

00:02:10.843 --> 00:02:14.212
It hasn't broken your spirit, and that's true.

00:02:14.212 --> 00:02:31.594
That's pretty amazing, because most people would live and harbor that anger and just feel wronged and robbed, and I know you have moments of that.

00:02:31.594 --> 00:02:34.606
But you really had to have forgiveness in your heart.

00:02:35.228 --> 00:02:55.054
Yeah, that's very true, and I know that when people ask, like what's the secret, you know, to healing, I said, well, the first two things that always come to mind are, you know, my dad, who would say, every day is a bonus, and so attitude towards what that day is and how you get through it is everything.

00:02:55.054 --> 00:03:04.532
So gratitude and being able to let go those two things, if you can learn those two things, how to do those things every day.

00:03:04.532 --> 00:03:18.027
And they're a practice, they're not just a, they're not a religious belief, as much as they are a practice in how to deal with humans and our own humanity and the experiences that we go through.

00:03:18.027 --> 00:03:47.538
And once I feel like I mastered those things and it took time and I I did a TEDx talk in Boulder, colorado, and I talked a lot about how I built my muscle for looking for things to be grateful for and how it saved me on the day that my stepdaughter was in a car accident and what I went through in the course of that day and what I went through in the course of that day.

00:03:49.039 --> 00:04:03.205
And so you can watch that TEDx talk to hear more about my method for building the muscle of gratitude and how important it became, on that, one of my worst days and I've had many of those moments in my life, since my kidnapping, since being raped as a child, since being brainwashed.

00:04:03.205 --> 00:04:05.818
There have been other very difficult times in my life since my kidnapping, since being raped as a child, since being brainwashed.

00:04:05.818 --> 00:04:18.197
There have been other very difficult times in my life and I had to build those muscles and put those in my I don't know what do you call it A tool, belt or something but it really it saved me many times.

00:04:18.197 --> 00:04:27.543
It has saved me having the ability to let go, to forgive, having the ability to find something to be grateful for, even on the darkest day.

00:04:27.824 --> 00:04:28.685
Right, Right.

00:04:28.685 --> 00:04:47.432
Well, let's go back to the beginning of your story Before we talk about your husband and how that marriage didn't sustain once you lost your stepchild that's very common that that marriage couldn't take the pressure of that loss.

00:04:47.432 --> 00:04:57.346
It's so hard and I'm so sorry that you went through all that and but you're still here today and inspiring everyone around you.

00:04:57.367 --> 00:05:08.759
Yeah, and I'm still good friends with my ex-husband and there've been times when we've thought gosh, it's been 20 years almost since Tess died and maybe we should just get back together.

00:05:08.759 --> 00:05:15.779
We could just be best friends, you know, because now all of our kids are grown up and doing life on their own.

00:05:15.779 --> 00:05:28.562
But you know, I don't know, if that's the shot at love that's coming back around on the circle for me, or if it's maybe we're business partners, I don't know, but I I'm open.

00:05:29.103 --> 00:05:29.184

00:05:29.223 --> 00:05:36.023
I definitely believe that love does surround us, even if it's not in a romantic way.

00:05:36.023 --> 00:05:42.822
There's many people that I love and that love me in my life, right now, Even right even as we speak.

00:05:42.843 --> 00:06:02.367
Yeah, and you can be happy on your own in that interim time as well, and you've really worked on self-compassion and self-love and I can see that you learn that from your parents and we'll talk about their story too, because I know you still.

00:06:02.927 --> 00:06:43.154
you live with your mom and yeah, my mom has dementia now and she's lived here, uh, when I was living in Los Angeles for almost 10 years, at at about the five year mark, my parents uh decided that they needed to get out of the cold of Idaho, and so they moved uh into Southern Utah, which is where my home is, and they moved into my house after I told my renters I wasn't selling, and my parents moved into this house and so my father and mother both lived in my home and after my dad died, I just, of course, I came back to this area from Los Angeles about a year and a half before dad passed to help care for him.

00:06:44.026 --> 00:07:07.228
And then now I have my mom and it feels like it's her home and it's wonderful to be able to have that connection so that she can, you know, still putter around Like she's always been a busy on my feet, got to be working, you know, since she was, you know, in the beet fields and potato fields when she was nine and 10 years old, making a quarter an hour or whatever it was, picking beets and potatoes.

00:07:07.228 --> 00:07:17.233
She's just a worker, and so in my home she feels like she knows it and she can go outside and pull weeds and cut branches off trees and still climb.

00:07:17.233 --> 00:07:18.360
You know tall trees.

00:07:18.360 --> 00:07:21.526
My mother is that person.

00:07:21.927 --> 00:07:27.154
That's so amazing, other than she can't remember what you said a minute ago.

00:07:27.154 --> 00:07:33.350
She's still knows me and and most of the family she recognizes most of the time.

00:07:33.350 --> 00:07:38.185
But it's hard when parents start to disappear.

00:07:38.185 --> 00:07:51.095
You know, and I just love that I that I can have her here, and that my dad, he, he died right here in my home as well, on hospice care right here, and so it's been a great blessing for me to care for.

00:07:51.095 --> 00:08:06.437
My parents Loved me unconditionally since we're talking about love today and because of that, it was a very big deal in my healing process after everything happened in my in my tween and teen years.

00:08:06.437 --> 00:08:09.543
Yeah, Wow.

00:08:09.562 --> 00:08:27.035
So it's amazing how they just held out hope that you would come back and they just they were emitting love and welcomed you back with open arms when you did return home.

00:08:27.035 --> 00:08:30.206
So tell us a little bit about what happened.

00:08:30.206 --> 00:08:38.312
When you first met Robert Birchtold, you were only nine years old and he had a big effect on you.

00:08:39.220 --> 00:08:40.787
Yes, and on all of us.

00:08:40.787 --> 00:08:45.669
I mean, we met him, his wife and five children at church.

00:08:45.669 --> 00:08:58.585
So the first time that I ever remember him and the family was I was singing a little song in church and afterwards he, you know, just kind of stopped.

00:08:58.585 --> 00:09:00.568
I think it was my mom.

00:09:00.568 --> 00:09:22.452
My dad was always in leadership in the church, so dad always had another meeting and we'd be done with church and on our way home and dad had to stay, and so I don't remember my dad being there, but I remember my mom and us three girls and he kind of stopped us in the foyer before we went out to our car in the parking lot and he said oh, these girls, what beautiful girls.

00:09:22.452 --> 00:09:24.788
And he goes, I've got all these rambunctious boys.

00:09:24.788 --> 00:09:34.544
And he said I just wanted to compliment your daughter on her beautiful singing voice.

00:09:34.544 --> 00:09:45.451
And that was such a beautiful song and, and from that point on the charm for I mean, of course, even as a nine-year-old I loved hearing that because I had done my first plays by then.

00:09:45.532 --> 00:09:47.763
I'd played Gretel in the Sound of Music.

00:09:47.763 --> 00:09:48.244

00:09:48.244 --> 00:10:01.081
I was already on my way to finding the passion of my life, the real love of my life, which is acting and producing theater or being in film and television.

00:10:01.081 --> 00:10:04.629
I just love that.

00:10:04.629 --> 00:10:19.844
It's saved my life in many ways throughout my kidnappings and all the abuse and the manipulation and the mind control that was going on three years later, which, those first three years with Robert Birchtold and his wife and five children, were magic.

00:10:19.844 --> 00:10:21.366
They were so much fun.

00:10:21.427 --> 00:10:23.331
We did hundreds of activities together.

00:10:23.331 --> 00:10:27.562
They had, you know, the boat and the snowmobiles and the trampoline.

00:10:27.562 --> 00:10:28.604
We didn't have those things.

00:10:28.604 --> 00:10:36.049
My dad was a humble florist who owned a flower shop and he did okay, right, but we didn't feel poor.

00:10:36.049 --> 00:10:42.575
But I realized, looking back, like we had far less than I ever realized and they had all the toys.

00:10:42.615 --> 00:10:51.572
So he had a way of being the Pied Piper which he was and everybody loved him in our neighborhood, in our congregation, our community.

00:10:51.572 --> 00:11:12.152
His paper in the paper, his picture was there when he bought the new furniture store in town and, you know, was showing people furniture and he was kind of, you know, one of those people that people were drawn to because he was so charismatic and he would jump in and do something of service to help us.

00:11:12.152 --> 00:11:17.711
You know, he separated all of our bedrooms which was one gigantic room downstairs.

00:11:17.711 --> 00:11:18.875
Oh, I can do that.

00:11:18.875 --> 00:11:19.778
I can put up the walls.

00:11:19.778 --> 00:11:39.681
These girls are getting older, let me put in the walls and I'll get the furniture wholesale, because I've got the furniture store and we'll just fix them up and we can paint and we can, you know, and he would just kind of take on a project like that at our home and we all thought, you know, oh, this is so fun, and we'll bring him the treats and make sure he has a drink in his hands.

00:11:39.681 --> 00:11:45.951
You know water and apple juice and you know whatever or fresca, or whatever you know.

00:11:45.951 --> 00:11:59.827
You know you look back and realize the whole time all he was doing was actually grooming everybody around us, and especially my parents and all of us girls.

00:12:00.568 --> 00:12:18.052
We truly fell in love with his wife, who was so sweet, taught us how to paint ceramics and the best chocolate chip cookie recipe I've ever had that I still use to this day was gell burchtold's, and we had picnics on the living room floor.

00:12:18.052 --> 00:12:20.580
We would go to movies together.

00:12:20.580 --> 00:12:30.398
He took us to all the science fiction movies or we would watch them on TV, like Planet of the Apes, and we'd watch it together as families, you know, and he would talk about you know it was.

00:12:30.398 --> 00:12:31.381
It was the space.

00:12:31.381 --> 00:12:46.993
You know it was really the race to space and so much about flying saucers and things that would be in the newspaper and he would tell us stories about you know how there was a big round circle in this field.

00:12:46.993 --> 00:12:55.298
You know at uh that his wife's father had found who had this big farm and this big circle and saw these lights.

00:12:55.298 --> 00:13:15.484
You know that went in this kind of circular thing motion into the air and the car didn't work right and it never worked right after that, you know, and he'd say these stories and sometimes my dad would get after him and go you're scaring the kids, don't, don't tell these this, these untrue stories.

00:13:15.484 --> 00:13:21.518
I mean that's you know what my dad would kind of step in if he thought we were getting a little bit scared from the story.

00:13:21.518 --> 00:13:24.134
But he just knew how to divide and conquer.

00:13:24.134 --> 00:13:26.552
He'd separate the kids and take all the kids.

00:13:26.552 --> 00:13:29.134
He'd separate mom and give her the compliments.

00:13:29.134 --> 00:13:33.370
He'd separate dad by going walking into the flower shop let's go to lunch, broberg.

00:13:33.370 --> 00:13:46.173
And you know he had a special relationship that he was creating individually with everybody, as well as the entire family, because we did many, many activities, all of us together.

00:13:46.734 --> 00:13:52.033
So when he picked me up to go horseback riding, and now this is my it's, I'm 12.

00:13:52.033 --> 00:13:55.640
This is the fall of 1974.

00:13:55.640 --> 00:13:57.586
He picked me up for my piano lesson.

00:13:57.586 --> 00:13:59.509
He was like a, you know, favorite uncle.

00:13:59.509 --> 00:14:06.740
You know, my dad had a twin brother who also lived in Pocatello, who had four boys that we were also matched in age with.

00:14:06.740 --> 00:14:09.975
So we were very used to my Uncle Dick walking through the back door.

00:14:09.975 --> 00:14:16.934
Nobody ever knocked in Pocatello, idaho, you know, you just opened the door and that's what he had been doing now for years.

00:14:16.934 --> 00:14:37.687
He would open the back door it's going to be a great day, brobergs and all us kids would go pile in his car with his boys and he'd take us all to school because the elementary school was on his way to work and so he was picking us up for school and it was idyllic until it wasn't Right and we saw nothing coming.

00:14:37.687 --> 00:14:51.491
Until that day he picked up for my piano lesson and I had begged my mom to let me go horseback riding because he had it all planned out at the ranch and we'd been there before, and she said but it's a school night and I don't want you to go and your dad definitely doesn't want you to go.

00:14:52.065 --> 00:14:55.875
My father had started to kind of pull away about six months earlier.

00:14:55.875 --> 00:14:58.784
He had started to say we do too much with this family, we love them.

00:14:58.784 --> 00:15:00.267
And he had started to say we do too much with this family, we love them.

00:15:00.267 --> 00:15:11.119
And of course they're always welcome at our home and of course we were all just 100% involved in the relationships we were having.

00:15:11.119 --> 00:15:13.260
Like his oldest son, jerry, was my age.

00:15:13.701 --> 00:15:20.017
He's the first boy I ever wrote about in my little diary that he held my hand while he pushed me on the swing as we walked from the park.

00:15:20.017 --> 00:15:21.394
You know so we had relationships with all of the members of his family that he held my hand while he pushed me on the swing as we walked from the park.

00:15:21.394 --> 00:15:28.407
You know so we had relationships with all of the members of his family and they were close relationships and he made sure of that.

00:15:28.407 --> 00:15:36.533
And so I begged and begged and my mom finally caved in and my dad was so mad that she let me go horseback riding on a school night.

00:15:36.533 --> 00:15:41.113
He was like Marianne, why, you know, he just always gets his own way.

00:15:41.113 --> 00:15:47.577
It's like he thinks he's in charge of my family and my kids and I'm just tired of it and it's too much.

00:15:47.577 --> 00:15:51.596
And yet he was planning the perfect crime and he kidnapped me.

00:15:52.465 --> 00:15:56.638
And so I feel like that's the mother protective Like she.

00:15:56.638 --> 00:16:03.557
She wanted you to go because you wanted to go, but somewhere your parents were like this is not right.

00:16:03.557 --> 00:16:09.618
So he picks you up from the horseback riding lesson, drugs you with an allergy pill.

00:16:10.745 --> 00:16:11.389
Yeah, it was actually.

00:16:11.389 --> 00:16:17.374
I was at my piano lesson and he picked me up to go horseback riding and gave me my allergy pill because I'm allergic to horses.

00:16:17.374 --> 00:16:19.650
Okay, never made it.

00:16:20.346 --> 00:16:34.985
I went into a deep sleep and the next thing I knew I woke up in the back of a motorhome that had a partition between the front and the back it was the back bed that sits at the back of a motorhome and I was restrained with leather straps around my wrists and my ankles.

00:16:34.985 --> 00:16:40.013
And this box became the most terrifying thing of my whole experience.

00:16:40.013 --> 00:16:51.017
It was playing in my ear, this high-pitched, funny voice that sounded like an alien voice, which I had been, you know already prepped to be afraid of.

00:16:51.017 --> 00:17:06.712
And that's what I woke up to was totally alone, restrained, with straps around my wrists and ankles, and this voice calling me female companion, in this high pitched, very staccato sounding voice.

00:17:06.712 --> 00:17:11.289
And people ask me well, how long did it take you to be convinced that there were aliens?

00:17:11.289 --> 00:17:13.699
I'm like I don't know five seconds.

00:17:13.699 --> 00:17:15.404
I mean, it was so scary.

00:17:15.786 --> 00:17:18.892
And I didn't see him for at least a couple of days.

00:17:18.892 --> 00:17:33.256
I, you know, of course I'm in and out of a deep sleep because of the sleeping, whatever pill he gave me then and sometimes I'd be in a deep sleep and I'd wake up and the restraints were off and I'd be told by the voice you know, we have food.

00:17:33.256 --> 00:17:50.893
It's in that cooler there's, you know, go to the bathroom and then lay back down on the bed and all my favorite things were in the cooler the Almond Joy bar, the tuna fish sandwiches, the squirt, you know the kinds of things that it felt like they had been watching me, like they knew me.

00:17:50.893 --> 00:17:52.836
It was all perfectly planned out.

00:17:52.836 --> 00:18:05.832
He was a very organized criminal and a very patient pedophile, because as I look back, I know now of two other girls before me, so he already had somebody that he was victimizing at the time.

00:18:05.832 --> 00:18:13.333
He was planning all of this for those three years that we were best friends, you know, with the family, yeah, wow so terror.

00:18:13.954 --> 00:19:02.556
The first kidnapping was how many, how many uh almost 50 days I think it was 49 days before we were found by the fbi working with the federales in mazatlan, mexico, in a trailer park and they stormed it early in the morning, still being in in bed asleep, and the sun wasn't quite up and they kicked the door in and grabbed us and we went to a you know one of those iconic Mexican prisons where you've got a big courtyard outside and then you've got rooms down, kind of in a almost like a basement area, but it's with a big courtyard, and then they put me in a room with just a single chair.

00:19:02.556 --> 00:19:04.608
And of course I didn't speak Spanish at the time.

00:19:04.608 --> 00:19:46.073
I do now, but I I didn't have any idea what was going on, except that I was so scared and put my legs up on the chair and watch the little mice run around the perimeter of the room and go in and out of the wall and no one fed me, no one talked to me until I was taken out of the room by one of the guards and led down into the bowels of the Mexican prison and was allowed to talk to Birchtold B through the bars and I know this now, I didn't know this then, but he had given his wedding ring to the guard and said I need to talk to my daughter, I need to talk to her.

00:19:46.073 --> 00:20:01.297
And he told me that the aliens were watching us and that they, of course, had been watching me since I was born, which I already knew that from all of the brainwashing that had happened during these 50 days and that we couldn't talk about them.

00:20:01.297 --> 00:20:09.847
We couldn't talk about the relaxing medication and we couldn't talk about the fact that I was supposed to have a baby, which is why he that was.

00:20:09.887 --> 00:20:15.159
The excuse for why he was raping me is that I was to have a baby because I was half.

00:20:15.159 --> 00:20:17.670
I was half alien myself.

00:20:17.670 --> 00:20:26.073
I was half alien and half human and I was going to have the baby that would save their dying planet, whatever the name of that planet was.

00:20:26.073 --> 00:20:28.698
And so that was the story.

00:20:28.698 --> 00:20:36.868
And he made sure that I knew the rules and that if I didn't follow those things, if I told about any of those things, I would be vaporized, which I don't know.

00:20:36.888 --> 00:20:37.711
They never explained what vaporized meant.

00:20:37.711 --> 00:20:38.936
I just knew it was hot and steamy and I thought I would boil.

00:20:38.936 --> 00:20:39.519
Vaporized, which I don't know.

00:20:39.519 --> 00:20:40.963
They never explained what vaporized meant.

00:20:40.963 --> 00:20:53.057
I just knew it was hot and steamy and I thought I would boil from the inside out and melt from being steamed from the inside out, vaporized, and that my spirit and my body both would be destroyed.

00:20:53.057 --> 00:20:54.989
So that was a very scary.

00:20:54.989 --> 00:21:00.892
That was the scariest threat I think I had was thinking that I had no chance at my spirit surviving.

00:21:00.892 --> 00:21:16.810
My spirit wouldn't live on, you know, because I've been taught that all my life, that I had a spirit and a body and that the spirit lives forever, you know, and I would still be somewhere, you know, and thinking that I wouldn't exist anymore was so frightening to me.

00:21:17.491 --> 00:21:28.798
Well, I think somewhere along the lines you said something like I had to believe that this is love because your mind couldn't accept that this was evil.

00:21:29.884 --> 00:21:31.067
Oh no, not at all.

00:21:31.067 --> 00:21:32.311
I, it definitely was.

00:21:32.311 --> 00:21:36.122
Like he was also part of this plan of.

00:21:36.122 --> 00:21:45.134
He was the male companion and he was given to me for a special reason and purpose and of course, I already loved him.

00:21:45.134 --> 00:21:47.854
I just didn't love him like that, you know.

00:21:47.854 --> 00:22:14.717
And so he did such an amazing job of the mind and brainwashing in that story of appealing to my higher sense of purpose, as well as giving me gifts as well, as they gave threats Like if I didn't do it, my little sister would be taken, and she also was half human, half alien, and she would do the, she would have the baby to save the dying planet.

00:22:15.145 --> 00:22:18.432
My little sister Susan, my middle sister, karen, would go blind.

00:22:18.432 --> 00:22:30.490
If I didn't follow one of the rules, my father would be killed and removed that's what they said, not killed, that he would be removed from the family and the male companion would take over my family, you know.

00:22:30.490 --> 00:22:35.179
So my dad would be removed and he would be, you know, then he'd have access to three little girls.

00:22:35.179 --> 00:22:38.025
I'm sure that was all part of the plan.

00:22:38.025 --> 00:22:39.028
I'm sure it was all part of the plan.

00:22:39.048 --> 00:22:44.085
I'm sure it was too what your brain does to survive, because you're surviving.

00:22:44.085 --> 00:22:47.592
So you're freezing, or you're fighting, or you're flying.

00:22:47.592 --> 00:22:50.679
You know you're flying away or you're fawning.

00:22:50.679 --> 00:23:12.557
And for me, as that very prepubescent little tween, I didn't hit puberty until I was 17, until after he was out of my life more or less not that he was ever completely out of my life, because he would come back into my life at various points and times throughout my life but I would fawn.

00:23:12.557 --> 00:23:16.787
It was fawning, it was trying to please the aliens, it was trying to please him.

00:23:16.787 --> 00:23:19.290
It was trying to, and I made myself, I.

00:23:19.290 --> 00:23:28.012
This whole situation, in order to survive, made me say, oh, I'm in love with him, I love him, and it made me silent.

00:23:28.272 --> 00:23:39.757
I never told anybody what he was doing to me right, and so that opened up the portal for him to kidnap you the second time, and this time it's a lot longer.

00:23:39.757 --> 00:23:42.701
He takes you, puts you into a catholic school.

00:23:42.701 --> 00:23:45.228
This part is insane.

00:23:45.228 --> 00:24:11.694
To even like the audacity and the risk that he took to do that, it's almost like I mean, he's way worse than a narcissist, but but Right, but he's definitely that and he's a psychopath, totally Brilliant in some ways and so charismatic, thinking he can get away with it.

00:24:11.734 --> 00:24:13.459
Because that is exactly what he did.

00:24:13.459 --> 00:24:30.026
Put me in a boarding school in Pasadena, california, had a whole plan paperwork that he was a CIA agent and we had escaped the crisis in Laos and my mother had been killed and that people were after him and they would come looking for me.

00:24:30.026 --> 00:24:40.391
And if they found me, if the nuns told them that I was there, they would take me and torture me to get to him because he would come and, of of course, would have to come and rescue me.

00:24:40.391 --> 00:24:53.211
And these sweet, sweet nuns again so kind, believed every word he said, took me under their wing and protected me and fed me.

00:24:53.211 --> 00:24:58.667
And I had a cute little roommate from Japan named Jacinta Lobo.

00:24:58.667 --> 00:25:00.531
I want someday to find her.

00:25:00.531 --> 00:25:02.276
She was always so sweet.

00:25:02.276 --> 00:25:12.171
When sometimes I would cry in my bed and she didn't know why, she would say, oh, jen, we take the tears and we make them go into the breeze and have happy tears.

00:25:12.171 --> 00:25:19.068
She was so cute and sweet to me and that was my little roommate in the boarding school and I was 14.

00:25:19.109 --> 00:25:38.222
The second time he took me, I'd been home for about a year and a half, I'd been through one court hearing and, of course, when they asked me if he had ever done any, you know, if he touched me or whatever the guy asked, I was like, oh gross, no, you know, I knew how to answer the questions, to refute everything.

00:25:38.222 --> 00:26:00.752
And then, basically, I wrote a letter to my parents that he told me to write and had it all written out for me, and I wrote it just like he had written it, and I left a letter for my mom and dad and he was at my bedroom window, the bedroom that he had created in the very back of the basement, the last room of the house that had two windows, and he was right there to help me out of my window and I, I staged a big fight with my parents.

00:26:00.752 --> 00:26:09.789
You don't understand, you know me, I don't want anything to do with you, or you know, and it was so, not me and my sister Karen.

00:26:09.789 --> 00:26:20.719
Whenever she gets interviewed, she's like it was so obvious in that letter that she wrote and left for us that it wasn't her, because it was so unlike her, you know.

00:26:20.719 --> 00:26:32.155
And yet I did exactly what I was told and then he was right there to help me out of my bedroom window and and took me to California and I was gone for four months, the whole entire.

00:26:32.877 --> 00:26:35.685
It was in August that I was kidnapped the second time.

00:26:35.685 --> 00:26:42.239
The first time it was October, and this was August, a year and a half later, yeah, and then it continued.

00:26:42.704 --> 00:26:49.497
There does come a point where you've realized that this is not true.

00:26:49.497 --> 00:27:00.278
And your mom, both your parents, were manipulated and had relations with him.

00:27:00.278 --> 00:27:03.150
Yes, so which was part of the plan?

00:27:03.150 --> 00:27:11.872
So that they they believed that they would, that they were bad parents and that they made mistakes and that they would lose all of you.

00:27:12.875 --> 00:27:23.268
Yes, that actually the thing that the masturbation experience that happened with my father happened before the first kidnapping, which is why I think he started pulling away.

00:27:23.268 --> 00:27:32.900
I think when that happened, he felt so guilty because my dad was such a religious man and he went and told his church authorities.

00:27:32.900 --> 00:27:35.046
You know, this experience happened.

00:27:35.046 --> 00:27:35.988
I feel terrible.

00:27:35.988 --> 00:27:45.030
You know, discipline me, however you need to, and it was something that my dad carried for the rest of his life because he felt like I was an adult.

00:27:45.030 --> 00:27:51.955
But he could make you feel like you were 16, with your cousins out in the barn and your twin brother, and he, just he was like.

00:27:51.955 --> 00:27:57.733
You know, it was very difficult to see through him because he knew exactly.

00:27:57.733 --> 00:27:58.836
He just knew it was like he knew exactly.

00:27:58.836 --> 00:28:05.690
He just knew it was like he knew what people might do and then regret so that he could hold that over their heads.

00:28:05.750 --> 00:28:14.545
Like you know, blackmail and right but that was all calculated, that's the calculation, that's the grooming, that's the brilliant and that was right.

00:28:15.247 --> 00:28:26.117
It really is hard to see grooming and groomers who are really masterful at it that it just looks like somebody you already know, you already trust, you already love it.

00:28:26.117 --> 00:28:37.573
It doesn't look like a scary stranger and that's why I tell my story over and over and I hope to get the message out is that it's so subtle and they're so good at it that you would never suspect.

00:28:37.573 --> 00:28:59.983
And then when you, your child or your tween or their sibling or a friend or somebody says something to you like I think that uncle, so-and-so, or this cousin or teacher that got teacher of the year last year, they say something to you that might raise a red flag, you're immediately dismissing it and like, oh, you're what I mean.

00:28:59.983 --> 00:29:00.892
They would never do that.

00:29:00.892 --> 00:29:19.355
That's what you're thinking and because that's how good they are at this and that's the myth that I want to break in the world is that it is someone you already know, you already trust that's the person, because they are manipulating you into a love scenario and it's not real.

00:29:19.355 --> 00:29:22.201
It's all smoke and mirrors.

00:29:22.201 --> 00:29:28.662
Or it's your child and or it's your husband or your wife, which is what happened to my parents.

00:29:28.721 --> 00:29:35.356
And then between the two kidnappings, because Birchtold was calling our house every day.

00:29:35.356 --> 00:29:37.246
I mean people think, oh, the guy was put away.

00:29:37.246 --> 00:29:39.549
I'm like, no, the guy's back home with his family.

00:29:39.549 --> 00:29:44.176
I mean he's out of jail within days of him being brought back from Mexico.

00:29:44.176 --> 00:29:49.114
You know, he's already, there's already bail and he's already out and he's already back home with his family.

00:29:49.114 --> 00:29:54.494
And he's already at church with my family, going to the same church and sitting three benches away.

00:29:54.494 --> 00:29:56.866
People never think about that part.

00:29:56.866 --> 00:30:05.231
And I'm like, and he's still contacting me, he's still getting notes to me from you know different kids that I didn't even know at school.

00:30:05.231 --> 00:30:16.234
That would hand me a note and it would say go to this phone booth on the corner of you know center and fifth and sit down on the floor and the phone will ring because we didn't have cell phones or anything in the seventies.

00:30:16.234 --> 00:30:23.897
And I would sit there and the phone would ring and it would be him or it would be the alien voice on the other end of the line and it would tell me what I was supposed to do next.

00:30:23.897 --> 00:30:26.329
I mean it was like I lived in constant terror.

00:30:26.329 --> 00:30:33.020
I believe they were watching me all the time and that I had to do everything they said because I didn't want my little sister to be taken.

00:30:33.020 --> 00:30:34.685
I didn't want my other sister to go blind.

00:30:34.685 --> 00:30:36.169
I didn't want my dad to be removed.

00:30:36.169 --> 00:30:49.366
I was trying to do everything I could to you know, be in love with Birchtold, to do all the right things so that the male companion could get out of jail and that we could continue on this mission.

00:30:49.366 --> 00:30:52.218
And still prepubescent, you know still all of that.

00:30:52.259 --> 00:31:00.087
But I didn't follow the same rules because my body was an alien body and, truthfully, it looked like an alien body, like every alien thing that you ever see.

00:31:00.087 --> 00:31:07.292
I look at that and I'm like, yeah, that's what my body looked like, that skinny, long, limbed but tiny little alien body with no breasts.

00:31:07.292 --> 00:31:12.147
And you know nothing, nothing except that that's what I looked like.

00:31:12.147 --> 00:31:20.922
And I would run from the shower in my in my middle school, you know, I would just run to get to the shower after gym class.

00:31:20.922 --> 00:31:23.230
That was a shared shower with multiple shower heads.

00:31:23.230 --> 00:31:31.204
I would run as fast as I could so I could hurry and get the towel, so that I didn't have to have other girls see me because I didn't look like the other girls.

00:31:31.464 --> 00:31:43.348
I was just this tiny little thing and you know I look back on all of these things and how he manipulated my mother into a short-lived affair that they had between the two kidnappings.

00:31:43.348 --> 00:31:51.720
But this is how it happens, right, he had already for years been giving her little secret compliments and oh, I wish I'd have met you first.

00:31:51.720 --> 00:32:04.868
And oh, you have such beautiful legs and you know doing all the things that you know my mom's been married for you know 13, you know 14 years now and and you don't have all the same fluttery whatever.

00:32:04.868 --> 00:32:10.991
And he comes in and knows exactly what to say and exactly how to close to get to her neck and and her ear and what to.

00:32:10.991 --> 00:32:20.292
You know he just he did it all on purpose and between the two kidnappings he would call our house every day while my dad was at work.

00:32:20.292 --> 00:32:21.535
He knew my dad's routine.

00:32:21.535 --> 00:32:23.196
My dad owned a flower shop.

00:32:23.196 --> 00:32:24.598
He would call our house every day while my dad was at work.

00:32:24.598 --> 00:32:25.138
He knew my dad's routine.

00:32:25.138 --> 00:32:26.161
My dad owned a flower shop.

00:32:26.161 --> 00:32:37.623
He was gone at this time and he got home at this time and call, and my mother half the time she would try not to even answer the phone, but at some point when you've had a phone ringing constantly, you pick it up and it would be him, marianne.

00:32:37.623 --> 00:32:39.626
Marianne, you know how much I love your family.

00:32:39.626 --> 00:32:40.750
I would never have hurt Jan.

00:32:40.750 --> 00:32:42.231
I want to tell you the whole reason.

00:32:42.231 --> 00:32:43.795
I want to tell you what happened.

00:32:44.496 --> 00:32:52.367
And at one point, my mother, who had said we can't have any relationship with you there's this court thing pending.

00:32:52.367 --> 00:33:01.720
You've already manipulated us into signing paperwork that you didn't do anything, and now we know that you've done something wrong.

00:33:01.720 --> 00:33:03.385
Taking our daughter was wrong.

00:33:03.385 --> 00:33:07.575
My mom knows this, but she doesn't have any idea what he's done to me.

00:33:07.575 --> 00:33:10.969
And he gets her to come down because he's now moved down.

00:33:10.969 --> 00:33:14.015
He himself has moved down to Utah.

00:33:14.015 --> 00:33:16.686
He's not in Idaho at this, at this point in time.

00:33:16.686 --> 00:33:27.193
So my mom goes down to meet with him at this cafe and ends up going back to his motor home where he says it was like I was watching Jan.

00:33:27.273 --> 00:33:28.336
I was watching you.

00:33:28.336 --> 00:33:32.771
It was you standing at the stove, it was you sleeping by my side.

00:33:32.771 --> 00:33:33.814
It was you.

00:33:33.814 --> 00:33:36.506
I've always wanted it to be you, marianne.

00:33:36.506 --> 00:33:51.211
And when that all happened, and all the seduction had already happened for years earlier, then at that point my mom said I just, instead of turning away and walking out, I turned towards him and he kissed me and then that was it.

00:33:51.211 --> 00:33:58.082
And she said you know, I've I've wondered, you know how I could have done that to your father?

00:33:58.082 --> 00:34:01.973
For one thing because I love your dad and my parents' marriage did survive.

00:34:02.375 --> 00:34:03.457
Right, which is incredible.

00:34:03.585 --> 00:34:06.724
And she did come to her senses before the second kidnapping happened.

00:34:06.724 --> 00:34:26.396
My mother had seen, kind of through him, after a handful of sexual interactions with him, that she would go and she took us all us girls at one time to go see the Birchtold family who had moved by this time this was like into the second year after I had come home.

00:34:26.396 --> 00:34:33.474
The first time had been brought home and she said I remember being drugged.

00:34:33.474 --> 00:34:34.829
Now that I look back on it.

00:34:34.829 --> 00:34:43.858
He gave me something to drink and I remember having been asleep in a chair and kind of waking up and you were there.

00:34:43.858 --> 00:34:46.273
It was just you and me at that moment.

00:34:46.273 --> 00:34:48.793
I don't know where Karen and Susan were at the time.

00:34:48.793 --> 00:34:52.235
I think we had gone to see his new fun center or something.

00:34:52.235 --> 00:35:24.789
So you know, and she remembers that and she's like I don't know, something probably happened to you while I was asleep, you know, and something definitely happened with me, because I remember the I think she said four or five times that it was that she and then my dad filed for a divorce because he thought she was endangering us, my dad not knowing but feeling something was very wrong with this man by now that he would take me and then we were all still so in love with the Birchtold family I mean we all were begging.

00:35:24.789 --> 00:35:29.306
Please let us go visit them up in Ogden and in Utah.

00:35:29.306 --> 00:35:40.373
We were still in Idaho and my parents lived in that same house until they finally retired and sold the flower shop and moved down and then lived with me here in warmer weather.

00:35:40.773 --> 00:35:46.192
If you could go back, if you watch A Friend of the Family on Peacock, you will see how it unfolds.

00:35:46.192 --> 00:35:54.344
If you only watch Abducted in Plain Sight, the Netflix documentary, you'll be shocked and you'll be mad and you'll have a reaction to this story.

00:35:54.344 --> 00:35:55.688
And that's great.

00:35:55.688 --> 00:36:02.795
If it makes you react in the way that says how do these master manipulators and predators get away with this?

00:36:02.795 --> 00:36:04.869
That makes you mad, then that's good.

00:36:04.869 --> 00:36:06.996
But if you're mad at my parents, you're mad at the wrong people.

00:36:06.996 --> 00:36:07.405
I agree.

00:36:07.405 --> 00:36:14.619
You have to start looking at the perpetrator and what they do to groom people who then do things that they would otherwise never do.

00:36:16.045 --> 00:36:18.989
How great would it be to find the love of your life, the man of your dreams?

00:36:18.989 --> 00:36:20.972
How great would it be to find the love of your life, the man of your dreams?

00:36:20.972 --> 00:36:26.237
Do you believe online dating would work if you had the right tools to be successful?

00:36:26.237 --> 00:36:28.240
Well, I have exciting news.

00:36:28.240 --> 00:36:33.106
I've created your best shot at love masterclass.

00:36:33.106 --> 00:36:38.918
I cannot wait to share with you what's worked for me in my life and for many of my clients that have helped over the years.

00:36:38.918 --> 00:36:45.594
If you enroll in this class, you have a winning mindset and believe in getting help before you start something new.

00:36:46.106 --> 00:36:53.454
If you're ready to see changes in your dating life and want to take action, check out my free webinar at shotatloveco.

00:36:53.454 --> 00:37:02.971
If you decide you're going to choose another path, that you're worth it and you're willing to enroll in the masterclass, you can also register at shotatloveco.

00:37:02.971 --> 00:37:07.518
I designed this masterclass specifically for you to be successful.

00:37:07.518 --> 00:37:17.536
Please know that everything you're going to learn in these nine modules and six coaching calls has been carefully curated for you so you can gain the success you truly want.

00:37:17.536 --> 00:37:19.871
I will be there for you the whole time.

00:37:19.871 --> 00:37:25.592
In the meantime, I wish you all the success and I can't wait to hear about your story of finding love.

00:37:25.592 --> 00:37:30.528
I'm Carrie Brett and I will be your mentor and friend through this incredible journey.

00:37:30.528 --> 00:37:48.407
I mean, do you think, because he's such a master, because he was such a master, I do believe a lot of it had to do with the time you, in the community that you lived in and there was no internet and there was no cell phone and all that.

00:37:49.068 --> 00:37:50.992
Well, and we didn't even know what a pedophile was.

00:37:50.992 --> 00:37:55.025
I mean, that was not a word that my parents had heard of a child molester.

00:37:55.025 --> 00:38:00.949
But even our wonderful FBI agent said I'll have to go look it up in the book to tell you exactly what a pedophile is.

00:38:00.949 --> 00:38:03.472
But it's some kind of a fascination they have with kids.

00:38:03.472 --> 00:38:05.333
That's basically how he described it.

00:38:05.333 --> 00:38:07.014
It's a fascination with children.

00:38:07.014 --> 00:38:09.534
And they were like no, that's not him.

00:38:09.534 --> 00:38:12.317
He loves all of us and he would never hurt her.

00:38:12.317 --> 00:38:14.217
I mean, they trusted him.

00:38:14.378 --> 00:38:20.802
Again, this is the friend of the family and how they, these types of people, come in.

00:38:20.822 --> 00:38:33.391
The teacher of the year, like you mentioned the scout, master, the priest, the church leader, somebody who's already trusted and highly trusted in the community.

00:38:33.391 --> 00:38:36.659
It's somebody, it's the patriarch in your family, it's the person that you all trust.

00:38:36.659 --> 00:38:44.527
It's the grandpa, the father I'm sorry, but that's 70% of the time that's who's perpetrating the child.

00:38:44.527 --> 00:38:54.271
Is the father, the grandfather, then it's a stepfather, a mother, a stepmother and a grandmother.

00:38:54.271 --> 00:39:13.329
But the first echelon of abusers are fathers, grandfathers and an older brother or cousin and unfortunately it's generally it's more often the male.

00:39:13.329 --> 00:39:15.152
There are women abusers, for sure.

00:39:15.152 --> 00:39:21.240
There's a lot of physical abusers that are women and there are sexual assault abusers who are women.

00:39:21.240 --> 00:39:23.351
It's just a much smaller number.

00:39:23.351 --> 00:39:24.650
So we just have to get real.

00:39:24.650 --> 00:39:26.773
Like, what has gone wrong here?

00:39:26.773 --> 00:39:28.510
Why can't we find love?

00:39:28.510 --> 00:39:30.670
What has gone wrong with so many men?

00:39:31.434 --> 00:39:38.297
Right, sorry, but again, what I want to talk about is that you were able to move forward.

00:39:38.297 --> 00:39:56.737
So, yes, this is the most incredible story of a family that could have been destroyed, but love kept you together and love is more powerful than evil yes, 100%, a hundred percent of the time.

00:39:57.458 --> 00:39:58.619
It absolutely is.

00:39:58.980 --> 00:40:10.606
And so you get married young and tell us a little bit about your journey as far as creating a life for yourself.

00:40:11.827 --> 00:40:25.498
So it's interesting, after I was, you know, found the second time and brought home and had to go through like I had been a runaway and so I had to spend a night in jail in Los Angeles and it was the scary, it was so scary.

00:40:25.498 --> 00:40:48.536
I was in there with a bunch of other young, I guess they were my age, I guess they were 14 and young under you know, I guess they weren't adults, but they look like scary adults and they were loud and mean and I hid behind a garbage can that the only piece of anything except benches in this holding cell, I guess and had to be processed, you know, had to be fingerprinted.

00:40:48.536 --> 00:40:52.472
I went home and I was put in my own hometown jail for the night.

00:40:52.472 --> 00:40:55.038
My FBI agent about had a heart attack.

00:40:55.038 --> 00:41:03.751
He brought me, he brought me food and magazines and you'll get through it and you're by yourself, so there won't be anybody to bother you and we'll get you out of here, you know, by tomorrow.

00:41:04.393 --> 00:41:25.007
And so this little 14 year old girl, who still hasn't hit puberty, who's still like 90 pounds and, you know, five feet tall, and has been brutally, you know, mentally raped and terrorized as well as physically, for all you know, these two and a half years of on and off while I was kidnapped, and then he would find ways to hook up with me.

00:41:25.409 --> 00:41:28.355
You know, even when I was at home between and then after.

00:41:28.355 --> 00:41:38.146
So I still, after the second kidnapping, I am still professing to my parents my love for B and that I'm supposed to be with him.

00:41:38.146 --> 00:41:41.876
And if you won't let me just go and be with him, then I will just run away again.

00:41:41.876 --> 00:41:46.733
You know, I am playing the part of of.

00:41:46.733 --> 00:41:52.670
You know, and I don't know if in Idaho at that time, if you had your parents permission, you could be married at 14.

00:41:52.670 --> 00:42:06.894
But I have a feeling that that was still the law on the books at the time, because I remember him saying we just have to pressure your mom and dad to give you permission to marry me so we can finish this mission, so we can be done with this mission, you know, for you to have the baby, to save the dying planet.

00:42:06.894 --> 00:42:08.282
I mean, I'm all in.

00:42:08.422 --> 00:42:47.699
I still believe it, I still am totally under his, his control, 100% of the time I meet up with him, you know, at least every couple of weeks he would find a way, because he's still not in jail, it's so interesting, he only served 19 days in jail from the first kidnapping and he he had kidnapped me the second time, so he's out running around free, but he had been sentenced to 19 days in jail, with time served in Mexico, and so he literally had kidnapped me again and then said I won't see you for a couple of weeks because I have to go serve my time in jail.

00:42:47.699 --> 00:42:55.507
And he literally had me in this Catholic boarding school and then goes back to Salt Lake, which is where I think they ended up in.

00:42:55.507 --> 00:42:57.369
Well, maybe it was Idaho, I don't know.

00:42:57.369 --> 00:43:07.907
But he, he went to jail for 19 days and that was the happiest 19 days on my second kidnapping ever, because I didn't have to see him, I didn't have to do the, the dirty work.

00:43:07.907 --> 00:43:09.931
You know the I didn't have to.

00:43:10.733 --> 00:43:15.045
You know, freeze and suffer through and look and count leaves that I could see out the top of the little fan out of the motorhome.

00:43:15.045 --> 00:43:18.375
You know, freeze and suffer through and look and count leaves that I could see out the top of the little fan out of the motor home.

00:43:18.375 --> 00:43:21.525
You know, count the leaves, jan, just count the leaves and you'll get through this.

00:43:21.525 --> 00:43:24.452
You know kind of thing while he raped me.

00:43:24.452 --> 00:43:28.248
So it's interesting I didn't know that at the time.

00:43:28.248 --> 00:43:30.416
I just knew that he told me I have to go.

00:43:30.416 --> 00:43:36.135
I have to go do something that I won't be able to be coming back every for these next two weekends.

00:43:36.135 --> 00:43:39.190
That's just a side story about you.

00:43:39.190 --> 00:43:40.775
Know how do you make it through something.

00:43:40.775 --> 00:43:41.297
What do you do?

00:43:41.297 --> 00:43:42.849
You count leaves or you count?

00:43:43.512 --> 00:43:54.152
you just count you know you do anything that can take you away from what's happening to your, your little body that's not at all ready for sex of any kind, it's not at all ready for sex of any kind.

00:43:54.152 --> 00:43:56.476
It's still growing and trying to.

00:43:56.476 --> 00:44:01.681
You know, your just brain and body are not ready.

00:44:01.681 --> 00:44:11.911
You know at that little age, and it was a long journey for me to come back from all of those various things and finally to realize at age 16.

00:44:11.911 --> 00:44:35.775
So now we are talking four years it's been two more years after my second kidnapping that he's had control of me and that he's met up with me and he still hasn't gone, because it still hasn't gone to trial and he still hasn't pled mental defect and he still hasn't gone to the psychiatric hospital.

00:44:35.775 --> 00:44:41.159
That he's late, 77 or 78, it was after my 16th birthday.

00:44:41.159 --> 00:44:52.166
But I realize now that the reason I hadn't heard from him for a few weeks was because that trial or that thing was going on, if you do the timeline.

00:44:52.166 --> 00:44:59.731
That was going on and he was now supposed to go serve his time in the mental facility.

00:44:59.731 --> 00:45:03.135
He didn't get any jail time, just that he would go there.

00:45:03.135 --> 00:45:18.389
And we thought that my parents thought that was going to be for a long time and he'd already met the mother of his next victim, the next little girl victim of the next little girl.

00:45:18.389 --> 00:45:19.311
So he had started to lose interest in me.

00:45:19.311 --> 00:45:27.893
He was already charming and getting the next mother to fall in love with him because she had a nine-year-old daughter who was adopted but she wasn't married at the time.

00:45:27.954 --> 00:45:38.471
I think that now that I've met Heidi that's in the Peacock documentary A Friend of the Family, true Evil you see us go to meet Heidi, who was the next little girl.

00:45:38.471 --> 00:45:47.188
I guess there was one in between too, because she told me there was somebody in between and he had showed her pictures of both me and this other little girl and we were both naked.

00:45:47.188 --> 00:46:01.596
I never, ever remember him taking pictures of me naked, so it must have been when I was drugged and she said he showed us the pictures and he said now I want you to be just like them and be, you know, a good girl for dad.

00:46:01.596 --> 00:46:09.666
You know she was like, this is like my dad, and this is what we have to do so that daddy can be a good father to you and everybody else.

00:46:09.666 --> 00:46:14.396
We have to do this and he even tried to use the brainwashing tapes on her once in the car.

00:46:14.396 --> 00:46:22.166
She mentioned that, and so it's so interesting because nobody had ever corroborated that he actually made these alien tapes.

00:46:22.286 --> 00:46:32.304
But my FBI agent, many years later, when we started to do the Netflix documentary, he had a whole box of stuff and the tapes were in there and he said we couldn't make any sense of them.

00:46:32.304 --> 00:46:38.757
They were just these high pitched voices and they were saying all these weird things and you know, we didn't know what it meant at all.

00:46:38.757 --> 00:46:40.670
I mean, we had no idea what they were.

00:46:40.670 --> 00:46:46.047
And she said, oh yeah, he tried to use the tape in the tape cassette player that.

00:46:46.047 --> 00:46:50.797
He said he had been given this tape from a, from a, an alien being.

00:46:50.858 --> 00:47:19.351
And she said that I was a little too old and I had a few friends at school by this time that we had watched some science fiction and had talked about, you know, how people could make tape recordings, and so I never was really sure if it was real or not, so it didn't really work with me, but she did hear them and that was like, oh my gosh, I can't believe it Somebody that heard the voices that I'm not the only one that he tried that with Um and he held her.

00:47:19.690 --> 00:47:37.315
I think you, you, um, hold onto that in a way, because, like you said, if you have cancer, everyone believes you, but a lot of the times what you're saying is so unbelievable that it sounds crazy.

00:47:37.315 --> 00:47:38.277
Know what I mean?

00:47:38.277 --> 00:47:50.347
It's like yeah, of course I believe you, of course everyone believes you, but it it probably gives you some kind of like.

00:47:50.347 --> 00:47:54.974
There's the proof, you know he used the same skill set on someone else?

00:47:55.615 --> 00:48:41.317
yes, yeah, and and and beyond being just a masterful perpetrator, a child abuser, a rapist of children, I have four other girls that I now know and that I've either met or I've read their their um story that he also raped, as, and it was always around age nine that the grooming began and around age 11 or 12 that the rape began and about age you know 15, 16, 17 that he stopped because they were aging out and he was on to the next, the younger sibling, like he married a woman in his later years who had two daughters.

00:48:41.317 --> 00:49:01.827
She was a second grade school teacher and I know both of them, but the older one started to age out and then he started on the younger one and the older sister was like I can't let this happen to my younger sister and found her father in Idaho and said you got to come and get us.

00:49:01.827 --> 00:49:04.277
This man that mom's married to is is raping, and mostly she talked about her little sister.

00:49:04.277 --> 00:49:17.956
But I know that it happened to them and you know, when you find these people that you get to finally meet and and you know cause, you're working on a documentary or they've seen your first little self-published book and pictures of him and and they're like oh my gosh, a friend sent me this book.

00:49:17.956 --> 00:49:20.367
Isn't this your stepdad, or was I mean?

00:49:20.367 --> 00:49:23.420
You guys haven't lived here for a long time, do you ever see him?

00:49:23.420 --> 00:49:25.710
He's still married to your mom, you know.

00:49:25.710 --> 00:49:30.467
And they're like, yeah, and we left and we don't even call her mother anymore because she never believed us.

00:49:30.467 --> 00:49:32.889
They called her the woman who gave us birth.

00:49:32.889 --> 00:49:40.139
They would never say that she was their mother because the older sister tried to tell her and she never believed them.

00:49:40.139 --> 00:49:45.653
She said you're such a liar, you just love to make up stories, you know, you just love to, you know, cause trouble.

00:49:45.653 --> 00:49:52.346
And she finally, when it started on her younger sister, she got him out and you know.

00:49:52.346 --> 00:49:59.452
So he was never, ever, ever truly put in jail for any length of time, the mental hospital.

00:49:59.512 --> 00:50:07.657
It was less than a year from my kidnapping the next little girl who finally told some friend at school what was happening.

00:50:07.657 --> 00:50:09.440
She was 17 years old.

00:50:09.440 --> 00:50:11.081
It had been happening since she was 10.

00:50:11.081 --> 00:50:14.943
She'd met him when she was nine for seven years.

00:50:14.943 --> 00:50:17.168
And she says I don't want to do this anymore, I'm going to kill myself.

00:50:17.168 --> 00:50:19.199
And the friend's like what are you talking about?

00:50:19.199 --> 00:50:20.525
She's like well, I have to do it.

00:50:20.525 --> 00:50:22.291
I have to or I can't.

00:50:22.291 --> 00:50:23.775
I can't have my family.

00:50:23.775 --> 00:50:34.114
Because she was now best friends and felt like she was the sister of the two youngest kids, where me, karen and susan were friends, best friends with the three older boys.

00:50:34.375 --> 00:50:38.521
So he traps everyone into silence.

00:50:38.521 --> 00:50:43.313
His snare yep, and there really is no way out.

00:50:43.313 --> 00:50:44.476
There's no education.

00:50:44.476 --> 00:50:56.135
How would you suggest someone who's gone through something where they've been silenced and they didn't have any direction?

00:50:56.135 --> 00:51:00.610
Is it through therapy, writing your book, sharing your story?

00:51:00.610 --> 00:51:02.016
What do you think's helped you the most?

00:51:03.005 --> 00:51:22.018
You know, for me, I think it came in stages of what I was ready to do, and sometimes a person feels like if I just stuff it long enough and I go on with my life and I try to create this wonderful, you know life for myself and I forget about it, I'll be okay.

00:51:22.018 --> 00:51:38.525
But almost always I have so many thousands of people who have reached out to me through various you know means, whether it's through my own podcast or through you know just a note on one of my social media.

00:51:38.525 --> 00:52:32.789
You know many social media places that I I have people that tell me their little story in a paragraph or whatever, and almost all of them mentioned the fact that when I heard your story, when you told your story, it gave me the courage to try again, because I know that my life has had these messy problems because I never was heard, I was never believed or I never told my story because it was somebody in my family and I was afraid it was going to destroy my mother or my, my grandmother, or you know, I didn't want to ruin my family and I just I was silenced and when I tried to say something I was shut down and then the number one predictor of a person being abused or in another abusive, narcissistic, violent, terrorizing, you know pathological, liar kind of relationship.

00:52:32.789 --> 00:52:51.489
The number one reason is because they were never heard or believed when it happened the first time, when they were 5 or 10 or 15 or 20, and the person never got to tell their story and be believed.

00:52:51.489 --> 00:52:54.253
That's the first step of healing.

00:52:54.253 --> 00:53:29.697
So if you have never been believed and you've tried to tell someone, you find a therapist who will believe you, who is trauma-informed, understands sexual assault and trauma deeply and will know that what you're telling them is true, because almost every other issue that an adult woman or man starts to have or the next abusive relationship that they find themselves in is because they never took care of that, of that genesis problem, of that genesis of where the trauma began, when they weren't believed.

00:53:30.298 --> 00:53:52.427
As a seven-year-old or a 13-year-old and many, certainly if you're a young adult, you don't get believed because it's a he said, she said, and yet many, many young women and men are groomed at age 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.

00:53:52.427 --> 00:53:55.791
Your brain isn't fully developed till you're about 26 years old 18, 19, 20, 21.

00:53:55.791 --> 00:53:57.291
Your brain isn't fully developed till you're about 26 years old.

00:53:57.291 --> 00:54:00.295
You are easily groomed and then they make it your fault and it's not.

00:54:00.295 --> 00:54:01.655
It is not your fault.

00:54:01.737 --> 00:54:21.561
Something happened to you and the outcome is all these things that we deal with drugs, alcohol, you know cutting, anorexia, bulimia, catatonic states, rage, multiple relationships, promiscuity, all the other things that come from not having dealt with this, all the next abusive relationships you have.

00:54:21.561 --> 00:54:25.092
It's because the genesis never got taken care of.

00:54:25.092 --> 00:54:26.815
You never were believed.

00:54:26.815 --> 00:54:40.690
So tell your story to someone who will believe you, acknowledge what you went through, with empathy and understanding, and then help you do the next step, which might be might be more therapy.

00:54:40.690 --> 00:54:55.034
It might be emdr, it might be tms, it might be a workbook that someone has written that you can work through various traumatic triggers so that you can gain the tools that you need for.

00:54:55.054 --> 00:54:59.351
For me, it was working through things kind of in stages and in steps.

00:54:59.351 --> 00:55:02.985
I did some workshops that put me back in the driver's seat of my life.

00:55:02.985 --> 00:55:10.409
I did the landmark forum and I felt like, all of a sudden, everything that had happened to me was just like erased from my blackboard.

00:55:10.409 --> 00:55:12.293
I'm like, yeah, it's all there.

00:55:12.293 --> 00:55:18.065
But if I'm going to create what's next, I don't have to wear the heavy coat of being abused.

00:55:18.065 --> 00:55:20.911
I can take that damn coat off and hang it up again.

00:55:20.911 --> 00:55:28.132
If you watch my ted talk I talk about that too and that, but that's a choice that I had to make.

00:55:28.514 --> 00:55:35.355
I have all the responsibility, because I can't get him to to change what happened and I can't get him to apologize.

00:55:35.355 --> 00:55:36.806
But I'm gonna let him go.

00:55:36.806 --> 00:55:39.617
I'm gonna forgive him and hope that he burns in hell.

00:55:39.617 --> 00:55:45.295
Both those things can go together right right, right right and hopefully I don't even.

00:55:45.717 --> 00:55:47.101
I actually don't even hope that.

00:55:47.101 --> 00:55:52.512
I hope that whatever made him become that monster, I hope that he gets help.

00:55:52.512 --> 00:55:54.434
I mean, he's he's dead now.

00:55:54.434 --> 00:56:03.728
He killed himself, but he tried to ruin my life when I was an adult and there's a little piece of that court proceeding at the very end of a friend of the family.

00:56:03.728 --> 00:56:06.795
If you watch all nine episodes which you have to do to the end.

00:56:06.795 --> 00:56:08.168
You have to watch them all.

00:56:08.248 --> 00:56:16.856
You have to watch the whole story yeah, and then you get to see me in court with him for just one little piece of it and, boy, boy, the mama tiger was ready to come out.

00:56:16.856 --> 00:56:31.014
I had done so much healing by then and now, since then, in these last 20 years, I have really focused on my own joy, happiness, healing and how I can help other people and I just feel so healthy and happy because of it.

00:56:31.014 --> 00:56:34.353
But it was in stages and there are still hard things that happen in life.

00:56:34.353 --> 00:56:43.148
But I have a lot of tools because I worked on that.

00:56:43.148 --> 00:56:45.715
Now all those tools apply to when I'm having something really hard happen.

00:56:45.715 --> 00:56:47.639
Now I use those tools that I learned how to be happy.

00:56:47.639 --> 00:56:49.625
I learned how to create happiness.

00:56:49.865 --> 00:56:52.010
I'm not just, I don't just wake up happy every day.

00:56:52.010 --> 00:56:58.751
Some days I have, you know, and and if you have clinical depression, please get medication, please know that.

00:56:58.751 --> 00:56:59.594
That's okay too.

00:56:59.594 --> 00:57:26.289
But if you can also practice yoga and you can go on your front porch and and take your shoes off and stand on the cold cement or the hot cement, you know, depending on what time of year it is here and just feel grounded to the earth and do your sun salutations and do some breathing and and know how to get yourself centered and to be able to you know that you can handle what's going to come your way.

00:57:26.289 --> 00:57:31.273
It's not like life is going to be butterflies and unicorns every day and rainbows at the end of every storm.

00:57:31.273 --> 00:57:33.483
It's going to be some stormy times.

00:57:33.483 --> 00:57:34.525
I've been through marriages.

00:57:34.525 --> 00:57:36.972
I've been through, you know, problems with children.

00:57:36.972 --> 00:57:38.836
I've been through my mom having dementia.

00:57:38.836 --> 00:57:40.487
I've been through financial stress.

00:57:40.487 --> 00:57:50.916
I've been through many, many things and continue to go through things, but I know how to create my sunny side of the street.

00:57:51.335 --> 00:57:53.219
And you can learn to do that too.

00:57:53.219 --> 00:57:54.788
You can have it.

00:57:54.788 --> 00:57:55.550
I love it.

00:57:55.891 --> 00:57:56.994
You can have it All right.

00:57:56.994 --> 00:58:07.753
So what we're going to do, we'll have to have you back for part two to do all the marriages that you lived through and all the love and the loss and all of that.

00:58:07.753 --> 00:58:09.177
Because that has to just be.

00:58:09.177 --> 00:58:23.081
It's separate, because the story that what you've lived through is so complex and it's so detailed and there's and you have to almost like, listen to this, step away, go back, watch the series.

00:58:23.081 --> 00:58:35.032
That's what I want everyone to do find out more about you, really dive into your story and to see how you've helped so many people, and it's so empowering to me.

00:58:35.032 --> 00:58:41.474
I locked myself in for an entire weekend and went and tour right through all nine episodes.

00:58:42.215 --> 00:58:44.126
Oh my gosh, that's, great it's crazy.

00:58:44.706 --> 00:58:47.992
I was so addicted to it Because it was so well done.

00:58:47.992 --> 00:58:49.496
It was amazing.

00:58:49.576 --> 00:59:08.536
It is really well done and the actors that we had, you know Colin hanks playing my dad, anna paquin playing my mother, you know mckenna grace playing me and younger me by sweet hendrix yancey, who just won best supporting actress in for the youth awards.

00:59:08.536 --> 00:59:15.876
They have these young people awards and they finally did their awards and she won it for that show for a friend of the family.

00:59:15.876 --> 00:59:18.588
As young me and all of my actors should have won.

00:59:18.588 --> 00:59:30.862
Jake lacy, as birch told, as b oh my gosh, he was so he was so good and he's in that series that other series about um, the apple falls from the tree.

00:59:31.164 --> 00:59:36.132
Oh yeah, that he's on, he's so good, he's just such a and he was in.

00:59:36.132 --> 00:59:47.117
And the reason I knew who he was is that I had watched the first season of White Lotus and I was just like, oh my gosh, he is just the perfect charming asshole.

00:59:47.117 --> 00:59:48.590
He's perfect for Bert.

00:59:48.630 --> 00:59:50.672
Schoen, he's like perfect.

00:59:50.672 --> 00:59:57.378
And I was so excited because he even he, just they all actually really embodied.

00:59:57.378 --> 01:00:06.389
It really was like watching myself and my parents and and Birchtold and and the FBI agent Austin Stowell I mean amazing.

01:00:06.389 --> 01:00:10.744
And Leo Tipton as Gail Birchtold yeah, she was so perfect.

01:00:10.784 --> 01:00:15.014
So good oh my gosh, they were all it was so well done.

01:00:15.014 --> 01:00:37.405
Yeah, I mean, truthfully, I could not recommend a show and I know it's my own story, but I'm not kidding If you want to understand how grooming and how the psychological, what happens, how they do it and how you miss it because the people listening to this have missed it right, that's why you're listening.

01:00:37.405 --> 01:00:39.891
How do I get my next shot at love and I don't screw it up?

01:00:39.891 --> 01:00:58.139
How do I not let a groomer, a narcissist, a sociopath you know, I mean my guy according to dr romany that I was on her show, um, and she's kind of a one of those leading experts on narcissism, right, because that's her, that's her ballywick, and she said you should be the leading expert on grooming.

01:00:58.601 --> 01:01:04.034
Everybody should absolutely watch and and read and and do anything they can to read your book.

01:01:04.034 --> 01:01:10.081
You know the new one, the jam broberg story, which tells even more of the story and has a big, big forward.

01:01:10.081 --> 01:01:13.670
That's about grooming and master predators and how this happens.

01:01:13.670 --> 01:01:19.112
You know, because they would learn to see the subtle.

01:01:19.112 --> 01:01:32.630
He was so subtle, it sounds so wild when you just watch, abducted, in plain sight, it's like headline after headline after headline and you're just like these people were crazy, stupid Mormons in some podunk town and they knew.

01:01:32.630 --> 01:01:37.340
And they and you're like no, we weren't some podunk town and they knew.

01:01:37.340 --> 01:01:39.202
And they and you're like no, we weren't.

01:01:39.202 --> 01:01:47.896
We are not crazy, we are not stupid, we were just loving innocent people who lived in what we thought was a safe town with safe people, with safe relatives and safe neighbors and friends.

01:01:47.896 --> 01:01:52.708
Yeah, he knew how to work that, and so does the groomer working on you.

01:01:53.010 --> 01:01:55.112
He really he knows what to say to you.

01:01:55.112 --> 01:01:58.838
He knows how to flatter you, he knows how to give you a gift.

01:01:58.838 --> 01:02:08.353
And then there's a subtle threat that you might lose them if you don't do X, Y, Z and you're like oh, there's a clue, but it was so subtle I almost missed it.

01:02:08.353 --> 01:02:10.090
That's what I want people to get to.

01:02:10.284 --> 01:02:10.646
I love that.

01:02:10.666 --> 01:02:12.528
That's why I tell my story over and over again.

01:02:12.528 --> 01:02:14.934
That's why I hope you'll watch A Friend of the Family.

01:02:15.195 --> 01:02:16.436
Please watch it.

01:02:16.436 --> 01:02:22.876
Yeah, so where can people find out more about you and learn about the work?

01:02:23.125 --> 01:02:28.474
You can spell my name right, you can find pretty much everything that I'm doing.

01:02:28.474 --> 01:02:29.751
I started a foundation.

01:02:29.751 --> 01:02:31.931
It is called the Jan Broberg Foundation.

01:02:31.931 --> 01:02:33.114
I have a book.

01:02:33.114 --> 01:02:38.746
It's called the Jan Broberg Story Jan Broberg Foundation.

01:02:38.746 --> 01:02:39.909
I have a book it's called the Jan Broberg Story.

01:02:39.909 --> 01:02:44.637
I have my many Instagram and TikTok and Facebook and those are the main ones that I post a lot on.

01:02:44.637 --> 01:02:48.588
You can find me there, but my name is spelled like J-A-N.

01:02:48.588 --> 01:03:03.371
No Jane, no Janet, no Janice, just Jan J-A-N, and that is my given birth name on my birth certificate Broberg, B-R-O-B-E-R-G.

01:03:03.371 --> 01:03:09.380
Hey, bro, watch out for the ice Berg Broberg with a G at the end.

01:03:09.380 --> 01:03:15.018
If you can spell my name right, you can find all the things that I'm doing from my foundation.

01:03:15.079 --> 01:03:18.527
My books and the Peacock series will pop up.

01:03:18.527 --> 01:03:24.344
But remember, on Peacock there's not only a nine part scripted series with real actors.

01:03:24.344 --> 01:03:26.610
That is magnificent because I got to help produce it.

01:03:26.610 --> 01:03:31.849
I was so lucky to help on that and to be in the writer's room and to make sure it was done right.

01:03:31.849 --> 01:03:34.376
It was really a wonderful experience.

01:03:34.376 --> 01:03:40.317
Nick and Alex were just a dream team to work with with and they truly cared about telling this story.

01:03:40.317 --> 01:03:56.157
They said we just hope all the people that need your story will watch it, that they will that anybody to know how to protect their children or to know how to spot a predator that's so masterful because most of them are really good at it um, that they'll just watch that.

01:03:56.157 --> 01:03:57.027
That's who it helps.

01:03:57.027 --> 01:03:59.956
They really wanted to do it right, so it's done right.

01:03:59.956 --> 01:04:00.900
It's true crime.

01:04:00.940 --> 01:04:06.092
done right, absolutely and so there's that one, but there's also the other documentary on peacock.

01:04:06.092 --> 01:04:13.768
That's not the series, it's a documentary called a friend of the family, true evil, which you just stumbled upon because you know it even existed.

01:04:13.809 --> 01:04:15.293
I loved it, I loved, I loved it.

01:04:15.293 --> 01:04:15.936
I thought it was great.

01:04:16.704 --> 01:04:28.806
So two documentaries, the series, two books, but get the most current book because it has more details than the first one and it talks a lot about how to spot your groomer, how to know you're being manipulated, and that's a lot of.

01:04:28.806 --> 01:04:34.255
What's wrong in our love relationships is we're not spotting it before we get into it.

01:04:34.695 --> 01:04:37.820
Jen, thank you so much for your time today.

01:04:41.824 --> 01:04:42.565
You're so lovely.

01:04:42.565 --> 01:04:44.567
This is wonderful.

01:04:44.666 --> 01:04:46.168
Thank you so much.

01:04:46.168 --> 01:04:53.672
And for now, this week's shot at love dating tips that are inspired by our guest, jan Broberg, who is a survivor and an expert at grooming.

01:04:53.672 --> 01:04:56.193
Number one red flag alert.

01:04:56.193 --> 01:04:59.335
Watch out for relationships that are fast and furious.

01:04:59.335 --> 01:05:09.001
If someone is constantly calling, stopping by unannounced or giving you excessive attention, they might be an unhealthy partner trying to wedge their way into your life.

01:05:09.440 --> 01:05:12.722
Number two beware of narcissists and predators.

01:05:12.722 --> 01:05:19.030
Narcissists and predators rely on grooming tactics like love bombing, excessive compliments and attention.

01:05:19.030 --> 01:05:22.038
They have an agenda, and that agenda is you.

01:05:22.038 --> 01:05:24.548
Number three set clear boundaries.

01:05:24.548 --> 01:05:29.527
If you sense any strings attached or subtle sexual threats, be cautious.

01:05:29.527 --> 01:05:36.331
Women often try to draw boundaries, but their compassionate and caring nature can make enforcing them difficult.

01:05:36.331 --> 01:05:39.393
Stay strong and protect your boundaries at all costs.

01:05:39.393 --> 01:05:46.773
I hope you found some of my tips helpful this week.

01:05:46.773 --> 01:05:50.271
This is what Shot at Love is here for to help you find love.

01:05:50.271 --> 01:05:55.891
Keep up the commitment to yourself and commit to helping someone else by sharing this podcast.

01:05:55.891 --> 01:06:02.596
Stay safe and stay tuned for more episodes, and if you like the show, please subscribe and leave a five-star review.

01:06:02.596 --> 01:06:05.072
I'm Carrie Brett and we'll see you next time.