Season 1

Aug. 25, 2024

Boundaries & Energy Skimming

Many healers will create dual relationships with their clients, a slippery slope where many boundaries tend to get crossed.If your emotional or physical boundaries are crossed, you must be clear and let the healer know as qu…
Aug. 11, 2024

The Promises of Egomaniacs

Healing is a process, and though shifts can be very fast, issues that you’ve had for forty years will likely not be healed within the span of a single sixty-minute session. Authentic healers understand that healing is gradua…
July 28, 2024

Dangerous Healers

The spiritual realm demands our utmost respect and caution. It's a domain where light and dark forces intermingle, requiring discernment and integrity from those who navigate its depths. Unfortunately, the healing community …
July 13, 2024

Is Ignorance Bliss?

Intuition is a deeper, more intrinsic form of knowledge that often comes without the backing of logical proof. It’s that sudden insight or understanding that arrives without a clear explanation of how or why. Intuition happe…
June 30, 2024

You Are Intuitive

Intuition is a powerful and profound ability that goes much deeper than the stereotypical images of psychics with crystal balls and neon signs advertising palm readings. You possess intuition and have an innate capacity for …
June 16, 2024

Beyond the Feels : Empowering Empaths

Sometimes, being an empath can feel like it's draining the life out of you. But guess what? It doesn't have to be that way.Too often, empaths use their empathic nature as an excuse for their lack of boundaries and co-depende…
June 2, 2024

Spiritual Bypassing & Aspirational Spirituality

Spiritual Bypassing The “Good Vibes Only” road will likely get you to “Despair Ahead Inevitable.” Toxic positivity is chaotic and appeals to many. Love and light all-day-every-day is not a thing. Yet, many spiritual influenc…
May 19, 2024

The Business of Spirituality

Two thousand-plus years ago, we had Oracles, Seers, and Temple Priestesses. You’d be hard-pressed to find any Oracles wondering how they would make rent this month. Nor did your friendly local Temple Priestess of Athena have…
May 4, 2024

Rise of the Spiritual Influencer: Insta-Healers

In the swirling vortex (or cesspool, depending on who you speak to) of spirituality and self-improvement, a new trend has emerged, one that mixes dubious ancient wisdom with modern marketing plus the lure of an unrealistic, …
March 24, 2024

A Place of Woo-You

Maria and Sean speak about how the world of healing can be treacherous and how Suddenly Spiritual aims to provide real, honest, practical spiritual knowledge and wisdom for the true seekers among us. The goal is to ignite th…