April 21, 2021

Can Your Show Actually Lead To Powerful Partners? Lou Diamond's Podcast Thrive LOUD Does

Few podcasters have the same caliber as Lou Diamond. As the host of Thrive LOUD and three other shows, this diamond of a podcaster has got to be one of the most prolific in the industry. Known as the Master Connector, Lou is also a whiz when it comes to using his shows to build powerful connections and partnerships. This is just one of the literal diamonds that you are going to get out of this episode as Tracy Hazzard brings him in for a fun and wide-ranging conversation. Nailing down some of the most fundamental secrets to effective podcasting, Lou shares how he finds guests who can bring value to his show and his business in one way or another; how he innovates his shows to keep his audience engaged; and how podcasting has opened up opportunities for himself and his guests to build valuable relationships in a unique way. Join in and find out what makes Lou’s shows bingeable and what steps you can take to follow his brilliant example. 

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