If you are planning on buying/have already bought 8 copies of the #AskGaryVee book, send your receipt to super8@vaynermedia.com. And tune in on February 23rd for my all day live streaming event. I'll be giving away a one hour jam session to one purchaser of 8 books in real time. To enter, you have to send your receipt!
#QOTD: I need comment and feedback. I have a trip to Boston and want something to read.
BARTER FOR THE BOOK https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/agvbook/
SNAPCHAT ARTICLE https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/the-snap-generation-a-guide-to-snapchats-history/
NEWEST DAILYVEE https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/dailyvee-011-day-in-and-day-out/