What's the key to turning an audience into a thriving, supportive community? Today's discussion is inspired by the recent DMV Podcaster Meetup, where someone asked me, "'how do you build a community?"'The Empowered Podcasting Community has experienced major growth in recent years, and it's remarkable to see how much we have accomplished virtually and in person. In our discussion, community members emphasize the importance of engagement and discuss strategies to ensure that all members feel valued and how respect and support are vital components of this process. We also reiterate that authentic interaction plays a role in creating an environment where everyone shares similar visions and cultivates meaningful connections that deepen community bonds.
Episode Highlights:
[2:39] OpenAI Updates
[6:33] Gemini 2.0 and AI Tools for Content Creators
[15:53] Community Building and Engagement
[19:15] Building a Community with a Common Goal
[50:53] Handling Disruptive Behavior in Communities
[55:47] Empowering Community Members
Links & Resources:
The Podcasting Morning Chat:
Join The Empowered Podcasting Facebook Group:
12 Days of Open AI:
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Brought to you by iRonickMedia.com and NextGenPodcaster.com
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