Oct. 20, 2021

Why A Carefully Structured Podcast Can Make High Power Media Attraction With Reena Friedman Watts Of Better Call Daddy

Why A Carefully Structured Podcast Can Make High Power Media Attraction With Reena Friedman Watts Of Better Call Daddy

What is the secret of getting huge engagement on your podcast episodes? What is the right approach to achieve high-power media attraction for your show? Reena Friedman Watts shares with Tracy Hazzard how she built a carefully structured podcast with someone close to her heart. Reena details her workflow for Better Call Daddy, the show she co-hosts with her father. She explains how she invites the best guests through in-depth research and a little bit of stalking. Reena also presents the important role of social media in building an amazing rapport with her dad and her entire audience, ultimately resulting in a handsome return on investment.

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