On this very special episode of the GVAE, we keep a promise that was delayed by COVID. In 2020, we held the #GaryVeeChallenge, a content-making contest, where the winners would be invited to be on the GVAE podcast. Today, we have them here. We discuss their business endeavors and lives, touch on the importance of following your heart and putting your ego on the shelf, and the importance of not living for the algorithm but instead living for your happiness. We also dive into the importance of deploying empathy towards others even when we don't see things their way. This was an incredibly important episode for me to make and I hope you all get something out of it.
Thank you to P&T Studios for having us today. If you're a creator in the NY area be sure to stop in and check out their website https://www.ptknitwear.com/ .
FOLLOW KATIE: @nailthoughts
FOLLOW COLIN: @colindarke
FOLLOW DRU: @jedialchemist
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Check out my NFT project: veefriends.com
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