Aug. 5, 2019

SEO Management: Blasting Your Way to the Top of the Google Search Page

SEO Management: Blasting Your Way to the Top of the Google Search Page

It’s so easy for us to assume that everyone’s able-bodied. Unfortunately, many of us are not. There are tons of people who are walking down the street all over the world living with health issues – mental and physical – that we have no idea they’re dealing with. It could be anything from depression and bipolar disorder to multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, PoTS disease, and all these things that many people haven’t even heard of. People hide this because of the shame around it. Harper Spero had the same experience when she was diagnosed with a super rare autoimmune deficiency called hyper-IgE Job syndrome. She tells us about her the story of how she finally decided to come out with it and how she is now bringing invisible illnesses to light and creating a platform for others to share their stories with her podcast, Made Visible.


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